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Abortion on a 10yo rape victim? Lose your licence in KS


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No, you weren't. You made a non-apology. You said I'm sorry for your lost and can't find fault for a rape victim for not having a child she had no choice in conceiving. Wait, let me guess, a woman's at fault for not carrying the fetus to term if she got pregnant but it wasn't rape and and she chooses to have an abortion? You sicken me. :evil:

I didn't say sorry for your loss. I said sorry that that you had what happened to you, and people shouldn't judge for an incident that was clearly beyond your control.

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Isn't this about the time that treemom swoops in and drops some reality all up in this thread? /Hopeful.

As for you, scarygirl:


treemom's awesome. She's the one that made me want Queen Bee to be the new status for x amount of posts.

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I didn't say sorry for your loss. I said sorry that that you had what happened to you, and people shouldn't judge for an incident that was clearly beyond your control.

But you don't have problems judging others whose situations you don't know which is clearly none of your business.

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Guest Anonymous

It also implies that there are other situations in which it would be utterly fine to judge a woman who has an abortion.

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It also implies that there are other situations in which it would be utterly fine to judge a woman who has an abortion.

And in scarygirl's eyes, that's ok, which is sickening. :evil:

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Guest Anonymous
No I was being supportive or her and the ten year old in this case. I didn't say this at the start, but I have been in this ten year olds shoes. I am very thankful that my experience didn't result in a pregnancy.

I'm very sorry that someone did that to you. No one deserves to be raped. I hope you have been able to access any mental and physical care that you have wanted.

That said, you are still a bigot and it's still none of your business what other women do with their bodies.

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Dear scarygirl,

I don't feel very supported. In fact, your backhanded statement makes me feel like you are judging me.

No love,


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Whenever people say or imply abortion is only really in cases of rape, it basically means they want babies to be a punishment for women enjoying sex.

If they really cared about the foetus being a person being murdered rubbish, they'd be against abortion in all circumstances.

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It also implies that there are other situations in which it would be utterly fine to judge a woman who has an abortion.

I don't judge. I said I have more of a problem with late term abortions for reasons other than life of the mother and rape. I not you. I believe at that stage there is a very much a life already formed. Not everybody feels that way, therefore for them it wouldn't be a problem. Why should it be a problem to you that I feel differently?

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scary scarygirl, where are you? We've got some work to do now. :auto-mysterymachine: :auto-mysterymachine: :auto-mysterymachine:
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scarygirl, we will answer your questions when you answer experiencedd's, you gifted little dancer you:

What is 'a much harder time'? Why? Women don't just wake up and say I want a late term abortion, I've decided I don't want to start my family right now. These medical procedures are often performed when the developing child has a condition that is not compatible with life.

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Dear scarygirl,

I don't feel very supported. In fact, your backhanded statement makes me feel like you are judging me.

No love,


If you feel that way I understand. However, I never honestly meant it that way. It was no way meant as being backhanded in the least.

I think being raped with a resulting pregnancy is a horrible predicament to be put in. If I had a daughter I would support her in whatever decision she made.

I would even support her if she had just gotten pregnant and decided she could not handle it. I may not full understand her decision, but I would love her just the same and that is the honest truth.

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scarygirl, we will answer your questions when you answer experiencedd's, you gifted little dancer you:

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I don't judge. I said I have more of a problem with late term abortions for reasons other than life of the mother and rape. I not you. I believe at that stage there is a very much a life already formed. Not everybody feels that way, therefore for them it wouldn't be a problem. Why should it be a problem to you that I feel differently?

If you look into the statistics about late-term abortion:

1. It is by far the smallest percentage of abortions. Abortions past 20 weeks account for 1.3 percent of all abortions performed. ([link=http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2012/08/01/622881/steve-king-responds-dogfighting/]source here[/link]--and it's a pro-life site)

2. This I don't have a ready source for and I honestly don't feel like looking too hard for a troll, but of this already small percentage, very few are aborted at the age where they could be "viable" fetuses. Viable is in quotes because the main reason why women seek very late term abortions is because the fetus has anomalies that would be terminal or severely limit its quality of life.

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scarygirl, we will answer your questions when you answer experiencedd's, you gifted little dancer you:

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I don't judge. I said I have more of a problem with late term abortions for reasons other than life of the mother and rape. I not you. I believe at that stage there is a very much a life already formed. Not everybody feels that way, therefore for them it wouldn't be a problem. Why should it be a problem to you that I feel differently?

I am not saying this in my mean Emmie voice, so hear it in a nice Emmie voice.

It is easy to have reservations about other people's health decisions when you have never been in their precise difficult situation. There are people on this board who had late term abortions for reasons that only an ogre would judge, and these reasons were not rape or the mother's health. I used to say I was pro-choice but would never have an abortion. But ya know what? If I found out I was pregnant today, I would have one for reasons I don't need to share with you. I assure you that you would find them frivolous, and unless you live in my life you have no idea how serious a "frivolous" reason can be. A pregnancy right now would ruin several lives, despite my being a married woman who is already a mother.

And I have no intention of compromising my marriage by giving up sex, either.

I don't know how old you are, but I suspect you are young. When I was in my early 20's I felt very capable of judging other people's decisions, but now I have seen a bit more and developed a little more empathy. I wish to the heavens that I had kept my damn mouth shut when I was a little early twenties know-it-all because I routinely wonder who I hurt with my judgmental bullshit. Not to say that all people in their early twenties are know-it-alls. Some of us only learn from experience and others are wiser.

You may not hear your words as judgmental bullshit, but I assure you that a woman who has had a very necessary abortion for reasons you don't personally approve is definitely hearing it that way. As Steve-O puts it, just something to consider.

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I don't judge. I said I have more of a problem with late term abortions for reasons other than life of the mother and rape. I not you. I believe at that stage there is a very much a life already formed. Not everybody feels that way, therefore for them it wouldn't be a problem. Why should it be a problem to you that I feel differently?

If there's a life already formed, why is it okay to kill it just because its father was a rapist, but not otherwise?

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Late-term abortions are extremely rare and almost always undertaken when the fetus has a condition incompatible with life. That's not the sort of thing a woman goes through simply because she 'changed her mind' – not even in the case of rape, since a woman who has been assaulted would likely know she were pregnant long before the third trimester.

Pretty much every case of late abortion has a heart-breaking story behind it. It's especially cruel of anti-choicers when they bring up late-term abortions as alleged examples of moral laxity and callousness (when the truth is often opposite).

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Because the longer the pregnancy goes the more completely formed the person. I don't consider an egg to be a person, but a fully formed fetus, one capable of thought and pain, I just can't imagine making that decision to end it. Especially at such a late stage.

As far as children having conditions not compatible with life. I guess it depends on your view of life. There have been been babies born with all kinds of conditions that have been blessings to their parents just the same.

There have also been parents who have actually sued doctors over faulty genetics testing. Their little girl turned out to have downs and they sued the doctor because if they had known they would have aborted her.

How do you think that little girl feels knowing her parents only wanted her if she was perfect? What is wrong with loving a child no matter the outcome? For whatever time you have and for whatever you have? The hurt in this case goes both ways.

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I know of one late term abortion other than Treemom. She was a mother in a grief support group I was in after my stillborn. She aborted because the child had ancephaly (as did mine).

The baby had no brain, no skull. If it ever lived on its own, it would never be really alive - just base reflexes of breathing and heartbeat.

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I know of one late term abortion other than Treemom. She was a mother in a grief support group I was in after my stillborn. She aborted because the child had ancephaly (as did mine).

The baby had no brain, no skull. If it ever lived on its own, it would never be really alive - just base reflexes of breathing and heartbeat.

You beat me to it, I was going to say again, close to full term does not always equal fully formed.

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If there's a life already formed, why is it okay to kill it just because its father was a rapist, but not otherwise?

Not because the father was a rapist. Their is nothing wrong with the child. I was simply agreeing with premise of not wanting to traumatize the already traumatized with a preganancy that occured through no will of their own.

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There have been been babies born with all kinds of conditions that have been blessings to their parents just the same.

Children are not tools to either punish or bless their parents.

If you think a baby should live a few days, or maybe even hours, only to die in pain and having only known suffering during their short life, just because it could be some blessing or lesson to the parents- you're the one with a fucked up point of view.

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As far as children having conditions not compatible with life. I guess it depends on your view of life. There have been been babies born with all kinds of conditions that have been blessings to their parents just the same.

No – I'm not talking about “quality of life" issues; I am talking about conditions incompatible with life.

I'm talking about children who will be born without brains, or with unformed organs, or with other horrific conditions that will kill them absolutely – no ands, ifs, or buts. And these conditions, for so long as the child survives, will be painful.

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