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Dillards 37: Tweeting like a Jackass


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51 minutes ago, MarcyMM said:

What is it going to take for TLC to finally dump this show? I'm seriously asking. Are they going to sit there and take Dillhole disparaging one of their own shows? I'm hoping the reason they've got no comment yet is because they're consulting with lawyers.

It'd be pretty hard given that there are so many Duggars to cycle through; TLC's strategy is to omit the problematic ones, so we'd probably just get another spinoff of Counting On gets shafted (I'm putting my money on Jinger in the big city, assuming Jeremy has control over what goes).

What it would take for TLC to dump this family completely would be if it came to light that one or more of the third-generation Duggars (the grandkids) was being abused, or if something happened to them due to negligence. Disclaimer that we have NO evidence of this being true; assumption that the married kids or in-laws would engage in blanket training or mishandle sexual abuse amongst their kids is pure speculation. But I think that, combined with the other siblings refusing to swear off the offending party, would be what would lead to permanent severance of contract.

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Psssssst Derick...you can't bash the same network that pays you! Especially when you've disposed of all your marketable skills! Who will supply pickles for your wife and children?!

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Derick forgot the first and greatest commandment of those who want $$$ without actually working for it:

Thou Shalt Not Biteth The Hand That Feeds Thou.

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I tweeted him a reply, which he won't read... I guess he wants to try to be headship...

Good luck with that, dill-hole.


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And I doubt they'll experience any financial loss from this even if they're cut from any future show/spin-off. JimBoob will make sure precious Jill is taken care of.

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WTH? I go out of town and come back to this. Dumbass Derick is actually bullying Jazz Jennings. Fuck that hateful, grifting asshole! And fuck you TLC for being hypocritical by allowing this to go unchallenged, flying in the face of your anti-bullying campaign! A letter to Discovery Networks is about to be written.

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2 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

@Rachel333, I think what people may mean when they say not "true" Christian is that such Christians do not follow Christ and his clear requirement to love and not judge. 

I am a Christ follower, and I have reservations about the Christian label sometimes because it seems to have so little Christ in it. People like Lori Alexander who always quote the OT and Paul, but rarely, if ever Christ. Yet, her and Ken consider themselves the bestest Christians ever!

I get where you are coming from though. Ugly, hateful Christians still identify as Christians. Of course, there are professed adherents to any belief system that do not in actuality follow the core tenets of their faith. They can make the whole religion look bad.

It's useful to remember that individuals bring their crap with them and are not necessarily bad because they are Christian or anything else. It's because of who they are as people.



Welll said, SilverBeach.  Jesus was about Love.


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3 hours ago, CreationMuseumSeasonPass said:

Yeah, it makes me a petty bitch, but when I clicked on that ENews link, and this image came up, it took me aback a little bit. There's Jazz's sweet face and then there's Derelicte of the Jacked Up Jaw. His views are as skewed as his face. #SorryNotSorry I know who'd I rather go get an ice cream and talk about life with. No competition there.


It is a way for the editors to show their opinion without being obviously biased. Things you learn in journalism school... They could have easily picked one when when he looked dorkily cute in his early days.

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Just now, Jaeniduggar said:

It is a way for the editors to show their opinion without being obviously biased. Things you learn in journalism school... They could have easily picked when when you looked dorkily cute in his early days.

Lol, former journalist here who now works in PR. I was very aware my initial "EEK!" reaction was exactly what the graphic designer intended. Subtle shade. Love it.

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2 hours ago, JoyJoy said:

An  eonline editor just tweeted "Come on @TLC, this family is over"

@candygirl200413  I definitely think Derick could get an accounting job despite his hateful tweet. 

Last week a popular radio show got in trouble for gross transphobic "jokes". Celebrities spoke out against it and a boycott campaign trended on Twitter..........but nothing changed. The hosts stood by their "jokes" and many fans supported the show(and those comments). It will be interesting to see what happens here.


A lot of accounting jobs don't require much people contact. ...and there is that terrible old joke (that's not PC at all) about accountants...

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30 minutes ago, Georgiana said:

Let's all remember that Derick is the type of person who thinks trying to run over an innocent cat is FUNNY.  He's the type of person who would drag his wife and infant to a place where people they know have been killed.  He's the type of guy who calls his toddler "manipulative" for saying "I love you, daddy".  Is anyone surprised he's also the type of big, tough man who gets his jollies targeting a 16 year old girl? Derick seems to enjoy picking on those weaker than he is.

We don't say this enough on FJ, but it needs to be said: some people are just bad people.  And sometimes you have to stop looking for redeeming qualities in people or excuses for their behavior and just call a spade a spade.  They ARE bad people in this world.  And the best way to guard against their detrimental influence is to call them out on their bullshit.  

Derick Dillard is a bad person.  He is a flaming dumpster fire of a human being, and he either needs to get his shit together and stop being a waste of carbon or take his tire fire of a person somewhere else.  Because I will NOT be tolerating it in my lawn.  

When did he say this? Derick is truly a piece of shit. He comes off as one of those men who won't dare say shit to another man but will target women and children because they are weaker. I've known several people like this in my life.....most are/were family members. It's sad and I sort of feel sorry for Jill. It isn't easy living with someone like this. It also doesn't surprise me that Derick calls parenting baby sitting or has his heavily pregnant wife cook before her baby shower. I hope the Dillard children will fall into gender norms and Heterosexuality because it would be hell to be out of the binary with a dad like Dipshit Derick. 

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I feel ashamed that I actually thought Derick was a decent person who could set Jill free. I won't make that mistake again when it comes to spouses of fundies.

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He won't go back to being an accountant. Anna will just get a second sister being dragged around the world in a trailer.

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It's interesting to me that that People ran the story using entirely critical responses, whereas other articles include some tweets from people supporting Derick.

Did People have an official Samuel Dillard story that I missed, or have they only posted online articles using Jill's Instagram as a source? Is it possible that either People is losing interest in the Dillards, or the Dillards are losing interest in People? The People articles I found online would not have earned the Dillards a paycheck. Nothing looked exclusive.

I know in film and TV, people sell rights all of the time, and then nothing ever gets done with the content they sold. Is it similar with magazines? Does anyone know? Would People own exclusive rights to Dillard news under a contract, either an existing long-term contract, or because they don't want competitors to have it, but then choose not to print the story? In that case, the Duggars would get paid, but not get press. 

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2 hours ago, Rachel333 said:


Honestly, liberal Christians can act like fundamentalists sometimes in that they think their interpretation of Jesus and of scripture is the one true interpretation. Fundies can easily find verses to support the idea that Jesus is in favor of their bigoted beliefs.

I think most liberal Christians have been educated.  They have been encouraged not to just read the Bible but to think.  And I would bet most liberal Christians recognize that the Bible was written by men.  And people tend to be influenced not just by God, but by the times in which they live.  

Fundies tend to be told, not to think, not to interpret.  

Conservative Christians believe in Law, and Attonement.  Liberal Christians believe in Love and in the fulfilliment of Jesus' mission. 

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1 minute ago, Million Children For Jesus said:

It's interesting to me that that People ran the story using entirely critical responses, whereas other articles include some tweets from people supporting Derick.

Did People have an official Samuel Dillard story that I missed, or have they only posted online articles using Jill's Instagram as a source? Is it possible that either People is losing interest in the Dillards, or the Dillards are losing interest in People? The People articles I found online would not have earned the Dillards a paycheck. Nothing looked exclusive.

Have we considered the possibility that the Dullards were already no longer part of the "TLC family" when Derick posted this?

(sorry - fast moving threads, I could have missed it)



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The sad part is I don't think TLC truly has a line when it comes to the Duggars. They will always forgive and forget and let the leghumper viewers keep their shitty show. 

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1 minute ago, JenniferJuniper said:

Have we considered the possibility that the Dullards were already no longer part of the "TLC family" when Derick posted this?

From your lips to god's ears. Let's hope they're out and will never see another dime for exploiting their children, and this is him lashing out at TLC. But I doubt it. I do wonder still if they've lost some favor with People magazine, but People did use a more flattering old picture of him unlike ENews, so who knows.

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3 minutes ago, JenniferJuniper said:

Have we considered the possibility that the Dullards were already no longer part of the "TLC family" when Derick posted this?

I think it's too late to edit the Dillards out of the next season. This show is known for taking an extensive amount of time to edit footage. I think the next season still shows Joy's wedding planning. It could be another year before they show Samuel being born.

TLC lost a lot of money when they had to pull 19KaC off the schedule in a hurry. I don't know if they're going to feel this is a serious enough offense to make another expensive, drastic schedule change.

I wish they would though. I soooo very wish this would be the nail in the coffin for the Duggars.

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Is it just me, or would anyone else be fascinated to be a fly on the wall around all the other brother-in-laws just now?

I have a feeling Jeremy may well be off to dinner quietly somewhere with Jinger in a smashing pants-suit enjoying the pressure off them for just a little while.

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7 minutes ago, JenniferJuniper said:

Have we considered the possibility that the Dullards were already no longer part of the "TLC family" when Derick posted this?

(sorry - fast moving threads, I could have missed it)



Last two Counting On Facebook posts were about the Dullards so I'm going to say that's a no. 


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14 minutes ago, Greendoor said:

I think most liberal Christians have been educated.  They have been encouraged not to just read the Bible but to think.  And I would bet most liberal Christians recognize that the Bible was written by men.  And people tend to be influenced not just by God, but by the times in which they live.  

Fundies tend to be told, not to think, not to interpret.  

Conservative Christians believe in Law, and Attonement.  Liberal Christians believe in Love and in the fulfilliment of Jesus' mission. 

The point though is that, like fundies, they insist their interpretation of a very old book written by men is the correct one and all others are wrong. Saying Jesus is about love is ignoring quite a lot of what he said.

Jesus said multiple times that all the Old Testament laws still apply, introduced the concept of Hell, said he came to tear families apart, gave instructions on how to publicly shame sinners, condemned entire cities to Hell because they didn’t listen to him, said disobedient children should be killed, told his followers to abandon their children, condoned beating slaves, and said that he “came not to bring peace but a sword.” That doesn't sound very loving to me.

Yes, he said some nice things, but to say that he was just about love is cherry picking and absolutist. I'm not even saying it's wrong to cherry pick (though I question why a basic teaching like "love others" justifies using a book full of violence and bigotry as your guide to life), but liberal Christians need to at least acknowledge that's what they're doing. 

like liberal Christians and am glad they exist, but I get frustrated when they insist their interpretation of the Bible is the only correct one, and that's what they're doing when they say things like "true Christians are about love" as opposed to "my Christianity is about love."

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The happiest I've seen izzy is in that photo where it looks like he was probably still with Cathy sitting alone with a different school flag behind him. I wonder what she thinks of what derrick has become? 

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