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Romantic History's Sarah Jane Leaves Husband


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Sarah Jane is melting down on Russell’s FB page:

"Freejinger crack heads are just so enthralled with our discussions Mr. DeJaynes. I am so very sad to say they have brought upon me extreme clouds of disillusionment with my esteemed WW because he was in fact gay. Its not like, you know, his poetry can still be good since he was gay. Its not like, you know, he can be defined by anything other than his sexual preferences…

By the way freejinger people have really opened my eyes as to the proper way to handle relationships. I know now that Facebook is definitely the way to go as far as getting your feelings out there and providing for the entertainment for the public at large at the same time. This is good and charitable to do. Therefore I must take this opportunity to inform you that for the thirty second time this week we are OFFICIALLY OVER because, I'm a lesbian. I've suppressed it for way too long but I can't lie to the world about it anymore. And I've always loved WW because I've felt he understands those feelings. I am not a pole smoker. I'm so sorry."

It's incredibly sad that I can't tell for sure wether she's being sarcastic about being a lesbian or if she's serious. It seems no less random than anything else these people have been throwing out there.

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"Freejinger crack heads are just so enthralled with our discussions Mr. DeJaynes. I am so very sad to say they have brought upon me extreme clouds of disillusionment with my esteemed WW because he was in fact gay. Its not like, you know, his poetry can still be good since he was gay. Its not like, you know, he can be defined by anything other than his sexual preferences…"

Um...no one here was saying that his poetry couldn't be good because it was gay. Or that Walt Whitman couldn't be defined by anything other than his sexuality. We were shaking our collective head at the fact that your Mr. DeJaynes referred to him being a "pole-smoker" (which is used as a slur against homosexual men) and, when confronted about the nature of Mr. Whitman's sexuality, referred to it as "sad, sad, sad."

Also, you know what's truly charitable? Taking care of the emotional health of your five young children who are going through some pretty traumatic events at this time. Focus on them, not on us.

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Good grief. Are these people so stupid that they cannot honestly understand what we were saying? No one was saying anything about Whitman and his sexuality. It was about the homophobic slur Russell used in reference to Whitman.

Reading comprehension is crucial, Sarah.

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The hell did I just read??? She needs to stop acting like she doesn't love the attention. If she didn't, she would've locked down her Facebook page ages ago.

ETA--oops, maybe her page is locked down. I misread. Still, it doesn't do a whole lot of good when you flip your wig on someone else's page.

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Sarah Jane is melting down on Russell’s FB page:

"Freejinger crack heads are just so enthralled with our discussions Mr. DeJaynes. I am so very sad to say they have brought upon me extreme clouds of disillusionment with my esteemed WW because he was in fact gay. Its not like, you know, his poetry can still be good since he was gay. Its not like, you know, he can be defined by anything other than his sexual preferences…

By the way freejinger people have really opened my eyes as to the proper way to handle relationships. I know now that Facebook is definitely the way to go as far as getting your feelings out there and providing for the entertainment for the public at large at the same time. This is good and charitable to do. Therefore I must take this opportunity to inform you that for the thirty second time this week we are OFFICIALLY OVER because, I'm a lesbian. I've suppressed it for way too long but I can't lie to the world about it anymore. And I've always loved WW because I've felt he understands those feelings. I am not a pole smoker. I'm so sorry."

Im not sure if she is being sarcastic or serious? You really cant tell with these three crazy people and their messed up train wreck of a relationship.

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What about the possibility that Walt Whitman was an amazing poet, and he was gay. What is so difficult to understand he could be both, and can be respected for being both?

It really does appear to be about the attention for this one. If we're distressing, we've been pretty clear, close up shop and we'll entertain ourselves elsewhere, but continuing to read here and engage the FJ crowd really and truly appears to be about attention.

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Gotta love Google. There are so many sites out there that try their damnest to reject Whitman as gay or even bisexual. Look those up Russell, they posit he just couldn't get enough of "true manly men" therefore not gay, because of cause gay=sissy boys. There is always going to be some discussion of historical figures who did not leave anything saying "YES I'M GAY!" That being said its highly likely he had male romantic and sexual relationships which informed his beautiful his poetry.

I'd never heard the term "pole smoker" before. It's quite good, if somewhat non-descriptive and therefore amusing. I recommend "Spearshakers" as the next euphemism.

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I have the solution to Sarah Jane and Russel's problem with people intruding upon their private love affair!


Good lord. I am so tired of the "how dare you publicly discuss what I publicly say on my public FB page!" idiots. As soon as some nitwit discovers that we are discussing them, it's time for the "OMG INTRUSIVE MEANIES" handwringing.

Keep it private, you dumb fucks, and we won't comment on it. :angry-banghead:

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Completely. There is no online discussion of my life. Not anywhere. Not to be found. Know why Sarah Jane? Because I keep my private life private. My FB account is limited to close and I mean very close friends and family. I don't address anything very personal there. Try it unless you really want the attention and thriving on playing out your private life in public.

ETA: I should have said no discussion related to my real name that someone could identify. There are a very few personal stories here that can't identify me and are common to many other people.

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Completely. There is no online discussion of my life. Not anywhere. Not to be found. Know why Sarah Jane? Because I keep my private life private. My FB account is limited to close and I mean very close friends and family. I don't address anything very personal there. Try it unless you really want the attention and thriving on playing out your private life in public.

Amen, sister. They are totally enjoying the attention. Sad little people with sad little lives, lived out online. I am so grateful my online presence is limited to making fun of people like this, people whose critical thinking skills seem to have stopped around 14 years old.

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The happy couple... with David's newborn child. Oh, this should go well.


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How...um...sure are we that it is her husband's?

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How...um...sure are we that it is her husband's?

All three of them insist that it is. I would think that if it were Russell's, he'd be screaming it from the highest hilltop.

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That baby looks like he has zero interest in getting dragged into all this drama.

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I don't think anyone but the adults involved are interested in the Life Or Death Drama OMG Will Sarah Go Or Stay This Week? Soap Opera.

And us, of course, because we're open about being gapers.

(In Chicago, whenever there's an accident on a highway, the traffic the other way backs up. It's called a "gaper's block.")

ETA: Hearing on a motion to dismiss the order of protection on 6/23. Hmm. The divorce seems to be going ahead, however.

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Have we been called crackheads before? I mean typically we're called some variation of fat, godless shrews. So crackheads is new, right?

Awesome! We've got a smiley for that! Don't get to use it often, so I say break it out!


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Okay, this makes me see fuckin' RED:

"Brought back a lesson taught in the police academy..never trust the victim of an abuser..the minute you stand up to him..she will usually gang up and attack you..she doesnt want out..its just a power struggle played out in the public eye..for the police..doctors..lawyers..anyone that will help them win. "

Obviously he's reading here, so REALLY? They do not fucking teach that at the police academy, Russell. You may believe this to be true, but please don't claim you learned this when you were in cop school. I'm a volunteer with the Chicago Police Department and the idea of you SLANDERING police like that makes me SO GODDAMNED ANGRY.

I don't care who you fuck, I don't care which church you attend, but do NOT claim that the police academy taught you to distrust victims of abuse.

And let's not forget that Stockholm Syndrome is an actual thing and that abusive situations are hard to escape, both physically and emotionally. Even if she was using Russell to escape an abusive partner, she went to him because she likely felt that he would be a safe person.

The fact that Russell is denigrating and blaming Sarah for something that's out of her control (i.e. the psychological ramifications of being married to an abusive partner, having children with said partner, and the guilt she possibly experienced in trying to leave) shows what a shitbaby he is.

I really hope that Sarah and her children are able to get away from such a poisonous situation.

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As Russ goes on and on about his "girlfriend," David counters with, "Soon this strife will be over God is with us. All liars and those who would put asunder will be behind us and true love will prevail I have faith in that."


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And let's not forget that Stockholm Syndrome is an actual thing and that abusive situations are hard to escape, both physically and emotionally. Even if she was using Russell to escape an abusive partner, she went to him because she likely felt that he would be a safe person.

The fact that Russell is denigrating and blaming Sarah for something that's out of her control (i.e. the psychological ramifications of being married to an abusive partner, having children with said partner, and the guilt she possibly experienced in trying to leave) shows what a shitbaby he is.

I really hope that Sarah and her children are able to get away from such a poisonous situation.

"Shitbaby" will now be my new preferred putdown for those committing fundie dumbassery. Thank you pennsatuckey.

Now to head over to the Shrader thread armed with my new knowledge...

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I know the court will finalize everything and I am sure they are getting all their ducks in a row, getting divorce finalized, witnesses forthcoming on that particular incident that David is being charged for and settle everything out of the way.

If Russell and SJ wanted to get married, it is up to them and hope for the best for everyone involved. Security, stablility and happiness all around for them probably their primary concern and I am sure they are thinking about their kids and learn from the mistakes from the past and moving on as a family unit.

Seeing the recent picture, they certainly are happy! I wish them the best and whatever hurdles they will face, I hope they can work it out. Love is a very strong emotion.

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I'm glad Russell and Sarah Jane are soooooo happy and in love (for the moment), but there's a lot of ducks to get in a row.

Russell has a little girl with what looks like some serious special needs. Does he have custody? Where is the mom in all this? How thrilled is the mom going to be with her ex getting involved with a woman who has five kids under the age of 8, including a newborn? How about the new girlfriend's 6'5" violently abusive not-yet-ex who has already attacked Russell once, according to the current narrative? Or the fact that the new girlfriend has gone back to the ex, presumably with the kids, at least once? Let me tell you, if I were that kid's mom, I'd be sitting my ex down for a serious come-to-Jesus talk about priorities and the importance of stability in his kid's life, not to mention her safety.

And speaking of the five kids, I am assuming Sarah Jane does not work outside the home (you'd have to make a fuckton of cash to pay for child care for that many littles) and IIRC, homeschools. You'll have to excuse me for bowing to practicality in the midst of Twu Wuv, but who's paying for these kids to be housed, clothed, fed, etc? Is David going to pay alimony and child support? Does David make enough money to support two separate households?

I hope Sarah Jane gets away from David, though since she shares five kids with him, he's always going to be in her life. I also hope Sarah Jane is not going to unintentionally fuck up Russell' s life in the process. This FB "OMG she's so awesome/she's a liar and my heart is broken/no wait everything is okay/oh my God it's all fallen apart and my heart is broken/hey she's back and lookie I'm wearing period garb because I love her" cycle is a little unnerving.

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You'll have to excuse me for bowing to practicality in the midst of Twu Wuv, but who's paying for these kids to be housed, clothed, fed, etc? Is David going to pay alimony and child support? Does David make enough money to support two separate households?

Well, one thing is for certain. He's facing a good chunk of time in the pen for what he did to Russell, and he's sure as heck not going to be able to support five kids when he's locked up. So that leaves their uncle...their uncle named Sam.

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