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The one where Cabinetboy closes up shop


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So he talked to multiple lawyers and his pastor in the past 12 hours? The googling occurred last night and he's already made the decision?

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I"m also going to add this. Hooray. Whatever the reason, if he shuts down his hateful blog on how to abuse wives for Jesus, then Good! This is a victory in Heaven and on earth. If he puts it private, so that he only preaches to the choir, GOOD, because that is a victory for all of us.. he can have a little mutual admiration society where they can all praise one another's penis and bemoan the actions and inferiority of those who lack one, but the rest of us wont' have to watch.

Taking his blog private is sort of like putting in a septic tank instead of flushing sewage into the yard....

This. Would that all hate sites and blogs advocating spousal and child abuse were so easy to criticize into going private.

To the bolded: May I borrow that brilliant analogy? TIA.

ETA -- fixed quote

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Yoohoo, Cabinetman, you know, there are feminists in Alaska...

[bBvideo 560,340:f5wiw53m]

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This. Would that all hate sites and blogs advocating spousal and child abuse were so easy to criticize into going private.

To the bolded: May I borrow that brilliant analogy? TIA.

ETA -- fixed quote

Sure, use it at will.

When the girls came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away.... :lol:

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The guy's a proven liar (and not even a good one). I doubt his kids know anything about it. I suspect that, as you mentioned, he's totally making it up because he knows that scared, threatened children are one of the best ways to get people on your side. "ZOMG! MUST SAVE CHILDREN!"

I suspect he is closing up the blog not because he believes there is a real, physical threat from FJers or anyone else but because there is something genuinely wrong that he doesn't want us or anyone else finding out about.

Count me in as one of those who doesn't think his kids know anything about it either but if they do, it's because he's an idiot and told them. I have my doubts that the posts that are supposedly his wife's are actually hers, but if they are, I feel sorry for her, mainly because she's married to and needs to submit to such an idiot.

I seriously think that WW's drama is all made up but it might be backfiring on him in some unforeseen way, such as something he doesn't want discovered.

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CM never seemed too learn that the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. As much as I despise his message, I'm indifferent to him and his family. Could not care less about the where's and how's and why's of his life. I suspect that most FJers feel the same way. It's like the way I can despise (and I mean DESPISE) Rush Limbaugh (et al) and never give a moment's thought to his personal life.

I, too, am convinced that CM has something to hide. Am convinced that, if not an abuser, he is at least a control freak. And since he can't control US; that's enough to scare this mountain of a man into obscurity.

Good riddance Storage Sociopath. You've only been with us a few months but you've managed to prove you're a poor husband and, apparently, an even worse father. You will be missed for your entertainment value, but certainly not for your message.

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I have to wonder if he really thought that he would be able to sue FJ for something and when he found out that he couldn't he decided that blogging wasn't worth it. It always felt like he was trying to get a reaction and like he was trying to get somebody to do something so he could sue. Then he could brag about taking down Free Jinger. Well disagreeing with people on the internet isn't illegal. Also, googling information a person has publically provided and finding out who that person is isn't illegal. I'm sure a lawyer has informed him of this and probably informed him that it would be wise to keep his abusive behavior private because he is the one who could end up in trouble.

It was pretty clear that the only reason Ken came here was to try and stop people from contacting his peers and the people who employee him. I think it is just a matter of time till someone does do that*, especially since he has used his real name to publically say that a man molesting his children is no excuse for a wife to divorce him, and when that happens Lori will lose her little hobby.

*I'm not suggesting anyone run out and do this. I'm just pointing out that when you start saying shit like Ken says about child molesters online it is just a matter of time until it catches up with you in real life. Especially if you use your real name. Ken did not seem to understand how the internet works.

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I have to wonder if he really thought that he would be able to sue FJ for something and when he found out that he couldn't he decided that blogging wasn't worth it. It always felt like he was trying to get a reaction and like he was trying to get somebody to do something so he could sue. Then he could brag about taking down Free Jinger. Well disagreeing with people on the internet isn't illegal. Also, googling information a person has publically provided and finding out who that person is isn't illegal. I'm sure a lawyer has informed him of this and probably informed him that it would be wise to keep his abusive behavior private because he is the one who could end up in trouble.

It was pretty clear that the only reason Ken came here was to try and stop people from contacting his peers and the people who employee him. I think it is just a matter of time till someone does do that*, especially since he has used his real name to publically say that a man molesting his children is no excuse for a wife to divorce him, and when that happens Lori will lose her little hobby.

*I'm not suggesting anyone run out and do this. I'm just pointing out that when you start saying shit like Ken says about child molesters online it is just a matter of time until it catches up with you in real life. Especially if you use your real name. Ken did not seem to understand how the internet works.

I agree completely with the bolded.

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I live in a community about the size of CM's and my religious and political views are in the distinct minority. Amazingly, I get along well with nearly everyone and even actually enjoy the neighbor/community-ness of many people with views in stark contrast to my own -- it may sound cliche but we really do just avoid talking about politics and religion for the most part and find there are still plenty of interesting things to discuss.

So, to me CM's reaction is a somewhat sad irony, because as I think I posted earlier, if they were my neighbors, I think we would be friendly and possibly actually like each other and have lots to talk about (off-grid living, rural living, the whole self-reliance/preparedness thing).

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What a weenie he is for being stronger than 97% of men on earth.

Oh, also.


I read this as, "We're moving, so don't come to our home in because we TOTES won't be there. So don't come! Nope, not staying at all in our non-air conditioned house. We will be gone!" /checks under bed for feminists

He is such a master at misdirection.

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Cabinetman (as I have always known you!), its bitterly ironic that these people who hate you and your blog supposedly stand for ‘freedom’. But somehow, that freedom does not extend to you and your words.

Dear Helen,

No one has impeded his freedom, unless by freedom you mean: No one can disagree with me or write an opinion that's contrary to mine.

Get back to me when the police have arrested him or the gov. is shutting down his blog.

Freedom: It doesn't mean what you think it means.



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Heck, I'm just impressed that he thinks we have time to stalk ANYONE! I know I'm in good company with other working folks who have homes & pets &/or kid(s) to attend to. I guess he hasn't checked out the forum for hobbies here right?

Sorry, off to clean the house, entertain a 3 yr old, scoop the litter boxes, change sheets, feed the snake, prepare for the half-dozen birthdays our family has this upcoming week, and apply for new jobs. On my day "off". Oh I also need to mend a work shirt in my "free time" too!

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So he talked to multiple lawyers and his pastor in the past 12 hours? The googling occurred last night and he's already made the decision?

Well, see, they're all ON RETAINER (even the pastor), so they'll take BureauBozo's calls any time of the day or night.


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Well, see, they're all ON RETAINER (even the pastor), so they'll take BureauBozo's calls any time of the day or night.


"There are these people on the interwebz and they googled me. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!"

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What a weenie he is for being stronger than 97% of men on earth.

I read this as, "We're moving, so don't come to our home in because we TOTES won't be there. So don't come! Nope, not staying at all in our non-air conditioned house. We will be gone!" /checks under bed for feminists

He is such a master at misdirection.


Oh, shit, there's a feminist in my sitting room! HELP ME!

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Dear Cabinetdouche

You cannot stop people from reading things you put on the internet. If you don't want people to read it, do not put it on the internet. Googling your username is not stalking, neither is reading your blog and disagreeing.

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Frankly, I feel used.

CM knew about us before he put up his blog. He knew how we felt about him. And, unless he is a total dangus, he knows better than to just flaunt all of his personal information on teh interwebz. ARE people that dumb anymore?

I think CM wanted this to happen.

Here's what CM got out of this:

--A chance to feel like a holy martyr

--A chance to feel like a strong, capable leader as he comforts his (unnecessarily) frightened wife and children.

--All this praise about how good of a Christian he is.

--A pretext to move and isolate his family that they'll agree to since they are scared (I'm sure CM has not faithfully represented this to them)

--A reason to restrict them more from unauthorized internet use (the danger!)

--So much sympathy! If he needs money for the move, I bet the begging bowl will overfloweth.

Never, ever has this site advocated violence against women and children. Some may want to give a swift jab to the nads to patriarchs sometimes, and we can come close when faced with hateful trolls like Lori and Zsu, but we never, EVER, EVER wish harm on children.

I feel like we got set up in CM's plan to scare his wife into letting him isolate the family more.

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What a drama queen! Well...bye.

As a parting gift to Cabinetboy, I thought I'd leak a little footage of the secret FJ Feminist Stalker meetings(code name: Operation Persecute Teh Menz):


We're a scary bunch for sure.

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IF he told his children about this, then he's not the great protective father he claims to be. There's no reason for his kids to know anything about his online drama. When are they ever away from their parents? They don't go to school. I'm sure they don't go to camp or even play dates. It's not like they would need to be taught to be cautious on their own. Either he's lying about telling his kids, or he's just that clueless as a parent.

Exactly. I remember when I was 12 or 13, I was friends with this girl on our estate. I didn't have anything more to do with her after she read my diary. I wasn't aware until she confronted me about why I'd written something negative about her (I'd just had a bad day and been feeling a bit miffed with her over something daft - can't remember what) and then she said "How do you think my parents are going to feel when I tell them? They'll be really upset that you think that!" She genuinely couldn't see that there was no need for her parents to know, and they only would if SHE told them! I pointed out that they'd be doubly upset, as they'd probably brought her up better than to stick her nose into other people's diaries. Her folks did try and complain to my mum, who told them the same as I'd told their daughter. I think they even threatened to involve police for "defamation of character", until we pointed out that defamation of character has to be public libel or slander, not bitching about somebody in a private diary. But that if they wanted to see their precious angel to get done for not only reading it without my permission, but stealing the offending page, to go ahead and see how far they got.

I'm only glad I never went to the same school as her, because I'd have got expelled a hundred times over for slapping the aggravating bitch.

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I’m sorry that your children are scared. Who does that to children?!

Umm, Storage Sociopath?? How the hell else would they know??? :evil-eye:

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Umm, Storage Sociopath?? How the hell else would they know??? :evil-eye:

Doncha know that we also hacked all his kids' Facebooks and cast evil witch spells that allowed us to infiltrate their dreams at night?!

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