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Lori Alexander 61: Harridan MIL

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31 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

lol. I wonder if Lori would have been happy if she had lived during those past time periods when men played women in theater plays. 


Lori wouldn't be happy no matter where or when she lived.  She would always find something to bitch about, something terrible that everyone else was doing, so only she would be right.  Her unhappiness isn't because of outside circumstances (at least not only, or primarily), it comes from within.  

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31 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

lol. I wonder if Lori would have been happy if she had lived during those past time periods when men played women in theater plays. 


I wonder about that too. The Bible says we are supposed to dress our sex but that is old covanent law. Lori says we don’t have to follow it but she has mentioned that women shouldn’t work outside of the home because some jobs require them to dress like men. The link is below. 



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22 minutes ago, Lgirlrocks said:

Lori says we don’t have to follow it but she has mentioned that women shouldn’t work outside of the home because some jobs require them to dress like men. The link is below. 

I can tell you that even in jeans, flannel and full PPE it's impossible to mistake most women for men. Something about boobs. 

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I scoped out the FB profiles of the "I 100% love this post" re: don't encourage your daughters to strive to achieve their goals.  One is a YL minion, the other is high on the Norwex pyramid.  The MLM industry thrives on fundydom.  They just seem like sad, sad people who are trying to convince others that they are "happy, happy, happy!"


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One of the earliest lessons I remember from my mom was that girls can do anything they want to.  The second one is that there is no such thing as girl toys or boy toys.  Both of those were repeated often in my chldhood and I'm sure my sister also grew up hearing those lessons - we are far enough apart in years that her young childhood was over before mine began.  I'm sure my fairly non-violent (late) mom would slap Lori if she could.

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There are pictures of me at about 3 at Christmas with the windup walking robot from Santa.  Obviously he didn't think toys were gender specific.

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1 hour ago, feministxtian said:

I can tell you that even in jeans, flannel and full PPE it's impossible to mistake most women for men. Something about boobs. 

When my grandma was in the hospital a few years ago I was somehow mistaken for a boy. I have pretty big boobs, 32DDD, and a small frame. I did have an asymmetrical pixie cut. I was wearing a very tight button up top. I assumed she just saw the hair and not the body. 

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9 hours ago, TeddyBonkers said:

The Maxwell box will be empty, just like Steve's heart.

Too much?

The Maxwell box can contain his daughters' dreams that Steve refuses to let them keep. Amazon affiliate links included, of course. 

Lori's box should include RAISANS too, please  


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2 hours ago, Briefly said:

One of the earliest lessons I remember from my mom was that girls can do anything they want to.  The second one is that there is no such thing as girl toys or boy toys.  Both of those were repeated often in my chldhood and I'm sure my sister also grew up hearing those lessons - we are far enough apart in years that her young childhood was over before mine began.  I'm sure my fairly non-violent (late) mom would slap Lori if she could.

My brother was nearly 6 when I was born. He told my parents he wanted a sister not a brother because a sister would not play with his toys. Apparently, I ruined that notion for him as soon as I was able to crawl and grab his stuff. I was only ever stopped if it was something I was too young to have (i.e. choking hazard, fear I would break it). He had to learn that girls can play with anything they want and that he would have to share. 

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I imagine this is how she talked to her daughters. What Alyssa did with dance and ballet fits right into professional athlete/actor thing. I imagine she told Alyssa this when she was pursuing dance. Most I individiuals I know who were told they could be anything chose fairly practical jobs. 

I vote adding anti-feminist spray to the box, you know so that people can sanitize all that feminist air they've been breathing. 

Also who needs lube when you could just make a grilled cheese? Don't want to waste all that extra butter! And even better after ten minutes you have a snack to reward yourself with! 

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4 hours ago, Lgirlrocks said:

I wonder about that too. The Bible says we are supposed to dress our sex but that is old covanent law. Lori says we don’t have to follow it but she has mentioned that women shouldn’t work outside of the home because some jobs require them to dress like men. The link is below. 



That post and the comments...

Those dimbulbs actually think men wore pants and women wore dresses in ancient Israel. The stupid hurts. 

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23 hours ago, Momto2Princesses said:

She regurgitating her stupid shit from a few months ago. This doesn't sound very loving at all.  There is not a single loving bone in her body. She is a mean and nasty person. Is Lori really so dense that she doesn't understand that everyone has different talents and gifts? I guess bitchiness is hers and she has it in spades. 


I strongly suspect since her father was a doctor, she was expected to study medicine too (speaking from experience here). He paid for her college (the claim that she "learned nothing on college" is pretty suspicious too). :2wankers: There's a good chance she wasn't intelligent enough to study medicine - we all know she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Families like that usually value education, maybe she was looked down upon for not succeeding academically. Maybe she wasn't smart enough for any skilled job (and well she sucked at the mothering/housewife thing too).

That would explain a lot. Her disregard for medicine/science/education/school in general, her love for everything woo....?sensing a theme here. (No, they are all wrong, she is the only one who gets it!!!?!! Not the other way around, never!!??11111!!!!! Science is bullshit! Education is stupid! ) :whistle:

Her hatred for working women, educated people in general... she has quite the minority complex and hides it behind religion :in_my_humble_opinion:


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Lori:  "And no, mothers don’t just naturally love their children or else God wouldn’t have told older women to teach the young women to love their children."

Love is a chemical reaction. Mammals release oxytocin after giving birth, when hearing their baby cry, and when nursing. No one teaches animals to love their babies. There's no older godly cat teaching younger cats to love their litter. In case Lori wasn't aware, most humans (Lori is a lizard person) are mammals and don't need to learn to love their offspring. 

Lori's entire exsistence is based on transactional relationships and that's her punishment for being a horrible person, a life without love. She's so hollow that she doesn't even know that she's missing the single greatest thing that life has to offer. She might argue that she knows what love is, but for those of us who have truly felt it, it's easy to see that Lori is an empty husk. I wonder if anyone in her life truly loves her. 

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2 hours ago, SuperNova said:

Lori:  "And no, mothers don’t just naturally love their children or else God wouldn’t have told older women to teach the young women to love their children."

This makes me so sad for her children. It must absolutely suck to have Lori as a mom. So when she became a mother, did she have an older woman who taught her to love her children? Because if she didn’t, wouldn’t that mean that she still doesn’t love them because no one ever taught her how to?

If you ask me, Lori doesn’t love her children just like she doesn’t love anyone else because she seems incapable to feel love. What a sad sad life that has to be.

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Lori believes you learn to love as you learn to do all things.   I feel badly for her kids as well ... as real love does not come to Lori naturally.  Everything is an exchange or a conscious effort to DO.

  It sounds very much like she has a personality disorder of some  type, most likely narcissistic or borderline.   So very sad ...  and something to pity rather than hate ... because the inability to really love another  ... any other ... husband, parent, child, friend ... is a huge loss.   I think most narcissists play act the emotions they see in others in order to fit in but ... they ... in reality ... are just acting ... not really feeling.  In Lori's case this is evidenced by often she says "you learn to" or "you make up your mind to".   You learn to love your children and your learn to love your husband ... you do things for both.   But doing for ... and feeling for ...  are not the same thing.   




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6 hours ago, SuperNova said:

Lori:  "And no, mothers don’t just naturally love their children or else God wouldn’t have told older women to teach the young women to love their children."

This is just the most absolute piece of bull fucking shit I have ever read. Lori Alexander didn't naturally love HER children, I sure did absolutely love mine. What an emotion-free robotic despot. How do you "teach" love anyway? AARGH!!!!!!

The same thing Lori Alexander said about daughters applies to sons too. She want to start erasing females as early as possible. I can't stand her. That's no secret, I have to say it periodically.

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7 hours ago, SuperNova said:

Lori:  "And no, mothers don’t just naturally love their children or else God wouldn’t have told older women to teach the young women to love their children."

This is also very dangerous teaching to a mom struggling with post-partum depression and anxiety. It can lead to greater internalization of a very real event and can prevent a mom from seeking help.  It can also cause those around her who subscribe to Lori’s point of view to minimize the situation and create barriers to treatment access. 

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And the prize for the most horrible leghumper response goes to this woman (bolding is mine):

I cannot. Jesus will tell her what she should be in His eyes. And the answer is a WIFE to a Godly man. That is the greatest role she can fill. Girls don’t have the kind of brains boys do. We women were made for nurturing, and that’s what we do. Generation after generation. That’s our chosen role. #praisejesus

She contradicts her statement when she says "that's our CHOSEN role."  Chosen by who?  The fundi teachers who believe women are second class beings.  Nurturing takes all forms, not just staying at home with children.  In the Myers-Briggs, I am an SJ -- the guardian.  I nurtured my students and the people I worked with.  I  nurtured my niece and nephew during their high school years; they are now both college-educated, well-established working adults. 

Jesus didn't tell people what they SHOULD be, except to believe in him as the Son of the Father.  He loved people unconditionally -- prostitutes, tax-collecters, fishermen, even the one who betrayed him.  The only thing Jesus commanded of them was "Go and sin no more."  

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Well dang Lori A, guess in your eyes I am a woman that doesn't know my place. I had 6 neighborhood boys that I grew up with. We all played together. I played with Legos, Lincoln logs, Hot wheels, baseball, basketball, bike and scooters, sand, the Tonka dump trucks, and its a miracle none of us got injured with the stuff we did. We played outside all day in the summer, and would scurry home to eat dinner and then if time allowed, would play outside till the streetlight came on. Oh did I mention I would or they would walk to each other's houses by themselves? I mean heck I would walk to one of my friend's house who lived 10 mins away by myself and it was considered perfectly normal and safe back then.

Do I want to get married? Yes one day I would love to be married. For now Mr. Right has not come yet and you know its okay. Its okay Lori. I'm not over here withering away. Perfectly content where I am now. I am working on myself, working a job (gasp I'm such a sinner right Lori? *Sarcasm) and raising my munchkin (I see you Lori looking down with such contempt and disgust). Over the last 18 months; my life and attitude has changed and for the better.

When I do get married, I will be a happy woman. However I am a happy woman already. My faith teaches me, and yes I am NOT a perfect Christian at all. Far from it, but you know, I try my best. I also don't shove my beliefs nor my views down anyone's throats.

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A commentary from old needs to added to the Fundy Fun Box. We need to be able to explain those hard King James verses after all. 

I was told growing up I had a masculine brain, being an INTJ ( a flawed system but it helps) I'm not super emotional externally, excelled academically, am more analytical etc. If I wanted to, I could pick a part a person's flaws and just rip them apart right where it hurts the most. However, despite that "masculine mind" it's not uncommon to see me running around with curled hair, makeup done, and wearing a dress/ skirt. I also don't hurt people by tearing them down because that's not right. I counsel now, a job that deals with emotions as a primary focus. The truth is, people are capable of being more than stereotypes, they can go beyond boxes. Shoving people in boxes with rules upon rules is hurtful and deadens their spirits. 

I was told over and over that I wasn't emotionally enough, that I was cold, or looked like a stuck up bitch. Yes, I just looked that way and people took it and ran with it. They totally missed the gooey mess I become around animals, my day-dreaming quirky mind, and my service oriented spirit. 

So Lori, I'm not sorry that the world doesn't fit in a box like you want it to. That world would be cold, dark and gray. 

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41 minutes ago, Lgirlrocks said:

Yes Lori please explain. 0535C4FA-F8E9-4BC0-9B9D-464D8B1AC4EA.thumb.jpeg.26bdb4c20a767142acc0b281eacd562a.jpeg

Even here, she manages to say it’s the woman’s fault. “Interfered with the men’s strife”. Wtf.

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If loving your children doesn't come naturally, who taught Lori to love hers? Of course I realize she probably still doesn't, but in seriousness....was it Debi Pearl? If so that means she didn't love them at all in their youth. 

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5 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

This is just the most absolute piece of bull fucking shit I have ever read. Lori Alexander didn't naturally love HER children, I sure did absolutely love mine. What an emotion-free robotic despot. How do you "teach" love anyway? AARGH!!!!!!

I love you...

45 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

I was told growing up I had a masculine brain, being an INTJ ( a flawed system but it helps) I'm not super emotional externally, excelled academically, am more analytical etc. If I wanted to, I could pick a part a person's flaws and just rip them apart right where it hurts the most. However, despite that "masculine mind" it's not uncommon to see me running around with curled hair, makeup done, and wearing a dress/ skirt. I also don't hurt people by tearing them down because that's not right. I counsel now, a job that deals with emotions as a primary focus. The truth is, people are capable of being more than stereotypes, they can go beyond boxes. Shoving people in boxes with rules upon rules is hurtful and deadens their spirits. 

I was told over and over that I wasn't emotionally enough, that I was cold, or looked like a stuck up bitch. Yes, I just looked that way and people took it and ran with it. They totally missed the gooey mess I become around animals, my day-dreaming quirky mind, and my service oriented spirit. 

I'm known as "The Vulcan". My favorite emotion is rage. I can rip someone to shreds verbally and think nothing of it. I'm decidedly more masculine than feminine in many ways as a cisgender woman. Cars, engineering, designing stuff, techie crap (not computers though, oh gawd not computers), 

However, my rage is because of injustice. Of seeing others treated as less than because of the color of their skin, their religion, the language they speak. I don't talk much, not because I don't have anything to say, but because what I DO have to say is so far outside the typical conversational topics it's not worth it (unless I'm around other geeks then you can't shut me up) 

From that old Charlie Daniels song "I may look dumb but that's just a disguise, I'm a mastermind in the ways of espionage". 

OH and my sense of humor never developed much past potty jokes.. 

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