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5 hours ago, salex said:

I have seen some patriarchal groups say the woman has no input and if the husband tells her to sin she is to do it but God will not hold her responsible  the sin will be on her husband's head 


So ken  step up, a true leader husband takes on the responsibility for the sins he encourages or approves 7n his wife

Oh, Lori is definitely in that camp! I think it's come up a few times, but here is one example:


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Someone from Lori's not so discreet chat room called her on it:


I'm thinking I'm the one in the chat room you are referring to, as I am one of the few that is choosing not having more children. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe I ever said I don't "feel" like having more children. I don't remember anybody saying that. As for me, I have valid, logical reasons (in my not-so-black-and-white-life) for opting not to have more, and since Jesus or none of the NT writers command a certain number of children, I'm allowing to walk in that freedom, without condemnation or guilt. I appreciate the groups of Christian thinkers who encourage having lots of children...it's truly a beautiful thing. But since we live in a sin-ridden world and consequences that come with that, it's not for everybody, and my right standing with the Lord doesn't hinge on it, praise His holy name!

Finally, someone claims the same freedom that Lori demands for herself.

Lori replies:


No, you weren't the one. It was a woman who had no children and didn't think she ever would. I never tell a couple how many children they should have. That is between them and God. I teach what God says about it; be fruitful and multiply, children are a blessing and a man is blessed who has a quiverful.

"Girl, I wasn't gossiping about you!  I was gossiping about someone else! TRUTH!"


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3 hours ago, Koala said:

:pb_confused: Umm, okay.  How exactly does one go about conquering a woman

I'm going to take a wild guess and say it involves something like marital rape. I mean, 10 minutes and lube.


3 hours ago, Koala said:

Men's nature is doubtful, skeptical, forceful and pushy.* {This can drive us crazy at times, right?} Did you know that neither Bill Clinton nor Obama would have been elected President if women didn't vote? Women used to be for abortion in far greater numbers than men. {This isn't a post to argue that women shouldn't vote. I am simply stating facts.}

Well, maybe this post isn't to argue that women shouldn't vote, but let's look at what Lori posted in the comments of another blog:

Very cursory research (and take it for what you will, I didn't check the citations):


Indicates both Clinton and Obama won their first terms with both women and men. They won only with women in re-election, and those were the first presidential elections to swing that way. Also, polls seem to show that while abortion and women's health issues are important to women voters, they actually care about the economy most. I know it's news to Lori, but some women can actually stop thinking about sex long enough to consider how they're going to provide for themselves and their families. You know, without whining to daddy or sabotaging their birth control to manipulate their husbands :pb_rollseyes:

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

Someone from Lori's not so discreet chat room called her on it:

Finally, someone claims the same freedom that Lori demands for herself.

Lori replies:

"Girl, I wasn't gossiping about you!  I was gossiping about someone else! TRUTH!"


I have a question about this chat room.  Is there some sort of disclaimer that states a member's comments may be used in a public blog?  I'd assume if I was posting in a "private" chat room, my comments would remain...you know...private among the members. 

Edited to add: if there is no such disclaimer and she adds one now...SO HELP ME DOG...she better give me credit.  Heh. 

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2 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

I have a question about this chat room.  Is there some sort of disclaimer that states a member's comments may be used in a public blog?  I'd assume if I was posting in a "private" chat room, my comments would remain...you know...private among the members. 

Lori doesn't even refrain from posting about the women she is directly mentoring.  I doubt she gives a rat's pajamas about the women in the chat room.  She's the biggest gossip I've ever seen.

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I'm so glad someone called Lori out about posting personal stuff said in her chat room. I was also wondering if she has a disclaimer on her chat room that conversations will end up in her blog. I have read books by popular Christian women and they always change names and ask for permission before publishing personal stuff. Almost every author does this, unless it is a celebrity or politician thing. 

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Lori absolutely thrives on making an example of others.  She looks for opportunities to post about how outrageous her readers, posters, mentees are vs. how godly she is.  Her blog exists so she can control others and elevate her on sense of godliness.

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I wonder how many other members of the chat room will be sending her a message..."oh, so you were talking about ME??"

She certainly doesn't find it important to be DISCREET when it comes to mocking her followers.  How can she possibly think it's okay to publicly quote women who are having a discussion in a PRIVATE forum? The sad thing is that these women, whether they comment on her blog or one of her facebook pages, somehow trust her and believe she has their best interest at heart.  I really hope they start seeing the light when they realize how she disparages them and invites her most loyal readers to do the same. 

Even in my regular old Facebook life, if I particularly like a status or a photo posted by someone else, I'll comment with "I'd love to share this. Is that okay?" 


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54 minutes ago, slickcat79 said:

Indicates both Clinton and Obama won their first terms with both women and men. They won only with women in re-election, and those were the first presidential elections to swing that way. Also, polls seem to show that while abortion and women's health issues are important to women voters, they actually care about the economy most. I know it's news to Lori, but some women can actually stop thinking about sex long enough to consider how they're going to provide for themselves and their families. You know, without whining to daddy or sabotaging their birth control to manipulate their husbands :pb_rollseyes:

And for many women, abortion is an economic issue. Some people are in a financial situation where adding a family member could financially sink the existing family. It sucks that money factors into decisions like abortion but at present that's the world in which we live. I have one of the most reliable contraceptive methods available in the hopes I'll never be in the position of having to decide whether or not to have an abortion but if it ever fails, money will definitely be a major factor in the decision I have to make.

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Lori was totally gossiping about the woman who called her out. How Lori keeps followers is beyond me. I hope that most of them are just FJ members trolling her. 

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47 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

Lori was totally gossiping about the woman who called her out. How Lori keeps followers is beyond me. I hope that most of them are just FJ members trolling her. 

It helps that so many of them refuse to think or act for themselves.

Example from the comments on Lori's public FB page: "As for voting, I vote how my husband feels we should vote."


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I was in the chatroom for awhile. Not only is there no disclaimer that she won't use your comments, but if she likes one of them, she may use it as her own elsewhere.  One of her favorite things to do is post an out of context snippet or quote from a "popular Christian blogger with a large following" and ask the women what they think of it.  Then she comes in and let's them know how decieved they are etc.  After a particularly contentious thread, she agreed w/ one woman's comment.  A few days later, I saw that she used that comment word for word on the particular blog she was criticizing-making it look like her original thought.  No credit whatsoever given to the woman who actually made the comment.  Maybe she asked the woman for permission in a private message, but I'm doubting it.  

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14 hours ago, beth889 said:

I was in the chatroom for awhile. Not only is there no disclaimer that she won't use your comments, but if she likes one of them, she may use it as her own elsewhere.  One of her favorite things to do is post an out of context snippet or quote from a "popular Christian blogger with a large following" and ask the women what they think of it.  Then she comes in and let's them know how decieved they are etc.  After a particularly contentious thread, she agreed w/ one woman's comment.  A few days later, I saw that she used that comment word for word on the particular blog she was criticizing-making it look like her original thought.  No credit whatsoever given to the woman who actually made the comment.  Maybe she asked the woman for permission in a private message, but I'm doubting it.

Even if she did, it's very easy to differentiate what someone else said from your own personal thoughts, even if you're not really linking or giving direct credit. Saying something like, "I read a comment the other day..." or "One of my blog readers said..." makes it clear you're quoting and not using your own words. But then again, when is Lori ever using her own words?

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you sure she's not posting on her blog using several aliases? agreeing with herself and so on? then forgot that she did not post that as Lori earlier?

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52 minutes ago, AmazonGrace said:

you sure she's not posting on her blog using several aliases? agreeing with herself and so on? then forgot that she did not post that as Lori earlier?

I have wondered about that as well.  I am also inclined to believe that she's not above making something up if it fits in with what she's posting.  Look at yesterday's comment for example:

Lori said:


Some women wrote that they didn't desire children; they didn't "feel" like having them.



I'm thinking I'm the one in the chat room you are referring to, as I am one of the few that is choosing not having more children.



No, you weren't the one. 



Ah! I thought I was just about the only one

Now maybe this woman is genuinely confused, but I wouldn't be surprised if Lori is lying.  She and Ken haven't always had matching versions of TRUTH.

Of course this could be prevented entirely if Lori either:

1) Quit gossiping about what others have said in "counseling" sessions or the Not So Private chat room.

2) Went directly to the person she has an issue with instead of carrying the tale to her blog

1 Timothy 5:13-14 Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying what they should not. So I would have younger widows marry, bear children, manage their households, and give the adversary no occasion for slander.

Going from house to house / going from blog to blog

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Total weirdness.  Someone replied to the lady who thought Lori was gossiping about her:


You are a good case of women in general thinking everything is about them. 

I use you as an example of what women do in general. It is not a good quality/trait. 

I see that you wrote "that will teach me to assume" and that is a very good attitude. 

I dont write this to tear you down Anonymous, just to point out that women do this in general and it is destructive to coherent thought.

The lady replied back:


Wow. That's a really bold statement to make about somebody you've never met! I hope that my close friends and relatives would say differently. It's simply a fact that I am one of a very small number of people in Lori's chat room who are vocal about not wanting more children and I wanted to be sure I was not being misquoted.

And Lori chimes in:


"When we are angry or offended, let us be careful to note where our real complaint lies. This person who insults me at the office or on the bus, this husband who rides roughshod over my feelings, this insensitive individual who does not understand or appreciate me - is he not the one whom God has put in my life for my good? Who, after all, is really in charge?" {Elisabeth Elliot}

Umm, who?  The Godly Mentor?  Or some random guy hanging out in the comments of Lori's site?  What a bizarre thing to say.

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27 minutes ago, Koala said:

"When we are angry or offended, let us be careful to note where our real complaint lies. This person who insults me at the office or on the bus, this husband who rides roughshod over my feelings, this insensitive individual who does not understand or appreciate me - is he not the one whom God has put in my life for my good? Who, after all, is really in charge?"{Elisabeth Elliot}

Umm, who?  The Godly Mentor?  Or some random guy hanging out in the comments of Lori's site?  What a bizarre thing to say.

Lori is saying she was put in Anonymous' life by God for Anonymous' own good so Anonymous needs to stop feeling offended.


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this insensitive individual who does not understand or appreciate me...

Lori is finally admitting that she is an insensitive individual who does not understand or appreciate or understand her readers 

Well done, Lori.  Baby steps....

I think the clod who responded was Ken.  Whoever it was, it was rather bitchy of Lori to allow it and to pile on the original commenter with her.  But that is her normal way. She usually starts the attack and then calls in her vultures. This time she just happened to see that someone else attacked first so she got to swoop in to get her fill of the carcass. 

Her blog is actually very inhospitable isn't it? I love a blog that allows conversation and mature, respectful differences of opinion.  Lori however, is so gleeful when one of her commenters gets attacked; although she clearly prefers to be the leader of the attack.    It's like she's invited someone into her home just to watch them be bullied.  A good hostess (or blog administrator), as long as her guests (commenters) are respectful, makes sure they are all treated with respect and would never allow others to be so rude. 

I cannot imagine how horrible it must be to be an actual guest in her home.

Also, the photo (posted today) of the laundry that Emma folded? It kind of made me sick to my stomach. Any time that poor child is mentioned I think of the abuse she suffers at the hands of her father while her mother sits back and watches (at the very least - perhaps she is abusive too.) No wonder those parents seem to be Ken and Lori's favorite of all the adult kids. 

edited for typos

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The Godly Mentor is getting some push back:


I'm not offended at all! It would be silly of me be offended by somebody I don't even know or who doesn't know me. It's truly surprising to me that somebody can make that claim without knowing the context of the conversation in the chat room or what's in my heart.

Somebody who would make a brazen blanket comment that "women in general thinking everything is about them" has zero credibility with me. And I'm surprised you would support that statement, Lori. Would you support me if I said, "Men in general think that everything is about them." or something like, "Men in general are stubborn fools"?


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I wonder if this is being addressed or she is getting pushback in the Facebook group. I love how this woman is calling her out. i hope more women tell her they do not want their conversations used for her blog without their consent. Of course Lori would just use that in a post about how she is so godly to be persecuted. 

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35 minutes ago, lynn0810 said:

I wonder if this is being addressed or she is getting pushback in the Facebook group. I love how this woman is calling her out. i hope more women tell her they do not want their conversations used for her blog without their consent. Of course Lori would just use that in a post about how she is so godly to be persecuted. 

Or they all just get stuck in moderation. 

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I agree with the statement that many women think everything is about them. When I write about women being keepers at home, women will write me and tell me that I am judging them and I don't even know them! I will write about divorce and women will write me and tell me I am judging them and I've never met them either. I get this all the time. Women are offended very easily when it's probably not even about them, but about Truth or someone else.

So that's who she was gossiping about!  TRUTH doesn't feel like having any more kids.  TRUTH!

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Over at Peaceful Wife's blog, check out this comment:



Lori Alexander

January 25, 2016 at 9:15 am # 

Ken has mentored men now and in the past. Not one of these men have been able to win their wives until these husbands have had their wives speak to me or be mentored by me through email or telephone. Once Truth is spoken into these women’s lives, the majority of time, they begin to understand their part in the destruction of the marriage and begin to change for the good.

Ken would talk to me until he was blue in the face about my responsibility in the marriage but until I read Debi Pearl’s book, I wouldn’t listen to him. This is why God commands older women to teach the younger women to love and obey their husbands. In my experience, it seems that women need an older women teaching them Truth since this is the way they learn best and men learn from their wives’ loving and submissive spirit best. It’s all very much a mystery to me but it seems it is the way the Lord has set it up.


You don't have a chance until you speak to Lori first! 

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@AlwaysDiscerning I fell down the PeacefulWife rabbit hole thanks to you :pb_razz:

I'll just leave this comment from Lori here:


I happen to LOVE in-your-face type of teaching since I am a lion! :) I needed a “spanking ” from her.

(She's referring to Debbi Pearl.  I've seen her write this several times, and even heard her say it on the radio).  
There are no words. :pb_eek:

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2 hours ago, Koala said:

@AlwaysDiscerning I fell down the PeacefulWife rabbit hole thanks to you :pb_razz:

I'll just leave this comment from Lori here:

(She's referring to Debbi Pearl.  I've seen her write this several times, and even heard her say it on the radio).  
There are no words. :pb_eek:

Well, that's the creepiest thing I've read today. :my_confused:

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