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Aunt Lori Alexander 21: Bringing About Gilead One Doodle at a Time

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16 minutes ago, onemama said:

What was that Jesus said?  “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. 17Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

A lot more leading your little kids to Jesus would do away with the "need" to "spank".  It took me years to finally start to understand that God wants a relationship with me, that He loves me even when I mess up. That He wants to change me from the inside.  Years.  I was spanked a lot as a kid and spanking was a tool to try to control us.  By the age of 19 I couldn't wait to get away from my parents' home and the feeling that they disapproved of everything I ever did.  Our relationship is better now, but I stand up for myself and what I believe.   I want my kids to not have to go through that. 

By the way, repeatedly striking a child on their bottom is not to be found anywhere in the Bible. 

I ended up going off on a tangent, but you bring up excellent points. A lot of peaceful parenting is just based on building relationships with your children, which is really all Christianity is supposed to be -- building relationships with Christ. Any time you have a strong, loving relationship with someone, that is going to eliminate a vast majority of your problems. Children who love and respect their parents typically want to please their parents. Husbands and wives who love and respect one another typically want to please one another. Christians who love God typically want to do the right thing. 

Lori and Ken don't love and respect much of anyone other than themselves, I suspect, which is why they need so many rules and guidelines. It's the only way they control their own and other people's behaviors.


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Being catty here...most of my friends are in the over 50 range. NONE of them look as bad and "old" as Lori. One of my best friends is over 60 and regularly is assumed to be in her mid-40's. Another friend is 57 and looks 37. I'm 53 and got carded for smokes just the other day (they card anyone that looks under 40) She obviously does NOT take care of herself...hell, I live in the desert and go through moisturizer like it's going out of style...I also stay OUT of the sun...in my defense, I have an issue with not being able to sweat like normal people so I tend to stay inside most of the summer...overheating sucks.

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I just spent an hour sweating my ass off in small hot kitchen, getting a crockpot dinner on and trying to teach myself to make  biscuits. I can't picture Lori doing this. 

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21 hours ago, delphinium65 said:

So Lori's editor has never seen anything like that? Evidence please that the editor actually said that.  It's hard for me to imagine that an editor for 30 years has never seen extremely polarized reviews before.  Unless we see some real, non-Aunt Lori provided evidence, I'm calling bullshit.  

I imagine Lori's 'editor' is an editor in the same way that Lori and Ken are 'mentors'.

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3 minutes ago, childerowland said:

I imagine Lori's 'editor' is an editor in the same way that Lori and Ken are 'mentors'.

The same way she has a "loving" marriage. Or that she was a "good" mother.

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2 hours ago, lawfulevil said:

My parents beat the shit out of me on a regular basis and I still think I deserve things like food and healthcare and a living wage, so clearly the belt is not a cure for what Lori would describe as "entitlement" in youth.

My friend's MIL spanked her husband and his siblings when they were growing up. My friend's husband is against spanking now that he has his own kids. He doesn't get along well with his mom and he said that growing up his mom said that she was spanking her kids to keep them from ending up in jail and she also rants about how two of her kids have entitled attitudes. Her corporal punishment wasn't a cure for those two kids. One of them a guy is currently awaiting trial for aggravated burglary. My friend's MIL begged my friend and her husband to bail out the brother. They said no and my friend has said that her MIL is trying to hide the burglary arrest from other relatives.  Also, the MIL is constantly posting things on Facebook about how her diabetic daughter(who is a 911 dispatcher) deserves free insulin and other medications. She says that civil servants deserve healthcare for than other people.

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From the post about divorce:

male commenter says


After my “submissive”, “respectful” wife got done dragging our family from church to church and let me have a say in the church we attend, I pointed out that our current church had 3 divorces in 9 months. 2 of the divorces were affairs by the husband. Only knowing the wives through small conversation, they were cold and “soveriegn” women.
We have not been to that church in 2 years but apparently there has been a rash of divorces.

Nice, what's the meaning of those quotation marks, Jeff?

Only knowing you from your comments on a Titus2 Woman´s blog, I can see that you aren't the epitome of warmth and loving goodwill. 


The most frustrating thing besides lack of passion in my marriage is that my wife wants full authority with zero accountability or consequence.

What do you want, Jeff?  What your wife wants sounds a bit like what MRAs want. All the authority and no accountability.  How about sharing the authority and offering that you both be accountable to each other?  From your "warm" posts, It sounds like you might want the upper hand in all things too.  

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44 minutes ago, childerowland said:

I imagine Lori's 'editor' is an editor in the same way that Lori and Ken are 'mentors'.

Last summer, she claimed that the editor worked on NBA player Steph Curry's book before he got to hers. Back then, there was speculation here on FJ that Lori was working with publishing company. Of course, later we figured that she self-published the book. I'm now wondering if her claim about the editor was true. Who knows. I'm also not buying her "editor's" recent comments.

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11 hours ago, Joyce said:

Lori: "I didn't write this book to make money."

Does Lori have a link where we can read her book for free? If she doesn't need the money, she can send the ebook for free to everyone who supports her on social media and ask for a 5 star review.

Excerpt of Lori's Amazon biography: "Please read the discussion forum on her author's page to find out why she has received so many negative reviews of her book with only 1 star. She has never taught that any form of abuse is acceptable and she never will."

Every time Lori hits the delete key on social media, she risks getting a 1 star review. 

A bit OT, but related to this: Didn't Kelly Crawford write an ebook that she gave away for free for a period of time?

I would love for someone on Facebook or on the blog to ask Lori if she would send an ebook download to a young Christian mother who has very little money.

1 minute ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Her editor is Mike Yorkey. 


Its listed in front page of book that you can see on Amazon. 

That guy has an impressive book list and probably has supporters in the Christian book industry. I wonder if his reputation would hurt if sane Christians found out about his work with Lori.

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3 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

That guy has an impressive book list and probably has supporters in the Christian book industry. I wonder if his reputation would hurt if sane Christians found out about his work with Lori.

I was wondering that too. How he even agreed to work with her. But like the rest of her followers they don't research her too much. Just see a few posts here and there and declare her good. 

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I'm guessing the editor didn't poke around Lori's blog or even google her. Maybe, he agrees to do editing work right away if the writers are willing to pay upfront. I think Lori may have tried to shop her book around to Christian publishing companies. Perhaps editors or employees in those companies googled her name and then later told her no.

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A comment on her latest example of perfect printing about beating children:


Doesn't causing pain as a consequence teach them to make their decisions solely for the purpose of avoiding said pain? This argument seems to contradict itself..


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In other news, Lori asks readers:


So do you believe there's a campaign out to destroy my book?

Nope, I believe your book is absolute crap, and a lot of people took to Amazon to say so.

I also know that you tried to get the contact information on a person who left a negative review so you could contact her yourself, AND that you asked readers to leave a 5 star review, even if they hadn't read your book.

*sigh*  *big, big sigh*

I can only assume that Lori brought this topic up, in hopes that more readers would come out of the woodwork and leave her undeserved 5 star reviews.  After all, Lori ALWAYS gets her way.

The results?

3 new reviews:

1 - 1 star

1- 4 star 

1- 5 star

Hardly worth all of the trouble Lori went to posting on Instagram and Facebook.





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Shoot, I just read her stupid scribbles. This is like shooting fish in a barrel. 


"Parents who refuse to spank are inherently teaching their children that inflicting pain on their child would be a terrible evil, worse than what their child did ... "

When I was a kid, there was a phase we all went through where we'd respond to an incredibly stupid statement with this look and a dramatic -- uh ... DUHHHHHHH. And that's how I feel like responding to THIS. Lori. No 2 yo's dropping raisins on the floor could ever be an "evil" worthy of an adult's striking them. Not ever.


"When we spank, we teach them that pain is not the greatest evil but their offense (*) is a greater evil than pain ..." 

That's a slightly different phrasing. You've changed it from a parent inflicting pain to mere pain -- no one inflicting it. Funny, that.

Oh! And here are the possible crimes. 



We usually come up with some kind of natural consequence for disobedience -- using electronics or reading a book after bedtime? Whoops. Lose electronics for a while until you can use them responsibly again. Sorry, dude. (I don't have the heart to confiscate the book long-term, lol.)  Thankfully, disobedience is a rarity. 



Lying is also pretty rare. It's best not to put kids in a position where they feel the need to lie. But if they lie, they need to know that they've broken your trust (and ask any of my kids -- I have DRILLED this into them because I want honesty. They KNOW that no matter what it is, please just be honest. I can't guarantee I won't be upset initially, but I will be WAY more upset if you lie to me). If you break my trust, you aren't going to bet it back easily. And broken trust means no more unsupervised free time with friends because I can't trust you. No more overnights at friends' houses because I can't trust you. Etc. Luckily, this has not yet happened, but I am prepared because I know kids do stupid things.


*causing harm to someone

How do you stop this with a spanking? No, really ... tell me. I'm curious.

Once our kids were out of their toddler/preschool years, they were past the stage of deliberately hurting each other (knock on wood -- because siblings and all). Accidentally during rough housing, sure, but on purpose? Nah. But I can't really imagine how hurting a child on purpose teaches them that it's not okay to hurt someone else ... on purpose. Especially after the diatribe about how inflicting pain on someone else isn't a great evil at all. 

Studies show that most Americans spank their kids. Why Lori is freaking out because a small minority *don't* is beyond me. Lori needs to keep her perverted paddle-obsessed self away from all children. She's vile. 

1 hour ago, Koala said:

Lori Alexander on Facebook:

What kind of mother says such a thing?  

A shitty one who gets off on inflicting pain.

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Ken was going after me Friday night over his post. You caught a couple of screen shots up there. I ended it with we'll never agree on this. It was late, I had too much wine to drink to get through the tirade and I was tired, so I told him I was going to bed. He got one more shot in asking if I was a believer. Nice deflection there, Ken boy. I had already shut everything down and was ready to answer this morning. But, of course, everything is gone. Surprise, surprise!

I left a comment this morning that I was disappointed that he took our entire discussion off. That got removed too. But, I'm still not banned. Honestly, that was my Friday night goal and I'm so disappointed that I didn't achieved it! I'm currently reviewing her book and plan on leaving an Amazon review. I'm going to lay low for a while though. Eventually I'll pop back in there. They still haven't figured out that there are other comments on there from me.

Screenshot 2017-06-17 at 7.21.51 AM.png

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9 hours ago, Koala said:

Lori Alexander on Facebook:

What kind of mother says such a thing?  

If pain is the best teacher, Lori sure hasn't shown it's done her any good.  She complains about being in pain quite a lot, but knows nothing.  

As a person in chronic pain, that went unmedicated for many years, I can say pain taught me to be pretty freaking grouchy and honestly, I didn't realize how bad it was until I got a good pain dr. and have well-controlled pain now.

6 hours ago, KatBonD said:

I'm currently reviewing her book and plan on leaving an Amazon review.

If you are posting the review online (I assume at SSB?) please drop a link in whatever Lori thread we currently have going.  I'd like to read it.

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On ‎6‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 9:41 PM, Koala said:

Lori is coming unraveled.  I haven't seen her delete so many comments (including her own), since the Amazon review debacle.  

It looks like shit for her "ministry".   I bet the people they go to church with are watching this whole thing unfold like it's a damn soap opera.  

The only positive piece of this shitstorm is that she isn't popping out babies anymore.

14 hours ago, lilwriter85 said:

A bit OT, but related to this: Didn't Kelly Crawford write an ebook that she gave away for free for a period of time?

I would love for someone on Facebook or on the blog to ask Lori if she would send an ebook download to a young Christian mother who has very little mone

Even the Maxwells gave away their initial Moody family offering for a (mercifully)short while.  Add greed to Lori's list of character offerings.

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She's starting a conversation with her naysayers. Will she lift her ban on each of them so that they can respond?



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Wow, we read and are upset because we don't hate god!!!!! Look how rude that is to assume because we don't agree with her we hate god!

II don't think she will let any naysayers through.  This is so they can all boast how great they are and how we live in darkness.




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I do not despise Lori or her teaching. I disagree with her for being inconsistent and for deleting questions and comments that are contrary to her teaching. She already deleted and blocked me for questioning her, so I am reluctant to comment on her social media.

I read to learn and understand, even if the texts are opposite of what I believe. In fact, I believe that if we read more views contrary to our own, we can understand and appreciate how other people think, and if necessary, we can know how to influence or persuade them.

I read Lori because I wanted to learn about biblical womanhood. But her teaching goes against my catechism (women's silence in church) and can be dangerous in terms of safety (wife's submission in abuse) and life (no medical help for depression).

If a woman who stays in an abusive marriage because of Lori's advice is later killed by her husband, could we later bring her back to life? If a depressed person follows Lori's advice and does not seek counselling or medical help, then he kills himself, can we raise him from the dead? Maybe Lori will just say, "How tragic."

Lori's teaching can be dangerous. If we continually read and comment on Lori's teaching despite our disagreement, it's because we care about the people who will suffer from her teaching.

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She's so full of it. How many blog posts has she written trashing other women bloggers? She obviously had to read them to get her source material. And she's constantly going to the beach, where she's exposed to all those thong-wearing Jezebels, whose bottoms she yearns to "paddle." Why does she do that? Wouldn't it be better to stay home? 

Good grief, Lori, you just bitch to hear yourself bitch. And then you post long, blathering videos about how other women shouldn't bitch because it drowns out the sound of your bitching. 


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1 hour ago, BlackSheep said:

She's starting a conversation with her naysayers. Will she lift her ban on each of them so that they can respond?


Huh. I read that totally differently.   I read it as saying, "All you naughty women who don't agree with me, go stand in the corner and I will have your daddy/husbands deal with you when he gets home.  I'm SO over trying  to convince you I'm right in all things and all ways. If you haven't figured it out by now,  that's your problem."   (and she probably added in her head "and I hope he takes a leather strap to all your naughty bottoms! It is what you deserve!")      Will be interesting to see how close I am.     ETA - I think she's going to block harder.  

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