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Aunt Lori Alexander 21: Bringing About Gilead One Doodle at a Time

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A messy house usually means that people LIVE there...with all the messiness of life...the shoes by the front door, a couple of dishes in the sink, some clothes needing to be put away. A messy life means you're out there LIVING life with the good, the bad, the neat and the messiness of life. A messy mind means that you're thinking about things, all sorts of things. Messy emotions mean you FEEL...sometimes deeply and those emotions sometimes get in the way of making logical choices. 

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Nagmeh Abedini commented? I would have enjoyed reading that. Everything I read by her and about her showed her to be a sincere and classy lady. I hope she and her kids are doing well.

She responded to Lysa's facebook post.
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I have yet to see a comment that says "My husband abused me/our kids, but I hung in there, prayed, etc. The abuse stopped and our marriage is stronger than ever and filled with love and harmony."

Yep. Still waiting.

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7 hours ago, mirele said:

I gave Lori a piece of my mind. 

For the record, if you're married, I have absolutely no problem with it. But man, Lori's crap sure reminds me of all the nonsense I heard about marriage when I was younger, and I'm not sorry I didn't marry and have kids. 

Lori the Transformed Wife.png

I gave you a Like. You have 3 Likes now, and I took a screen capture of it.

Pusheen is not amused - love it!

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18 minutes ago, BlackSheep said:

I gave you a Like. You have 3 Likes now, and I took a screen capture of it.

Pusheen is not amused - love it!

It was down to one like and now I can't find that perfectly stated comment. (Of course, with that thread and its nesting I could be missing it.) But I bet Lazy Lori had to set an alarm for the first time in years to get out of bed early to start her daily deleting exercises. Somehow just that thought makes me happy. 

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I love never having to wake up to an alarm. If I’ve had a rough night of sleep or can’t sleep, I don’t worry about it because I know I don’t have to go to a job in the morning.

Oh, you have a job. You're the CEO of Hatred and Hypocrisy.


I love not having to fight traffic in the morning but instead get to write, read, and study my Bible, then have devotions with Ken and cuddle every morning.

Who has time for fighting traffic? You have to fight off (i.e., delete) the commenters who are making you look bad.

New blog post is up. What a busy bee she is this morning! All settled in for another day of lies and deletion.

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One woman in the chat room has a husband who wants her to buy him beer and she doesn’t want to do this but I told her she must since buying beer isn’t evil. If he had asked her to watch porn with him, rob a bank, or get into a car when he is drunk and wants to drive, then she can refuse but make sure that she is obeying him in everything else.

She'll address these things, but she'll never address spousal abuse. Because refusing to put up with abuse means leaving your husband.

Don't let him drive you when he's drunk - you might get hurt!

But if he's hitting you, well, you'll just have to deal with it and pray for him.

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She's so horrifyingly stupid and uneducated. 


If we are goong to go by created ORDER then the animals are rulers over us all. 


Woman wasn't made "just to make a man's life easier." My mom believes this bullshit and it's infuriating. The word in the scripture used for help is the SAME one used for GOD! Women are ezer kenegdo. Mighty Warrior. Strong help. Necessary Ally. Jewish culture says that that she's an equal force and weight that balances the scale with the man in  marriage. She is not to be under or over him but they are to rule together  

Lori is a fool who doesn't know her scripture. 

If she truly wanted to help and minister to women she'd be sharing practical tips on homemaking, child rearing, encouragement for busy moms, etc. but this blog is just an excuse to spew hate from her own miserable marriage and to make us all like her and ken. 

Just now, BlackSheep said:


She'll address these things, but she'll never address spousal abuse. Because refusing to put up with abuse means leaving your husband.

Don't let him drive you when he's drunk - you might get hurt!

But if he's hitting you, well, you'll just have to deal with it and pray for him.

This is upsetting to me because it literally strips a wife's agency from her and she cannot hold or have any convictions or opinions about anything in her own. Something which is clearly unbiblical. I know drinking isn't a sin but if Mr. EW wanted me to go buy him beer I'd tell him he'll keep he'd have to buy it himself because I am not going to see him go down that road a second time.

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2 minutes ago, EowynW said:


If she truly wanted to help and minister to women she'd be sharing practical tips on homemaking, child rearing, encouragement for busy moms, etc. but this blog is just an excuse to spew hate from her own miserable marriage and to make us all like her and ken. 

Well,she does sometimes.

Flick your baby on the cheek while nursing. Hit him/her with a leather strap before they can even understand the word, "no".

Wipe your counters with a nasty cloth full of chicken juice.


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27 minutes ago, BlackSheep said:

I love not having to fight traffic in the morning but instead get to write, read, and study my Bible, then have devotions with Ken and cuddle every morning.

Uh...I tend to read things in plain English so to me this sentence says that every morning Lori gets up (whatever time she wants) and then proceeds to write her bible, read her bible and study her bible.

I guess those that said she is writing her own bible might be correct.  Maybe that is the second book she's working on.

16 minutes ago, EowynW said:

If she truly wanted to help and minister to women she'd be sharing practical tips on homemaking, child rearing, encouragement for busy moms, etc

Well they say "write what you know" and Lori doesn't know anything about any of those things, so she goes with tearing women down.  She has a lot of knowledge/practice in that area.

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2 minutes ago, EowynW said:

I read this yesterday and it brought back a memory of me mailing off my copy of The Handmaid's Tale to an evangelical guy I'd been talking to on the early Internet because I wanted him to see what women could be facing in a theocracy (almost spelled it theocrazy...). I also found it interesting that "Relevant" didn't publish her piece, but did publish one by a guy she'd dated. I can see why it wasn't published, it goes against the Evangelical Christian narrative about women:



According to DeMoss, we must “reverence” an abusive husband and must not “resist” him: if we don’t, God will not protect us. That the handmaids of the Tale are told exactly this—that they must “reverence” the oppressive system and not “resist” it—should be an opportunity for self-reflection and communal repentance for the ways Christians continue to subjugate women.

For the record, I can no longer comment on "The Transformed Wife." *shrug* I said my piece.

On a totally different matter, does anyone remember where LorKen go to church?

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It's horrifying how Aunt Lori wants women to welcome straying husbands back into their marriage beds, ignoring the STD risk. 

"I am sure all of you have seen women like this. They respectfully listen when their husbands talk without interrupting. They smile at them often. They praise them and are affectionate with them."


no you idiot, it has nothing to do with submission. It's called actually loving and respecting your spouse and it goes BOTH WAYS. 

Honestly Lori is starting to sound like a pathetic lap dog. 

Mr. EW says he didn't marry me for any of the reasons Lori mentions. His primary reason was he loved me and he couldn't imagine life  without me. 

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@EowynW asked if there was anyway to get all her shit that she deletes out there.

I am NOT internet savvy, but would it be possible to have a blog - 'theTransformedWifedeleted posts.com'?Where all those horrid comments - and the transformed wife that elicited them - could be immortalised? And maybe play 'goggle' games to get it nice and high on page one.......I'd love to see it.:dislike:

Has anyone ever thought, as I do, that her railing at divorce is, at heart, a deep fear? We know Ken thought of leaving before - hence the transformed wife. Is she so desperate that she has to put on the blogosphere that she is the PERFECT christian wife, that she has done everything to make sure he stays? Just in case he does get the idea again - she then has the material to shame him - or in her desperation does she believe that he CAN'T leave her if she does everything RIGHT?


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14 hours ago, Joyce said:

Ken and I walked along the beach late afternoon and almost every young woman was wearing a thong. I told him next time I'm going to bring a paddle and paddle their bottoms!

Oh god, what is wrong with her? This is disgusting on so many levels. Why is she staring at these young women's bottoms in the first place? How utterly inappropriate! And second, why is she "joking" to her lecherous husband about "paddling" their bottoms?

It's bad enough that women can barely step foot outside their homes without men leering at them from every direction. Now we have to worry about vulgar women doing it, too?! 

She's so filthy and vile, and she KNOWS it. She's openly discussing her kink and getting off on it in public on her blog or Facebook or wherever this nasty exchange took place while tittering in her sleeve pretending that it was all innocent fun and games. You are a nasty, nasty human being, Lori.

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I have somehow missed that ken thought about divorcing Lori after  the kids moved out. Does anyone have a link to that? 

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 After being left for dead by my first one I think I have every right in the world to be a divorced woman.

Lori's full response:


Here's another one on why God hates divorce. (link)

This woman has just asserted that her husband left her for dead.  Lori's response?

Not one shred of concern or compassion.  Just a link telling her that God hates divorce.

Can you imagine how different The Godly Gossip's response would have been if a man wrote the exact same thing?

@polecat- Exactly.  She is a gross, sick woman.

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@EowynW I think it was after 23 years of marriage, and it was what made her 'reexamine' and become the transformed wife.

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2 hours ago, BlackSheep said:

I gave you a Like. You have 3 Likes now, and I took a screen capture of it.

Pusheen is not amused - love it!

She probably kicked Pusheen.

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I have already said- I have never commented on anything of Lori's, and I never will.  

That said, I wish her readers could see her beach comment.  The more I look at it, the more sinister it looks.  

Lori tries to present herself as the modest, discreet, godly woman, but she and Ken are clearly getting something from talking about "paddling" the bottoms of women on the beach.  And not only that, they are getting something from Lori saying it in front of her readers.

Same thing with the Josh Duggar screen grab.

Lori gossips about EVERY public figure she can find dirt on, but Josh Duggar commits heinous crimes, and she doesn't want it talked about?  I mean she literally said, I don't want this talked about.  As in, I want this covered up as much as possible.

I don't know what's going on in the chat room, but there's a reason Lori feels like she has to spend her whole day monitoring those women, and there's a reason she's saying things like that in front of them, but not in front of her other readers.

All of that complied with Ken's comments last year, make me think that there is something very sinister about these two.

It's very concerning.



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I love not having to submit to a boss who doesn’t care much about me but instead I get to submit to my husband who loves me, provides for me, and has committed his life to me.

Not everyone has shitty bosses Lori. Some employers probably treat their employees better than how Ken has treated Lori.

We know Lori had a nanny/housekeeper and I'm betting she was the one who did these things(minus homeschooling) and not Lori.



I loved being able to be home for my children and getting up each morning to fix them breakfast and read them the Bible as they ate. I loved being home when they were sick to care for them and when they got home from school to hear about their day. I loved being able to homeschool them for a few years and have the freedom to take them to the beach or do other fun things. I loved being the one to train, discipline and teach them.


I love being able to have a wonderful salad every day whenever I want for lunch. I get to sit in the beauty of my own home or in my backyard and eat it at my leisure.

If Lori worked and took a four day old salad with slime or wilts to work she would gross out co-workers. So, of course, she is thankful for eating her gross four day old salad in her home.


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44 minutes ago, sawasdee said:

Has anyone ever thought, as I do, that her railing at divorce is, at heart, a deep fear? We know Ken thought of leaving before - hence the transformed wife. Is she so desperate that she has to put on the blogosphere that she is the PERFECT christian wife, that she has done everything to make sure he stays? Just in case he does get the idea again - she then has the material to shame him - or in her desperation does she believe that he CAN'T leave her if she does everything RIGHT?


I've thought this, too.

In writing as she does about submission and divorce, she is creating a situation where she would be seen as the innocent victim if Ken were to leave her. She could use that to guilt him into staying.

I do think there's a good bit of fear, too. She was desperate to save her marriage--not because she valued her marriage, but because she didn't want to be seen as a divorced woman.

Plus, I sometimes think her health has made her soul-desperate. She is afraid of dying, and she's trying to make up for all the years she was a bad wife so she can get into heaven. She latched onto the one thing in the bible she thought she could understand (Titus 2) and made that her personal mission for the rest of her life.

I somehow always manage to have a bit of compassion for even the most horrible people (even when I don't want to), and I'm a little sad for Lori. She never sounds happy or joyful about anything. On one of her sex posts, someone once commented about how God intended for husband and wife to both enjoy sex, and her only response was that wives should have sex because they are commanded to do so. For her, being a Christian means having a to-do list with little boxes you can check off to confirm that you are doing the right thing.

We always say here that she is a miserable woman, and I think that's true. All day long, every day, she feels persecuted by readers--so much that she has a ridiculous application for her secret group. She is incapable of understanding genuine comments and questions, so instead of making an effort to respond, she reacts with either the delete key or a pat answer that even she doesn't really understand. She goes for a walk with Ken, and she is paranoid about what he will be seeing and thinking--so before he can enjoy an eyeful of thong-clad young thang, she points out the view and makes a judgmental comment so he feels guilty about his enjoyment and she feels superior. Her own daughter seems to reject everything Lori thinks she's taught her, and she has no idea how to deal wtih that because she is so out of touch with her own emotions. She does seem miserable--and it's misery of her own creation. She is so jealous of women in ministry who are asked to speak at conferences, so in an attitude of sour grapes, she tears them down so she doesn't have to deal with her bad feelings.

She sounds miserable every single day. I'm glad I'm not her--and at least others have the option of ignoring her. They can choose to not go to her chatroom or not read her blog. But Lori can't ever escape herself, which is a fate she definitely deserves.

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