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Aunt Lori Alexander 21: Bringing About Gilead One Doodle at a Time

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I was thinking about it and I have a new theory about why none of Lori's housecleaning and cooking "tips" make any sense- I think it's because she doesn't cook her own food (even those "big salads") or clean her own house. Didn't when the kids were little, still doesn't. So she doesn't know enough about the subject for her advice to make any sense- she just tries to copy what she sees on other, more honest Godly Housewife Blogs and it ends up sounding like a bunch of middle school boys bragging about all the sex they're having.

Salad in the fridge for 4 days, my ass, you know the Whole Foods staff chopped it at 6 this morning, Lori.

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Kathi Bonham of the Wonder Woman comment in the screenshot is Julie Anne's co-author at Spiritual Sounding Board.

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Sure. Let me think what would be the best way.  Maybe a gallery would be good if we only want it to contain images that can be scrolled through?

Yes, that's a good thought.


They can't be in too many places. More the better. I do think another site specific with Lori's name in it would be good too. 

I think so, too. A place with her name on it.


This has crossed my mind before. Lori knows that without Ken's money and insurance she would be in difficult situation had there been a divorce. I think if Ken had left Lori years ago and let's say when the kids were still at home, Lori would have fallen on her face. She would have been like Super Catholic Abigail who takes frequent help from upper middle class parents.

I'd think she'd be mighty surprised about how few people want to support her, and how many people would expect her to get out of her recliner and get a job!

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Right now we come up 5 and 6 on the first page of a google "Lori Alexander."   Instead of coming straight to threads here, googling and clicking one of the links will raise us up higher.  This is why Ken was afeered for his business when the thread Lori Alexander is a fucking monster was on page one for quite some time. 

It's pretty hard to get a new site on the first page unless you have a lot of traffic.  We do offer blogs here, so if someone wanted to start a blog, doing it here you would benefit from our already large visitor pool.


From now on, I will google "Lori Alexander" and then click on the FJ link. I hope that will raise us up higher on the results.

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I'd think she'd be mighty surprised about how few people want to support her, and how many people would expect her to get out of her recliner and get a job!

Lori has done posts where she seems to believe that her parents would support her in certain situations. We know Lori's parents gave them Loriken a car and IIRC, they bought that trailer home or paid the lot rent for Loriken.  Lori said in another blog entry that she and Ken could have saved money if they and baby/toddler Alyssa moved in with Lori's parents. I think many parents are fine with help adult children get ahead in life. But, Lori seems to think that if Ken died or divorced her, mommy and daddy would have supported her years so she could stay at home with her kids. I don't think Lori's parents are as generous as she makes them out to be.

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@lilwriter85 Even if Lori's parents are generous, they still have to live within their income, which I assume is smaller now after retirement. I hope that they are both in good health.

Given Lori's healthy lifestyle, I'm guessing that her illness is likely caused by her genes, so her parents may suffer from similar diseases as well. Medicine and treatment cost a great deal of money. 

In response to a post where a husband spends money wastefully while the wife works frugally and saves money, Lori said on a comment in FB chatroom:

"It's a difficult situation, that is for sure but 1 Peter 3:1-6 even applies to this since it sounds like he is being disobedient according to her. She needs to live as frugally as possible and I'm sure she has spoken to him about this but sometimes it's best to simply allow the consequences of their poor choices to happen even if it means she has to suffer. She is only going to be held accountable for her actions, not his, so she must learn to obey the Lord and do as He has told her to do."

Aunt Lori, please live as frugally as possible. 

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"...She is only going to be held accountable for her actions, not his, so she must learn to obey the Lord and do as He has told her to do."

Wait a minute.  If the wife is not going to be held accountable for her husband's actions, why exactly is she responsible for saving him from sinning and saving his soul?  It seems like the above sentence contradicts the whole "you have to stay in an abusive marriage to save your husband's soul" nonsense she was just saying a couple days ago.

I know that consistency is not her strong suit, of course


PS: @Koala  The quote option does seem to be missing after the update.  I'll fix it.

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I don't think Lori's parents are as generous as she makes them out to be.

I think they're very generous, just maybe not the way Lori would like them to be.  

- they insisted on her getting a degree. That is not cheap and it's a huge gift that she doesn't appear to appreciate.

- they bought or rented a trailer home for them, providing not only shelter but much-needed space to become "one flesh" without constant parental presence. 

- her mom got her that Debi Pearl book, perhaps because she saw how Lori was destroying her marriage.. I don't know. That's just speculation, but it ties in well with her aunts not agreeing with Lori and the way she's using that "transformation".  Lori needed to learn how to be less controlling. Many women out there are dealing with different issues and need different advice. 

In my opinion, should something have happened to Ken, Lori's parents would have supported her so that she could go out and work to support herself and the kids, knowing well that her staying at home full-time while they paid for her living would not set her up for retirement and would make her ever dependent on others.  Her parents sound like loving and rational people, not enablers.  

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I lied :(  I'm not going to fix the quote thing, but I've called in the calvary (aka @Destiny)

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4:40am in CA and she is already on facebook! !

Looks like she responded here to someone she deleted



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PS: @Koala  The quote option does seem to be missing after the update.  I'll fix it.

Thank you!  I am horrible at figuring things out after changes, so I just assumed I wasn't seeing it! :pb_lol:


I lied :(  I'm not going to fix the quote thing, but I've called in the calvary (aka @Destiny)

@Curious Just saw this!  I am just glad I wasn't overlooking it. That's usually the case! :my_blush:

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Quoting Lori from FB:

"None of them left their homes for hours every day, their children in the care of others, and submitted to a boss at work. You are believing a fable."

Oh, like the fable of the Proverbs 31 woman? Who was NOT A REAL WOMAN? Sorry for the yelling, y'all.

Her Wonder Woman doodle makes me ragey as well. "Isn't that what all TV shows and movies depict these days- strong women and weak men?" I'm not surprised that she believes the WW was full of weak men, because OF COURSE strong women mean weak men, amiright? Not going to spoil the movie (is the spoiler tag missing for anyone else?) but Steve was a pretty strong guy in the movie, as was Charlie, who struggled with PTSD. I heart Charlie.

Lori Alexander, talking out of her ass once again.

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As for Lori-  I am also of the belief that her parents likely wouldn't support her if Ken left.  Her mom is very ill, and both parents are nearing their nineties. 

How does it make sense that a couple of people pushing ninety, have to support a woman who's only 58?  Even if they could afford to feed her, she would still need healthcare and retirement- things they couldn't provide.

No, I am betting the sisters Lori controlled and bossed around would finally find their voices if Lori tried to pull a stunt like that.  They wouldn't want their parents to be put in that position, so Lori could have the privilege of sitting on the internet all day, posting the private details of her parents marriage, and whining about how she never had a godly example.

The idea that the church would support her is a total joke.  As in, she's dreaming.  I doubt Lori's made any friends in that church, and if Ken left her, she'd be lucky if anyone went to the trouble of setting up a Take Them A Meal page, much less supported her.

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What made people the most irate was the way that Lori tore this woman down in public - which Lori later deleted when the heat really turned up.

Making herself out to be a martyr - again.

If a woman wants to stay at home and raise her kids and take care of the home, great! Go for it! But that's not what Lori does. She uses her time at home to spew hatred, get people riled up, then delete her naysayers rather than meeting them head on with bravery.

(slow clap)

In Ken's post today, many of the nouns and adjectives can be applied to how Lori acts online.

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Lori's been so busy monitoring, judging, deleting, and doodling that she apparently didn't have time to write a post today. Instead, we get a wall of text from Ken, whose post clocks in at 2,944 words (six pages, folks). He tells us that wives need to let go of their bitterness because their marriages are suffering. (Well, actually he tells us that their poor godly husbands are suffering.) I don't entirely disagree with all of his points. Bitterness does tend to affect marriages, and Christians should work to let go of bitterness.

He apparently has been coaching desperate husbands who write to Lori for help in their marriages--and he gives us enough detail that any of these men's wives would surely be able to identify themselves. Ken can't decide whether he is talking to bitter wives or long-suffering husbands in this post. 

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From Ken's post today, bolding mine:

 "One of the things I have discovered is that although the behavior of these wives shows various levels of disdain for their husbands, the root of the contempt is often hurts from their past that get triggered leading to one long temper tantrum against their husbands lasting weeks, months, and for some years."

Since this whole paragraph sounds like Lori, let's think about it.  What hurts from her past? What's Lori's excuse?

By her own admission she was an uber bossy bully to her 2 sisters.  She admits she always got her way. Her parents never stopped her acting like a brat.  She argued with Ken constantly while dating  -- he didn't leave her. She pitched a royal fit on her honeymoon about Ken's cheese in a can -- he didn't leave her.  She sabotaged her bc to stay home -- he didn't leave her.  She was so so so 'sick" -- he didn't leave her, but got a nanny and housekeeper.  She spent 23 years sniping and arguing with Ken, probably with very little sex -- he didn't leave her. She admits to being super controlling to her children; and that they were afraid of her -- but they are still around.

So exactly what hurts has she ever had.  Lori wasn't acting out hurts, she was just being who she is and always has been -- a born bitch -- to the bone. She just takes it out on her readers now.

I think that's why Ken encouraged her in the blog, so she could vent her spleen at someone, anyone, other than him and the children.


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Firstly, do you see her behind closed doors? And secondly, why is her house a mess? If she always has time for everyone else. But her home is suffering, there is something amiss


The answer is literally right there in the question. 

"She always has time for everyone else."

"Her home is suffering." 

This woman gives so freely of herself to OTHER PEOPLE, human beings, that she has nothing of herself left over for her home. I'm not sure why that's such a huge problem for Lori. But a home is, at its most basic level, nothing but stuff. A shell, a sheltering, for the humans who live in it. The woman is not the only one who can straighten it. But she might well be the only one who can minister to those others who need her. Instead of judging her for the untidiness of her home, maybe others cna make sure HER needs are met so that she can continue to give so freely of herself.

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@Red Hair, Black Dress, The thing that is striking to me in all of Lori's posting is her insistence that emotions (she usually says "feelings") are wrong and lead you astray and must be pushed down and disregarded. That has always been a red flag to me. 

It seems like there has been a turn here to regard Lori's parents as downright wonderful or something, which is odd to me. I suspect that Lori was raised in the kind of family where expressions of sadness, melancholy, fear, or too much boisterous joy were not allowed. Somewhere along the way, she was taught not only not too trust her emotions but to bury them--all of them, she does not express any positive emotions either. No one is born that way. As anyone who has spent significant time with toddlers knows (and for the love of God, everyone, you don't have to be a parent to have spent time with young children), people are born with an innate capacity for the free expression of emotion. Someone taught her she could never express her emotions and that they are bad. I doubt it was Ken. She learned that long before Ken. 

A relative's child was an extremely sensitive young child. I saw myself in her to be honest, as I was, too. My parents never tried to train the sensitivity out of me, but did try to teach me to handle the world in spite of it. These relatives are morons and tried to force her to not be sensitive. She didn't like crowds or clowns or loud stuff, so they had a birthday party for her with 50 people and a clown when she turned 5. "They need to bring her out of all of that," my crazy aunt explained to us while her granddaughter was hiding under a table at her own party nearly in tears. Some parents can't handle a sensitive child appropriately. And disaster can ensue. 

When someone has learned that their emotions and, thus, their internal response to the world is inappropriate and that they have to push that down, there is going to be a deep buried resentment of everything and everyone. That is some serious baggage. 


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4:40am in CA and she is already on facebook! !

Looks like she responded here to someone she deleted


So I live in EST and since she has had happy delete fingers I quickly looked at her fb page this morning. I have what is missing in the above screen shot. :D sorry for the long post, I wanted people to see it in context. 


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For some reason Ken's post is making me laugh and laugh, because honestly, those two are the worst. marriage counselors. ever. and it's so bad some days it's truly funny. They are both fools  


Brian H. replied to Ken. 

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Louisa05 -- yes she does always say the feelings are bad and sinful, but I'm not sure she's ever applied it to herself.

She has certainly made her feelings known to others throughout her life.  Although one might assume that her bossy bully feelings are fueled by a deep seated anger from long ago.

Anger at what is my question. She seems to have had a privileged childhood and marriage, Anyone who says she always gets her way has probably never lacked for anything -- her remodeled kitchen is the latest example. Seven weeks vacation is another -- when most of us struggle to get one week.

Her unending privilege, always getting her own way, and what she wants when she wants it -- yet still being a bossy bully bitch to those around her is what makes me refer to her as a born bitch

The sentence i just wrote could easily refer to my sister, so I have first hand experience.  When a person like that is physically in your life, It's not pretty. 


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There was a comment on her churches and birth control post, but it was gone before I could get a screenshot. It said something like, "Better to take birth control to stop a pregnancy than poke holes in it to conceive one." I cannot imagine why she would delete that?

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Louisa05 -- yes she does always say the feelings are bad and sinful, but I'm not sure she's ever applied it to herself.

She has certainly made her feelings known to others throughout her life.  Although one might assume that her bossy bully feelings are fueled by a deep seated anger from long ago.

She really doesn't express feelings. Her only expressions are attempts to control other people by being right--that is not really an emotion. We don't ever see empathy. We don't see sadness--look at her very neutral comments about her mother's illness. We never see real joy--look at her posts about grandchildren--most people show joy in regard to young grandchildren. I have one older friend whose posts about her 1 year old grandson are so joyful you can practically hear it off a computer screen. While she likes to condemn the world, there is no real sadness or fear expressed in those posts. 

The only possible emotion we ever see from her is bitterness and resentment toward other people. And those are the emotions that come from burying all others. 

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@Red Hair, Black Dress, The thing that is striking to me in all of Lori's posting is her insistence that emotions (she usually says "feelings") are wrong and lead you astray and must be pushed down and disregarded. That has always been a red flag to me. 

It seems like there has been a turn here to regard Lori's parents as downright wonderful or something, which is odd to me. I suspect that Lori was raised in the kind of family where expressions of sadness, melancholy, fear, or too much boisterous joy were not allowed. Somewhere along the way, she was taught not only not too trust her emotions but to bury them--all of them, she does not express any positive emotions either. No one is born that way. As anyone who has spent significant time with toddlers knows (and for the love of God, everyone, you don't have to be a parent to have spent time with young children), people are born with an innate capacity for the free expression of emotion. Someone taught her she could never express her emotions and that they are bad. I doubt it was Ken. She learned that long before Ken. 

A relative's child was an extremely sensitive young child. I saw myself in her to be honest, as I was, too. My parents never tried to train the sensitivity out of me, but did try to teach me to handle the world in spite of it. These relatives are morons and tried to force her to not be sensitive. She didn't like crowds or clowns or loud stuff, so they had a birthday party for her with 50 people and a clown when she turned 5. "They need to bring her out of all of that," my crazy aunt explained to us while her granddaughter was hiding under a table at her own party nearly in tears. Some parents can't handle a sensitive child appropriately. And disaster can ensue. 

When someone has learned that their emotions and, thus, their internal response to the world is inappropriate and that they have to push that down, there is going to be a deep buried resentment of everything and everyone. That is some serious baggage. 


Maybe, or maybe she just isn't capable of it. Not psychologist so not diagnosing, but she does come across as very narcissistic. Based on all she writes, I honestly think she can't feel the normal human emotional range. She rarely seems sad or happy even. She doesn't even really talk about loving Ken, her husband, or her parents, even her own children. I can't say to how she was raised, but if her sisters are both like her in the emotional aspect, I would have to say it was likely her parents. If they seem happy and normal in all that regard, then would have to believe it was just Lori. Honestly, I almost wonder if Lori doesn't have sociopathic tendencies. She's cold, callous, manipulative, she seems to lack a conscience and doesn't seem to understand that her actions have consequences and doesn't care if she hurts others. She clearly is unable to empathize with anyone. Psychopaths/Sociopaths aren't always violent. Not diagnosing, but would not be surprised if she had some sort of narcissistic disorder or antisocial disorder. 

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