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J'Slaves Writing a Book


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Reading the book now.

Misleading...'Do not keep a stash of sodas... around the house' in the weight section. No? You have a soda fountain. That's more than a stash. I know of no other family with their own soda fountain.

True that about the soda fountain. Also I remember a season or two ago, there was an episode of them eating pizza and drinking soda. I think in moderation soda is fine. I know many people who drink 1 or 2 sodas a week and they are in good shape. I also know several people who drink soda on a daily basis and sometimes it is more than 1 a day. My sister's ex was a heavy soda drinker.

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I am reading the book and will post a chapter by chapter review if you want.

We want FMJ, we want!

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I am reading the book and will post a chapter by chapter review if you want.

Yes please!

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Reading the book now.

Misleading...'Do not keep a stash of sodas... around the house' in the weight section. No? You have a soda fountain. That's more than a stash. I know of no other family with their own soda fountain.

I think it's more for the kids and the boys, I don't think they are taught to watch their weight, but the J-slaves seem to.

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Chapter one starts with Jill. When the kids were younger, Jim Bob and Michelle asked how many rooms they wanted. They said they all wanted to be together, and two rooms were made. Jana and Jill have double beds that they share with Jordyn and Josie. The other girls sleep on twin beds or youth beds. One night, when Johannah was five or six, Jill was taking out her retainer and Johannah asked what it was. Jill told her, and Johannah asked if she could wear it. Jill says "We Duggars love to share a lot, but thankfully dental appliances aren't among them." She told Johannah it wouldn't fit her mouth and they went to bed.

Jill starts to talk about how she used to not feel pretty. She was getting ready for church, and tried to measure up to all the other girls. She had the perfect outfit picked out until she saw Jessa. Jessa looked so pretty and cute! So Jill tried to change her outfit, and wound up making everyone late for church.

Next, Jessa talks. She says she used to not care about what she wore or how she looked, until she was 12 or 13. She went to a birthday party, tried to look cute. The birthday girl liked her friends outfit, Jessa felt bad. Then she felt out of place because she didn't know the movies the other girls had seen, or any of the TV they watched. Jim Bob and Michelle found out, and helped her reevaluate the friendship. (Code for made me stop being their friend?) She wasn't glorifying God enough.She gave her friend too much power by letting the way she looked dictate Jessa's thoughts and feelings about herself.

I don't know if I believe Jessa was allowed to go to a party of a worldly girl who watches movies... Especially alone.

Jessa tells us about the 10 Unchangables taught to them by a "Bible teacher" Jessa thinks God was sad when He saw how Jessa didn't appreciate her features. If we are upset with the girl in the mirror, we are upset with God for how he created us. And that is bad.

I now have Michael Jackson stuck in my head.

There's a picture of Jess a covered in mud from the Dead Sea.

Then the talk about an Italian friend who's mother gave her a check to get her nose deducted, which was the family tradition once you were an adult. She surprised her mom by saying no.

There are some things you can change. The oldest girls have a tendency to put on weigHt. Over the years Michelle has always tried to feed the kids healthy nutritious food. (LIE! Tater tot casserole anyone?) She keeps fresh fruits and veggies on hand from their garden or from the farmers market. (Lie again! Jim Bob eating canned fruit. Wasn't there a bunch of cans in the first special too? And why don't we ever SEE this garden?) They only eat grass fed beef and lean poultry, no pork. (Isnt there a lie there too?) They don't drink lots of soda (soda fountain) nor do they eat processed foods like pop tarts. (We HAVE seen their pantry before...) All of the kids play sports (at their house. They have enough people for two teams.)

The reason Josh gained so much weight was because he stopped watching his intake of soda and sweet tea because he was soooo busy. He cut the drinks, drank water and lost allthe weight.

Michelle gained 40 pounds being pregnant all the time. She tried lots of programs, before finding weight watchers. She walks three miles a day on her elliptical too.

I am still in chapter one,but I am stopping because I have class.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the Duggars are the type of Christians who believe that anyone who believes in God and accepts Jesus as their savior automatically goes to heaven.

Jim Bob said something about this in the episode where the family went digging for diamonds. He was giving a sermon on the bus and said something to the effect of, "You'll see him again in heaven someday, if you're a believer."

I don't know why all their crazy rules would be necessary in that case, but I'm sure they have some explanation.

Anyone can become a believer and go to heaven. That does not depend on the rules. The rules are to earn you God's favor or to prove how much you love Him by being more than "just" a believer but rather a committed Christian. Many of those who still claim Christianity but have dropped our "X" (extremist) views believe that God will not love you more if you keep rules or love you any less if you don't (grace). A desire to please Him is a result of loving Him and has nothing to do with earning God's favor.

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Chapter one starts with Jill. When the kids were younger, Jim Bob and Michelle asked how many rooms they wanted. They said they all wanted to be together, and two rooms were made. Jana and Jill have double beds that they share with Jordyn and Josie. The other girls sleep on twin beds or youth beds. One night, when Johannah was five or six, Jill was taking out her retainer and Johannah asked what it was. Jill told her, and Johannah asked if she could wear it. Jill says "We Duggars love to share a lot, but thankfully dental appliances aren't among them." She told Johannah it wouldn't fit her mouth and they went to bed.

Jill starts to talk about how she used to not feel pretty. She was getting ready for church, and tried to measure up to all the other girls. She had the perfect outfit picked out until she saw Jessa. Jessa looked so pretty and cute! So Jill tried to change her outfit, and wound up making everyone late for church.

Next, Jessa talks. She says she used to not care about what she wore or how she looked, until she was 12 or 13. She went to a birthday party, tried to look cute. The birthday girl liked her friends outfit, Jessa felt bad. Then she felt out of place because she didn't know the movies the other girls had seen, or any of the TV they watched. Jim Bob and Michelle found out, and helped her reevaluate the friendship. (Code for made me stop being their friend?) She wasn't glorifying God enough.She gave her friend too much power by letting the way she looked dictate Jessa's thoughts and feelings about herself.

I don't know if I believe Jessa was allowed to go to a party of a worldly girl who watches movies... Especially alone.

Jessa tells us about the 10 Unchangables taught to them by a "Bible teacher" Jessa thinks God was sad when He saw how Jessa didn't appreciate her features. If we are upset with the girl in the mirror, we are upset with God for how he created us. And that is bad.

I now have Michael Jackson stuck in my head.

There's a picture of Jess a covered in mud from the Dead Sea.

Then the talk about an Italian friend who's mother gave her a check to get her nose deducted, which was the family tradition once you were an adult. She surprised her mom by saying no.

There are some things you can change. The oldest girls have a tendency to put on weigHt. Over the years Michelle has always tried to feed the kids healthy nutritious food. (LIE! Tater tot casserole anyone?) She keeps fresh fruits and veggies on hand from their garden or from the farmers market. (Lie again! Jim Bob eating canned fruit. Wasn't there a bunch of cans in the first special too? And why don't we ever SEE this garden?) They only eat grass fed beef and lean poultry, no pork. (Isnt there a lie there too?) They don't drink lots of soda (soda fountain) nor do they eat processed foods like pop tarts. (We HAVE seen their pantry before...) All of the kids play sports (at their house. They have enough people for two teams.)

The reason Josh gained so much weight was because he stopped watching his intake of soda and sweet tea because he was soooo busy. He cut the drinks, drank water and lost allthe weight.

Michelle gained 40 pounds being pregnant all the time. She tried lots of programs, before finding weight watchers. She walks three miles a day on her elliptical too.

I am still in chapter one,but I am stopping because I have class.

This book is already sounding like a paid advertisement for ATI.

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This book is already sounding like a paid advertisement for ATI.

It does come off like that in some areas. JTTH (both types, real and prison) are discussed later in the book. Embassy Institute gets a link. I already finished it.

If ever the Duggars were to try to dispute their IBLP connection, it would be rather impossible now.

But they are aware of the 'bitter rooms'.

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Continuation of chapter one.

Another changeable is makeup and hair. They once heard a pastor say "Any ol' barn looks good with some paint!" They use makeup to look natural, and hide blemishes. They don't use wild colors or paint it on an inch thick. (You used to... And Jinger's spray tan is not natural looking) Cosmetics can help you look natural, cover blemishes, and enhance your countenance. They then say countenance is another word for your face. They say they wear their hair rather long (past the shoulders is rather long?) But they could wear it short if they wanted to. The Bible says hair is a glory, so they figure they should take care of it and grow it out. (Perming or coloring your hair is not caring for it)

Now Jana talks. I like this story, it sounds more real. She was talking to some friends, and one of them mentioned you could use peroxide to highlight your hair. Jana thought that sounded like a great idea. She didn't tell anyone. How hard could it be?

She put a generous amount in her hair, then combed it through. She didn't see a change, so she went outside to work in the flower beds. When she went back inside everyone was surprised. John David asked if she dyed her hair orange. (I can picture him laughing at her) She told her Dad what happened and he said peroxide isn't something to mess with. She should have talked to her mom first. So her hair grew, and was orange and brown. She was desperate to get rid if it, so she went into a beauty store and asked for help. The lady said get a shade darker than her natural hair color, and it should be fine. Jana grabbed the wrong color, and her hair was black. Now she has learned to accept her hair.

There's nothing wrong with dyeing your hair, just make sure you know what you are doing. Maybe someday a Duggar Girl will try dyeing her hair, but it won't be Jana!

Omg this is soooo boring!!!!!

Mama dressed us modestly when we were kids. We know about modern trends cause we travel but we want to be modest. Personal conviction based on scripture. We shop in thrift stores. Buy used save the difference. Today's wedding dress designers want brides to flaunt what should only be seen by her groom. (Are shoulders and backs really that defrauding?) We will wear a dress with sleeves and a modest neckline.

Next please refer to the picture below. It makes me sad that this exists.

Michelle realized after becoming a Christian she wouldn't wear her bra and panties in public, why would she wear a bikini.

Okay, I have a friend who says one persons sins are not another's. If Jesus were to stand next to Michelle in a bikini and she were ashamed, that's her sin. But Amy Duggar might not care. So to her its not a sin. I feel like the girls are saying this sometimes, but they don't believe it.

Blah blah boring psyche mumbo jumbo. Can't copy and paste. Basically the girls have been influenced by the world. But the prayers of their parents and the Grace of God brought them back.

And we are done with chapter one.


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I don't understand why that tiny bit of fabric that separates an immodest sleeveless dress from a modest cap-sleeved dress matters. Some of the shirts they wear show essentially all of their arms; is that tiny bit of arm-shoulder transition flesh really that defrauding?

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I may need alcohol to continue.

Chapter 2 is about Parental Relationships.

Grandpa Duggar was not a spiritual man. Because of this, they were poor, had the utilities shut off a lot, and he had a bad attitude. Grandma Duggar is an angel who taught Jim Bob and Deanna all about Jesus. Jim Bob said he tried to take his dads good qualities, his good salesmanship and his giving heart, but leave out the bad. He also looked up to Godly men in church.

Grandpa Ruark grew up in an orphanage. Despite that, he was a very cheerful and optimistic man. He decided to be a good husband and father. They moved to Springdale when Michelle was 4.

The girls get letters from girls who's parents never tell them no. But teenagers aren't able to make their own decisions and decide what's best. The Duggar Girls know this from experience. They are grateful their patents didn't let them make all decisions for themselves at 13 or 18. (Their parents still tell them what to do)

Now we are going to talk about boys. This is a very hot topic. If you can't have a relationship with your dad, you are going to try to find the love your dad didn't give you in a boy. The biggest reason teenage girls and their parents don't get along is because the parents feel the boy is too old or not good enough. They get letters from girls and their parents so they should know. Girls want Dad to value them and protect them. If he doesn't, they feel betrayed. However, in cases of alcoholism, physical abuse, and drug addiction, the girl needs to go to a pastor or a trusted adult.

A friend of Jill's called her because her parents were divorcing. They cried together. When the girl tried to talk to her dad about how she felt, they both wound up exploding in anger. The divorce finalized. There were mandatory visits to see Dad, but he told his daughter she didn't have to if she didn't want to. This made the girl feel unloved, like her dad didn't really want to see her. Finally, Dad invited all the kids to a baseball game. The girl talked to Jill, and decided to go. Things were tense at first, but then they wound up laughing and having a good time. Jill said a good next step would be to thank or praise her dad for something. So the girl told her Dad she was glad he reached out, and she liked it when he called to talk to her.She has kept Her focus on praising and honoring her father, and the communication has got better.

Now we finally get to hear from Jinger. She admits they are NOT perfect. Siblings are irritating. Feelings get hurt. They ate dissapointed when things don't go their way.

When Jinger was 5, a big storm came in and hit. Michelle and Mary huddled the kids in the bath tub, prayed and sang songs. The tornado hit the next neighborhood over. From then on, Jinger was scared. She woke her parents scared a tornado was going to hit and kill them all. Or her parents, leaving the kids to fend for themselves. They cuddled her, pulled out scripture, And pray with her.

When she grew out of her fear of storms, she was 13, and had a new bump in the road. She was worried about being ugly and never getting a boyfriend. She would tell her mom. Her dad told her if she kept talking, she would be okay. Michelle reminded her that Jesus quoted scripture when he was being tempted, and told her to make someone a prayer target when the devil started lying or making a boy consume her thoughts. Finally, Michelle had Jana talk to Jinger. Jana shared her heart, and Jinger realized she wasn't alone.

Omg I am only on chapter 2 page 44. This shouldn't take this long. I'm going to bed, I will finish this chapter in the morning. This is boring!!

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Thank you for reading this so we don't have to.

Should we start a new thread for just the chapter postings, so people don't have to scroll through this while Thread to find later on?

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Thank you for reading this so we don't have to.

Should we start a new thread for just the chapter postings, so people don't have to scroll through this while Thread to find later on?

I sent Curious a message asking about it.

My brother bought it for me. Think I can get Google Play to issue a refund for the sheer BOREDOM from this book? If I die from it, can my family sue the Duggars?

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Don't worry, it only gets worse. As someone else who also read it correctly surmised, it's an infomercial for ATI/IBLP. Both are mentioned as well as JTTH (a lot), ALERT, and the prison JTTH trip. They also mention the El Salvador/Guatamala missionary guy, whom I don't think has a connection with Gothard.

The book was completed before Jessa was courting. They are all still "waiting on the One the Lord has for them" as written. I have no clue why they pushed back publication 6 months given there was no new information added (and what is there is sparse enough).

:angry-banghead: <----- me reading while sober :roll: <----- me reading under the influence

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Who is supposed to be the target audience for this book? "Normal" girls (i.e., secular or moderately religious) will think the J'slaves are weird at best or culty at worst. The only reason this demographic would pick the book up would be to see what it's like to be in a large family. Since those sorts of slice of life stories don't seem to be included, they won't be interested. I can't even see fundie lite girls showing an interest in being lectured by a group of "girls" who have even less life experience than themselves. The only audience I can see for the book would be other SAHDs.

Off topic, if you want to read a fun middle grade book about a large family with an unusual naming system, check out "Ten Kids No Pets" by Ann M. Martin.

I devoured every book by Ann Martin as a kid! I remember they named their kids in alphabetical order, but the only one I recall is Bainbridge. I always wondered where in the ever-loving hell she got that one. I've never heard it anywhere else.

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Don't worry, it only gets worse. As someone else who also read it correctly surmised, it's an infomercial for ATI/IBLP. Both are mentioned as well as JTTH (a lot), ALERT, and the prison JTTH trip. They also mention the El Salvador/Guatamala missionary guy, whom I don't think has a connection with Gothard.

The book was completed before Jessa was courting. They are all still "waiting on the One the Lord has for them" as written. I have no clue why they pushed back publication 6 months given there was no new information added (and what is there is sparse enough).

:angry-banghead: <----- me reading while sober :roll: <----- me reading under the influence

That's why this is so boring! The stories are nice, but the middle where they are sounding like self help authors is the bad part. I don't like self help books. If they work for others, great. I won't pick one up intentionally though. With anything I read I have a tendency to skip ahead when it gets boring. I am trying to NOT do this, but I can already tell you I have skipped some stuff already. I scanned it. But I didn't read it lol.

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Aawwwww :( I feel kinda sad hearing how they had body image issues at such a young age. No 13 year old should worry that she is so ugly that no man would ever want to marry her. All four of the girls are really beautiful.

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Aawwwww :( I feel kinda sad hearing how they had body image issues at such a young age. No 13 year old should worry that she is so ugly that no man would ever want to marry her. All four of the girls are really beautiful.

Its not like they watch tv, go to public schools, or interact much with the outside world, so why would they think they were ugly? What are their parents or Gothard teaching them to create those feelings?

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A lot of 13 year olds feel these things. Part of it is that 13 can be a very awkward stage... I went through an ugly stage from about 11-16ish... I think it has something to do with the body changing from its childhood form into that of an adult. It takes time and some of the in between parts don't look so great, at least, not compared to conventional beauty standards.

Never was worries no man would marry me though, largely cuz I never wanted one...

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The Duggar parents don't just say "You can always come to us" and leave it at that. No, they are striving to keep up with their children's hearts on a daily basis, and they set aside one Saturday a month to have heart to heart family time. The kids go up to Jim Bob and Michelle's room one at a time, and the ball gets rolling. Michelle asks a million questions, and writes down all the answers.

Who is your best friend? What qualities do you admire about that person? Does this friendship tend to pull you up, or bring you down?

What do you want to do with your life? What skills do you want to develop? Whom do you want to be like? Do you ever think about God's will for your future?

What things in our family discourage you? Clutter? Conflicts with siblings? Rules? Lack of space?

What books are you reading? What interests you about it? What are you getting out of it? Do you want to write a book? What kind of book would you write?

What projects are you working on now? Who or what are you praying for?

What changes would you like to see in us? Spending more time with the family? Greater spiritual leadership?

(Stopping for a second. Are they trying to tell us something? I thought Jim Bob and Michelle spent all their time with the kids... Remember? They spend more time with each individual child than us Godless Heathens spend on our one or two. So here we have the girls mentioning that Mom and Dad talk to them one Saturday a month alone, and that maybe they don't spend enough time with the family.)

If you could ask God any question, what would you ask Him?

What things can I pray about for you?

(That sounds like the kids don't pray, mom and dad do it for them. How can I pray for you would sound better.)

Jessa says it is not your parents responsibility to figure out something is wrong. Its your responsibility to tell them so theory can help you. Jessa had to learn this when she was thirteen. She kept all her bad feelings in and expected her parents to figure it out. If they really loved her, they would know.

The girls noiw know that if they cry in front of their parents, they let their concerns sit on their hearts for too long. Jill and Jinger cry the most.

If you want to improve your relationship with your parents, you must spend time together, be a blessing, and express gratefulness.

Now they are talking about the obedience game. Before bed, they play this game. I think they are using this game to wear out the kids honestly, its stuff like "Run around the staircase three Times" (Not an example from the book, but you get the idea) the child in question says Yes ma'am! I'd be happy to!" And runs off to do it. They don't say what happens if you don't obey. It must be instant. You must be cheerful and thorough.

Child training is a lost art. Most parents think we are all born good, but this is false. We are all born with a sin nature. Children don't learn to scream, hit, bite, or pull hair. It comes naturally. Anyway, the belief that children are naturally good is what makes parents surprised when their two year old throws a tantrum in WalMart. (Gee, it couldn't be that the child is tired or hungry?)

So you have to train before a situation arises. When the girls were kids, they would get Popsicles as treats in the summer. Mom told them before hand to throw everything away in the trash when they were done. Sometimes they didn't, but Michelle telling them in advance helped them remember.

Make a wise appeal. If mom tells you to do something but your friend Jamie (really? A J name?) Is coming over, be respectful. "I would love to, but Jamie is coming over at three. Can I do it later?" Don't blow it off, don't disobey, or you might get in trouble.

Grandpa Duggar was an angry man who scared everyone. Jim Bob tries not to be. If he gets mad, the kids just say "Daddy you are getting angry" and he stops. Lots of girls that go to Journey To The Heart cry because there's lots of anger at home. When Michelle gets sngry, she gets down at eye level and says stuff in a soft voice. "Josie, you do not dump your cereal out if the bowl and smear it all over the table." "Jordyn, don't you ever climb on the outside of the staircase. It is very dangerous and you could get hurt."

Parents aren't perfect. End of Chapter 2.

I don't know if my attention span is bad, the book is boring, or both. I am going to wash dishes. Drink alcohol after the baby goes to bed and start on Chapter 3.

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:worship: FMJ, thank you for taking one for the team. You're an awesome and dedicated servant in Christ Free Jinger. :D

And it sounds like a really horrible book. I hope your spirit of choice is extra delicious tonight, and please don't kill yourself reading this. If it gets too bad, just stop.

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Actually I think that question and answer session monthly, and writing down the answers, sounds really cool. Those aren't the exact questions I would ask, but it would be really interesting to have that kind of record of each kids thoughts and feelings over the years. Nice for them to be able to look back on too.

My kids are grown now, but seems like a nice idea.

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