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Dillards 45: The Grift Goes On

Coconut Flan

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1 hour ago, lilith said:

What are booger wipes, and do they differ in any way apart from packaging and marketing from baby wipes?

I'm currently pregnant with my first so I can't say I have any experience with them, but they're called Boogie Wipes. They come in a package like baby wipes but they are saline wipes for the nose. They come in scents (which I personally wouldn't buy because I hate scented things) and unscented. 

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I think a lot of Christian persecution stems from the fact that many fundies/conservative christians don't believe other denominations are really Christians especially Catholics. They see themselves as victims of historic catholic/Christian oppression. That is what I was taught in church as a small child it wasn't until I learned real history and used some critical thinking skills until I understood. It's what many of my relatives still believe. Derek should know better since he received a real education, but I seriously doubt any of the Duggar children ever learned enough history to think otherwise.

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On 11/22/2017 at 11:58 AM, JillyO said:

I can pretty much guarantee you that no one who considers themselves pro-choice is pro-abortion. We would all be more than happy if we could stop having abortions today. We are just realists and know that that is not going to happen. All we can do as a society is improve health education, improve access to birth control (including Plan B), and then provide safe and affordable abortions for those who still need them.

This "pro-abortion" language is anti-choicer framing. Please don't repeat that. Again, no one WANTS abortions to happen. We just know that they will always happen, so we need to deal with this fact in the best way we can.

I'm as pro-choice as they come and I got incredibly irritated by Lena Dunham's "I wish I'd had an abortion" remark, because abortions aren't like facelifts or getting your nails done; even if you think it's just a clump of cells up in there and have no qualms at all, it's still a fairly unpleasant medical procedure. And if you have to abort a wanted pregnancy, or a pregnancy that you would want under different circumstances, that's pretty hard. It's something that needs to be done and people should have access to it when they need to do it, but I think that improving maternal health outcomes, childcare benefits for working parents, care and education for disabled children/disability advocacy in general, and contraception access and education can't hurt -- making it easier to be a parent if you want to be, and not be one if you don't want to be, will make abortion far more rare.

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1 hour ago, nastyhobbitses said:

It's something that needs to be done and people should have access to it when they need to do it, but I think that improving maternal health outcomes, childcare benefits for working parents, care and education for disabled children/disability advocacy in general, and contraception access and education can't hurt -- making it easier to be a parent if you want to be, and not be one if you don't want to be, will make abortion far more rare.

The problem is that conservatives don’t believe in enacting the measures that have been proven to reduce the abortion rate. They don’t believe in increasing access to contraception, they don’t believe in expanding access to licensed daycare or early childhood education, and they don’t believe in medically accurate sex education. While the more fundie conservatives are against contraception as a matter of principle, the more standard line of reasoning tends to be something like, “Why should my tax dollars go towards enabling sluts to have sex whenever they want?” However, society does end up paying for its lack of interest in maternal and child health in a myriad of other social costs (eg teen pregnancies, babies with low birth weights, the need for more special education classes). This is one reason why I became disillusioned with Catholic Social Teaching, at least as it manifests in the US (I realize that the European Christian Democrats are completely different animals than our Republicans). Abortion is viewed as the worst thing ever but there is no effort to examine why women have abortions or how our society as it is currently configured is often hostile towards vulnerable people to the point where abortion may be a more compassionate choice in certain situations.

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5 hours ago, lilith said:

What are booger wipes, and do they differ in any way apart from packaging and marketing from baby wipes? As the mother of a 2 year old born almost 10 years after my previous child this information may be life changing.

They have saline in them, dissolves the boogers SO much better!!


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3 minutes ago, Cleopatra7 said:

<snip> Abortion is viewed as the worst thing ever but there is no effort to examine why women have abortions or how our society as it is currently configured is often hostile towards vulnerable people to the point where abortion may be a more compassionate choice in certain situations.

Exactly this.  All the fundie screaming about how "abortion is murder" and not one word of concern or protest that funding for the Medicaid Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) has been allowed to lapse.  CHIP covers 60% of the newborns in my state.  That's a substantial number of vulnerable children whose "right to life" is at risk.

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That drives me crazy. They all scream about abortion, then do absolutely nothing to help any babies once there here. They don't want to pay for them, they don't want programs to help the mothers who may need money, support, helping getting their GEDs or getting into college. They refused to take in account the mother might not be able to support and take care of the baby, that she maybe physically or mentally unable to take care of a child. Maybe her health isn't good or goes bad during the pregnancy like being diagnosis with cancer or something. Maybe she's in an abusive situation or she was raped. All they care about is the baby being born. That's it. Then they go home. They don't care about anything that happens after that.  I care about the mother and what her situation is. I care about what happens to babies after their born.   

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Damn you, FJ. Look at my advertisements on this site now:


Also how are adult boogie wipes different from baby ones? Is it just the name? "Saline soothers."

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Well, as a nurse, when a kid blows a bunch of phlegm from their nose I call it a snot rocket...the little kids I care for love that and they're much more willing to blow their nose!

So, yeah, the name Boogie Wipes wouldn't deter me!

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The boogie wipes were explained. So I'll comment on Lena Dunham. She is a vile excuse of person. She only cares about things that effect her, she's self absorbed and obnoxious, she can go away, far far away. 


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15 hours ago, Jess said:

I think a lot of Christian persecution stems from the fact that many fundies/conservative christians don't believe other denominations are really Christians especially Catholics. They see themselves as victims of historic catholic/Christian oppression. That is what I was taught in church as a small child it wasn't until I learned real history and used some critical thinking skills until I understood. It's what many of my relatives still believe. Derek should know better since he received a real education, but I seriously doubt any of the Duggar children ever learned enough history to think otherwise.

Here I was thinking it was because people like Derick are fragile snowflakes who think that being criticized or not being allowed to be a dick to other people is the same as being persecuted.

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The dillard family Facebook page updated some pictures. (don't know how to link back to post sorry)

In the images that Jill is holding Samuel with his arms swaddled like that..is that apart of the training Jill does? Those pictures just seem odd to me. 

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12 minutes ago, JillyO said:

Here are the pictures @SCROW10 is talking about. That does look weird.

I'm not a parent, and don't have a whole lot of baby care experience but that looks weird and downright uncomfortable...I know there was a lot of parents/grandparents that commented with the mittens that they could be being used to keep him from scratching himself with his little baby claws. Is this possibly something like that? Poor kid looks like he's in a straitjacket :(


I'm editing this to add that it's not just the straitjacket swaddle that's making me uncomfortable, it's the combination of that and the hat pulled down and the swaddle pulled up with just the middle third of his face showing. Again parents please feel free to insert wisdom! 

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I remember Izzy being swaddled and screaming when he seemed to be past the swaddling stage. I have no idea.

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Yeah that very very odd and I know nothing about babies. Free Jinger bee very educating for me when it comes to then.

Although that picture of Izzy & Derrick did not give off any bad vibes. Plus Jill looks a lot better post sam pregency then post Izzy

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I don't get the swaddling like this.  I know I had to swaddle my daughter well beyond what most would consider normal, but that child HATED to sleep and fought it. I would have to swaddle her up tight and hold her and rock her while she screamed bloody hell until she fell asleep, usually with in 5 or 6 minutes because she was tired, but wouldn't sleep, unless made to.  But I didn't bind her up and carry her around like look at my kid. Its like she's tying his arms down for some reason. I'm almost afraid to figure out why, I'm sure it is something horrible and abusive. 

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That looks horrible. I never did such a thing and didn't know anyone who did. Jill is proudly posting these pictures so it must be ok to restrict your child like this in her circle. Why though?  I feel sorry for that child, who has Dewreck for a daddy also. Poor baby.

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I figured it was for sleep as well but why on earth would he be wearing a hat? 

They continue to confuse everyone, it’s their special ability :my_rolleyes:. I’m glad Jill looks happy though! 

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I’ve never done anything like this with my daughter. Is it possible it’s for warmth? Or maybe a comfort thing - like if Samuel got overstimulated or something? I would think if it was true blanket training they’d swaddle him completely, but his legs and feet are free (note - I don’t blanket train so I wouldn’t know for sure.)

Its definitely really odd. I haven’t seen anyone I know doing anything like this with their four month olds. At least he isn’t visibly upset like Izzy was in the swaddle photos, but still.



Izzy photos mentioned above (I swiped it from the Facebook comment section on one of the photos.)

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I also don’t understand why he has to wear that hat while Jill is in a short sleeved t-shirt. Maybe he just likes that blanket thing, though.  UNLESS they are hiding some problem with his arms!  Yes. That must be it.

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Maybe he's colicky and this calms him down? Maybe they found out that having his feet swaddled isn't an issue, just his arms? who knows with these people.

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Could he be chilled after bath time? Only thing I can think of for the hat, or his arms are wrapped like that so he won't take off the hat? I don't know, but Derick realizes he's a dad now! I get that he's joking, but what a weird thing to say.


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