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Diane on the 19 kids and counting FB page


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I admit that I lurk on the 19 Kids and Counting FB page. There is this lady on the page named Dianne Stadtherr who replies to literally every comment. She is also one of the most intolerant people on the page, and yet she thinks she is sooooo tolerant. (AND always right.) I was just reading this thread:


This is all in response to an article about Mormonism-

Wanda Kozakevich What a very incomplete incompetent article for the page

Yesterday at 4:36pm · Like · 1


Diane Stadtherr Thank you Wanda! I wanted to say something along those lines, but I didn't want to get into "trouble" for speaking my mind. The LDS Church is nothing but misiformation and goes against everything, that Christ Himself taught us. For example, Joseph Smith did not see God the Father, because no man has ever seen God the Father and lived. It's in the bible, John 1:18. And, the bible doesn't lie. Man HAS seen God the son, Jesus, but not His father, as Joseph Smith states.


Pheww, I feel soo much better now that I have that off my "chest".


Annette-I do know what Mormon's believe, and I don't have to ask a Mormon either. I have a very dear friend who left the Mormon church 4 years ago, to become a Catholic. He couldn't wait to get out of the LDS Church. I have another friend who left the church after 35 years. Sorry, not meant to offend, but your thread doesn't belong on this site. I know all too well, just how happy the Mormons are to share their beliefs. That's what scares me!

Yesterday at 6:09pm · Like


Wanda Kozakevich Way to happy..thing is, they should shove it down people's throats who care..obviously people on this page, me being one, don't

23 hours ago · Like

Sophie Silverberg Why don't we just respect that Annette's beliefs are different? Why tell her she's wrong? I'm Jewish, but I respect all of your rights to believe what you feel is right. It's one thing to say you respectfully disagree with someone's beliefs, but to basically say her church is lying is not very tolerant. Please just accept that because we have religious freedom in the US that people are entitled to practice whatever religion they want. Instead of criticizing, try tolerating and accepting that not everyone will share your views.

7 hours ago · Like


Annette Copier Klassen Thank you Sophie. I am so grateful for friendships that I made while living in Southern California who represented many religious communities. They have added to the richness if my life and taught me how to converse respectfully when talking about things that people hold dear and sacred.


I'm hopeful that Mitt Romney will be the Republican candidate. If so, the light is going to shine very brightly on those who respect religious freedom and those who condemn anything that is "different".

7 hours ago · Like · 1


Diane Stadtherr Sophie-Annette's beliefs aren't just different, they contradict everything that Christ Himself taught us. I have nothing against Annette, but it's a well known fact that the LDS church denys traditional Christian teachings, and have made up their own. It's not about tolerance to me, it's about adhereing to what God taught us, and they do not. Annette, I mean no disrespect to you at all. I've known a lot of Mormon's my lifetime and have two friends that left the church, because they knew in their own hearts, that it wasn't true. God turns no one away, regardless of what faith they practice. The Mormon church does. You stated that "the light is going to shine very brightly on those who respect religious freedom and those who condemn anything that is "different". The LDS church is not a faith, it's an organization. If I understand you, you are saying that anyone who doesn't agree with Mormon's is doomed. I'm a Catholic Christian, and I have nothing against Mormons, the people, it's the faith that I have issues with. I'm not the only one who feels this way either. I'm not here to judge, that's not my job, but I will defend God and what He teaches.

5 hours ago · Like


Wanda Kozakevich Who says morman's r right,, I don't and I don't have to go along with something that totally goes against what I believe in for fear of friendship,, my God is bigger than that. This is a free country, I don't have to agree with you one bit. And,, I don't

5 hours ago · Like


Annette Copier Klassen Diane, I DO NOT believe that if you are NOT a Mormon you are doomed. That can only be determined and will be determined by our Savior, and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, with whom I have a personal and sacred relationship. How grateful I am for the gift of His grace and His atoning sacrifice so that all may live again. My daughter was given the middle name Grace to remind me, to remind her and to remind all of this most amazing gift in addition to all the gifts we receive from God. By the way, her grandmother, my mother-in-law, is a very faithful Catholic. A few years ago, as a gift to her grandmother, my daughter, an LDS girl from Utah, was invited to sing Mary's Lullaby, an LDS Primary song, in their Christmas Eve Mass. Had you been in attendance, would you have left the service because a Mormon girl was singing about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and that most Holy Night when Jesus was born?

5 hours ago · Like


Wanda Kozakevich That makes no sense..why is it politics= religion?..

5 hours ago · Like


Wanda Kozakevich Say what you really mean, not what you think people want to hear..that's the point. It's the same old thing on here........I love everyone blah blah blah..if you really knew the Norman religion you wouldn't be saying that now would you? Do you really know? I don't think so

5 hours ago · Like


Wanda Kozakevich Mormon,,that is,,stupid auto correct

4 hours ago · Like

Sophie Silverberg It's fine to disagree, but be polite about it. Remember when Josh wrote on twitter "Catholics in general=wrong beliefs" and TONS of people got offended. Well, telling Annette that her beliefs are wrong is exactly the same as what Josh did. Another thing, G-d teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Don't say something about someone else's beliefs that you wouldn't want said about your own beliefs. Treating others the way you want to be treated is so important. Like I said, I'm Jewish and I disagree with all of your beliefs. DO I think my beliefs are correct? Absolutely. Does that give me any right to tell you that your religion is wrong and full of lies? Technically yes, but if I am to follow G-d and love my neighbor, then telling you that in a manner that would clearly upset you would not be right. Rather, I should share with you what I believe, learn more about what you believe (by talking to you) and use the opportunity to engage in a friendly dialogue. I am so grateful that I was raised in a synagogue that partnered up with local churches for various events. At these events we all took the time to learn about each other's beliefs and practices. Even if we disagreed, we never told the other people they we "wrong." We always engaged in discussion aimed at learning and coming to a true understanding. Of course you think your religion is the one "true" one, just like Annette does. Arguing and calling each other wrong will get you nowhere. Learning from each other, engaging in a polite dialogue, and learning to accept the fact that it is okay for people to have different beliefs from you is so important. I went to a Catholic college, and they really encouraged inter-religious dialogue. We had to take theology classes about at least 2 different religions. Learning about other faiths, and not criticizing them because they are different from your own is the best path to take. Particularly if your goal is to get people to see things from your perspective. After all, honey attracts more flies than vinegar.

4 hours ago · Like


Diane Stadtherr Annette-Had I been in attendance would I have left? No, I wouldn't have left because of what your daughter was singing, I would have left because there is no presence of God in the Mormon Church. I've been to a Mormon baptism, and it was the coldest environment I've ever been around. Since you're mother in law is a faithful Catholic, perhaps you should sit down and have a chat with her, and compare the Mormon beliefs to Christian beliefs. There's a HUGE difference. I asked you to clarify, because THAT's how it came across to me when I read it. What is it that you're trying to prove here?


Sophie-Yes, what Josh said was offensive. I'm not here to offend, only to point out facts, that Mormons detract from Christianity. When I say it's wrong, I mean that ALL of Christianity agrees. I really don't need a lecture on how to treat people from you Sophie. I've been around a long time. I'm not putting Annette down, that's not my intention. The Mormon Church contradicts the teachings of Jesus Christ. THAT's where the problem is.

3 hours ago · Like


Wanda Kozakevich Who said Josh is right?. It's an opinion and that's all. He's wrong. Diane however is right

2 hours ago · Like


Wanda Kozakevich Can't dispute that whatsoever.

2 hours ago · Like


Annette Copier Klassen Thanks Sophie. Much food for thought. I choose not to argue because His Spirit cannot be a companion where contention exists. I will continue to strive to live my life in word and deed by following Jesus Christ's teachings in Matthew 5:20, "By their fruits ye shall know them", and John 7:17, "If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine", because in the end it all boils down to being born again both physically and spiritually by water and by the Spirit (John 3:5-7). I am far from perfect, but I WILL do my best.

2 hours ago · Liike · 1



Sophie pointed out her hypocrisy and she totally fails to see it! Arghhhhh!


Anyway, is she a fundie blogger too?


edit- I misspelled fundie. #epicfail

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So this Dianne woman is Catholic? I wonder if she would so vehemently defend the Duggars if she realized just what they think about the eeevil Catholics? Maybe somebody should set her straight.

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So this Dianne woman is Catholic? I wonder if she would so vehemently defend the Duggars if she realized just what they think about the eeevil Catholics? Maybe somebody should set her straight.

She was hopping mad when Josh posted about Catholics on his twitter. Hasn't seemed to stop her though...

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Omg if one more idiot incorrectly uses the posessive instead of the plural I am going to lose my mind!!!

It's "Mormons" not "mormon's" or "morman's". And most of these people homeschool their children!!! :snooty:

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I have always wondered if Dianne and Chrislukas is the same person. They both sound exactly alike and both members have attacked me over the slightest criticism against the Duggars and their beliefs.

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She added more!

Diane Stadtherr Annette-I find it very interesting how you continue to acknowledge everything that Sophie is saying to you, but you have absolutely nothing to say about my comment or what I've stated. That's a typical Mormon, instead of dealing with facts head on, they run away. I've dealt with many. You haven't backed up anything that I stated. Instead you post scripture passages, and I could do the same thing, but I don't use the bible as a weapon, and that's exactly what you just did. I'm not here to argue with you, that wasn't my intention. I've talk to many Mormons and they can't back up anything they believe.

38 minutes ago · Like

Diane Stadtherr Annette-instead of "running" away from my post, which is pretty much what you've just done, why don't you acknoweldge what I wrote? I didn't put down anything, that most people are not already aware of. Mormons live "inside the box", and are so afraid to venture "outside" the box to see what else is out there. Sophie-I know that my church is the true church, because God said so. The Mormon church is based on the teachings of a mere imperfect man, Joseph Smith. The Christian Church is based on the teachings of God. BIG difference. I don't need a lecture in how to treat people. I taught religion classes and I know my faith. The LDS church is based on lies. I don't blame the Mormons for their beliefs, I blame Joseph Smith for leading them down the wrong path. Again, Annette no offense or disrespect intended. I hope that one day, you'll open your eyes, and see that the LDS church is not from God. Oh, and Sophie, that fact that you don't agree with my beliefs, doesn't surprise me one bit, because you are Jewish. That doesn't shock me.

Hey Diane, stereotype much?

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She added more!

Hey Diane, stereotype much?

Jee, I'm a little rusty, but I was pretty sure God told the Jews that theirs was the right religion...

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Hey SpeakNow any chance of you digging up what Dianne wrote when Smugs slammed Catholics?

I tried looking on the FB page, but I'm not seeing any of this.


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I so, so, so hope that all this intolerance is at least put to good use and the Republithugs don't win the Presidency.

I think it is pretty likely Romney will be the nominee and if some of the religious wing-nuts sit it out because he's Mormon there is a better shot for Obama.

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I think God has told the Jews, the Catholics, the Protestants, and the Mormons that theirs was the right religion, and I think all claims are equally valid, though the Jews are the only ones who can use the "ours came first" argument.

The anti-Mormon Christians really annoy me. They love to pick apart the LDS faith, but completely ignore all the very similar problems in their own.

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I think God has told the Jews, the Catholics, the Protestants, and the Mormons that theirs was the right religion, and I think all claims are equally valid, though the Jews are the only ones who can use the "ours came first" argument.

I think pagans could say their religion is pretty darn old too. :whistle:

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Hey SpeakNow any chance of you digging up what Dianne wrote when Smugs slammed Catholics?

I tried looking on the FB page, but I'm not seeing any of this.


This is the post:

Diane Stadtherr

Josh Duggar is being a coward. I just joined Twitter long enough to ask him why he's putting down my faith, and he's not only deleting my questions, but everyone else's as well. He's really digging a big hole for himself.

Like · · January 20 at 10:22am ·

And these are some of the comments:

Rachel Elisabeth Fagan how did it all start? was he saying something bout catholics, and u decided to ask him bout it?

January 20 at 10:38am · Like

Diane Stadtherr I only Tweeted, something that I don't normally do, to see if he would answer, not expecting him too. He's deleting the questions as soon as they comment, and not just mine. I didn't expect him to answer me, but you don't do that to a person's faith and then ignore the backfire that comes with it. He's got a lot of people pissed.

Someone had posted a few days ago on here, that he made some crack about Catholics beliefs being wrong. I was told by another friend that several other Catholics were Tweeting him about that and about the bus comment that he made, and he's deleting everyone's tweets, without acknoweldging them. HE opened up a big can of worms, and these people want answers from him, but he's running now.

January 20 at 10:53am · Like

Rachel Elisabeth Fagan oh ok i see.

January 20 at 10:58am · Like

Diane Stadtherr The only Tweets on his page, are his! It looks like he's having a conversation with himself. When people go on Twitter, other people are going to follow them, and ask questions. Amy answer's peoples questions, but Josh is completely ignoring everyone.

January 20 at 11:05am · Like

Wanda Kozakevich He's got no right to put any religion down, who does he think he is? Maybe TV has gone to his head?

January 20 at 11:24am · Like · 1

Diane Stadtherr I don't agree with everyone's belief systems and vise versa, but I try very hard not to put people down, because I know that God understands them better than I ever will. At this point in time, I have lost all respect for Josh Duggar.

January 20 at 11:37am · Like · 1

Diane Stadtherr Lori-I'm not trying to "tar and feather" Josh at all. He made a comment stating that my beliefs are wrong, and I would like to know what he meant by that, and I'm sure others would as well. You can't say something like that, and then walk away hoping that no one will notice it. I don't agree with everything that family does. Actually I don't agree with about 90% of the stuff they do, but I still like them. My respect for Josh just went out the window, because he made and offensive comment, and left it there. I'm only going by what I read. I don't know exactly what he said. I've never bashed the family and I'm not starting now, but what he did was wrong.

January 20 at 1:18pm · Like

Diane Stadtherr Joy-when he make his comment about Catholics beliefs being wrong, HE opened up a can of worms, because that comment was directed at ALL Catholics, not just one or two. It was very offensive and I believe he does owe an explanation of why he said it. I wonder how he would feel if someone said that about him and his beliefs? Would he say, "whatever" or would he want to know what you meant? I think he owes it to us, although it will probably never happen, I realize that. I just want to know the context of his statement, so I have a better understanding of where he was going with it.

January 20 at 12:43pm · Like

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I think God has told the Jews, the Catholics, the Protestants, and the Mormons that theirs was the right religion, and I think all claims are equally valid, though the Jews are the only ones who can use the "ours came first" argument.

The anti-Mormon Christians really annoy me. They love to pick apart the LDS faith, but completely ignore all the very similar problems in their own.

Those ones are starting to annoy me a lot especially now while Romney is in the spotlight and will likely get the nomination. I do wonder if any of anti-Mormon Christians even know a single Mormon.

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I don't Dianne has ever done in depth research into the Duggars' beliefs or affiliations with Gothard. Now it seems she is starting to really find out what the Duggars are about.

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I have always wondered if Dianne and Chrislukas is the same person. They both sound exactly alike and both members have attacked me over the slightest criticism against the Duggars and their beliefs.

I don't think they are the same person. They both have huge boners for the Duggars. But Chrislukas has said on the TLC forums that she belives the show is staged. Based on some of Dianne's comments it seems that she doesn't know a lot about reality TV and takes everything that happens on the show as truth. She didn't know that producers mostly hid the chaperone couple that was with the Duggar girls in Chicago.

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Chrislukas is definitely NOT a Catholic.

I haven't been to the TLC forums in awhile. Has she bashed Catholics/Catholicism? I wouldn't be surprised if she has done before.

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I haven't been there for ages either. She has made some questionable comments about Catholics, and talked about her church. It is some sort of fundie denomination. She hates the term "fundie".

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I'm not here to offend, only to point out facts, that Mormons detract from Christianity. When I say it's wrong, I mean that ALL of Christianity agrees.

:lol: Seriously, Dianne, that's your argument? There is not one goddamn thing in the entire world that all of christianity agrees on, and there never has been. Schism is not just a word with a lot of consonants. And FYI, if mormons claim that they believe in Jesus as the son of god, they identify as christian. That's all it actually takes.

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:lol: Seriously, Dianne, that's your argument? There is not one goddamn thing in the entire world that all of christianity agrees on, and there never has been. Schism is not just a word with a lot of consonants. And FYI, if mormons claim that they believe in Jesus as the son of god, they identify as christian. That's all it actually takes.

I love how she goes on saying stuff like that, but when people say Catholics are wrong she gets all offended. The hypocrisy is killing me.

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I love how she goes on saying stuff like that, but when people say Catholics are wrong she gets all offended. The hypocrisy is killing me.

Me too. She is providing people with laughs.

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I have always wondered if Dianne and Chrislukas is the same person. They both sound exactly alike and both members have attacked me over the slightest criticism against the Duggars and their beliefs.

Yeah, I wonder if she's either Chris Lukas or SuzannedeAZ from the DWOP page. Although I don't think she is SuzannedeAZ because while she's one of the biggest Duggars cheerleaders on that site she does sometimes "gently" critizes them, which this Diane and CL never do.

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