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Lori Alexander is going to haaaaate this

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Every morning at 8:59 when I'm waiting with bated breath for the new post to be up, I think the same thing.

Same here, 3 PM that is, because Europe...

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Lori, you've been boring this week. Step it up. Also, if things get interesting when I leave for vacation tomorrow, I'm going to be salty.

I bet tomorrow Lori is going to be all wild and open the blog to any and every comment AND she will respond with honesty. And you will miss it all!!!! :twisted:

Who am I kidding? Hell will freeze over before Lori allows people to question her. What will actually happen is that Lori will copy other people to make a blog post and then block and delete anyone who disagrees with her.

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Ughh, she's in the comments prattling on about how modest they are :roll: Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way her daughters dress, but I'd wager it's a far cry from what her readers consider "modest".

Which brings me to the following question:

What kept Lori from going down the dresses only/ sahd/ courtship path with her girls. She practically drools over the Duggars, but she did the exact opposite of what they do.

My guess? The fact that she's lazy and it would take work to follow that route. Plus she and Ken would have to have a lot more contact/communication because they'd have to deal with the potential suitor during which time it would probably be harder to hide their contempt for each other.

Plus, her whole life seems to pretty much be do as I say, not as I do.

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My guess? The fact that she's lazy and it would take work to follow that route. Plus she and Ken would have to have a lot more contact/communication because they'd have to deal with the potential suitor during which time it would probably be harder to hide their contempt for each other.

Plus, her whole life seems to pretty much be do as I say, not as I do.

She seems to be the only one in her family, church or community with that obsession. Apparently, she wears shorts all the time, and shorts are considered perfectly acceptable church attire. Ken's tolerance for fundie stuff seems to begin and end with wifely submission and sex on demand.

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When I read shit like this, it makes me so grateful that even though I was homeskooled by backwoods redneck fundies, I still got me some brainzzz :roll: Jesus, Lori, take the tinfoil hat off because it's cutting off your blood supply.

Note: I understand that there are carcinogenic substances in our everyday lives, and that as far as practicable we should avoid them. I am in fact a cancer survivor. She's just talking out of her ass and apparently has watched too much Dr. Oz instead of actually engaging in critical thinking. This is my opinion only, and after a glass of wine, so please no haters.

Oh, that thread made me even more stabby that usual.

While I tested negative for the BRCA genes, one of my best friends tested positive. Her ovaries came out 2 weeks later. It wasn't about veggies - she lost her mom to cancer when she was in her teens, and didn't want her own 4 kids to be left motherless. Eating healthy is great, but it doesn't fix a genetic predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer.

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On Lori's fb page, Lori, Cassi and Emily are commenting on today's photo.

Apparently, that pic was taken during Cassi's freshman year in high school. She says it reminded her how Ken had put in the highlights in her hair.

I have a freshman in high school. My husband would never get involved in anything like highlighting her hair, for several reasons:

1. It would feel inappropriate to him. It's sort of a thing moms do.

2. He doesn't particularly want his 14-year old to color her hair. He'd feel it was bad for her hair, and that he also believes her hair is fine the way it is.

3. He has no idea how to do it.

I'm not saying what Ken did was wrong. I'm just saying it would never happen in our house. Maybe it would in other people's homes?

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Ken put highlights in his daughter's hair....that's just weird. Hell would have frozen over before my dad would have even THOUGHT about doing that!

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If Lori is so anti-chemical then why is anyone getting highlights? Ken, you gave your daughters cancer.

Someone posted this to Lori's FB: (public)

August 28 at 8:07pm

For someone who is always learning, you sure do delete a lot of comments when they don't agree with yours, even if they are kindly worded. Clearly you are not always learning, you wouldn't delete something just because you don't like it. You like to have the last word, and try to make yourself look good. Its not fair Lori, its nor nice. I am speaking this in love, I mean no harm. I just think you should know it makes you look like a bad witness to delete everything. If someone was being hateful, I could understand it. But when people try to speak their mind, you delete it if its in disagreement of your own beliefs. You aren't learning. You are stick in your own rigid way of thinking and cannot even begin to fathom what someone else might be thinking or feeling. If it doesn't line up with what you think, you delete it. Even when people back up their thoughts with scripture.

(Lori replies):

Always Learning My blog is a teaching blog, Michelle. If comments are completely contrary to what I am teaching, yes, I will delete them. I do allow some comments that do disagree with me, if you will notice, but I do closely monitor comments since it is my blog and I aim to teach biblical Truth. I don't just learn to learn. I study God's Word and those who preach or teach it. I am very careful what I learn and allow on my blog. I am sorry if I offended you in some way. I never mean to intentionally offend others but I know that what I teach does offend many.

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OK, I'm trying to apply my "how would I feel if this was someone else" trick.

If I knew that a family was open-minded and didn't enforce gender roles, or if I knew nothing about them, I'd think "how nice that Dad was up for that, if that's what the daughter wanted, and didn't run away, thinking it was too girly for him to do." I really don't think there's anything inherently weird about it.

In fact, I'm not sure it's meaningful in any way because it's Ken. But his controlling nature, his focus on women and girls needing to be pretty and feminine, and his general creepiness, does give it a bit of an icky feel.


Could be part of all that is fucked-up about Ken, could be innocent and caring.

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I can't imagine any scenario in which a father would proudly use the word "risqué" to describe his daughters' manner of dress...until I read Ken's comments, that is. Seriously; that was so disturbing. Somewhere he also describes how much side breast would be appropriate to show in a dress. Not surprisingly, he pulled some fractions out of his backside while doing this. I don't even want to think about some of the comments he's probably made to his daughters when they were growing up.

That is disturbing and perverted...EWWW!

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Some people have no filter, and just say anything that pops into their minds without thinking about how it's going to affect others or that words live forever. It seems like Ken and Lori are some of those. A dad who would describe acceptable degrees of side boob on the internet where it will never be forgotten; just cringe worthy. I think Ken was too involved in his daughters' lives. Doing highlights for them? Just... no. There's just really no appropriate place for a dad in those womanly things that should be between a girl and her friends or a girl and her mom. Too controlling. There's a discreet way for a dad to say to the mom, hey that dress is not going to look modest to guys can you please tell our daughter to change? Or of course other dads who say, get the hell back in your room and change! Both are more normal than a dad acting like a bestie. :ew:

ETA: Unless the dad is gay, of course. But that's a whole different scenario, and i don't think Ken's parenting style qualifies. :lol:

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That's a great point, Jamie. It always amazed me how so many young women stay with guys who treat them poorly. It's as if they aren't use to being treated well. When fathers and brothers treat their sisters with respect, this is what they will look for in a future husband. They wouldn't put up with garbage from guys.

This is Lori in her comments field. What is funny is that Lori treated Ken poorly for a couple of decades, they both acknowledge it, and he stayed. The treatment Lori praises from L. Ron Cupboard isn't representative of a woman being treated well. The crap Lori tells women to put up with is not being treated well.

The woman is just an idiot.

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Another quote from the potential CM sock that caused me to audibly gasp when I read it:

The modernist Church's definition of submission is NOTHING like the Bible's version of submission. The husband's rule is absolute and like you indicated above, cannot be usurped. Not even an unrelated Pastor (one that is not the wife's husband) or Church can overrule the authority of a husband's rule over his wife. Quite frankly, no one other than the Lord can.
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Sounds like he is getting crazier. :S It'd be pure hilarity if there weren't a woman and two children stuck with him. That makes me just feel bad, and CabinetMan is one of my all time favorite hate-reads.

You ruin EVERYTHING good, Cabinetman!

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Ken put highlights in his daughter's hair....that's just weird. Hell would have frozen over before my dad would have even THOUGHT about doing that!

My dad used to be the primary hair-doer in my family. He could french braid with the best of 'em and was past master at the art of bun-making (I had butt-length hair like a good fundy girl). But I really can't imagine him highlighting my hair because 1. it would've been seen as worldly and 2. it's probably not all that healthy to mix harsh chemicals on a kid's head like that.

That said, I wouldn't be squicked out by him doing his daughters' hair IF he hadn't been quoted in the past about his daughters' "risque" clothing or publicly fawned over other women's hair. Those two facts put the hair-doing in a whole other light, imo.

ETA: Did anyone see this on her FB page? "Lori added Writing to her list of professional skills." :lol: :lol: :lol:

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On Lori's fb page, Lori, Cassi and Emily are commenting on today's photo.

Apparently, that pic was taken during Cassi's freshman year in high school. She says it reminded her how Ken had put in the highlights in her hair.

I have a freshman in high school. My husband would never get involved in anything like highlighting her hair, for several reasons:

1. It would feel inappropriate to him. It's sort of a thing moms do.

2. He doesn't particularly want his 14-year old to color her hair. He'd feel it was bad for her hair, and that he also believes her hair is fine the way it is.

3. He has no idea how to do it.

I'm not saying what Ken did was wrong. I'm just saying it would never happen in our house. Maybe it would in other people's homes?

Not in this one. My husband's message is: "You're perfect just the way you are, and don't let anyone ever pressure you into changing!"

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And let's not forget that this is the same father who noticed when his daughter was "carrying 5 extra lbs." but took no notice of the fact that both of his daughters had disordered thinking about their weight, one was on the verge of anorexia, and the other wasn't even sleeping at night. Unfortunately, I can totally see Ken declaring that Cassi's hair was too dark and setting about changing it. :(

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Lori, you've been boring this week. Step it up. Also, if things get interesting when I leave for vacation tomorrow, I'm going to be salty.

She's listened to your advice and has posted a VERY obnoxious and groan-inducing post about how wonderfully godly she is.

I wish she still wrote stupid shit about how fruit cures cancer, though. Finding her older gems is a real treat.

EDIT: Oh, it's joyfilledwife. I thought the post was a little long for Lori.

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She's listened to your advice and has posted a VERY obnoxious and groan-inducing post about how wonderfully godly she is.

I wish she still wrote stupid shit about how fruit cures cancer, though. Finding her older gems is a real treat.

EDIT: Oh, it's joyfilledwife. I thought the post was a little long for Lori.


*eye roll*

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If Lori is so anti-chemical then why is anyone getting highlights? Ken, you gave your daughters cancer.

Someone posted this to Lori's FB: (public)

August 28 at 8:07pm

For someone who is always learning, you sure do delete a lot of comments when they don't agree with yours, even if they are kindly worded. Clearly you are not always learning, you wouldn't delete something just because you don't like it. You like to have the last word, and try to make yourself look good. Its not fair Lori, its nor nice. I am speaking this in love, I mean no harm. I just think you should know it makes you look like a bad witness to delete everything. If someone was being hateful, I could understand it. But when people try to speak their mind, you delete it if its in disagreement of your own beliefs. You aren't learning. You are stick in your own rigid way of thinking and cannot even begin to fathom what someone else might be thinking or feeling. If it doesn't line up with what you think, you delete it. Even when people back up their thoughts with scripture.

(Lori replies):

Always Learning My blog is a teaching blog, Michelle. If comments are completely contrary to what I am teaching, yes, I will delete them. I do allow some comments that do disagree with me, if you will notice, but I do closely monitor comments since it is my blog and I aim to teach biblical Truth. I don't just learn to learn. I study God's Word and those who preach or teach it. I am very careful what I learn and allow on my blog. I am sorry if I offended you in some way. I never mean to intentionally offend others but I know that what I teach does offend many.

It has now been deleted

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Oh, hey, Ken and Lori!

Ooh, ken, google yourself! Something funny came up and I think you will enjoy it! I did!

Have you guys been using Google tactics again???

Link please! I want to see it before Ken and Lori sue Google again and get it removed :D

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