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Lori Alexander 49: Immodest, Indiscreet, and Downright Inappropriate

Message added by Curious

Hi Folks,

New member @Jessesgirl25 got off to a bit of a rough start here, but things have settled down so if you are reading the beginning of her posts please read the rest of the thread before deciding to respond.   I know people will be catching up for a couple days and I am as guilty as anyone of replying as you read (which I did tonight and should know better than to do by now), but if you could try to keep in mind there was some miscommunication and not fully understanding forum etiquette at the beginning and hold your responses until you are caught up that should save us more fighting that is probably unnecessary.


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13 minutes ago, Mellowing With Age said:

I just want to say, I am so sorry for what happened to you in your childhood. No child deserves that. I have a daughter who was abused before she became mine, and that is something I tell her when she talks about her past. I am hoping unconditional love will get her through. She is an amazing young lady, has a heart for those who are marginalized. I have empathy for her because I was in a similar situation growing up, but wasn't able to escape until I became an adult. 

I don't like Lori because I grew up in a house that believed and taught much like she does. I was to be nothing more than a wife and mother. I missed out on so much and I hate that! I tried so hard to be the "perfect" wife that she teaches (I read CTBHHM when it first came out) and what she teaches nearly destroyed my marriage. I was miserable and my husband was miserable. My husband doesn't want a submissive wife who just goes along with anything/everything. Actually, my husband is more submissive than I am and wants me to lead more than I was doing. It has only been in the last three years that I have figured it out with some help from a few friends who have helped me sort out who I am from how I was raised. 

Oh don’t do that, I’m good now but thank you. :) Thank God for people like you because it sure can be hard getting over those feelings that come with a tough childhood. Takes a lot of love sometimes. But if you went through something similar, you already know. 

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7 hours ago, Jessesgirl25 said:

These are real women with some real problems sometimes.

Which is why they should NEVER go to Lori for help.  She deleted a suicide hotline from a woman that NEEDED REAL HELP.   How can you dismiss that?  

She deletes anything, including scripture, that disagrees with her and then has the audacity to call people's salvation into question and tell that they hate "God's perfect ways."   Don't you think that can be damaging to someone that is struggling in their faith or life?  How can you dismiss that?

She told a woman that thought she broke her daughter's arm to "hit harder."   How can you dismiss that?

We offer people real solutions to problems and we certainly don't minimize their problems and give trite answers like "tragic" and "so sad" when people ask for help.  

How can you, with a straight face, come here and jump on us for being "mean" when you follow a woman that advocates BEATING your children with a leather strap for 4 freaking hours over some spilled raisins?

Bitch, please!

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1 minute ago, Curious said:

Which is why they should NEVER go to Lori for help.  She deleted a suicide hotline from a woman that NEEDED REAL HELP.   How can you dismiss that?  

She deletes anything, including scripture, that disagrees with her and then has the audacity to call people's salvation into question and tell that they hate "God's perfect ways."   Don't you think that can be damaging to someone that is struggling in their faith or life?  How can you dismiss that?

She told a woman that thought she broke her daughter's arm to "hit harder."   How can you dismiss that?

We offer people real solutions to problems and we certainly don't minimize their problems and give trite answers like "tragic" and "so sad" when people ask for help.  

How can you, with a straight face, come here and jump on us for being "mean" when you follow a woman that advocates BEATING your children with a leather strap for 4 freaking hours over some spilled raisins?

Bitch, please!

In case you’ve missed it the last few times I’ve written it, I didn’t come to defend Lori. 

B*tch Bye! 

13 minutes ago, polecat said:

I'm saying this as gently as possible and without even a hint of snark -- and I'm prefacing it by saying that I'm so sorry you experienced that. But do you realize that much of what Lori says and does is pure abuse justification? That Lori is, quite frankly, an abuser? 

As a survivor of childhood abuse myself, this was something I've always been paranoid about (literally paranoid). I watched other survivors, because I grew up in the exact same kind of system that Lori, the Duggars, and so many other fundamentalists espouse, grow up and end up in the exact same type of abusive situation they were trying to escape. 

This is a feature, really, and not a bug of abuse. Abusers zero in on people who are struggling in some way or who have a history of trauma. They love it, eat it up, because they know they don't have to do much in the way of conditioning their chosen victim to accept their abuse. They just find the right pattern and stick with it. Lori does that with the women she "helps." She zeroes in on women who have a history of trauma, who have been previously abused, who are currently being abused, etc. And then she zooms in to do her thing. Yes, even though she may be miles away and she's doing her dirty work via computer/phone, *she is abusing* these women. 

So please, just think about why Lori is so manipulative, why she, a proud and admitted abuser (she hit Ken, she hit her kids for hours, she flicked her babies) is so drawn to traumatized women. Why she's so desperate to get into their lives, to hold sway over them. 



I can see your point. 

14 minutes ago, polecat said:

I'm saying this as gently as possible and without even a hint of snark -- and I'm prefacing it by saying that I'm so sorry you experienced that. But do you realize that much of what Lori says and does is pure abuse justification? That Lori is, quite frankly, an abuser? 

As a survivor of childhood abuse myself, this was something I've always been paranoid about (literally paranoid). I watched other survivors, because I grew up in the exact same kind of system that Lori, the Duggars, and so many other fundamentalists espouse, grow up and end up in the exact same type of abusive situation they were trying to escape. 

This is a feature, really, and not a bug of abuse. Abusers zero in on people who are struggling in some way or who have a history of trauma. They love it, eat it up, because they know they don't have to do much in the way of conditioning their chosen victim to accept their abuse. They just find the right pattern and stick with it. Lori does that with the women she "helps." She zeroes in on women who have a history of trauma, who have been previously abused, who are currently being abused, etc. And then she zooms in to do her thing. Yes, even though she may be miles away and she's doing her dirty work via computer/phone, *she is abusing* these women. 

So please, just think about why Lori is so manipulative, why she, a proud and admitted abuser (she hit Ken, she hit her kids for hours, she flicked her babies) is so drawn to traumatized women. Why she's so desperate to get into their lives, to hold sway over them. 



I got caught up for a second and messed up my last reply. Ay yi yi. Being hated keeps ya hoppin’! Anyway, I see your point and thank you. 

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7 hours ago, Jessesgirl25 said:

Oh really? Because I didn’t even comment just made a few downvotes and was immediately called out as a “fan girl”. Which I’ve gathered is not a compliment

It's pretty noticeable when someone new comes here and just starts downvoting.  It shows a lack of good netiquette.  It's also almost a sure sign of someone is here not to engage, but use "popularity points" to cause a disruption.    This isn't our first rodeo, as they say.  I do think you are the first person other than Ken that has had the balls to try and defend Lori Alexander, though.   Oh wait..there was cabinetman (We have to move the feminists have found us!) :rolleyes:

You seem to be engaging now (I'm still some pages behind on this thread) which probably would have been the place to start vs the downvoting.  Future information in case you decide to join another forum at some point.

7 hours ago, Jessesgirl25 said:

Well I didn’t see it. Forgive me for not being on her page 24/7! Gee, guess I’m not a leg humper.

As I said, I'm still catching up on this thread, so I'm not sure if someone has posted this for you yet or not, but here is the thread we had at the time Lori deleted the suicide hotline number.  You can see the screenshot of the original plea for help on there as well as what followed.



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11 minutes ago, Curious said:

you follow a woman that advocates BEATING your children with a leather strap

Let's never forget that's an 18 inch leather strap.  Used to beat a toddler. For 4 hours. Because of spilled raisins. 

Lori is proud of doing that. She brags about it. She's told the story more than once.

I can't even imagine what happened for a more "serious" offense.  I don't want to imagine.

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1 minute ago, Curious said:

It's pretty noticeable when someone new comes here and just starts downvoting.  It shows a lack of good netiquette.  It's also almost a sure sign of someone is here not to engage, but use "popularity points" to cause a disruption.    This isn't our first rodeo, as they say.  I do think you are the first person other than Ken that has had the balls to try and defend Lori Alexander, though.   Oh wait..there was cabinetman (We have to move the feminists have found us!) :rolleyes:

You seem to be engaging now (I'm still some pages behind on this thread) which probably would have been the place to start vs the downvoting.  Future information in case you decide to join another forum at some point.

Well it sure would have been nice to be explained the etiquette of down voting before being called a fan girl right off the jump, lol! Too late for any of that business now though. I didn’t know down voting was as bad as it seems to be. Again, wasn’t trying to defend Lori, I can’t reitierate that enough. The balls weren’t for Lori, it was for the ladies whose comments were being posted that weren’t aware. I felt like it was bullying and it just rubbed me the wrong way. Things seem to have been explained back and forth so it seems, unless I’m totally wrong, that things are dare I say, settled maybe? For the most part? 

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@Jessesgirl25 my advice if you want to follow a more complementarian approach to marriage is to shake the dust off your feet at Lori's page and find a person who is at least kind and decent about their approach if you haven't already. What things you might agree with in her teaching seem to be far out weighed by the bad she does teach. I was soft complementarian until about three years ago I think ( there's been a lot of changes so I can't quite remember the time line lol) so I know there are better teachers. I can't think of any off the top of my head though. 

I also encourage a look into egalitarianism. Contrary to what many will try to claim, it's not unbiblical and is heavily misconstrued by those who don't have a basic understanding of it. This is where I'm at after years of hard studying. Junia project is a recommended place to start. 

You asked why I don't ignore Lori if I don't like her stuff. I think someone explained the dislike button feature here quite well so I won't go into that again. I don't always ignore her because as someone who has a Masters in Counseling, with a specific interest in the impact of church abuse,I've seen first hand the psychological impact her words have on men and women. It goes beyond simple disagreement into down right concern for these women believing her words. Trust me when I say there is a lot of stuff on Facebook I do ignore lol. 

And to summarize you're reasoning for visiting us: you're not here to defend Lori but are concerned for the women who seem to think their private information is being shared here? That issue seems to be relatively explained and taken care of in my opinion although you may not think so. So I'm curious, once that is accomplished what do you intend to do? Stick around and chill? Leave us? 

Personally if you stick around and things calm down you get to see how cool we are and learn awesome recipes during our food drifts.  

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4 hours ago, Jessesgirl25 said:

So I leave, keep getting notifications and then a message from a kind hearted soul saying I may have misjudged this forum. Come back to see what all the fuss is about and see that what I first came here to see for myself, is still going on and in fact, I was right. Ridiculing and  name calling without poor little ol’ me here to defend myself. 

Maybe some of you need to take a probiotic with your dinners, will help clear up that crap some of you are full of. May I suggest Probio5 from Plexus? It works quite well. 

Shoutout to the Pink drinker a few posts up. ;)





Serious question.  Have you ever belonged to a forum before?  I ask because you don't seem to really understand how they work. 

You come in guns blazing and start downvoting people then get upset when people give you negative reactions (fuck yous and other various options available).   Yet you had no problem doing that to others.

Then you say we are continuing without you as though you saying tata (I'm guessing) should have clued us in that you were leaving and we should suddenly just stop talking about/to you?

I'm just trying to figure out if you legit don't understand how forums work or you are shitting on our carpets, as we say here.

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The notebook doodle she posted today is an old one.  She is purposefully posting the most offensive things she can.

@Ken- her behavior right now is really strange, particularly given what's going on with her mother.  Apparently this odd behavior has extended beyond the internet, because just a week or so ago, she reported hanging up on a family member/friend. My guess?  They were confronting her about the way she is acting.  

Lori may claim to love "hard truths" and hate "having her ears tickled", but who has she ever learned from?  She goes to great lengths to re-post the comments of people who have left her positive reviews (tickled her ears), in hopes of getting even more praise, but when have we ever seen her acknowledge learning from a critique?  Never, that's when.  She deletes anyone who dares question her, even if the only thing they post is scripture.  

The things she "learns" are things she already believes.  It's confirmation bias.  Anyone who disagrees with her, automatically "hates God and his ways".  

I don't know what's going on with her at the moment, but she seems to be coming completely unraveled.  Her behavior is unchristian and inappropriate.  You (Ken) know that she's trying to get attention (to the point of paying for it), and you also know this has NOTHING whatsoever to do with Jesus or HIS message (which Lori seems to have forgotten).  

At this point, I am honestly starting to think she needs real help.  If this is what we're seeing, there's no telling what's going on behind the scenes.  Either way, rest assured that no one is missing it.  It's super obvious, and therefore highly likely that people are wondering why you (a self-proclaimed "command man"), are sitting back doing absolutely nothing to put a stop to this ridiculousness.  

You claim to be a Christian, so tell me- what kind of testimony do you think Lori has right now?  Do you think she is at peace with all men, as far as it concerns her?  Do you think these posts are causing division and strife?  Do you think Lori is a good example of one who minds her own business, or does she strike you as more of a gossip, and a busybody?  Or are you just relieved that she's leaving you the hell alone?  


Side note- I wonder what brought up Lori's recent confession about hitting Ken.  She's never admitted to that before, but it kind of puts things into perspective.  

-She married him hoping to change him.  Immediately started w/ the emotional abuse/ wanting him to serve her.

-She sabotaged her birth control, to trick him into having a baby with her

-She admits she hit him.  

Is it possible that her confession came about because she's recently hit him again?  Lori doesn't do anything without a purpose, and I just find it really strange that she's been on a mission to prove that a "good" spouse can hit their partner, and still be "good".

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3 minutes ago, Curious said:

You come in guns blazing and start downvoting people then get upset when people give you negative reactions (fuck yous and other various options available).   Yet you had no problem doing that to others.

Then you say we are continuing without you as though you saying tata (I'm guessing) should have clued us in that you were leaving and we should suddenly just stop talking about/to you?

I'm just trying to figure out if you legit don't understand how forums work or you are shitting on our carpets, as we say here.

My money is shitting on our carpets. We may have to call in pros for this one folks! It's right deep. 

Re: the bolded above...do we have another Lori-esque attention whore here? 

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4 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Disagreement is allowed (you won't be blocked for disagreeing) but down voting doesn't seem to be a favored method here.

Your post was excellent, as always, @Sarah92.  I just have one little nitpick really.  Downvoting, in general, is not the problem.  Yes, some people get upset about dvs, but most of the time people just move on from them.   The problem in the instant situation is that @Jessesgirl25 came in and starting downvoting right out of the gate, before even posting.  Historically, here that never goes well because it is almost always a troll or a leghumper of whoever the topic of the thread is.   So people have learned to be naturally wary about the people that do it.

Netiquette doesn't seem to be as well known/understood/followed as it was back in the dark ages of the early internet ;)

4 hours ago, Escadora said:

Aaah, you know sometimes on here with the leghumpers and the trolls I question why I bother.

Sure, me, you just go ahead and spend a solid 20 minutes working on a post and then checking it over to make sure it's not too aggressive and trying to touch it up to make it more approachable just in case there's the smallest chance that maybe we've got someone who's not as they seem and is in fact just looking for answers and maybe companionship. And yes, me, remember most or all of the things that Lori's done just so you can make your case without resorting to easily dismissable name-calling (adding cunt waffle to the roster of insults though, for sure) for the sake of credibility. Me, dear me, please do also try hard to remember and engage the person we're speaking with and try to relate to them on a personal level. And, yes, me, please, absolutely, insert, more, commas, here, please please remember to add that it's a friendly community despite this current unrest. 

And then, me, after all that, post it and wait as your comment gets ignored by the one you aimed it at as they continue to talk about absolutely nothing of substance or importance. 

And then finally, me, accept it. This person's looking for a petty argument and will eventually flounce with a testimony of persecution and us bitter, evil hags who didn't even try at all to engage with her on an adult level here at FJ. 

You can lead a leghumper to water...

(no shade on anyone else btw, I wish my first reaction had been a hearty sod off but nooooo... can't control myself for even one time)


I feel your pain.  As you probably know I will give people more chances than they deserve on FJ because I always think "this will be the one that gets it" and somehow comes around and see the light.   Hasn't happened since I've been on FJ, but I still end up trying every. single. time.

I liked your post, fwiw:) 

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3 hours ago, Jessesgirl25 said:

Someone in here is also in a closed group made by Lori that takes screenshots of comments, etc., that are supposed to stay in that room. I feel that is wrong. Not all of the women in that group agree with everything Lori says so there are women in there who are a great help to others. And to find out things got out was hurtful to some. No matter what, for or against, things like that should be off limits and not displayed publicly. 

Posting screenshots and direct quotes (cut/paste) from private forums, fb groups, blogs etc IS against our rules.  However, it's sometimes quite hard to tell where screenshots are from so unless someone knows because they are in the same group and reports it, things may slip by the moderation team.

If you see something from a private group, you can report it and someone on the moderation team will take a look at it and hide or redact the post if it is from a private source.

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Thank you @Curious! And lol I wasn't sure because as long as I've been on here (which has been less than a year) I just haven't seen it used often towards members on this forum where I mostly stay  lol. So I was taking a stab in the dark. But thank you for expanding on that for me. :) I was just ranting about netiquette to my roommate lol. I blame politics lol it seems to bring out the nastiness is people lol. 

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1 hour ago, Jessesgirl25 said:

B*tch Bye! 

If you aren't old enough to use "naughty" words  maybe you should pick different ones.  You look ridiculous censoring the word bitch.   We use adult language here on FJ, unapologetically.  If you don't like swearing don't do it.  If you don't mind swearing, then type out the whole word like a big girl.

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1 hour ago, Jessesgirl25 said:

Well it sure would have been nice to be explained the etiquette of down voting before being called a fan girl right off the jump, lol! Too late for any of that business now though. I didn’t know down voting was as bad as it seems to be. Again, wasn’t trying to defend Lori, I can’t reitierate that enough. The balls weren’t for Lori, it was for the ladies whose comments were being posted that weren’t aware. I felt like it was bullying and it just rubbed me the wrong way. Things seem to have been explained back and forth so it seems, unless I’m totally wrong, that things are dare I say, settled maybe? For the most part? 

Well, that is part of why people who want to get along on forums generally lurk for a period of time to learn the board culture and find out how at least a few of the members interact.  It's not really our job to explain this stuff to you, but if you had looked at ANY of our documentation it would have given you at least an idea what we are about.

It's why I later asked you if you had been on many forums before because you seem pretty clueless about how they function in general and if people know you don't understand they will be more likely to explain rather than jumping your shit.  I probably should have read the entire thread before posting, but I can get a little mama bear over the forum (I'm the owner) and Lori happens to be one of my "hot buttons."

I am going to take a wild guess that you didn't even look at our rules, for example, because if you had, you would have known that posting private information is not allowed and we do address it ASAP when we KNOW about it.  We have about 2kish active members and we get thousands of posts per day.  We have a moderation team of less than 20 people.  There are far more threads and posts than we can keep up with every day and we rely a lot on both self-policing (members calling out bad behavior and enforcing board cultural norms) and members reporting rule violations (which are addressed quickly in most cases).

I hope you decide to stick around.  I think you will find the group is very compassionate and supportive.  You may even see that we offer information for Lori's readers that she, herself, does not.   @Koala and @Sarah92 have both written their own variations of answers to questions Lori's readers have asked and they are ALWAYS a million times for helpful and supportive than Lori "tragic!" Alexander (when she can be bothered to answer).

If you read through the Lori Alexander Accountability Group (It's a Club so look for clubs in the menu up top..it's under browse) or the Lori and Ken archives you can see that we have carefully chronicled the posts she deletes so it's not just us making up stuff about her (like she likes to claim).


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12 hours ago, Jessesgirl25 said:

That is a horrible excuse to try and back up sneaky behavior. Why not post it to that women on FB and question her honesty? Instead come here to post and ridicule and imply that she’s lying. Instead of offering support and help like this group here on this thread claims to do she and her family are put under scrutiny. Sick. 

Time zone differences mean that I’m still waaaaay behind in this conversation, so apologies if this point has already been made.

When people create PUBLIC blogs, make Facebook posts PUBLIC, hold PUBLIC discussions (like here), or create a PUBLIC GoFundMe, that means we’re all invited. Everyone! That’s what PUBLIC is!

You know how when books are published (which at heart means “made public”) people review them and discuss them? Journalists, bloggers, Amazon customers. All without permission or participation of the author. You know how people review and discuss TV shows and movies? You know that that’s all fine, right? Even if what people are saying is that they don’t like it or it could have been done better?

When someone decides to PUBLISH their thoughts in a public blog, there is nothing sneaky about discussing it. Claiming that these are private people with personal writings is utterly, utterly false. Writing a PUBLIC blog is the opposite of private. Commenting publicly is also the opposite of private. Claiming that it’s wrong somehow to discuss this deliberately public information is like saying it’s wrong to express an opinion about Jurassic World.

There’s nothing mean about disagreeing with something. There’s nothing invasive about discussing deliberately public material. It is not “sneaky”.

As to your specific question: “Why not post it to that woman on FB?” Well, for the same reason I don’t write to Steven Spielberg my opinion about Jaws. There is great merit to discussing that which has been published, quite apart from chatting directly with the author. Critique is culturally valuable.

Some bloggers seem to want the benefits of publishing (praise, prestige) without the risks (criticism), or the responsibilities. That is childish.

These blog posts and comments aren’t private chats in someone’s kitchen, with Free Jinger crouching outside an open window. Lori, bloggers like her, and—to a lesser but not completely excused extent—their commenters are performing on a stage they have deliberately constructed. Claiming any variation on invasion of privacy is absurd.

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5 hours ago, Jessesgirl25 said:

Again, wasn’t trying to defend Lori, I can’t reitierate that enough. The balls weren’t for Lori, it was for the ladies whose comments were being posted that weren’t aware.

Yeah except that the only post you pointed out was some bs by Lori about her VIRAL post. If there are other posts that feature screenshots of private conversations please report them as they are in violation of our rules and we are going to remove them. If there aren't then your claim doesn't make sense.

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12 hours ago, Imrlgoddess said:

These are on the Blessing of Viral Posts but: 

  Hide contents


This one: 

  Hide contents


This was a comment he responded to: 

  Hide contents


His response in two parts: 


  Hide contents



  Hide contents


That first spoiler box is blank. I don't know how to delete them on mobile. 

This is such typical Ken. He tries to make it out that Lori’s message is simple Christian selflessness, while sidestepping that her posts CLEARLY only apply that selflessness requirement to women, and explicitly excuse all men from that selflessness. He is simply maddening. No matter how clearly points are made or questions asked, he responds as if to something else.

Also, he is referring to respect and kindness as “little things” which is bullshit.

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So, of course Lori's VIRAL post is getting shared around in some other Facebook groups that I'm in. Not going to lie, I'm enjoying spilling some boiling hot tea about Lori.

"Oh, you think this "expectations destroy relationships" doodle is bullshit? LET ME TELL YOU WHAT ELSE!"

Child abuse, birth control sabotage, gossip about teenagers, OMG yoga pants, even the attempted kick of the poor kitty cat. It's all coming out now!

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3 minutes ago, TeddyBonkers said:

So, of course Lori's VIRAL post is getting shared around in some other Facebook groups that I'm in. Not going to lie, I'm enjoying spilling some boiling hot tea about Lori.

"Oh, you think this "expectations destroy relationships" doodle is bullshit? LET ME TELL YOU WHAT ELSE!"

Child abuse, birth control sabotage, gossip about teenagers, OMG yoga pants, even the attempted kick of the poor kitty cat. It's all coming out now!

You are doing Rufus' work, my friend :)

Edit to add: don't forget deleting the suicide hotline, "hit harder" and her weird obsession about breasts(feeding)

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21 minutes ago, Curious said:

You are doing Rufus' work, my friend :)

Edit to add: don't forget deleting the suicide hotline, "hit harder" and her weird obsession about breasts(feeding)

Oh how could I forget! I only mentioned the child abuse that she inflicted on her kids! We are both doing Rufus' work!

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16 hours ago, Jessesgirl25 said:

Making fun of people IS wrong. 

We don't "make fun" of people, we snark on them in the context of exposing the dangers of extreme fundamentalism. Nobody is bullying anyone. Bullies bully to exercise power and control over people. Lori "makes fun" of people all the time, talking about their houses, clothing, and food choices! And she bullies in the name of God! Open your eyes!

Tell me, why do you think she has Ken ride in on his horse of truth to respond to critics? She posts her crap, why won't she defend it? Ken needs to shut up. See, I told you we talk about men too!

Anyone who is mean to animals is evil to me. Her kicking the cat sealed the deal for me. Can't stand her.

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8 hours ago, Imrlgoddess said:

I looked him up as soon as I noticed where they were from. He's got a cute rap sheet & no that charge he caught wasn't for defending anything. He just as easily could have gone right back in his house & left it alone. I was pissed at my sister the year + her husband was out of work & she turned down a great job. For me, this situation is no different. I can't abide lazy, no matter who it is. 


I live in the same Parish.  The Sheriff's Office and DA's don't keep you in jail because you're cute and they want to spend time with you because of your sparkling personality.  I still think he jumped bond and was turned back in.  The wife is following Lori's mantra of God will provide if I pray, pop out babies, and homeschool.  

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I’m so glad my parents didn’t have the same mindset as Lori or I never would have amounted to anything.

Lori we wouldn’t be where we are today, in the medical, science, and technology fields, without women. It is true that not everyone can be a doctor or a scientist. Everyone includes males as well not just females.  

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