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Lori Alexander 44: Ken Galloping Off on the Horse of Truth The Feminists Are Coming!

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A super busy work and home schedule left me with a lot of catching up to do here!

Those comments about a “God sized hole) as the reason for depression and anxiety absolutely minimizes the experiences of people impacted and does nothing to mitigate the very real stigma we have about mental health in this country. Back in my child welfare days, I worked with a mother who was a paranoid schizophrenic. She had started attending a fundamental church that pushed that perspective all while preaching hellfire and damnation. My client was inconsistent with her meds, and then, after 9/11, she stopped completely. In her view, that was a clear indication that we were in the last days and that she needed to stop her medication completely. She was ultimately stabilized, thankfully. Medicated, she was one of the nicest, most gentle people I ever worked with. A wake up call for me about the messages that some churches send. 

@jerkit I am glad you had your surgery and that you are recovering. I hope it continues. 

@Sarah92 in summer, try jockey skimmees- you can find them in the underwear section (they are at my Kohl’s and target). They prevent chub rub and are lighter than yoga pants. 

Re researching meds, I think it’s wise to be informed. 

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2 hours ago, usmcmom said:

In fact, though it may be scientifically true, NOWHERE in the Bible is it mentioned that a man has ten times more testosterone than a woman. Lori loves to bash science all the time but marches this little tidbit out weekl

It just dawned on me that I don't think we've ever vetted this statement from her.  This is the first article that came up when doing a search and surprise, Lori is WRONG.


From the article: (bold mine)



Here is a simple table derived from information on the Mayo Clinic’s web site & here as well.

                              TESTOSTERONE         ESTOGEN

MEN (> = 19 yrs old) 240-950 ng/dL            10-40 pg/mL

WOMEN (> = 19 yrs old*)   8-60 ng/dL         15-350 pg/mL

* Premenopausal. Estrogen rates change for women during pregnancy as well.

For the sake of argument, and because levels can differ so much in range, I’m going to use the highest numbers for this example.

So let’s do the math here:

950 / 60 = 15.88 so for argument’s sake, let’s say that men have 16x more Testosterone than women.


350 / 40 = 8.75 so for argument’s sake, let’s say that women have 9x more Estrogen than men.




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5 hours ago, delphinium65 said:

I'm watching The Path too.  It's...interesting to say the least! 

The Path was not renewed by Hulu, and I am disappointed.

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Another article about hormones https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sexual-personalities/201602/sex-gender-and-testosterone

This bit caught my attention: (bold mine)


Actors do have especially high testosterone (the highest testosterone of all professions, ministers have the lowest; Dabbs & Dabbs, 2000).


Not gonna lie, this made me chuckle.

This article is discussing gender roles and hormones.  It's kind of interesting when you look at it from a perspective like Lori's.

(bold mine)


Some sexual diversity scholars have suggested many of the hormonal differences between men and women (and most of the psychological sex differences that seem connected to hormonal differences) largely result from men and women undergoing differential socialization experiences and inhabiting different social roles (e.g., Wood & Eagly, 2012). If men and women were raised exactly the same, and held identical positions and roles across society, for instance, it is expected there would be little to no sex differences in hormones such as testosterone (Butler, 2002).



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I thought this was an interesting post regarding women’s rights: 

Doesn’t seem like there was an agenda to overthrow men or ruin the family system (although Lori and her ilk would claim the part about not acting in blind obedience is a nod to that).

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Except for she's using that verse out of context as the passage specifically refers to widows, referencing children taking care of their aging parents. Further down it mentions young women taking care of widows already in their care. This seems to note that it's a collaborative effort within the church. Wealthy widows were expect to pay for their own care it would seem. Young widows could remarry. The point seems to be not to drain funds away from those who could truly use them. Funnily enough outside of this passage I don't think men providing is ever mentioned again, although you see both genders doing so in different ways. 

On that note someone with a Greek understanding might be better at interpreting the use of masculine pronouns in this particular passage. 

Also didnt LoriKen say you can't create an entire theology out of one verse? Hmmmm


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8 hours ago, Briefly said:

Mine did not have any effect on my periods.  It was outpatient but I react oddly to anesthesia (red head metabolism) and it seems like I stayed in the recovery room longer than many of the other people that were recovering.  But I didn't have any side effects at all from the surgery.  But it was a while back, my tubes were cauterized so I don't know if that would be considered removed or not?

No, tubal ligation is different than full removal. 

Im sorry you reacted poorly to anesthesia. When I had my breast reduction, I had a bad reaction to IV antiemetics. I was shaking and couldn’t stop.

8 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

The Path was not renewed by Hulu, and I am disappointed.

WHAT?! That’s so disappointing! 

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6 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

On that note someone with a Greek understanding might be better at interpreting the use of masculine pronouns in this particular passage. 

I went to the interlinear here: http://biblehub.com/interlinear/1_timothy/5.htm

I see no pronouns. οἰκείων is genitive and is the same across all three genders, so it doesn't point towards "his" as the interlinear translation would have it.  ἤρνηται is translated as "he has denied", but there is no gender there.. 

In my opinion, both men and women who were able to work were busy working and caring for those under their care.  Jesus rebuked the pharisees for not honoring and providing for their parents, so it makes sense that the apostle Paul would also point out that not caring for the aged and widowed (who couldn't provide for themselves) was the same as denying the faith. 

How would a woman be able to provide for those in her care if she didn't have the means to do so? Ruth gleaned in a field to provide for her mother in law and was commended for her faithfulness, so why shouldn't we work for money to be able to support our parents? That's what I'm planning to do. 

You're right about these people building doctrines on a handful of verses or even one lonely verse.  It's frustrating.   When Ken offered to have private conversations over our grievances with Lori's blog, I took him up on his offer and sent him a message with a list of my grievances.  Among them was my frustration with her use of Bible verses picked out of context.  I've given up on trying to dialogue throught these differences because I realize we read the Bible very differently.  I was accused of wanting to water down the truth when I encouraged him to take a few steps back and look at the full passage.   Lori will go on proof texting and all I can do is avoid her teaching.  There are much better teachers out there. 

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Huh. I don't see a verse commanding men to be some providers either. Abd Mary pride is batshit  crazy and she DID have a career doing her homeschooling writing and speaking. 


Today Ken wrote a post complaining about all of us and our wickedness. 

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3 minutes ago, EowynW said:

Today Ken wrote a post complaining about all of us and our wickedness. 

Where?  I can't stand Lori's blog because the weird everything being centered does my head in.  Can you screenshot it?  *big doe eyes*

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7 minutes ago, Curious said:

Where?  I can't stand Lori's blog because the weird everything being centered does my head in.  Can you screenshot it?  *big doe eyes*

I am out the door for work. I am sorry. It's a LONG post on her blog. 

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Goodness, that's a wall of text Ken. And since you take God's word at face value without cultural context, I assume Lori will stop wearing jewelry and you will start greeting people with a holy kiss? Also you will pray with hands lifted high? 

Perhaps just maybe,y'all should stop taking single verses out of context as Lori did just last night and then we can talk. 

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19 minutes ago, EowynW said:


Today Ken wrote a post complaining about all of us and our wickedness. 

Among other things he says 'God also is the one who gave Lori her personality...'  Should get a refund, or exchange, on that gift. 

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Once again, Ken, there are plenty of blogs teaching roughly the same things Lori is. There aren’t hundred of people who think those women are human garbage. It’s the delivery, Ken. Lori is a bitch. She’s rude and mean and awful.

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wow up to a 7 on the pain scale.  While that is nothing to sneeze at, I lived for about 7 years at a constant 8-9 with no pain control.  I couldn't watch a comedy movie because laughing hurt so much and sent my back into muscle spasms.

I can (and do) tell people exactly why I have pain.  Not some vague "illness."  My problems are also consistent, they don't just crop up when someone else is the center of attention (like my child's wedding, for example).

There are people who have chronic pain that go to their jobs every day.  They take care of their kids or maybe elderly parents, every day.  They do housework, every day.  They don't have the luxury of laying around in bed or having a "ministry"

Sorry to break it to you, Ken, but Lori is not special because she has chronic pain of some dubious nature.

(note: this is how far I got into Ken's post before I tapped out)

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Summary of post: Lori was called to start the blog (I thought they didn't believe in callings? Oh that's all other women but Lori  right, right. ) while she was in lots of pain. After all she's been a mentor to other women for a while now. Lori created the blog and declared it was good. However, unlike God, Lori never took a sabbath day of rest.  Blog was free from corruption until the evil snakes, I mean feminists, came along offering forbidden fruit. Lori casts out those who disagree and tempts others (weak, easily gullible females) away from her blog because they are ungodly. I and Lori follow many years of church tradition and literal interpretation of the Bible so they most be right! (Even though slavery was a thing in a lot of church tradition, but no biggie) Anyone who disagrees should take it up with God! Also Lori may delete suicide hotline numbers but she's NEVER advocate a women stay with her PHYSICALLY abusive husband (she can take some fear and emotional abuse though). We're godly!!!!*stomps foot like a child*

parathesis are my own additions to the summary in addition to artistic liberties

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As you all know, I am verbose.  If it can be said in 1 sentence I will use 3.  I want to use ALL THE WORDS!   As a result, I do not mind reading long posts made by others.  However, even I have limits and Ken seems to hit that limit frequently. 

The phrase "baffle them with bullshit" almost always comes to mind when reading Ken's posts.  Making ALL THE WORDS into a salad does not make for a well thought out, informative post.

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When I finished plowing through Ken's giant wall-o-words, I went to yesterday's blog post and read a few comments. This mother's comment particularly struck me:


It’s just sad when people think (when they ask and you say that your daughter isn’t going to college) it’s crazy to not have your daughter further her education! I say, education for what? For homemaking? For child rearing/raising? For making her husband happy? She *will* get all that with me! She doesn’t need a career! Colleges aren’t teaching her how to be a Godly woman!

Oh, I don't know... education for it's OWN sake? Education to make her a well-rounded, articulate individual who can carry on an intelligent conversation with her husband on interesting topics? Education that teaches her how to further educate herself even after college? Education that gives her something intellectual to ponder while she's changing diapers and washing dishes and reorganising a pantry that doesn't really need organising. Education that will help her make sense of the news and give her the reasoning ability to filter through the crap we're fed by the media every day? 

Nah. Forget all that. All she needs to know is how to keep house, raise her kids, and make her husband happy (ten minutes and lube, according to Lori! Or five, according to Ken!). 

Didn't we used to abhor ignorance? Now we have an entire subset of people celebrating it!  I just don't get it.




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Did he mention the wise, Christian women who have, respectfully and privately, tried to offer their opinion? Has he mentioned the women and men who offer a different interpretation from plain reading of Scripture? Has he said anything about his condescending tone towards these people? 

This was my last comment on the 2.0 thread. 


you can try to stop seeing us as a "group of detractors" and see us as people who don't share your interpretation but make a valid point every now and then. Most of your posts are dedicated to defend Lori and try to set us straight. Can you read with the purpose of understanding what we're trying to communicate? I see many very valid points being made on this thread, many truths being said, many valid concerns being expressed. Some of us have had to take several steps back from that one verse that you keep throwing at us to see that it is part of a larger group of instructions. For some of us, doing that has saved our faith because focusing too much on it was separating us from God. God works change in us from the inside-out. He draws us to Him, invites us into a relationship with Him, and then He teaches us how to live. This may sound very mystical, but I have found this to be the truth. Trying to keep a bunch of commandments without the basis of trusting God and His love for me was lethal for my faith and for my family. 

On Easter Sunday this year, the worship leader read Philippians 2, verses 1-11. I continued reading and stopped at verse 13.

12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

Since I moved away from trying to earn my place in heaven, I am in awe af the way God keeps drawing me nearer. It’s no walk in the park, He’s shown me stuff I have to see, but when He does it.. It’s sooooo not like Debi Pearl or Lori! No whacking me over the head with one verse, no. He actually causes me to see those He wants me to learn how to love the way He sees them. It’s indescribable. I highly recommend putting aside the Bible-ping-pong game and starting to let God do the work in our hearts.

And his response:


I do not have time to go back and find all of the unkind, twisted an gossipy comments posted just since I arrived. I understand it may actually be worse on other threads. So please don't fault us for clumping you together because we have no way of breaking you our of the significant gossip mongering that goes on here and other places. I understand that there are a spectrum of Christians and maybe nonchristians here, but your hurtful and sometimes defaming comments at another person's expense and do not measure up to common human decency. If you have been in this group a while, you tell me if it is monitored to keep things Christian, or it found a good punching bag, "let's have it women!" 

Only once or twice when I saw one of the 25 inappropriate comments or posts did I see a reasonable defender or two. You really have to post a pic of my home? I hope it caught my 1984 Mercedes outside with 350,000 miles on it. And I can afford not to be frugal, but prefer helping out 5 families financially last year who were I very difficult situations. 

No, social media does not give an Christian the right to purposely say unkind things and try to tear people down. That is what the world does. Sorry... I gotta go!

Does it sound like he even read my comment? 

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10 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

This is my favorite line:

The crazy thing is we don’t really care how our opponents want to think.

For someone who doesn't care, he's spent a lot of time arguing with us.  All those words!  

12 minutes ago, Curious said:

The phrase "baffle them with bullshit" almost always comes to mind when reading Ken's posts.

Exactly!  He seems to think if he keeps talking on, and on, and oooooon, that we'll forget what we were talking about to start with.  I may have ADHD (never have completely grown out of it, dammit), but even I can do better than that.  

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43 minutes ago, delphinium65 said:

Among other things he says 'God also is the one who gave Lori her personality...'  Should get a refund, or exchange, on that gift. 

And God gave feminists there personality, right? I mean that is how it has to work. And loud what Lori would call unfeminine women also get their personality from God. Or is it Lori's personality comes from God and all others come from Satan. 

His post is obviously to replace the "Setting the Record Straight Post", that he had Lori delete. They have to get their digs in somehow.

Entire post. 



Recently I spent some time engaged in discussions with various opponents who are against parts or all of Lori’s blog. For some, the angst is based on a false fear that what Lori teaches is dangerous to the unlearned and unwise Christian follower who blindly follows allowing herself to be abused by her husband. No matter how Lori tells her audience not to submit to abuse it will never be enough to assuage their fears. For others its that “Lori puts down women” by her regular focus on wifely submission and keepers at home. After all, women are capable of so much more than being subservient to a husband and a house maid with children. The list is many and varied with much of the angst over how Lori runs her blog, not allowing detractors to plant their weeds of comments on her pages. In today’s world of “no holds barred” social media, how can that be fair?

On the surface, the complaints have some merit and if only Lori could run the blog as 20 other women want her to run it maybe she would be a more successful blogger. I, too, know a few people who are convinced that it they could just run my life I could be far more successful, too. The problem is that Lori’s blog only belongs to one person, the Lord God. He is the one who gave her the calling to be obedient to His Word in “teaching the younger women…” and He gave her exactly what He wants her to focus upon, “That they may love and obey their husbands and be keepers at home.” If someone has a problem with her repeating in many ways these essential aspects of Christian womanhood, they should take it up with God and His Word.

God also is the one who gave Lori her personality, gifts, and strengths to carry out the ministry. He does not choose perfect people to ministry, but most often chooses those who are willingly placing their time, resources, and abilities into the Lord’s hands to do with them as He pleases.

As the story goes, Lori had been mentoring women one-on-one for a number of years with great success, often on and off based on her health issues. It was always fun to have her whisper in my ear as we sat in church together, “Do you see that woman in the blue dress on the back row with that man? She’s one I mentored whose husband left her and they are over there holding hands! I have not heard from her in a year.” Then to meet them after church and as we are leaving the wife leans over to Lori and whispers to her, “You know, I can’t thank you enough. Things are so good at home and to think I would have left him if it was not for you.” Just a few simple yet powerful concepts from God’s Word delivered by an obedient older godly woman proves again that the Word is living, active, and healing.

Almost every day, Lori gets one or more thank you notes from women who have been positively impacted from her imperfect ministry. A ministry God is using powerfully to help marriages and families, and yet we and our opponents know she is far from polished or perfect. When she hit a period of a heavy bout of 5-6-7’s in pain on a scale of 10, and was basically housebound for a long period of time, it was then that she felt called to start an Internet mentoring ministry. Her goal was find women who would want her ministry in their lives, so she announced to me one day, “I am going to start a mentoring blog and see if I can get 30 followers!” My response returned her enthusiasm by saying, “I will bet that you get 100!”

With only a modest ability to just surf the Internet, she called our computer whiz daughter and began the process of setting up her original “Always Learning” blog. Soon the posts were coming out and comments started showing up. Many of the comments reasonable and others not so sound, but Lori was enjoying her small success and dreaming up new posts to write.

All seemed to be going according to plan until one day it seemed like a hornet’s nest had found the blog and was leaving stinging attacks all over it. In frustration and perhaps tears she told me about it, and in my confident manner I assured her that we could handle this All we needed to do was reason with these people. And reason we did. Back and forth and forth and back went the merry-go-round of ideas where the two circles never seemed to be able to find common ground.

Some were attacking as they were sure we had never studied all of the many modern hermeneutical gymnastics that justifies why a wife no longer must submit to her husband and can choose to teach and be an elder in the church. Others claimed that what she teaches will lead to abuse, wives everywhere in Christianity being abused by their husbands all because they submitted. Even children will be abused if you teach modest spanking like the Bible and our parents taught us. To hear them talk, there must be millions of these gullible Christian women who are in danger of discovering that wifely submission will subject them to a husband who will take advantage of them if they choose to live a life modeled after God’s call for Biblical submission. After all, many Christian husbands cannot be trusted.

Now to be fair, this idea does not exist in a vacuum as indeed some Christian wives have been and may be at this moment being mistreated by their husbands. In some cases these wives may be putting up with the abuse because they believe in God’s promise that the “may win him without a word…” They have been taught or have read it for themselves that this is God’s prescription for the Christian woman married to a disobedient man.

Lori and I have regularly repeated the mantra that if you feel you are being abused in any way, please seek local counsel on the matter. Take it up with more than one source. If it is physical abuse, don’t allow it and pack up the kids and head to a relative’s or friend’s home. No one one can effectively counsel someone who may be in an abusive relationship with online comments. A real life set of persons needs to evaluate such situations.

So with this cry of “abuse!” many of the opponents tried to shut Lori down. There was an active campaign to slander us, bully us, twist the truth, and threaten my livelihood all in the name of saving women from the husbands they chose to marry and love for a lifetime. Don’t get me wrong as far too many marriages do go wrong. Talk to many or most of these opponents and you will find they feel they were abused in Christian marriages or by Christian parents perhaps hidden inside ultra conservative churches. It seems natural for them to project their fears on most marriages, unwilling to acknowledge that the vast majority of Christian marriages and families have never had a hint of abuse within them. Just the possibility that a wife’s submission could lead to abuse should invalidate Lori’s teaching it, right?

As I left the most recent discussion with some of our detractors, a woman commented:

“All he does is keep repeating ‘the Bible says and it’s the long-time practice of the church.’ Is that all he’s got?”

Pretty much, yes. If our circles of understanding do not intersect, it is because we stand by God’s Word as fully inspired by God and all that is within it is is the gift of wisdom God has given His church to show us how we are to live our lives before Him. All we need for life and godliness are contained in the Bible. So, yes, that is all I have and the proof of God’s truths in my life and the lives of millions of Christians who have chosen to believe God at His Word throughout the centuries.

What all of these discussions most often come down to is “what is your basis for is knowledge on the matter?” How do you know what you know to be true or false? Do you get it from your experiences or from your fears? What is the basis for establishing what is the truth?

Epistemology is one of the first studies the Bible student undertakes as it is “the branch of philosophy that studies the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, basis and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.”

Knowledge and belief systems go hand in hand and cannot be separated. Many nonchristians falsely believe that they have no belief system, but that is not true. Their belief system may not be as well formulated as is Christianity, but a belief that there are no valid religions is in itself a religion of humanism and self-worship as it exaults one’s mind above the mind of God.

But back to the issue of my over-dependence on God’s Word and the church history and practice of the Word by Christians throughout the last 2,000 years. To this we plead 100% guilty. I actually take it as a compliment to think that my arguments revolve primarily around what God says and the defense of our practice and teaching of the Word is the proof of how most of our fellow saints who went before us lived their lives. And guess what? Most Christian marriages pre-Feminism aspired to a Biblical understanding of a wife’s submission to her husband. Most mom’s were stay-at-home moms, watching over their young’uns and caring for the things of the family. Why would these two things be so prevalent throughout Christian centuries? Because God said so.

Our basis for knowledge and belief is found in what God says in His inspired Word and that “no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” (2 Peter 1:20-21). Many want to claim that God’s Word is hard to understand and that it is open to one’s interpretation or in other words “one’s opinions.” But that is not so. To determine what the Bible is teaching is not a difficult task if one is to accept what it states at face value without interjecting opinion or wishful thinking.

We are with the majority of Christians who throughout history have believed that God, through His Word, has given to mankind an instruction manual loaded with “all we need for life and godliness.” If that is true then looking at the practice of God’s Word throughout church history should give us a good idea as to what God has desired from His faithful people. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that the Bible twelve times gives the relationship of the wife to her husband without ever once asking a husband to submit to his wife. In fairness it does say we are to submit to one another in the church once. Twelve to zero and maybe just once in the context of introducing the matters God later delineates with specificity, twice here:

“Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.” (Ephesians 5:23 – 6:1-2)

Is there really any question as to what God’s Word teaches on this matter? No. The only argument against it can be that it is “cultural so no longer applies to today’s modern world.” And what is your basis for knowledge that you can wipe out God’s clear Word and the practice of the Church through the last two millenia? Your opinion? You can bolster as many arguments as you like as to why you have formed an opinion that is contrary to what God’s Word clearly teaches, but those arguments are only supporting an opinion that has no basis in knowledge. You cannot create any firm basis for truth by an argument, “I don’t think God wants wives to have to be submissive anymore. That may have been good for Peter and Paul’s cultures, but not for today.” This is not good epistemology.

So our circles cannot meet to find common ground so long as we try to stick to the inerrant eternal Word that we are told is our basis for all of life and godliness while our opponents and many in the modern church want to sweep it away with an opinion about how God must really think and what He really wants from the modern-day Christian woman. The crazy thing is we don’t really care how our opponents want to think as that is between them and their Lord. I am sure there are some good Christians who have bought into this series of opinions about the Bible. All we care about is trying to be as faithful to the Word as we can be in communicating what God’s desire is for those within the body of Christ. And Lori wants to keep our opponents’ opinionated comments from distracting what the Word and her wisdom teaches.

If you want to live within an Egalitarian marriage and work a forty hour work week away from your babies… then go for it. It’s your life, and only you will have to give an account for how you have lived it. But don’t fault Lori for championing the Biblical directive for a SAHM as God’s ideal. All that that is left to ask is how much time must  a mom be home to be a keeper at home? 100%, 90% 80%, at what point is God’s desire fulfilled in your life and family? We are willing to see God’s grace having various levels of practice on such matters of marriage and family, but when seeing the Church walking almost lock-step with the world on working moms, we know something is broken. Please don’t fault Lori for sharing her opinion that being a keeper at home means full-time as much as a family can do so.

And what is sorely broken is that many in the church have traded what God hath said for their own opinions and it is beginning to look an awful lot like the days of Judges where “everyone did was right in their own sight” (Judges 17:6). The old sin of the garden rears its ugly head again and again throughout history and has now found its way into the Church where God’s clear Word on the matter is doubted and ultimately replaced with man’s opinion. After all, who would know better? “Hath God really said?” asked the Serpent of Old? What about your opinion Eve, after all, it is your life?

No thanks! We will stick with God’s Word on the matter and our circles will never meet with those who are unwilling to accept the Bible and church history as our authority for knowledge and truth on these matters.  What Lori is teaching is most often plainly taught be the Word and yes, as to how it applies becomes Lori’s well educated and experienced opinions as one older, godly woman doing what God has called all the older, godly women in the church to do: To zero in on a just a few things that the Word demands of younger women who desire to please their God by loving their husbands and family.

Every word of God is pure. He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. 
Proverbs 30:5, 6




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What he calls gossip are quotes of things Lori has actually said.  When he was here he kept saying we were mischaracterizing him/his words.  Dude, they are quotes.  If they aren't saying what you meant, that is not an us problem, that is a YOU problem.


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