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Lori Alexander 83: Fully Cook the Chicken!

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The last I heard Lori has the same housekeeper she's had for quite a few years.  Lori might be exaggerating how often she has the grandchildren.  

Lastly, Lori needs to see a real MD and be checked for diseases including colon cancer.  

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If a loved one of mine was as ill as Lori claims to be, and has only been eating a few bowls of bone broth a day for the last three months, I would be pushing  ( and pushing) them to see an actual doctor. 
I’d be very concerned about their physical and mental health. 
What does Ken think of all this I wonder?


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The video is such bullshit.  She said that her friend with Crohn's Disease is incurable.  There IS treatment for Crohn's Disease.  Now she's onto her problems with parasites.  (And, honestly, if she had the vaccine and hadn't gotten Covid she might be doing better.)  If she'd had diarrhea for 6 months she'd look way worse than she does now.  

She just said, "What else could I try?" and I'm yelling at the computer, "See a physician!"  These people who blame everything on their gut are driving me crazy.

She says she eats scrambled eggs over easy.  What?  They're either scrambled or over easy -- not both.  And it's acid reflux -- not acid reflex.

She said that her thyroid is low so her pituitary gland is dying.  No.  Just no.  She also calls her immune system her "immunic system".

I think Ken is so tired of her that he doesn't care if she's sick.

(She's got a lot of lines around her mouth.  Did she use to be a smoker?)

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I don't think she ever smoked. Her face looks so haggard, though. Not an ounce of fat anywhere. The older one gets, I find, the more important a little fat is to the face and neck. She just looks ravaged by time and lack of nutrients (I don't care what she says about how healthy she's always eaten--her face tells a completely different story!). 

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She doesn't believe in mammograms so I'm sure she's never had a colonoscopy and just recently she proclaimed that you don't need pap smears. 

My mom had many of those symptoms that Lori's mentioned (she often refused to see doctors claiming they just looked and looked until they find "something" ) Turns out when she FINALLY went to the doctor after having those symptoms for a year, she was diagnosed with colon cancer. Had she gone earlier, she may have had a different outcome, but she eventually died from colon cancer that had spread but not after a very awful and miserable three years. That was in the early 1990s. 


My mom was a great mom -- she overcame a lot and was so amazing in so many ways *(she also worked!)  Her medical care refusal was her only major downfall and she payed for by dying at age 58 and never getting to meet any of her grandchildren.

I know the whole Alexander clan is a little nutty about their health claims, but I really hope they make her see a real doctor. Bone broth/bland chicken soup may be calming on an upset stomach or make you feel better when you have a virus, but it does NOT cure diseases. If that were the case, hospitals and doctors would be out of business. 

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Sooo... Lori, who is the expert on all things health, has been non-stop sick to the point of being unable to eat real food for quite a long time, now?

And her followers are still listening to her advice?

Why in the world would you take advice on how to be healthy from someone who has, apparently, NEVER been healthy in her entire adult life? 

On 5/14/2024 at 10:49 PM, Xan said:

Lori also mentioned that she went to her doctor for natural hormones.  Why would she need those?  Didn't God design her so that menopause is normal and natural?  She doesn't want women to screen for cancer but she's a-okay with taking hormone substitutes?

Yeah this is crazy, IMO. Like, if you need hormones that's fine (I haven't, thankfully), but don't be all "oh all things must be totally organic and natural and God made things perfectly" and then go taking hormones.

Especially if you're Lori and probably would have the biggest fit in the world to find out that perhaps a trans woman might be taking the same hormones as you. 

On 5/14/2024 at 11:03 PM, usmcmom said:

I desperately hope Lori’s gynecologist gets wind of this and lets her have it. 

This could really damage a physician’s reputation if people believe he or she teaches this stuff. 

Yeah, I mean Lori is a clear liar to anyone who knows of her, but people post her ridiculousness all the time elsewhere incredulous about how dumb she is, without knowing what a liar she is. 

22 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

On FB Dr (Not) Lori posted a link to a nearly14 minute video that was supposedly for her recipe for bone broth.  Her magic medical soup that'll cure what ails ya.

What it is is nearly14 minutes of Dr (Not) Lori telling us how she's been constantly sick starting before getting Covid 2 years ago, then after getting it again a year later, and getting all the other illnesses that have befallen her in the past 2 years.

TL; DR. It tore up her already delicate gut. Gave her daily diarrhea for 6 months (and it keeps recurring for months on end), severe constant abdominal pain (that has her in the recliner with a heating pad all day), chronic fatigue, chronic sleeplessness, and she can't eat her normal healthy diet.

Ya'll she says she had to give up her salads!!!


Is she SURE it wasn't food poisoning from her terrible food safety? Food poisoning can cause chronic issues, I think.

But it comes back to my question - why would someone take health advice from LORI of all people? She knows how to stay healthy! That's why she's been non-stop sick for the past several years and for most of her adult life before that!

My guess is that she's probably got something terrible going on and hasn't gone to the doctor for it, because she knows if she's diagnosed with something she'll have to either get proper treatment while pretending that she never was against that sort of thing, stick to the woo crap and suffer, or figure out a way to get proper treatment for herself while doubling down on why it's ungodly for anyone ELSE to do so.

The thing for me is that if all these cheap woo remedies actually worked as completely as they claim, they'd be monetized and marketed by now. If black salve worked the way Lori thinks, it'd have been bought up by a phamaceutical company and made an expensive prescription. If bone broth was the answer to all illnesses, doctors would be suggesting it and some enterprising doctor would have a subscription service set up to sell it to you.

Some woo stuff is nice and likely comforting, and that's great. As an addition to actual medical care! Not instead of it!


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An oncology nurse recently told me that, where she works, they see so many patients who tried “natural remedies” first and have turned to traditional medicine as a last resort. Sadly, it is usually too late, of course.  

I wonder if this is the path Lori is on. 



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14 hours ago, usmcmom said:

An oncology nurse recently told me that, where she works, they see so many patients who tried “natural remedies” first and have turned to traditional medicine as a last resort. Sadly, it is usually too late, of course.  

But then they claim, "it's God's will"   But God also gave us brains and knowledge. Some of the best doctors I know (I work in healthcare) are wonderful Christians and believe their profession is their calling and mission. It's not faith vs. medicine. You can have belief (any religion) and still believe in science.  Who do they think created science??

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On 5/21/2024 at 8:04 PM, Loveday said:

I don't think she ever smoked. Her face looks so haggard, though. Not an ounce of fat anywhere. The older one gets, I find, the more important a little fat is to the face and neck. She just looks ravaged by time and lack of nutrients (I don't care what she says about how healthy she's always eaten--her face tells a completely different story!). 

She looks dehydrated and dirty to me. Like she needs to hydrate, take vitamin D and B, and eat more plant based foods with some sort of oil/fat. 

Then she needs a shower, a haircut, and someone to do her eyebrows. She lives in a very expensive west coast city where most people are very much into health based activities. And she spends all of her time inside, posting on the internet and praying. Go for a walk, Lori. Get your hair conditioned and washed. Go swim or run or get on a boat. Do something outside! 

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20 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

Go swim or run or get on a boat. Do something outside! 

We’ll soon see if she’s too darn sick to decamp for the annual trip to Door County. I’m sure she will. Nothing- not even her dying mother- will keep her from that blessed retreat which gets her away from all the retreating she does at home. 

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Okay, so...blanket training, a la the Duggars or the Pearls. Lori is claiming today that no hitting is involved. Here's her instructions for it:



Here are some steps you can take to try blanket training with your child:

Sit your child on the blanket and show them the edges.

Place your hand on the blanket and say "stay on the blanket" in a happy tone.

Next, place your hand on the floor outside the blanket and say "don't get off the blanket" in a low tone.

Repeat these steps a few times so your child understands that being on the blanket is good and being off is not.

You can also get your child interested in toys or books by placing their hand on the blanket and using it to show them.

Set a timer for five minutes or so and instruct your child to play on the blanket until it goes off. Younger children may need more explanation, so you can pat the floor around the blanket to show them the boundaries and say "no, no.” Once they are old enough to understand the concept of being quiet, you can also ask them to be quiet during blanket training.

[and then her next comment in the post...]

The purpose of “blanket training” in young children is to train them to play quietly by themselves for a short while. We have small children sitting in our church quietly for 1 1/2 hours! They were trained to do this at home. There’s no “hitting” involved as many claim. It’s training them to have self-control from a young age which will benefit them for life. Most children these days have NO self-control and they and society suffer greatly because of it.


So where did the hitting babies with a wooden spoon or other instrument during blanket training come from? Does anyone remember? :think:  I swear it's on record somewhere, and it seems like Lori and some others are trying to whitewash/gaslight it away, because she also posted a link to a YT video wherein a woman with 11 children is out to debunk all the so-called 'lies' in the Shiny Happy People documentary. I haven't watched it yet, but here's the link to it if anyone wants to waste a few precious minutes of your weekend. 



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The way I remember it is that the parent puts something that the child likes just off the blanket.  When the kid reaches for it, he/she gets hit with the spoon. 

They can try to clean it up but there was definitely punishment involved in the training.  It originated with the Pearls and they were big on hitting children.

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There is blanket training and "blanket training Michelle style."  My kids learned to sit on a blanket and play when we were visiting, but there was no hitting or punishment involved.  It was a safe space with toys and a reminder to me to pick up the child if they moved off the blanket both to keep them safe and to keep them out of things where we were visiting.  It also was a clean blanket not someone's possibly questionably clean carpet. I never, ever expected a child to stay still and quiet for an hour and a half.  Perhaps as long as for me to drink a cup of tea was the maximum.  Yep, I'm old enough to have gone to teas at someone's home. 

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2 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

There is blanket training and "blanket training Michelle style." 

I agree.  I kept my kids contained when we were at someone else's house but it didn't involve hitting.  I think hitting was just the easy, fundie way to maintain control

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Yes it is definitely possible to do blanket training without hitting. Lots of non-hitting households use blankets, repetition, and encouragement to help kids practice this useful baby skill.

In households where corporal punishment is normal, smacking hands during blanket training is a component of how they blanket train. The Duggars and Pearls have never been shy about that.

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Lori's on today about mean mothers and how they control what their children eat, how they're entertained, and who their friends can be.  She thinks that she was a strict mother and that's why her children turned out so remarkably well.

All I can think of is that horrible story about the Christmas that the children (ages 1,3,5, and 7) opened their presents in the early morning.  Lori was so pissed that she ran up to get Ken, spanked the children with her slipper, and had Ken stick them out on the porch on Christmas morning.  When they were sufficiently contrite and apologetic, they came back in.  This shrew abused her children on Christmas morning and she was so proud of herself that she posted that story on the internet.

I hate her so much.

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Hey y'all, Chick fil A is bad.  Of course you shouldn't eat it every day, but I'm not giving up my nuggets for your slimey salad.


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Lori got all riled up and her fee-fees hurt by the comments on the "Lord Lori Commands You Never Ever Never Eat Fast Food" screed.

She let slip this though (bolding mine):


I buy all my food from a local health food store which is diligent about making sure what they sell is the best. I never eat candy, and I don’t eat out. I do what is in my ability to do so to eat as good as I can and as close to the way God created for us to eat it. I actually practice what I preach!

Ken has previously commented that Lori spends a lot of money on health food and woo. (He wasn't happy about it.)  I don't think most of her fangirl leghumpers can afford to shop like she does. 

I guess Lori's "healthy chocolate" isn't candy.

Pre-pandemic Lori posted about going out to dinner, out for sangria, out to lunch with girlfriends.

I assume that her bone broth is what Lori believes God intended her to eat for months on end.

It seems now -- with her declaring she is so so so so sick again -- she never leaves home, except to maybe sit in the front yard watching the grandchildren.

Inquiring minds want to know -- Does Ken ever eat out? By himself? Friends? Family? Anyone who's not Lori?

Also:  Lori ranted about Chick-Fil-A.  This is no Chick -Fil-A in San Diego. The closest is in Vista, CA. 42 miles away. 

Full Disclosure -- I love the occasional CFA sandwich, nuggets or salad. The pickles make the sandwich. Waffle fries are also delish. Their lemonade is the best.

Fight me Lord Lori.

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Posted (edited)

Lori lives in Carlsbad not city of San Diego.  Carlsbad is in the county of San Diego.  Last time I looked there was a CFA on Avenida Encinas in Carlsbad and there is at least one in next door Oceanside.  There are ten in north county alone.

Ken eats out when he's doing the rounds of the offices he works with. 

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I bet cash money Ken eats at Chick-Fil-A.

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Isn’t Chick-fil-A the place owned by Christians, is closed on Sundays, and whose owners gave all kinds of money to organizations trying to stop the legalization of gay marriage years ago?

Seems like it would be right up her hateful alley. I’m surprised she’s criticizing it. 

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Lori is all about making women's lives as difficult as she can.  Now, not only do you have to cook and eat everything at home, it has to be organic and totally healthy.  Next up, she'll be trying to get us to grind our own wheat.  Why use a washing machine when you can beat your clothes against rocks?  And who needs a faucet?  Shouldn't a truly good woman be willing to carry water from the creek?

I guess it's okay that she doesn't do her own cleaning and had help with her children.  She is so godly that it doesn't matter.  I frequently think that she probably just should have had a regular job since she didn't seem to be doing any homemaking...

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According to Lori’s recent tweet, her grandchildren are terribly sad and neglected.  Aren’t Cassie’s  kids left with “a sitter” quite often? I guess Lori thinks because she is the sitter, the rule doesn’t apply to her daughter. According to Lori, Cassie needs to stay home and take care of her own kids. 

AND ANOTHER THING!!! If Lori has been so sick for so long, why are her daughters still dropping their kids off with her? The daughters are either very disrespectful of their ill mother’s need for healing or they don’t give a damn about leaving their kids with someone who sits in a chair all day with a heating pad on her gut.  I guess both are true. 


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Posted (edited)

So children staying with a babysitter are poor neglected children... But when Lori's children had to stay inside their rooms for hours, DAILY, because she couldn't cope with them and she didn't cook for them, weren't they neglected? When they were beaten (even as toddlers), weren't they poor children?

Wasn't a poor child her (toddler) granddaughter Emma, being forced to eat when she wasn't hungry and being denied food when she was hungry?

I'm a working mother that have used "grandparents babysitting services" and daycare, yet my children had never been neglected. They have had far better childhood than Lori's kids.

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