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Dillards 37: Tweeting like a Jackass


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Just when I think the Duggar Hypocrisy can't get any worse, the Dullards strike again. 

I'm not the least bit surprised he has a problem with Jazz. I'm surprised he would publicly comment on a show that the network who carries his own show airs. The Duggars aren't good at very much, but they are damn good at protecting that gravy train at all costs. JB has to be writhing. 

I am not even surprised that this clown feels like he's entitled enough to pick on a teenage girl he's never met. 

I sincerely hope that this is the thing that finally gets TLC to pull the plug on the dumpster fire that is the Duggar reality show brand. I'm doubtful it will, but I really hope it is. 


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@BlessaYourHeart he tweeted basically the same thing 3 times. The first time he didn't have God in the tweet. The 2nd Tweet had kind of awkward phrasing(to him). The 3rd. Tweeet he thought was just right! (Sounds like Goldilocks!)


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34 minutes ago, BlessaYourHeart said:

Guys I just went back and the tweet isn't there for me, I can't see it. Anyone else the same? 

The updated version is still up - gender is 'ordained'.

This whole argument angers me so much. There have to be real questions about the medical treatment of transgender children like Jazz - what age is appropriate for certain treatments, for example, but to invalidate their entire existence on the basis of a 'God makes no mistakes' kind of approach? Mental health issues like depression and eating disorders are surely 'mistakes', people who develop physical disorders naturally surely exhibit some kind of 'mistake', but there's no pretending they don't exist (or maybe these are the types to invalidate all mental health conditions). They clearly do exist, and Christians work as hard as anyone else in trying to improve the lives of those with the condition.

Transgender adults and transgender youth exist, and we need to support them as a society, whether you agree with their 'decision' or not (As if anyone would choose to be picked on). Trans members of our society killing themselves and hurting themselves because of intolerant bigots is not a solution. I just don't get why people like this just don't ignore those they disagree with and move on, it doesn't hurt them personally.

I like my dad's argument for this sort of thing which comes down to 'don't agree with gay marriage, don't get gay married' and I think that works for most of these debates. Stay out of the lives of other people who have done nothing to hurt you and they will almost certainly stay out of your life. But no, apparently kids like Jazz are trying to hurt Christians and take away their rights. It's just batty.

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A biblical quote for Derrick (from the KJV)  "And why thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"  Matthew 7:3

He's also retweeting DJT, who is talking about turning the US economy around in 6 months or so.  Derrick is obviously hateful and an idiot.


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I just emailed TLC for all that is worth. I did not understand Transgender issues until I watched Jazz show. She is such a brave girl for putting herself on TV. I would think someone who has a college degree would be more open to learning about new things, but this tweet is just disgusting. I give the Duggers somewhat a pass since they are not educated and have live a sheltered life. But for someone who went to college, well that tells me a whole lot about him. I would love nothing more than to have the show cancelled because of the tweet. 

Anyone know which show pulls in more viewers? 

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33 minutes ago, victoriasponge said:

This whole argument angers me so much. There have to be real questions about the medical treatment of transgender children like Jazz - what age is appropriate for certain treatments, for example, but to invalidate their entire existence on the basis of a 'God makes no mistakes' kind of approach? Mental health issues like depression and eating disorders are surely mistakes, people who develop physical disorders naturally surely exhibit some kind of mistake, but there's no pretending they don't exist (or maybe these are the types to invalidate all mental health conditions). They clearly do exist, and Christians work as hard as anyone else in trying to improve the lives of those with the condition.

Yeah, we don't have all the answers yet. I hope some people aren't hurt in a new way in avoiding being hurt in old ways. But he's completely lost the plot. He could have said, "I disagree with TLC programming; I don't think it's Biblical." But it wouldn't be honest. And there've always been people who don't quite fit one category; it's silly to pretend otherwise.

The New Testament talks alot about grace, growing in understanding, not putting yourself about as a teacher, and a whole host of other things. Most of it was written specifically for believers who thought the world was ending soon. It was teaching them how to act themselves and with each other, and there wasn't a lot about ranting at other people, other than don't be like that.

@SamiKatz he needs to memorize all of Matthew and really absorb it if he wants to be the Christian he claims to be. Anyway, I tweeted at him. He can block me if he likes. But my tao led me to respond. ;-)


Screen Shot 2017-08-03 at 8.58.38 AM.png

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You know some time ago i was talking with my neighboor who also work with trans kid  (pre sexual developemnt)and one of the thing that He was saying to me is that their are still studiing this child to know how they can be help, but know they see from scans that their brain is just different ( the chemical)  so you can't simply says "is just a phase" or "is just an idea" or the Duggars and co favorite "is just Satan that is tempting you, pray harder and it will disapper" they need to be help, if they prefer meds, psychiatric help or sex change that is up to each person. 

hope d-wreck face the conseguenze of his ipocricy i can't stand him. Know i'm even more sorry for Izzy and San that have to grown up White him as example 

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What a sack of shit. I can't believe TLC didn't shut that down ASAP. How awful. Jazz is gorgeous and amazing - I'd be super proud if she was my daughter. 


TLC, this is an opportunity - you call yourself the learning channel. Teach  this ignorant asshole something. 


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What a nasty cretin this creature is. I have no words. Or at least my anxiety can't take any more.

He is back tweeting, and also retweeting Trump. What a pair!

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@Mela99 I agree, but also, in case anyone cares to be bored by a pedantic thought, the reason these networks stop using their full name is so they can expand their programming. TLC is just letters now, so is A&E, and a number of others, no longer known by the original label that limited their schedule. KFC did it, too, to de-emphasize the "fried" aspect. :-)

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Derick sucks. And while we're at it, Jill sucks too. I feel so badly for their kids. Seriously, I'm so mad right now. About to email TLC, hopefully a lot of people do so as well.

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Long gone are the days when I thought there was a sliver of hope for Derick - he was educated at a secular university, lived in Nepal...I naively thought that his exposure to other cultures had expanded his horizons when in reality, people see what they want to see. If they don't want to absorb new information, they won't. Derick has apparently learned very little in spite of his education and experiences. All Derick does is show his ignorance and arrogance at every turn. My god, a bigoted rant against a teenager - how big of you Derick. Picking on a kid - let's get you a merit badge for being a dick. 

As critical of Jill as I've been, I can't imagine it's easy being married to someone like Derick. We often compare Jill's ability to parent to Jessa's, but now I think it's not a fair comparison to make. Ben appeared to be more supportive and helpful with Spurgeon, and he wasn't whisking Jessa away from her family at a time when she probably needed them most. Yes, Jill is a grown up and made her own decision to marry Derick, but I really don't think she got to know him that well beforehand. Jill just seems like she's in a fog these days which is not a good thing for her or her babies, and I doubt Derick would even notice since the whole planet apparently revolves around him. 

As awesome as a lot of the comments people are making in response to Derick's most recent Twitter diarrhea blast are, they will just fall on willfully ignorant ears. I think Derick views himself as some sort of Christian martyr who is going to fall on his sword for his cause. He's just thinking, "Look what I'm up against! So many sinners in this world! Guess I'll just have to convert more Catholics in Central America!"  



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2 hours ago, BlessaYourHeart said:


Whatever happened to the golden rule in Christianity, do unto others...? 


This Athiest-ish/Agnostic-ish girl lives by The Golden Rule.  Sometimes I have a shitty day, which results in a shitty attitude, but I try not to let that stop me from being a decent human to those I encounter.  Often times, it's The Golden Rule that helps me turn around the shitty, KWIM?  IMO, The Golden Rule seems pretty easy to follow, right?!?

That said, Derick's tweet is a precise example of what led me personally AWAY from Christianity several years back.  Ironically, in his effort to make his followers see things his way, all I see is some judgemental ass hole, who I want to be nothing like - both for his beliefs and overall shittiness.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...  If there is a god, I'm not sure he/she would be handing out hi-fives to people like Derick, who are purposely being a hateful douchebags because "god" ya'll...

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Just now, Lovebug said:

That said, Derick's tweet is a precise example of what led me personally AWAY from Christianity several years back.  Ironically, in his effort to make his followers see things his way, all I see is some judgemental ass hole, who I want to be nothing like.

My husband and I were raised Mormon. Sealed in a temple, he went on a mission, the whole nine. Then I started having kids and realized that we were lucky because we were white, straight, middle class mormons. I remember thinking to myself "what if my son is gay? How will I justify following a religion that is against him?" so we left. I will never understand how people can't just look at their kids and think "I will love you no matter what". Or how they can think their daughters are less worthy than their sons. Or how they can shove their homophobia so hard down their kids' throats that, if they are LGTBQ, they face serious consequences. 

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I responded to his tweet and fully expect to be blocked by him in 3, 2, 1...

Real big of him to bully a child.  I have no hope that TLC will do anything about it.  The Duggars are above it all and get away with so much bullshit.  They are AWFUL people and I will say they are NOT Christians. 

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It really, really ticks me off how other TLC shows have been pulled for similar scandals yet the Duggars continue. What do they have on TLC? 

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@BlessaYourHeart My brother was actually my "sister" the first 25 years of his life. I never had trouble making the name and pronoun switch because I always subconsciously sensed that he was a little different somehow. Other family members, like my parents and grandparents, have had more of a struggle (though everyone is supportive and loves him as he is.) So don't feel bad if you struggled with that stuff for Andrew. What matters most is that you're trying to be a good ally and you're supportive of him. :) 

And for anyone interested, I have a copy of the "I Am Jazz" picture book for my daughter. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to teach their children what being transgender means. It explains it beautifully in easy to understand language and I love that it shows a loving family that's supportive of their child no matter what. We read it a lot in my house, along with "Heather Has Two Mommies" and a few other favorites (like "Ada Twist, Scientist") that have strong characters of different races as main characters.

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1 minute ago, BabyBottlePop said:

It really, really ticks me off how other TLC shows have been pulled for similar scandals yet the Duggars continue. What do they have on TLC? 

The original beef was just with Josh, Michelle, and Jim Bob. TLC knew enough people were dying to know what would happen to Jill (who'd just had Israel), Jessa (who was pregnant with Spurgeon), and the rest, so they took 19 Kids, trimmed the fat (J, M, and JB) refocused, and rebranded. They could probably easily do the same thing with Here Comes Honey Boo Boo as a spinoff featuring the older girls or something.

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Derrick, how does your behavior align with being a missionary and leading people to Christ? I don't think Step 1 is "thou shalt shame and condemn others" 

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58 minutes ago, VineHeart137 said:

Derick sucks. And while we're at it, Jill sucks too. I feel so badly for their kids. Seriously, I'm so mad right now. About to email TLC, hopefully a lot of people do so as well.

Just sent one myself via the "Contact Us" page on their website. Do you know a better way to send an email off to them by chance? I want to be sure my message is clearly received.

And for anyone interested, feel free to use this as a basic guide for your own (personalized) angry email:

To whom it may concern:

I am appalled and outraged at Derick Dillard's unjustified attack on Jazz Jennings via twitter yesterday. To see a grown man attack an innocent teenager in such a way was bad enough, but to see him double down on his hate and purposely misgender her was even worse. 

I strongly condemn his hateful rhetoric and the hateful rhetoric the Duggar family has spewed in the past. As a family friendly channel I had hoped you would have cancelled their show at the first sign of bigotry, but I suppose that's giving your network too much credit. We will be boycotting your channel and any advertisers airing ads during "Counting On" until you cancel the show, cut all professional ties with the Duggar family (and their numerous in-laws), and issue a strong defense of Jazz Jennings who deserves nothing less from you. I will also be urging my friends and family to do the same. Hate, like Derick Dillard and the Duggars have promoted, has no place in modern society.

An extremely disappointed and angry consumer

(This is meant to be a guide, not to be copied exactly. Change what you need to in order to personalize it as you see fit. :) )

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I also left a comment on TLC's facebook page about this bullshit. 

but lmao to that twitter user that replied with the bathroom comment. That's gold

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The tweet is disgusting.  Doubling down with the pronoun was just a further "fuck you" and unnecessary.  


Is it too much to hope that this may be the final nail in the Duggar coffin?  They just cant help but show their true colors: Josh is a molester, the parents are hypocritical, neglectful, sex addicts, Derick is a hateful fuck... exactly what about them is "wholesome" and worthy?

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I have tweeted them, facebooked them and sent them an email on their contact us page. Are there any advertisers still advertising during their show at all that we can contact to express our outrage?

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