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Soooooooo. The problem is not that Doug Phillips is a T&R, but that the gayz are out there. And they all hate kids.

What a service she has provided for women and children everywhere by clearing that up. :roll: I'll make sure now to submit to a headship should I ever acquire one, and carry mace around on the off chance I run into a homosexual in the NY Metropolitan Area and need to defend myself from their snark.

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I do want to make it clear that the homophobic rant was made by a commenter named Alane, not by Doug Wilson's daughter Bekah.

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I do want to make it clear that the homophobic rant was made by a commenter named Alane, not by Doug Wilson's daughter Bekah.

Hmmm. Now I wonder if it was a Poe, but with a lot of these comments it is virtually impossible to tell for sure.

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This is also total crap because of the first reason: to know to her toenails that God is good, He loves her and is absolutely sovereign. So that then when she is sexually assaulted, she can what? Think that God ordained it to happen to her? In my own experience that crapy theology only leads to greater fear, i.e. God can and will sovereignly allow horrible things to happen to me.

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Hmmm. Now I wonder if it was a Poe, but with a lot of these comments it is virtually impossible to tell for sure.

I hope it's a Poe, because this is actually funny:

My husband once forbade my return to a public library because the children’s section was often staffed by mean homosexuals.

I'm a lifelong library lover and can't recall ever encountering a "mean homosexual" in the children's section, or anywhere else. Most library employees around here are middle-aged or older women.

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I hope it's a Poe, because this is actually funny:

I'm a lifelong library lover and can't recall ever encountering a "mean homosexual" in the children's section, or anywhere else. Most library employees around here are middle-aged or older women.

Some of which may be mean, some of which may be homosexual, and some of which may be both! :lol:

I also like how it required her husband to forbid her to go back. So, she didn't actually mind the mean gayz so much, or she wasn't bright enough to figure out that she shouldn't go back if she didn't want to interact with them, but luckily her husband noticed? I mean, why not "my husband persuaded me not to go back" (assuming she agrees with his assessment). Him forbidding her suggests that she actually wanted to return, so in order to prevent her doing that, he had to step in and FORBID…


DISCLAIMER: I am a middle-aged woman who is a library employee. Don't happen to be either gay or mean though...

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I shit you not, this is eerily similar to what certain family members of mine believe. I've actually heard the words "If someone is raped, it was God's will!" They reposted that Femina Girls blog post on facebook, and I am just sick to my stomach over it. TWO of this person's daughters have been raped. What are they trying to say, that their daughters weren't "submissive, but strong" enough? :evil:

First it's Kelly C saying "Assertive women don't get raped", now it's this Bekah Wilson saying "Girls who submit to the RIGHT people don't get raped". Fuck you both. You are both idiots.

Honestly sometimes I think these fundies are trolling the world. I can't believe that they are serious. But then I look at my family members who spout off the same crap and I have to believe.

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I honestly don't think that this is possible. What will happen is that the girl is expected to know when to be meek and when to be strong. If she screws up and is strong when her culture expects her to be sweet and meek or submissive when something wrong happens, she will be blamed.

This isn't possible. It can't go both ways. No one can read minds so therefore there will be times she will screw up and be strong to the wrong person or be submissive to the wrong person.

I think that they like the idea of the girls standing strong to the "wrong people", but note that the "wrong people" aren't them. It's all those "others".

Of course the problem is that if girls learn to be strong they might decide to be strong one day to all the submissive bullshit they have been raised with.

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R.C. Jr. on Facebook: “What we call proclaiming the good news they call shoving religion down their throats.â€


Actually, we call it “forcibly and criminally ejaculating on our faces,†Spanks.

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If this is about Doug, RC is an idiot for thinking that the whole reason everyone hates him lately is because he is a Christian. Yes, his position in the fundie world is why it is so well known, but the law and the rules on consent are the same whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, atheist, black or white, rich or poor, nobody is allowed to sexually abuse others.

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R.C. Jr. on Facebook: “What we call proclaiming the good news they call shoving religion down their throats.â€


Actually, we call it “forcibly and criminally ejaculating on our faces,†Spanks.

The computer ate my first answer to this so here I go again.

Spanky has the right to wear his religious symbols, pay for billboards about his religion, preach the gospel in his church, pass out tracts, approach random people and share his faith, and in some cities he can preach on street corners. What he doesn't have the right to do is to prevent someone from practicing their free speech rights by telling him he is an asshole or to go to hell. Ultimately, he wants to bug people and not have them defend themselves.

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And if you get ‘eewww’ vibes its OK to make a mental note of that & do whateve it takes to. . clear out now! As for people who are rude to children! Its unbelievable! I get ‘boy you’ve got your hands full’ ALL the time! I had to pre think a comment to make back. One that stands up for my children. My latest response is to grin and tell them ‘But I love it!’ cos i do!"

How is telling someone that they have their hands full being antikid? I've been asked that and I thought the person was just trying to think of something sympathetic to say. Usually I just said that I had pretty good kids so they weren't too difficult.

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R.C. Jr. on Facebook: “What we call proclaiming the good news they call shoving religion down their throats.â€

I hate it when guys name their penises.

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R.C. Jr. on Facebook: “What we call proclaiming the good news they call shoving religion down their throats.â€

Well, that's right. I hate to tell you Spanky, but we've all heard the "good news" that we're doomed to hell unless we join your club. And some of us reject it. Deal with it.

Oh, and I would really like to visit this library with the children's section staffed by mean homosexuals. Sounds completely plausible. :roll: I bet she was secretly relieved that her husband forbade her to go back to library so she's no longer under pressure to actually, you know, read, or encourage her children to read. She's much safer avoiding the mean-homosexual-plagued public library and all its ideas and information.


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Well, that's right. I hate to tell you Spanky, but we've all heard the "good news" that we're doomed to hell unless we join your club. And some of us reject it. Deal with it.

Oh, and I would really like to visit this library with the children's section staffed by mean homosexuals. Sounds completely plausible. :roll: I bet she was secretly relieved that her husband forbade her to go back to library so she's no longer under pressure to actually, you know, read, or encourage her children to read. She's much safer avoiding the mean-homosexual-plagued public library and all its ideas and information.


I still can't figure out how she knew the library staff person was homosexual. Because, really people don't go around introducing themselves as, "Hi, I'm the gay librarian, may I help you?"

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Here’s Doug Wilson’s daughter, Bekah, apparently trying to do some damage control on the Femina blog.


In the comments section, we learn that women must sometimes speak up, but not to Doug Phillips, who isn't the real problem. Guess who is?

“I once faced a homosexual store clerk who, as I handed him my credit card, looked at my 2 yr. old son and said, ‘I hate kids.’ God gave me the grace to ask the clerk to apologize to my child and then reminded him that he was himself once a child. I have faced many situations of this kind with my four littles (in parks, stores, libraries – you name it)… My husband once forbade my return to a public library because the children’s section was often staffed by mean homosexuals. He didn’t have to convince me, of course, but his reasoning was, ‘If there’s a fire in the library, who’s going to save the women and children?’ My kids needed to see their father put his foot down and they needed to know the reasons. They needed to watch me submit to him because the right submission keeps them safe… We have to be prepared to put into action what we want them to do – in my context this takes constant vigilance. It’s wearying. But my children must learn from me how and when to speak up.â€

:lol: :lol: :lol:

This has to be one of the funniest, as well as the most insanely inaccurate, things I've ever seen quoted on FJ. Children's librarians are the unsung heroes of our society, and I feel so privileged to have had the opportunity to work with so many over the course of my career. This poor deluded woman's kids would be far better off in the children's section of a public library than just about anywhere else.

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I still can't figure out how she knew the library staff person was homosexual. Because, really people don't go around introducing themselves as, "Hi, I'm the gay librarian, may I help you?"

I am sure that the conversation went like this," Be sure to return the book in two weeks so that you don't have to pay late fees. Oh by the way, I'm gay bitch so of course, I hate your kids. "

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I have the file the library story and the story about the store clerk in the "stuff that never happened" folder.

Seriously, she's either making it up or she's looking for the gay boogeyman in every corner and is seeing it everywhere. :cray-cray:

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I still can't figure out how she knew the library staff person was homosexual. Because, really people don't go around introducing themselves as, "Hi, I'm the gay librarian, may I help you?"

Oh, but they do. There's a homosexual agenda and their trying to recruit. (Right after they get the right to marry their toasters).

*If* (and that's a very big 'if') the clerk told her he hated kids, I'll agree that it was rude and inappropriate. However, what if he had said he loved kids? Great heavens to Betsy, she'd have run out screaming convinced he was a paedophile. (Because we all know that homosexuality=paedophilia.)

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How is telling someone that they have their hands full being antikid? I've been asked that and I thought the person was just trying to think of something sympathetic to say. Usually I just said that I had pretty good kids so they weren't too difficult.

I don't understand that either, but I have seen several mothers of many young children post their exasperation with this comment on facebook (usually under a list of things not to say to mothers of large families or with a anecdote about their "snappy comeback" to someone who dared say this to them). I've never thought the comment itself was rude, the person is just trying to acknowledge that being a mom with lots of children is really hard and a lot of work, rather than be dismissive of what she must do all day. Though, I don't have any kids so maybe I'm missing something.

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I have to file the library story and the story about the store clerk in the "stuff that never happened" folder.

Seriously, she's either making it up or she's looking for the gay boogeyman in every corner and is seeing it everywhere. :cray-cray:

Those incidents sound false to me. Or perhaps she had a a bad experience with librarians after letting them know that they would be burning forever in a lake o' fire. She also doesn't mention what one of "her littles" said to get that response.

There is something wonderful about librarians; they are there to nurture your intellect and turn you knowledge of the world up to eleven. How cool is that? They WANT you to know what is behind Door #2.

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Some of which may be mean, some of which may be homosexual, and some of which may be both! :lol:

I also like how it required her husband to forbid her to go back. So, she didn't actually mind the mean gayz so much, or she wasn't bright enough to figure out that she shouldn't go back if she didn't want to interact with them, but luckily her husband noticed? I mean, why not "my husband persuaded me not to go back" (assuming she agrees with his assessment). Him forbidding her suggests that she actually wanted to return, so in order to prevent her doing that, he had to step in and FORBID…

Good point. I was assuming she was refering to gay men, and was also confused as to how there would be that many men serving as children's librarians. But if she were referring to lesbians, that makes more sense from her whacked out point of view.

Older women wearing pants, with masters degrees and short hair. They must be lesbians! And lesbians hate children!!! (I suspect in reality a 50something female librarian with a bob cut politely asked one of her unruly children to use an inside voice).

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I just have one toddler and I get this comment! But I don't think its a bad thing. Something I've noticed is its usually an older woman or man, who have already been through the raising kids thing, so to me its not an insult, its more of a sympathetic "I've been there, I know what your going through" The thought never crossed my mind that someone was being rude, or trying to insult me.

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Good point. I was assuming she was refering to gay men, and was also confused as to how there would be that many men serving as children's librarians. But if she were referring to lesbians, that makes more sense from her whacked out point of view.

Older women wearing pants, with masters degrees and short hair. They must be lesbians! And lesbians hate children!!! (I suspect in reality a 50something female librarian with a bob cut politely asked one of her unruly children to use an inside voice).

Actually, I assumed she was talking about a man as well, because of the whole "if the library was on fire who would they save?" comment. I guess only men can take action in an emergency? Which is pretty bizarre on its own, of course -- in a building fire, wouldn't all adults work together to get everyone out? Or would submissive women sit quietly waiting for the man to tell them where to go? Sorry, silly question, I guess that's what submissiveness is all about… :doh:

But yes, there are more females on staff at libraries, speaking generally, and even moreso in the children's section. But gay, straight or otherwise, most of them aren't mean in any way shape or form!

The library I work at is so small that we are only open two days a week, and there is only one staff person there at a time. The building has no back door, and I do sometimes worry about emergencies if something were to block that front door. In fact just last year a windstorm blew a tree branch onto an electrical wire in the street near us, and those inside the library were not able to leave for a couple of hours.

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Oh, but they do. There's a homosexual agenda and their trying to recruit. (Right after they get the right to marry their toasters).

*If* (and that's a very big 'if') the clerk told her he hated kids, I'll agree that it was rude and inappropriate. However, what if he had said he loved kids? Great heavens to Betsy, she'd have run out screaming convinced he was a paedophile. (Because we all know that homosexuality=paedophilia.)

Clearly I am bisexual because of all the lovely, short-haired, pants-wearing women at public and school libraries in my youth who said, "You love to read and learn stuff? Cool! I love to read and learn stuff, too. Do you know what you're looking for, or do you just want to browse for a while and see what catches your eye?"

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