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Romantic History's Sarah Jane Leaves Husband


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OMG. This is exactly why I wouldn't go near this nonsense with a 10 foot pole when Russell called me out asking for help. David creeps me out in every way humanly possible. The man is clearly not firing on all cyclinders and frakly fits the profile of a family annihilator murderer.

At one point in the last month, FB let me search for and see posts by Sarah Jane and showed back to where she had added the relationship to Russell in her timeline at one point--complete with creeper David calling her a whore for it and she telling him to STFU that he had no say in her life after raping her continuously for years on end.

I truly believe she is a DV victim. She clearly is so deep in the unhealthy she cannot even recognize healthy. She needs to stop being in relationship with ANY man and focus on getting help and health for her and her children.

Although I might recommend self defense classes or a guard dog if I were trying to divorce that man.

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Why in the holy hell is Russell facebook friends with David?

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OK folks!

I can not go back and edit so there will be a clarification or correction needing to be made so bear with me on ALL the misunderstandings, the miscommunication and settle ALL the assuming thoughts we all have been doing in here. It was getting to the point of it was getting ridiculous and stupid...yeah I've been mislead as well. :? Sometimes you just don't know what to believe anymore. BUT there is ONE person, just ONE person, you can not trust or believe and I think you can figure it out.

Sarah and I had a LONG talk , no hard feelings between the two of us, like two civilized people like we are supposed to be, talking about what has been happening. She seems to be at peace with herself, the situation she was forced into, her mistakes, all the "gaslighting" and confusions (typical of an abused wife) and wanted to get her life back in order with the help by the counseling center for abused women,, getting the resources and help for abused women and be an advocate for one of her children. She appeared to be speaking/writing in clarity, sharing personal things and her children and her concerns. I must say I am proud of her taking that first step even it is NOT an easy thing to do. She has a LONG ways to go. She understands my frustration about men abusing pregnant women and children.

Sarah has NO access to his phone, computer or any online sites that David belongs to. Or Russell's. So therefore the message I got from David, was really NOT from Sarah.

It is difficult for me to tell myself to trust Sarah but in order for her to keep going on the path she needs to go, and her kids getting the help (no worries there), I must, little by little for her sake and the little one who has the same thing as my daughter does. I wish her the very best in whatever the future may hold for her and her kids. At this time, lets try to support her even some of us are wary/uncertain, but lets give her the benefit of the doubt. I am proud of her taking that step. I am sure some of us in here, survivors of abusive relationships, can understand that. I am an advocate of Asperger children and was able to offer my assistance to her and get the help for her children on the right path as far as autism goes. We all know we need to help the children. Any of you women have Asperger's, ADHD, autistic kids, let's group together, HELP Sarah and her children out. If we don't then we are doing a big disservice for her kids that need the help and refusing to help the mom the learning tools and how to cope with these wonderful children's disability.

As for David, until he gets the help, nothing more to be said at this point in time. I have NO respect for guys that abuse women and children, particuarly with pregnant women. He can do better than laying a hand on her, regardless what she did was wrong. I can understand he was upset about the whole thing but a better man would have walked away in anger rather than lashing out physically and getting in trouble with the law. Sure David had to pay the price but he has to take responsibility for his actions. No excuse, period. Sarah HAS been trying to get David to get help but he does not see it at all what she, her friends, reenacting members have been seeing in David, his anger, his frustrations and life in society in general and his "quirkiness". When a man is in denial, it is hard to convence them of the problems until their health or mental health has been compromised or trouble with the law.

It will be a very hard work ahead for both of them and their children. With intensive counselings, therapies, they will survive. If one does not get therapy, then there is no more anyone can do except watching them "self destruct" themselves to doom, despair and a world of darkness and isolation.

There you all have it, all in a nutshell.


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Why in the holy hell is Russell facebook friends with David?

Because if they aren't friends neither will know who gets Sarah that night, duh :lol:

Plus, how could they carry on all the omg drama if they can't beat each other up through Facebook posts? If they block each other they will have to go to all the trouble of getting in the car, tracking each other down, getting into a verbal altercation that turns into a physical fight. That's an awful lot of hard work! The winner might be too tired to get frisky with the prize! :doh:

I think your post summed up the absolutely hilarious inanity of these people. :)

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First .. I just spent the last 2 hours getting sucked into the rabbit hole that is this thread and the websites involved. Holy sheeeeit. :shock:

Second ... I used to be married to an historical re-enactor and I just want to reassure folks that not all of them are neo-Confederate whack jobs. Yow.


It behooves me to see the court dismissing the domestic battery charges. WHY???!!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure that word means what you think it means. ;)

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At this time, lets try to support her even some of us are wary/uncertain, but lets give her the benefit of the doubt. I am proud of her taking that step. I am sure some of us in here, survivors of abusive relationships, can understand that. I am an advocate of Asperger children and was able to offer my assistance to her and get the help for her children on the right path as far as autism goes. We all know we need to help the children. Any of you women have Asperger's, ADHD, autistic kids, let's group together, HELP Sarah and her children out. If we don't then we are doing a big disservice for her kids that need the help and refusing to help the mom the learning tools and how to cope with these wonderful children's disability.

....As for David, until he gets the help, nothing more to be said at this point in time. ... Sarah HAS been trying to get David to get help but he does not see it at all what she, her friends, reenacting members have been seeing in David, his anger, his frustrations and life in society in general and his "quirkiness". When a man is in denial, it is hard to convince them of the problems until their health or mental health has been compromised or trouble with the law.

It will be a very hard work ahead for both of them and their children. With intensive counselings, therapies, they will survive. If one does not get therapy, then there is no more anyone can do except watching them "self destruct" themselves to doom, despair and a world of darkness and isolation.

There you all have it, all in a nutshell.


Thanks for the update. Very easy to wish her & her children a life of improving mental health, happiness and well being, but knowing we can't get sucked into the inevitable ups, downs, craziness, histrionics, he said/she said facebook wars.

This guy (David) has already gotten physical with two people, and had to deal with the legal repercussions without it making a dent in his way of thinking/acting/understanding, so currently not seeing much hope there. As I mentioned awhile back, she simply CANNOT get pregnant again, so I hope that's covered in the middle of everything else going on.

Is it possible that David or Sarah are dealing with bi-polar? I've never had to deal with this first hand, but just because there are so many twists and turns and erratic, unpredictable behaviors, it seems that something basic is amiss. Or, it could just be lack of maturity.

Is the divorce process continuing?

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As I mentioned awhile back, she simply CANNOT get pregnant again, so I hope that's covered in the middle of everything else going on.

Now that's a terrifying thought. As we say here in the south: Oh, Lawdy... Just imagine the facebook posts! :pink-shock:

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No bipolar issues with Sarah that I know of. More of a brainwashed, battered wife sydrome and counseling is helping her sort thru the "mess".

As for David, no official DX but I had my suspections and confirmed it with Sarah, I was spot on. It is THAT obvious. Counseling will help him.

Yes, divorce is still pending.

I have first hand experience in these symptoms and the support groups, it is THAT bad.

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No bipolar issues with Sarah that I know of. More of a brainwashed, battered wife sydrome and counseling is helping her sort thru the "mess".

As for David, no official DX but I had my suspicions and confirmed it with Sarah, I was spot on. It is THAT obvious.

Yes, divorce is still pending.

I have first hand experience in these symptoms and the support groups, it is THAT bad.

Hope she is going to secular counseling. That will be a sane reference in the midst of the craziness.

And yes, will continue to wish the best for her.

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These people just scare me. Not even the fact that they put everything on Facebook but the fact that they DO what they do to put on Facebook. My teenage nieces & nephews have more discretion and common sense.

Those poor kids.

I typically give the benefit of the doubt to someone coming out of a bad relationship/life/abuse. I've been there, done that. It's hell. Your world is upside down and so are your morals, values, view of the world and yourself. You can have no clue who you really are.

But, you won't figure that out by hanging out with your rebound dude, who has already been part of the drama you're trying to leave. You just don't fucking take pictures of you and your newborn with your boyfriend and share them with the world on Facebook...especially if your not yet ex, the newborn's father, is one of your FB friends.

Sara crosses all lines and Russell helps her.

I fear for the kids and have nothing but dumbfounded pity for the adults.

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Russell: "Prayers are welcome and needed its Been a rough week. In seven days..more problems and situations have been addressed than anyone should face. Starting to realize. That half of them aren't even my problems but those created by others failing to do their role as parents and friends. Sometimes it's hard to see and realize that others use you as they fail their responsibilities. Fathers and mother's. And friends and coworkers. So prayers for strength to carry on and situations to improve."


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Russell has been claiming he is "starting to realize" for months now.

Time to actually "realize" or get off the toilet already, Russell.

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Russell posted his location (“with Sarah Jane Edwardsâ€) on FB, prompting David to make a serious accusation: “wishing dangerous home wreckers would stay away from my daughter especially on her birthday he has no right to buy her a present to groom her wishing said homewrecker would just stay away from my familyâ€

A friend of David’s replied: “I wish he wouldn't put the location of your children on his FB page... Considering we all know half the county is watching what is going on like a bad soap operaâ€

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David is despicable, but Russell shows a real lack of judgment and character by purposely taunting a man known to have violent tendencies.

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Has anyone written Dr. Phil? :o

Oh geez, the last thing this situation needs is Dr. Phil...

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  • 3 weeks later...

David must be in jail, because Russell and SJ are really letting it all hang out now on FB:


Russell went on to post a photo of SJ's butt with an approving comment.

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Russell went on to post a photo of SJ's butt with an approving comment.

Ahh yes, the old post a picture of a not yet divorced from her Neo-Confederate wife-beating husband woman's postpartum buttocks. It's the hallmark of a real class act.

I bet this thing is the talk. of. the. town. where they live.

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Well, the butt pic is down (thank the zombie baby Jesus). But the soap opera continues.......public declarations of looooooooove and "a lot has happened." Uh, YEAH.

I'm still not clear on Russ' situation - Lauren is his daughter, obviously, but he's the custodial parent or non-custodial?

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Wow. just... wow. This is why I left facebook after a relationship I was in ended badly. Because the last thing I wanted was for this kind of bullshit to enter my life.

I understand that fundies often go through a delayed adolescence when they leave, and I understand abuse victims can unwittingly get caught up in drama, but this just takes the cake. For the sake of those kids, tell your boyfriend and husband to stop posting relationship shit on their facebooks and stop liking/commenting when they do! Just keep FB for your family and very closest friends. It's not a challenging concept.

That said, I wish SJ and Russell well. David can go fuck himself with a confederate flagpole.

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This gives an entirely new meaning to on-again, off-again romance.

Missed the buttocks photo, but considering that some things once seen cannot be unseen, that is for the best.

Cue Taylor Swift: We are Never Ever Getting Back Together

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This gives an entirely new meaning to on-again, off-again romance.

Missed the buttocks photo, but considering that some things once seen cannot be unseen, that is for the best.

Cue Taylor Swift: We are Never Ever Getting Back Together

Well, I should note that her butt was clothed-- in a pirate costume. :roll:

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