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Dillards 71: YAAAAAY

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7 hours ago, JordynDarby5 said:

As we both became adults we understood the need for caffeine. Especially with work and for him work and kid. 

Ahhh...the elixir of life! My kids learned not to speak to me until I'd had my first cup of coffee. Now, I must have my first cup (and a smoke) before I'm anywhere near human (read: polite and in control of my baser instincts). Afterwards, I'm a reasonably well behaved person. Fortunately, I'm married to a total coffee junkie who would rather die than run out of coffee. 

True story: when he had his surgery, he was NPO for 5 days. They took him to do a die test to see if the internal plumbing repairs had healed enough to start eating again. Fortunately, he passed with flying colors. So, they bring him back to his room, remove the NG tube and ask him what he wants. His response? COFFEE!!! There was a little kitchen right outside the unit that had coffee/tea/drinks/ice available. I flew out and got him his coffee. From that time on, he was a right rational, cooperative human being. There were a few missteps after that (see chicken salad sandwich and chips after not eating for 5 days) but he had his coffee and he was happy. 

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My father drank coffee all day long.Sometimes with milk and sugar,sometimes black...he'd even drink it..burned.(Yuck).

What was heartbreaking was before he died,he had COPD,congestive heart failure,kidney failure and on top of that pneumonia.His COPD was so bad,they put him on a vent,with him conscious...he hated it.The quality of his life was beyond poor.He could no longer do any of his favorite things:read,talk and drink coffee.After a week he conveyed his wish to be taken off the vent.My brothers were all planning to be there.

Early the next morning,my father's nurse called one of my brothers.He told my brother his age and how long he had been an ICU nurse,and that my father's death was imminent and that the family needed to come soon to be  with him,and they did.

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I will have you people know you’re the reason I’m brewing coffee at 8:45 in the evening.

and I spent almost the entire day napping so I’ll see you guys @ 3:00 am when I can’t sleep and am flooding fj with pointless posts.

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39 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I will have you people know you’re the reason I’m brewing coffee at 8:45 in the evening.

and I spent almost the entire day napping so I’ll see you guys @ 3:00 am when I can’t sleep and am flooding fj with pointless posts.

love your new avi...and i might join you at 3am for some alone time after two weeks with the folks and then xmas dinner with folks..i adore them -- -but I NEED my alone time in my own apartment to decompress before i go back to work in january :D 

perhaps watching some old episodes of JB and family might decompress me --- any episode - perhaps the episode where JB discusses the snow...


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I was fine without caffeine until I started working a desk job. Before that being on my feet kept me going. During what I refer to as the "good years" coffee enabled me to go out during the week, get almost no sleep, and still be on time the next morning. It's too much for my stomach now to do everyday, but whenever I need a mood booster I'll go and get a vanilla coffee or latte and me and everyone around me ends up in a better mood. 

I saw Jill posted a pic of the boys by their tree...Sam's making one of his faces, I swear that kid could star in a remake of Look Who's Talking. Izzy looks adorable and kind of like Jill for the first time to me. I also noticed their Star of David ornament. ? 

Holidays...mehhh I like the time around them but not the actual days themselves, too many obligations to see people I would rather not and listen to conversations I don't want to hear. Happy it's done now and I can go back to my movie marathon. No coffee but I have wine and mint chocolate smores! Watching Bad Moms Christmas next, its's part therapy and part eye candy watching Justin Hartley. 

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42 minutes ago, bella8050 said:

No coffee but I have wine and mint chocolate smores! 

I switched to green apple flavored water and choch chip cookies I made with dried cranberries...and the Dollop. 

My favorite sheets are in the dryer so I’ll be going to bed in a cloud of happiness as my freshly laundered duvet anxiously awaits their reunion.

it wiont last, but atm life is good.


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Regarding Jill and food posts: I made sweet potatoes in cranberry sauce for Christmas dinner at Mr. OneKid’s aunt’s house. The sauce looked pretty good. The finished product looked horrendous but tasted okay  




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i don't have coffee everyday, i have miso soup, but while i was away in maui with the folks and because my dad eats everything in sight i had coffee everyday and i must say i was quite high....which inadvertently gave me more anxiety than usual -


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I can’t have caffeinated coffee anymore. Like alcohol, caffeine can trigger panic attacks for me and for some reason it’s more likely to happen with caffeine than alcohol - I’m guessing because caffeine is a stimulant and I’m just more sensitive to those or something. 

I do drink Decaf regularly though. I know a lot of people think it’s a dirty lie, but it’s nice to have the option of getting to taste coffee without risking a panic attack. I was extremely excited this fall when I finally realized that Starbucks can make a lot of their espresso drinks Decaf. 

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I like the smell of coffee but I don't like the taste too much. It speeds up my heart rate. I can drink a bit of tea or the occasional coke slurpee... so I stick to those. I've been   nursing a coke slurpee (large) for three days now... real caffeine lightweight too!

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16 minutes ago, nst said:

i don't have coffee everyday, i have miso soup, but while i was away in maui with the folks and because my dad eats everything in sight i had coffee everyday and i must say i was quite high....which inadvertently gave me more anxiety than usual -


Once I hit peri-menopause I had to give up coffee as it made me really anxious and jittery and kept me from sleeping. Once in awhile I'll have a cup but it'll be on the weekend and early in the morning when I have a whole day ahead of me to work it out of my system.

14 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

I can’t have caffeinated coffee anymore. Like alcohol, caffeine can trigger panic attacks for me and for some reason it’s more likely to happen with caffeine than alcohol - I’m guessing because caffeine is a stimulant and I’m just more sensitive to those or something. 

I do drink Decaf regularly though. I know a lot of people think it’s a dirty lie, but it’s nice to have the option of getting to taste coffee without risking a panic attack. I was extremely excited this fall when I finally realized that Starbucks can make a lot of their espresso drinks Decaf. 

It's weird the way substances affect people differently. Caffeine makes me super anxious so I avoid it like the plague but alcohol relaxes me completely. Which can be dangerous cuz this season of life has me permanently on high alert and it can be tempting sometimes to take the easy way to relaxation.  So I limit my alcohol to maximum one drink on Friday and Saturday night. And on holidays I'll let myself have a drink.

I agree with the decaf. I love the smell of coffee, to the point that it can make me drool so I drink decaf sometimes when I tire of herbal teas. I've discovered decaf cappuccino which is amazing though expensive so I don't order it too often.

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@nastyhobbitses,  wok guru Grace Young has information about the Chinese diaspora in Stir Frying to the Sky's Edge.  Chinese people emigrated to Hawaii and the West Coast of both the US and Canada, but also to the Caribbean and Mississippi. This is the more recent Chinese diaspora.  The Chinese and their food had  spread all over southeast Asia in the centuries before they emigrated elsewhere.  Stir Frying to the Sky's Edge has Indonesian Chinese recipes,  Chinese Burmese recipes,  Chinese Singapore recipes, Hakka recipes and so on.  The Chinese cook has always had to adapt to their new environment.

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You guys are making me miss coffee so much!! I can have it maybe once a week, any more than that and I'm vomiting almost daily. Luckily I can still get my caffeine from tea just fine, but I really love coffee most 

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1 hour ago, VelociRapture said:

I can’t have caffeinated coffee anymore. Like alcohol, caffeine can trigger panic attacks for me and for some reason it’s more likely to happen with caffeine than alcohol - I’m guessing because caffeine is a stimulant and I’m just more sensitive to those or something. 

I do drink Decaf regularly though. I know a lot of people think it’s a dirty lie, but it’s nice to have the option of getting to taste coffee without risking a panic attack. I was extremely excited this fall when I finally realized that Starbucks can make a lot of their espresso drinks Decaf. 

I drank 2-4 large cups of tea every day for years, until this summer when I got sick and had to go on a super restricted diet, and caffeine was one of the things I had to eliminate. Since then I've basically reintroduced everything I used to eat and drink, except caffeine. I still drink 2-4 cups of tea a day, but now it's only decaf, so the amount of caffeine is negligible. I've found my anxiety is a lot better. I can't attribute that wholly to eliminating caffeine, but I'm convinced it helped a lot, and now I have no desire to go back! 

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13 hours ago, grandmadugger said:

Coffee is the reason I am able to post here otherwise I might be in jail. There’s a pot on if anyone is awake in my house. 

Coffee is why I can do the talking, walking, staying out of jail thing. When my daughter was here it was quite funny...neither one of us are particularly "human" before coffee..so, we go outside to grab a smoke while the pot is brewing and instead of "good morning" we both say "fuck you". After coffee we were much nicer. 

I also was once told that "smoking will kill you". My response was "smoking keeps me from killing you". This guy was a little self-righteous twit that I had the misfortune of working with. 

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19 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

When my daughter was here it was quite funny...neither one of us are particularly "human" before coffee..so, we go outside to grab a smoke while the pot is brewing and instead of "good morning" we both say "fuck you".

I wouldn't last 2 seconds with a dynamic like that.

I can't imagine a circumstance where I'd ever say that to my kids and it would break my heart if any of them said it to me.  this makes me so sad every time you tell this story.

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18 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

Coffee is why I can do the talking, walking, staying out of jail thing. When my daughter was here it was quite funny...neither one of us are particularly "human" before coffee..so, we go outside to grab a smoke while the pot is brewing and instead of "good morning" we both say "fuck you". After coffee we were much nicer. 

I also was once told that "smoking will kill you". My response was "smoking keeps me from killing you". This guy was a little self-righteous twit that I had the misfortune of working with. 

I'm NOT a coffee drinker I can't it, the smell the taste all of it, I'm not a fan of any hot drink for that matter, but coffee I find especially revolting since I was pregnant with #2 19 years ago.  Anyway, #2 and I are not morning people either, her last 2 years of high school, we'd leave the house about the same time her with her coffee me with my DC and I would always say "have terrible rotten day Chicken" (Chicken is one  of my MANY nicknames for her) and she would growl out me. Our neighbor heard me one morning, and is a teacher at the high school, she asked DD why would your mother tell you to have a rotten day.  She said because I hate mornings and she loves me enough not to wish me a good day 1st thing in the morning. 

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8 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I wouldn't last 2 seconds with a dynamic like that.

I can't imagine a circumstance where I'd ever say that to my kids and it would break my heart if any of them said it to me.  this makes me so sad every time you tell this story.

You need to understand that our family runs on coffee, sarcasm and assorted sick jokes. We laugh our asses off about it...it's not like we actually mean 99% of what we say, there's time for that sort of thing and there's time for joking and messing around. It's like when I call #2 son. He figured out that M O M equates to 666 on the phone key pad...so...his usual greeting to me is "Hello Satan"...it's funny! His ringtone for me is the imperial march from Star Wars and mine for him is Carry on Wayward Son. #1 son's ringtone is Point of No Return and #1 daughter's ringtone is "The Bitch is Back". 

We have oversized and rather strange senses of humor. Its how our family operates. I'm sorry if it bothers you but for us it's hysterically funny. I guess you wouldn't approve of me talking about how I have to "stab" my husband when it's time to replace his insulin cannula or glucose monitor. And, guess what, I don't really give a shit. 

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18 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I wouldn't last 2 seconds with a dynamic like that.

I can't imagine a circumstance where I'd ever say that to my kids and it would break my heart if any of them said it to me.  this makes me so sad every time you tell this story.

I think you have to have a certain type of humor to find something like this funny.  My kids and DH and I would all do something like this and we would just laugh, it isn't meant as mean, or spiteful its just our way of being silly. Just know that I'm guessing with @feministxtianit is probably just their "weird" family dynamic/humor, it comes from a place of love it just sounds horrible. 

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38 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

You need to understand that our family runs on coffee, sarcasm and assorted sick jokes. We laugh our asses off about it...it's not like we actually mean 99% of what we say, there's time for that sort of thing and there's time for joking and messing around. It's like when I call #2 son. He figured out that M O M equates to 666 on the phone key pad...so...his usual greeting to me is "Hello Satan"...it's funny! His ringtone for me is the imperial march from Star Wars and mine for him is Carry on Wayward Son. #1 son's ringtone is Point of No Return and #1 daughter's ringtone is "The Bitch is Back". 

We have oversized and rather strange senses of humor. Its how our family operates. I'm sorry if it bothers you but for us it's hysterically funny. I guess you wouldn't approve of me talking about how I have to "stab" my husband when it's time to replace his insulin cannula or glucose monitor. And, guess what, I don't really give a shit. 

Why would it bother me that your family has a dynamic that I would find unconscionable?  I don’t have to live with it - I give as many shits  about how you live as you do about my opinion.

You post things frequently that come off very harsh and seemingly hateful regarding your family.    If you are going to post publicly, other people will comment on it.   And not everyone will find what to many is a nasty and seemingly abusive dynamic adoreable.

Share away, but don’t expect to do it in a vacuum.  

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