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The one where Cabinetboy closes up shop


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It begins:


Today the feminists found us.


Of note:


We’ve been praying for a long while about the next journey God would have for us. After emailing lawyers, speaking to our pastor, praying together with my wife we have come to the conclusion it is best to close up shop. We are shutting down the blog.

In other words, FJ has done nothing illegal, therefore, my lawyer advised me to stop airing my dirty laundry on the webz if I don't want evil feminist bitches commenting on it.


In other news, they're contemplating a move to Alaska :?


We are even considering a long standing offer to sell so that we could move to Alaska as we’ve longed dreamed about…they worry my wife and kids that much. It’s a creepy & scary feeling having someone hate you that much. My wife is in laying down with our daughter because she can’t sleep. I had to do the same with our son. I can’t have my family worrying about these people.

As a side note, I think it's tragic that they've chosen to frighten those poor children and involve them in this nonsense. :(

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And the first reply is from.......

Lori Alexander

AUGUST 5, 2014 AT 6:23 AM

I am SO sorry and sad! We will pray for you and specifically for God’s protection and peace.



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I hope the part about the kids being scared his him making crap up. If not, I do feel bad for the kids. Especially with the wildfires that are threatening their area right now (as per his wife's previous post).

Can we start a list of "Ways to Prevent Internet 'Stalking'"?

1. Don't have a user name that you use all over the web that has your (TINY) town in it

2. Don't comment on blogs using your Facebook which has your first name and city attached to it

3. Don't blog about the fairly easily recognizable natural disaster happening in your area

4. If you have a specific or uncommon job, don't blog about what it is, specifically.

5. Don't do all of the above together.

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And the first reply is from.......


At least CM didn't use his real name and then complain about being stalked, a la the Alexanders.

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Because this can't be said enough:

Do not labor under the delusion that people are stalking you by reading information that you've made available to the entire world wide web.

Do not labor under the delusion that people are stalking you by reading things considered public record.

Do not labor under the delusion that people are "slandering" :roll: you by quoting you word for word and the giving their opinion on you and what you've said.

Also, from the comments:


AUGUST 5, 2014 AT 6:48 AM

Oh no! I’m so sorry!

Why did you decide to close the blog down now instead of when they found you and were stalking you earlier? I’m very sad that I won’t get to read about your wonderful marriage any longer. It was SUCH an inspiration to me!


And by stalking she means "reading your blog" and commenting on the bullshit therein.

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So, the wanker lies and claims they have already BEEN found, and challenges repeatedly that these evil feminists have found them and been stalking them for awhile. This prompts those evil feminists to contemplate just how hard is he to find. Said feminists easily find him. Now he's scared and going to try to disappear into the wilds of Alaska.

Setting aside the fact that he is the entire reason anyone bothered to look in the first place, how can evil feminists who have been stalking him and threatening him, and already knew who he was and where he was JUST NOW find you???? You've said since you opened up shop that they had already found you, and oh you weren't scared.

The only conclusion I can come to is that wanker needs a new dictionary, since he appears to believe he meaning of words changes to fit his purpose.

Furthermore, I genuinely WAS cyber-stalked once. Yes, it was terrifying. But, I did not EVER tell my children and sleep with them to scare the bejeebus out of them. I let go of my internet persona entirely and disappeared online, mostly because of the threats my cyber-stalkers were making about doing something in real life to my family.

Suck it up buttercup. People using google is NOT threatening you nor stalking you. And, if you didn't want people to find you with some simple google skills, you should have shut up with the false allegations in the first place. STALKING is directly contacting you and threatening you. You've provided no evidence ever that anyone has actually done that, thus you have NOT be stalked. I look up people all the time online. It's how I find old friends I lost touch with. It isn't stalking. It's not even cyber-stalking.

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I can’t have my family worrying about these people.

Then don't tell your children that some strangers on the internet disagree with you! Seriously. He has no one to blame but himself if his kids are scared (but I seriously hope he's making that up for pity, because otherwise those poor kids).

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It begins:

The drama! It sounds like the start of a darkly dramatic movie ...

Today, the feminists found us. My wife huddled together with our children as I scrambled to pull together those few items that we'd need to survive on the lam. Our lives were about to change ... forever.


Next stop, Alaska.

*camera pans over an Alaskan landscape while surging, heart-pounding music soars in the background*

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A few days ago, I thought my boyfriend's brother had discovered my "online identity," i.e. had discovered that a poster on a message board was me.

I was freaked out and mortified, but never once did I think it was his fault. I just thought I should have been more careful not to share revealing details that might make that user identifiable as me.

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I'm waiting patiently for CM to come and scold us for ruining his life.

I am patiently waiting for the post by Lori Alexander bemoaning the web losing another MRA. I suspect that I'll only have to wait til morning.

Also, the comments from Ken...those'll make it all worth reading :lol:

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I am patiently waiting for the post by Lori Alexander bemoaning the web losing another MRA. I suspect that I'll only have to wait til morning.

Also, the comments from Ken...those'll make it all worth reading :lol:

I have a feeling lori is going to be next on the chopping block.

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Oh, also.


We are even considering a long standing offer to sell so that we could move to Alaska as we’ve longed dreamed about…
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It begins:

Of note:

In other words, FJ has done nothing illegal, therefore, my lawyer advised me to stop airing my dirty laundry on the webz if I don't want evil feminist bitches commenting on it.

In other news, they're contemplating a move to Alaska :?

As a side note, I think it's tragic that they've chosen to frighten those poor children and involve them in this nonsense. :(

What a load of hooey. If this is true, it is because it is part of CM's long time plan to isolate his wife and children more than today, thus be more in total control of them. Because, the reality is, none of us are going to chase him (I am a major internet research for the hell of it person and I didn't bother to google them because I don't care. As long as I never run the risk of accidently hiring him, I don't care who he is.

Clearly, this command man designs his life so that he is never disagreed with, as he can't take it at all.

But what is interesting is here are examples of what he has convinced his wife is the most scary thing on the planet. (note, to my knowledge, none of these are really "us")





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Oh, the manufactured drama.

The feminists found us because we left clues all over the place and ... OMG they are criticizing us. Persecution !!!!eleventy!!!! We are so distressed that we have to move to (gasp) Alaska.

We so scared of them that we are publishing our planned move on our blog before shutting it down so those ebil feminists can find us again. In Alaska! Did we mention Alaska?

Actually, I haven't found the right Cabinetboy yet, although I certainly could now. I just can't be bothered to google any more because I find him a rather boring and predictable silverback.

I do feel sympathy for Giggling Girl if she actually exists outside Cabinetboy's imagination and this whole thing wasn't just a clumsy attempt to bait us.

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I"m also going to add this. Hooray. Whatever the reason, if he shuts down his hateful blog on how to abuse wives for Jesus, then Good! This is a victory in Heaven and on earth. If he puts it private, so that he only preaches to the choir, GOOD, because that is a victory for all of us.. he can have a little mutual admiration society where they can all praise one another's penis and bemoan the actions and inferiority of those who lack one, but the rest of us wont' have to watch.

Taking his blog private is sort of like putting in a septic tank instead of flushing sewage into the yard....

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Then don't tell your children that some strangers on the internet disagree with you! Seriously. He has no one to blame but himself if his kids are scared (but I seriously hope he's making that up for pity, because otherwise those poor kids).

The guy's a proven liar (and not even a good one). I doubt his kids know anything about it. I suspect that, as you mentioned, he's totally making it up because he knows that scared, threatened children are one of the best ways to get people on your side. "ZOMG! MUST SAVE CHILDREN!"

I suspect he is closing up the blog not because he believes there is a real, physical threat from FJers or anyone else but because there is something genuinely wrong that he doesn't want us or anyone else finding out about.

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Taking his blog private is sort of like putting in a septic tank instead of flushing sewage into the yard....

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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The guy's a proven liar (and not even a good one). I doubt his kids know anything about it. I suspect that, as you mentioned, he's totally making it up because he knows that scared, threatened children are one of the best ways to get people on your side. "ZOMG! MUST SAVE CHILDREN!"

I suspect he is closing up the blog not because he believes there is a real, physical threat from FJers or anyone else but because there is something genuinely wrong that he doesn't want us or anyone else finding out about.

Yep. Someone said it here before, sling shit at all 4 walls and see which one they start furiously scrubbing. When he was here, he was desperately looking for assurance that we wouldn't contact CPS or police.

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Once upon a time, a good friend of mine discovered my online alter-ego.

That wasn't stalking. Her SIL was googling her own business name, found a post I did about a shopping spree at her place, and figured out who I was from the date and description of what I bought. Thankfully, I never posted anything negative or embarrassing there.

That's how the internet works.

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IF he told his children about this, then he's not the great protective father he claims to be. There's no reason for his kids to know anything about his online drama. When are they ever away from their parents? They don't go to school. I'm sure they don't go to camp or even play dates. It's not like they would need to be taught to be cautious on their own. Either he's lying about telling his kids, or he's just that clueless as a parent.

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