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Dillards 37: Tweeting like a Jackass


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Derick may have the right to free speech and he can state his opinion. However, the people who are calling him an asshole, have the right to tell him that. Just because you have a shitty opinion doesn't mean you can share it and not have consequences. As a child, I was told many times that I cannot say whatever I want, there are consequences. So no people, you are wrong no one is bullying Derick; they are showing him that the world doesn't care about his shitty ass opinions. 

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I don't understand the hate for trans folks anyway. The bible says that women should dress like women and men should dress like men to prevent confusion. If a person dresses according to what they *are* isn't that better than dressing to indicate what genitals they were born with?

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15 hours ago, Million Children For Jesus said:

Tweet 1: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5. We shouldn't trust our own heart & mind.

My take: This was immediately after he called transgender a myth. I think this is directed at the trans community. Derick's basically saying they shouldn't trust what they feel in their hearts and mind about their gender, but trust the sex assignment they were given at birth because in Derick's words, it was "ordained by God." This tweet could be directed at the entire LGBTQ community.   I think this a "pray away the gay" message. Maybe Derick prayed away his gay and now he thinks everyone else should too?

Back in the early to mid-80s, my parents were "Born Again" in a big way.  I had many "discussions" with my mother regarding faith and trusting the Lord to guide you.  I had (and still do) a hard time with that.  For example, we were talking about how it all began, where God said, "Let there be light, and so there was" or something to that effect.  I told her that science tells me that it took a hell of a lot longer than seven days to create heaven and earth and all within.  She insisted that it was all true, and said "You just have to believe!  You have to have faith!  You have to keep your eyes focused on God's word!"  Well, sorry Mom, but that just ain't gonna happen.  Science doesn't care if you believe in it or not - science is science - based on evidence and not on some ancient book written by men who had no idea how things worked and so made things up to attempt to explain things.  She really hated it when I said to her that religion was created as a means to control through fear and guilt.  Better behave yourself or you get thrown into  the pits of hell!

Thank the heavens my mother eventually opened her eyes and became the mellow, happy-go-lucky gramma she is today.

People like Dreck and the rest honestly believe that all they have to do is trust in God and stay true to the faith, and they don't have to do all that thinking for yourself thingy that pinko commie liberals do.  They keep their noses pressed to the Bible and fear the outside world and have no desire to even try to understand how others think and live.  They certainly want the rest of us to conform to their ideals though.

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23 hours ago, SassyPants said:

I wonder what's the catalyst for his anger? He used to be religious, but not so angry.

Josh? JB and M Duggar?

One reason may be that he got suckered in to the family.  

He saw what we saw on TV -but was a leg humper and thought they were all wonderful.    

Then he married in to the family and lived the life.    I think it drove him to the edge.  

Then, Jill The NEEDY, was more work than he expected.  A step off the edge.

Follow that by complicated deliveries, he's off the deep end and prayer, the thing that they are taught to depend on when things get rough to help them, just isn't fixing his problems.    

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12 hours ago, SapphireSlytherin said:

FYI, I was fucking joking in response to the blind thing---hence the "lol" at the end and the reference to MythBusters. Sheesh. 

So was I, but I should know by now how tone gets lost in translation on the internets. I don't actually thing Derick murdered a secret gay lover, you guys. Would I be shocked? No. Do I think it actually happened? Of course not! Blind items are harmless fun if you don't take them too seriously. Lesson learned ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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Okay, so here I go again. Jill is an adult. I bit of an ignorant and immature adult, but an adult none the less. She is a mom now so, even though she is a bit of an idiot, in the nicest ways, she is responsible for her actions, and no one else is, though using the umbrella of her husband as an excuse to remain an idiot makes it easier for people to say, it's not her it's her husband.
D wreck is an asshole. We all know it, but he isn't an idiot. There is some sort of agenda to what he is doing. What it is, I haven't the foggiest, but there is something there.

Onto the Christianity comments. There are fundies in every religion, and like in any religion, they are no bueno. Saying someone isn't a true Christian is just a trigger phrase to get someone to react. The best way to avoid walking into such a trigger phrase is to not say anything. To me, religion is personal and not something I am just going to throw around, but to each their own.
At the end of the day, love yourselves and love each other and don't be like d wreck.

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Between this and the no Santa tweet, I wonder what's going on. Seems like he wants everyone to be as miserable as he is. :confusion-shrug:

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3 minutes ago, Bad Wolf said:

Between this and the no Santa tweet, I wonder what's going on. Seems like he wants everyone to be as miserable as he is. :confusion-shrug:

I disagree...

I honestly think he believes he's doing good by spreading verses & bible talk. As in, we believe the sky is blue, they believe they are doing "right" by spreading those messages.

I like the discussion about actually meeting transpeople or gay people or just someone who lives differently than you THAT will open your eyes. I have a similar story about my parents meeting a gay friend at work I had. They don't understand it still, but they lay off the hateful comments since they met someone who was a real person that they liked.


Its disappointing that their time "ministering" hasn't opened their eyes more empathetic for other world views.

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What happened to leaving judgement up to God? I thought Christianity was about governing yourself according to what you believe Jesus wanted from his followers and all that. When it comes to your neighbours I though it was all about love, compassion, humility, charity. Not sitting in judgement. Of course I suppose Christians were told to spread the good news but that's different from condemning everyone who didn't convert! It's just such a twisted interpretation Derick has.

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A problem is the Duggars do not live in the real world. They do not work with people who are gay, transgendered, different faiths, atheists, etc.   And they do not know how to show respect even if you dont agree.   Im more concerned at work about people doing their job than how they live outside of work (minus any criminal activities).  Didnt Jesus say love others as I have commanded (paraphrasing here)?

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I agree that Derick's thinks he doing good, but it's so weird that he went from "Christmas should be about Jesus not gifts" to "SANTA IS EVIL!1!!1!11!" If I'm not mistaken, Jill tweeted about getting some "bad news" around the same time as the Santa tweet :think:

If Derick has refused to apologize and/or delete his tweets, that is very interesting. Doesn't he care about the $$$$. Does he care about what JB will do if the show is cancelled?

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11 minutes ago, busdrivingmom said:

A problem is the Duggars do not live in the real world. They do not work with people who are gay, transgendered, different faiths, atheists, etc.   And they do not know how to show respect even if you dont agree.   Im more concerned at work about people doing their job than how they live outside of work (minus any criminal activities).  Didnt Jesus say love others as I have commanded (paraphrasing here)?

But Derick HAS lived ITRW...he went away to college, attended PS as a youngster, had working parents, trekked in Nepal. He knows better. He got sucked into the Duggars' Dysfunctional Vortex. It is horrible to see how that family consumes and changes people.

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With the way Cathy tweets, Dwreck was always raised in a hateful, bigoted environment. She's just as gross as the Duggars only without the fundamentalism.

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24 minutes ago, JoyJoy said:

I agree that Derick's thinks he doing good, but it's so weird that he went from "Christmas should be about Jesus not gifts" to "SANTA IS EVIL!1!!1!11!" If I'm not mistaken, Jill tweeted about getting some "bad news" around the same time as the Santa tweet :think:

That's a very common fundie / evangelical belief. Not strange at all. It was commonly said in my house that Santa was just Satan rearranged, and we were taught that Santa is evil, as were the majority of my friends.

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29 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

It is horrible to see how that family consumes and changes people.

Yes. I think the cult brings a superiority complex with it. How can it not? Even wearing a damn fugly ugly jean skirt can invoke a superiority over regular evangelicals.  It is human nature to do that. It's like they invented modesty and have to let everyone know they are. Instead of just wearing regular clothes like everyone else that puts you on a level playing field with everyday people. 

I think this is an example that translates every other function that they do. IT is only one that we can actually visibly see.

That coupled with being on TV, and Gothard royalty. I also think the idea of being self employed for them, (not others) gives them a huge air of arrogance that states look at us we can self sustain a family of whatever number they are up to now. (because God is blessing us)

Clearly GOD is rewarding them with such a platform they must be damn near saints in his book.

So of course He can tweet all day and be totally justified knowing that they are more righteous and closer to God. The more fire they come under means they are really doing a good job otherwise SAtan wouldn't be so aggressively sending people to persecute them.

The Bible has a really good example of how they live and tell others to live.....called Pharisees. 


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12 minutes ago, Destiny said:

That's a very common fundie / evangelical belief. Not strange at all. It was commonly said in my house that Santa was just Satan rearranged, and we were taught that Santa is evil, as were the majority of my friends.

Thanks for sharing this. I had no idea.

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46 minutes ago, busdrivingmom said:

A problem is the Duggars do not live in the real world. They do not work with people who are gay, transgendered, different faiths, atheists, etc.   And they do not know how to show respect even if you dont agree.   Im more concerned at work about people doing their job than how they live outside of work (minus any criminal activities).  Didnt Jesus say love others as I have commanded (paraphrasing here)?

But isn't Michelle's (half)sister a lesbian? I thought I'd read that somewhere, not sure tough...

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6 minutes ago, JDuggs said:

Thanks for sharing this. I had no idea.

Honestly, a lot of the things that he says that you lot are considering weird are very common fundie / evangelical things. The spiritual warfare bits? Very normal. He's not having a mental breakdown, he's just fundie.

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I still tend to think that TLC had already decreased the Dillard's involvement with the show.  Maybe they decided that covering a second birth in the same immediate family was getting old.  Jinger, Joy, and/or Kendra's weddings and first pregnancies might interest viewers more.  Watching a guy heaving by the side of the road might have interested viewers less.  IMO, Derick is competing with his own extended family but I doubt he'd ever say anything against them.  I suspect he was upset about a couple of things, including: their medical bills, perhaps seeing his recently-teenage BIL "succeeding" while Derick was grifting online, was hoping for more positive exposure from People mag, more from TLC, Jill recently gave birth and may not be feeling well, and now there's another blessing to support.  So I believe he lashed out - wearing his "religious high ground" hat - to non-related competition (the Jazz show) with a poke at TLC to boot.

I think JB and the Duggars are probably pissed - not at Derick's point of view, but at his judgement in posting the tweet and the potential fallout for the family.

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6 minutes ago, Timetraveler said:

But isn't Michelle's (half)sister a lesbian? I thought I'd read that somewhere, not sure tough...

Michelle's full sister is a lesbian. 

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15 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

Michelle's full sister is a lesbian. 

And they have said that they still love her. But if you love someone, you don't go around trying to take away their rights. Wonder what M's family thinks of all this.

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Oooh George Takei has just shared an article about Derick's tweet on his fb page. He's got over 10 million likes on his page so I think this whole saga could potentially evolve with less support for the Duggar family. 

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I don't think anyone who still actually likes the Duggars would be turned off by Derick's tweet. They either agree with him, or they just don't care. Anyone else is either already hate-following them, or following them because they find them interesting from a more sociological perspective and not because they think they're wonderful people who should be emulated. Everyone who knows about the Duggars knows what Josh did, and I just can't see anyone saying, "Hmm, well I was okay with Josh molesting his sisters, but Derick tweeting that he doesn't believe in gender fluidity is unacceptable!"

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36 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

Michelle's full sister is a lesbian. 

I read this as: Michelle's sister is a full lesbian. :my_biggrin:

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read 1984 (George Orwell) recently. Speculating about what might make Derick more hateful at some times vs others reminded me of Julias theory in the book: the party uses sexual frustration to channel it into mania and hate.

So how long is the "boy born bodycall ban"? (I would have used sex but who can resist an alliteration, right ?) 

I guess we have at least another week of crazy ramblings coming our way:)

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