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Dillards 37: Tweeting like a Jackass


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1 hour ago, SassyPants said:

He used to be religious, but not so angry.

I was thinking about this , this morning. He is probably so angry he turned himself into an ugly monster and has to take it out on everyone. I mean come on.......he was better looking before.  It really has to bug his ego. He is a man after all. LOL

in actuality.....what kind of self esteem do you get for doing nothing? He fails at his fake missionary from his home church, he fails at grifting...he gets pushback galore.......he failed at being famous.....now he is just a notorious Dirty Jesus. 

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1 hour ago, DinglyDoll said:

If you want to understand what fundies, i.e., fundamental Christians believe, read Bruce Gerencser's blog. He was a former Southern Baptist pastor (i.e., super conservative/evangelical) who has a brilliant mind and is a brilliant writer. He really regrets giving so much of his life to "the cause" and is now an atheist. (I agree so much with him, but I'm not an atheist. I see too much beauty and serendipity not to believe in some higher power.) He writes well on so many topics, but I have linked one pertinent to this conversation.


Godless in Dixie, by Neil Carter, is another blog along the same lines. This post is actually pretty relevant to Derick's situation. Quotes behind spoiler...


Christianity was formed in a context of persecution, and it operates best in an environment where “God’s people” don’t run things. But today, in my country, they do run things…while telling themselves they don’t. That dynamic helps to create this absurd paradox in which the church is so numerous, and moves as such an obedient unit, that it gets to pick our presidents and our legislators only to then turn around and claim a need to protect its own religious liberties (while actively denying the same to anyone from any other religion, or with no religion at all).


I think most people instinctively sense the condescension and presumptuousness of [Evangelism] whether they admit it to themselves or not. Deep down they know there’s something off about this, and their gut is telling them not to do it.

But that’s one of the key strongholds of the Christian faith: It teaches you to distrust your own instincts. It tells you from the time you are too small to think for yourself that you cannot trust your own judgement. You are a fallen soul with a blackened heart (I’m sure it’s purely a coincidence that black is always bad), and that means you require something or someone else to tell you what to think and how to see the world.


Which explains why foreign missions so fascinate us, luring some of us overseas, doesn’t it? I recall getting so excited hearing about faraway lands where the name of Jesus wasn’t such an overused thing. I was thrilled at the idea that I could give my spiel about the gospel somewhere in which they wouldn’t roll their eyes because they had already heard everything I had to say—most likely in multiple forms. But over there in this other godless country you could tell people about Jesus and they will thank you for sharing this wonderful story. Sign me up!


Maybe Derick has to create a persecution situation to make himself feel better about himself because he's not feeling like his life and mission efforts are going the way it should.


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40 minutes ago, DinglyDoll said:

Fundies are taught that children are born under original sin and are not "saved" until they can accept Christ. They have to be "trained" and have their will broken to not act out of that sin. So every natural behavior is suspect. It doesn't surprise me that he would look to a child's kindness or expression of love as manipulation. Many use the Ezzos training book, "On Becoming Babywise." The Ezzos were established in John MacArthur's church and were asked to leave. So that ought to tell you something! I am very thankful that as a new mom  I ran into a few people who made me "Ezzowise," so that I didn't buy into their shit. 



The Pearls teach that "little kids are manipulative because of original sin" shit, too.

And @DinglyDoll, so glad for you and your son that you overcame/avoided that awful mindset.

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I don't give Jill a pass. She is an adult. It comes to a point where you just have to stop acting like a kid. There are thousands and thousands of people in worse shoes than she is that have decided to grow up.  People feel sorry for her, they make excuses.....but this was the woman who constantly told people to be content. I am sure she has not changed her ways and still does the fundy all over her sisters. 

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2 hours ago, singsingsing said:

Derick isn't crazy, y'all. He doesn't have a brain tumour. He didn't murder anyone. He's not on drugs. He's just a garden variety holier-than-thou angry religious asshole. They're a dime a dozen.

Yup. Some people clearly don't have enough faith in the capacity of totally mundane, healthy, contented people to be hateful little donglegoblins.

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Nice way to skew the attention away from Jills possibly traumatic birth experience. I also read that blind item and it seemed so far over the moon...especially the murder part. If he wanted to just express his opinion he could have...without calling out anyone...especiallt a child, regardless of sex, Jazz is a MINOR. If my catechism teachings were right , I remember Jesus constantly referring about being betrayed by one of his own and knowing already who it is but without ever calling out Judas by name. It was Judas that gave himself up in the end with that kiss. So please explain to me how Jesus can hold his tongue and Derrick can't.  But ya wanna be like Jesus.........riiiiigghhhhtttt. 

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I do not understand the point of tossing out bible verses. They are old and ambiguous and any number of meanings can be assigned to them by the individual reader. He obviously has a point he's trying to make with each bible-related quote - just say it plain. He comes off as an erratic lunatic.


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17 hours ago, Georgiana said:

You are a kind person, but when do we stop treating Jill like a child and instead like an adult?  We ask that all the time around here, but I think it is an important thing to discuss in this context.  Jill is a married mother of two.  She's not a child anymore.  Jazz is the child, Jazz is the one that didn't ask for this, and Jazz is handling this marvelously.


Jill chose to marry Derick.  She chose to have kids with him.  This guy.  And if she has an issue with his behavior, she needs to take that up with him.  And if she chooses not to...that's her choice.  But then she's complicit.   And if she didn't know who he was before she married him, well, that was part of her choice to rush down the aisle.

Domestic abuse victims are adults who "choose" to stay in dangerous situations. We do not blame them. There are many complex factors keeping them from leaving - financial, social, practical, etc. But they often believe that they deserve this treatment or are at fault. They need access to resources to leave and therapy to reverse this thinking.

This cult is essentially functioning similar to long term domestic abuse as it takes all power and agency away from women. They have no ability to support themselves and would lose their family and social support if they left. And from birth they have been indoctrinated - sometimes with violence - to obey men and fear the real world and spiritual consequences of independent thought or action.

As for choosing Derick - he was picked out for her by her dad. How could she really know him without being allowed any alone time or unsupervised conversations. And of course she is going to "rush" down the aisle because wedding planning and getting to know your fiancé are less important than males need for sex as soon as possible. 

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  My main issue is that it was targeted at a specific person and a minor at that. Get on twitter on talk crazy talk in general terms all you want, it's a free country.   

  But there is simply a line when you discuss children. On FJ and elsewhere that line is a hard line and black and white. It was well assumed Jin and Joy were victims and it was off limits for years until they self identified. We don't discuss sexuality of kidults or children. We don't speculate  if they have disabilities, no matter how obvious it seems. We. Just. Don't.

   Derick, when something is TOO inappropriate for even snarky FJ, really, take a second and think it over.   Think, what would Free Jinger do? 

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6 hours ago, JuicyDuggar said:

Blind item seems pretty far fetched, the murder part in particular. Unless the guy threatened to go public or tell Jill. I suppose if one were to have someone murdered, Central America would be the place where you could hide it. What happens in Sintril America stays in Sintril America right?

I don't want to be inappropriate, and this may not be allowed as speculation. But didn't they have a close friend from Central America who was murdered right before they returned stateside?

They way they talked about people getting murdered always bothered me - it seemed excessive and that they knew too many people who had been "murdered." I assumed it was a convenient way for the locals to not have anymore contact with them pushing Jesus while also attempting to scare them away.

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1 hour ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

I flip flop on Jill, in essence she is a kidult, she is 27, married with 2 children, but emotionally she appears to be about 14.  I think her of all the older girls was in the deepest of this cult, being the tattle tale and the "perfect" people pleasing child she bought fundiedum hook line and sinker.  The other 4 seem to have moments of this is such bull shit, while Jana &  Jessa tow the family line publicly, Jessa, is her families headship and she wants it that way.  Jana for what ever reason is NOT marrying, and I get the impression it is by choice. Jinger ran off with Jeremy didn't get pregnant,  put on some shorts and a tank top and said screw you dad, even if she's still fundy she isn't Dugger fundy anymore. It is still to early to tell about Joy, but I'm guessing it won't be long (if she's not already) before she's in jeans working on flipping houses with Austin. 

But Jill, Jill can't function on her own, but the rest of her sisters can, why is that? Is Derrick that horrible to her? Is that the problem, could he be abusive? I hate to go there but it is apparent he has a temper, he can be verbally degrading when in a mood. Could he be pissed that she isn't "woman enough" to deliver vaginally, her c/sections put a damper on him being JB 2.0? Things shifted exponentially after Izzy was born, they both seemed pretty content up until that point.  

You know what happened after Israel was born? :trainwreck:

The molestation came to light a month after Izzy's birth. I'm no trying to make excusing for Derick's behavior, but how could that not have affected him. I'm sure it affected everyone. Some have handled it better? Like @SassyPants said Derick was always religious, but he was not angry. Some of tweets are baffling. Remember the Santa Clause tweet. He seems like a different person. 

I definitely think he wanted to be JB 2.0 and that he admired the Duggars. He asked to be his prayer partner for a reason. I also think he liked being "famous" and the audience he got. 


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1 hour ago, DinglyDoll said:

Marital problems - Bible; kid on drugs - Bible; depressed - Bible; out of work - Bible... If problems are not resolving, then wait on the Lord or seek out "nouthetic counseling," in which everything points to your sin. Honestly, it's a pretty fucked up way to live.

I have talked here about my ex-fiance from college who was evangelical.  He had a lot of problems stemming from abuse as a child plus loss of a parent.  His solution?  Bible.   What was he advised from others including those functioning as the campus counselors?   Bible.  Throw a lot of praying in there too.  Instead of addressing the issues, this approach was making him even more messed up because it stemmed from the "it's my sin" thinking which was the last thing he needed.  It's one of the reasons that I decided not to marry him.  He needed a lot of help and more importantly from more effective sources (IMHO) such as psychiatrists / psychologists which I knew would never happen.   

Back to Derick and his latest crazy sounding tweets.   That is no cray-cray.   As other posters have pointed out this is typical evangelical / fundie speak because I heard all the time while in college. Let me tell you, I wondered sometimes how people could live thinking like that.

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11 minutes ago, Snarkle Motion said:

I don't want to be inappropriate, and this may not be allowed as speculation. But didn't they have a close friend from Central America who was murdered right before they returned stateside?

They way they talked about people getting murdered always bothered me - it seemed excessive and that they knew too many people who had been "murdered." I assumed it was a convenient way for the locals to not have anymore contact with them pushing Jesus while also attempting to scare them away.

Jill and/or Derick blogged about their friend being killed. It's not speculation. I'm inclined to believe that they had put themselves in quite a dangerous situation in El Salvador. For the well-being of their two boys, I hope they decide not to return.

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2 minutes ago, JoyJoy said:

You know what happened after Israel was born? :trainwreck:

The molestation came to light a month after Izzy's birth. 

I forgot that happened when Israel was just about a month old. I've always wondered if he & Ben weren't told about what happened with Josh. With the way most Quiverful families and ultra conservative evangelicals view women it wouldn't surprise me if Derrick didn't feel cheated a little bit, even thought none of it was Jill's fault and she was only a child, and so was  Josh.  I do think the shine off the turd that is JB affected Derrick a lot more than even he realizes. But nothing will be done, but prayer away the sin or the gay or the what ever they are trying to "fix".

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Jeremy, Ben and Derrick share the same belief system but are held to different standards and are treated differently. They wouldn't be married to Duggars women if they believed differently. Opposites don't attract in their world. 

Jeremy repeatedly gets a pass because he is better looking, better dressed and allows his wife to wear pants. Ben gets a pass because he is so young and comes across as eager to learn. Derrick is considered an asshole because he actually says what we know the Duggars and those that marry them believe. He doesn't have the looks or youth to use as an excuse to overlook his beliefs. 

None of the three are great catches outside the fundy world, all of them hold themselves out as only knowing the correct way to be a Christian, all of them have put their hate on display, yet Derrick is somehow seen as worse. I don't get it. 

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5 hours ago, BlessaYourHeart said:

Derick is literally rambling; I wonder what on earth goes on inside his head. 

I wouldn't think that much goes on in Derick's head, to be completely honest. Just hate and how to spread his hate. 

4 minutes ago, socalrules said:

None of the three are great catches outside the fundy world, all of them hold themselves out as only knowing the correct way to be a Christian, all of them have put their hate on display, yet Derrick is somehow seen as worse. I don't get it. 

I think it's because Derick comes across as a bully. Jeremy and Ben have both shared hateful beliefs and it's gotten push back. They, however, have not gone after a teenaged girl who is on the same network. 

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That blind item reads like someone watched the episode of Criminal Minds that aired on ION last week.  In the episode, a   fundie-raised guy who could not accept his sexual orientation had gone to South Beach and was murdering gay men he hooked up with.  One of the men he murdered was a German tourist.  Yeah, that blind item seems ripped right from Criminal Minds.

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Just read the blind item....and the part about Derrick being closeted and secretly screwing some of the guys in El Salvador seems kind of believable. I mean, there are probably tons of gay men in Evangelical Christianity that are closeted because of the belief that being gay is sinful. That said, I think the bit about him murdering the guy to keep him from spilling the beans is waaaay far-fetched and unlikely. :my_cry: If the flavor of Catholocism down in C.A. is more traditional, the gang could have killed the guy because of regular-old homophobia, but I can't see Derrick actually murdering someone. The Duggars say they believe all sin is the same, but I still imagine murder is a "worse" sin to them kissing your girlfriend/boyfriend before marriage  would be (for example...) 

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3 minutes ago, TeamDefraudinSquad said:

Just read the blind item....and the part about Derrick being closeted and secretly screwing some of the guys in El Salvador seems kind of believable. I mean, there are probably tons of gay men in Evangelical Christianity that are closeted because of the belief that being gay is sinful. That said, I think the bit about him murdering the guy to keep him from spilling the beans is waaaay far-fetched and unlikely. :my_cry: If the flavor of Catholocism down in C.A. is more traditional, the gang could have killed the guy because of regular-old homophobia, but I can't see Derrick actually murdering someone. The Duggars say they believe all sin is the same, but I still imagine murder is worse to them kissing your girlfriend/boyfriend before marriage (for example...) 

There is a part of me that believes it. It would make sense as a reason to do missionary work despite his wife being miserable and minimal command of the language. I doubt he would ever directly murder someone. But paying someone else to do it? I could see that, especially if he was being blackmailed.

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The funniest thing that could come from this is OSU saying "we do not support this message, and dirty Dwreck will no longer occasionally appear at Pistol Pete reunions"

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20 minutes ago, Carm_88 said:

I think it's because Derick comes across as a bully. Jeremy and Ben have both shared hateful beliefs and it's gotten push back. They, however, have not gone after a teenaged girl who is on the same network. 

I'm more tolerant of Jeremy's sermons because of course he believes these things and wants to preach them. But preaching to your own congregation - even if it's hateful - is not directed toward a specific person and is not necessarily a public forum (even if it's shared online, it's not the same as a tweet meant for quick mass consumption daily maximum publicity).

Ben appears to be learning to censor himself. Which is what people are expected to do in civil society. Like I know he is prejudiced but your entitled to your hateful opinions if you are not making them public.

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37 minutes ago, socalrules said:

Jeremy, Ben and Derrick share the same belief system but are held to different standards and are treated differently. They wouldn't be married to Duggars women if they believed differently. Opposites don't attract in their world. 

The only thing I don't agree with is that Jeremy is Duggar Fundy, he isn't Quiverful, he's fundy yes, they have the same beliefs, aside from having kids until your wife or a baby dies. 

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