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Aunt Lori Alexander 21: Bringing About Gilead One Doodle at a Time

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Everything that LoriKen are telling us about the rebellious wife of the man Ken is mentoring is coming from the husband. There are 2 sides to every story -- a cliche but true.

We have not heard the wife's side so we have no idea if the man is really the loving, kind, patient, long-suffering, godly martyr husband he presents himself to be.  Is the wife continuously having tantrums, or did she simply melt down one day when it all got too much for her and she was overwhelmed?

Think about how Earl demeans, degrades and rags on his wife for everyone to see.  We only have his word that she is awful, unloving, a terrible rebellious wife, bad housekeeper, and never gives him sex.  What would the story be if we heard from her?

LoriKen believe that it is always the woman's fault. Their advice is always for the wife to sit down, shut up and submit to everything.with a smile. Those whining men don't want wife, they want a sex doll who can cook and clean 

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7 hours ago, Koala said:

As for Lori-  I am also of the belief that her parents likely wouldn't support her if Ken left.  Her mom is very ill, and both parents are nearing their nineties. 


The idea that the church would support her is a total joke.  As in, she's dreaming.  I doubt Lori's made any friends in that church, and if Ken left her, she'd be lucky if anyone went to the trouble of setting up a Take Them A Meal page, much less supported her.

I agree, Lori's parents wouldn't support these days if Ken left or something happened to him. I'm curious if they have supported Lori and the kids if something had happened to Ken years ago when Lori's children were very young or if he had left her. I agree with you on the sisters.


  There is also no way Lori would be able to get a church to completely support her. She has probably pissed off people at her current church as we have speculated. But, lately Lori has been pushing the belief that older widows should be supported by their adult children. If Ken was to die let's say within the next ten years, I would feel sorry for her kids and their spouses because I can see Lori demanding things and making their lives hell. 

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2 hours ago, HoneyBunny said:

From Lazy Lori's Instagram... she thought she had food poisoning the other night and took a teaspoon of some coconut charcoal stuff in water and is just hunky dory now. 

Who thinks this crazy lady is giving herself the multitude of stomach issues she suffers from? Time to take the Norwex out of the sun and off the grass and wash the damn things. And that four day old salad?  Maybe it's not so healthy after all. 

I have long thought that a good portion of Lori's issues are brought on by her own foolishness and pure filth.  

She has some filthy habits (Norwex cloths/old food), and she tries to treat herself with random shit she finds on the internet.  

In her last video about Turmeric she says:


I would...I encourage you to get raw.  Because I've tried...I tried the powder...drinking of the powder, and I fried my esophagus and stomach years ago...bout five years ago, and it was extremely painful.  It took me a long time to heal that 

Here's the video.  I guess she decided all of this, based on meeting some guy in the grocery store:


@Red Hair, Black Dress- Exactly!  Lori had a fit about the woman who blogged that she was leaving her husband after he had an affair.  Two of her major complaints were that we weren't getting both sides of the story, and the wife was airing her husband's dirty laundry.  Then, literally 2 days later, they make this post to air the dirty laundry of a couple they are supposedly "mentoring".  And not only that, they play judge and jury when they only know one side.
I guess it's okay for Ken and Lori to air your dirty laundry, just so long as you don't do it yourself.

I wonder if it ever occurred to Lori that the lady blogged about her situation, so she could get her side out before gossips like Lori started to blog about her, when they literally have NO CLUE what really happened.

This whole thing is just beyond disturbing.

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9 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

Everything that LoriKen are telling us about the rebellious wife of the man Ken is mentoring is coming from the husband. There are 2 sides to every story -- a cliche but true.


LoriKen believe that it is always the woman's fault. Their advice is always for the wife to sit down, shut up and submit to everything.with a smile. Those whining men don't want wife, they want a sex doll who can cook and clean 

And Aunt Lori won't allow discussion about Josh Duggar because we have no idea if it's true or not, and he deserves our prayers and compassion.  :pb_rollseyes:

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Ken: "As a general comment to address those who continually want to go back to a husband’s sacrificial love and service to his wife as the solution to a healthy marriage. I am all for sacrificial love and have lived a lifetime of it, but her is the question each marriage and the church must answer:

Given that the life of Christ was all about about sacrificial love and service, and that leadership begins with such love and service, where does the “upside down in the church get turned upside right?” 

If you understand the question you will understand that Christ was made lower than the angels and humbled himself to the point of death, but he is now reigning and exalted seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

If a husband’s sacrificial love and service does not some day find a Christian wife is in turn loving, respectful, submissive and joyful before him, then something is terribly wrong. What may have been necessary for upside down leadership at one time, is perhaps now just service to a closed heart. God says, “for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever” (I Chron. 28:9). 

A godly husband has an obligation to ask of his wife, “when will upside down be made upside right?” When will she allow him to take his rightful, God given place in the relationship instead of continually submitting to her will, moods and upsets." 

I don't even understand this bullshit and I'm a 3rd generation IFB preacher's kid. I'm used to wading through bullshit. 

He is ignoring Brian now and going to this. 

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

she's been to counseling and doctors and can behave perfectly with others but is in rebellion towards her kind husband.

In my experience, this isn't all that uncommon for some types of mental illness. People can and do behave one way with doctors, therapists, counselors, etc. and a whole other way at home. Why? Well, probably a lot of reasons. For one, they tell the doctors and counselors what they think they want to hear. Also, they use a lot of energy acting "right" in public, which means they're tired and worn out at home, so that means worse behavior at home.

I highly doubt this woman is making a conscious choice to "rebel" against her "kind husband." Mental illness sucks. Lori has not one empathetic bone in her body. 

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So Lori's editor has never seen anything like that? Evidence please that the editor actually said that.  It's hard for me to imagine that an editor for 30 years has never seen extremely polarized reviews before.  Unless we see some real, non-Aunt Lori provided evidence, I'm calling bullshit.  

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2 hours ago, EowynW said:

A godly husband has an obligation to ask of his wife, “when will upside down be made upside right?” When will she allow him to take his rightful, God given place in the relationship instead of continually submitting to her will, moods and upsets.

Chapter and verse, Ken. Chapter and verse.  @EowynW, I don't understand it either. I think Ken is making up his own "theology of marriage". Those comments speak volumes.  They always counsel women to obey, to keep submitting, to keep trusting God, all on the premise that 1st Peter 3 is some kind of a promise.  Well, I think there's some sort of similar "promise" somewhere in 1st Corinthians, perhaps chapter 7. I can't remember and don't feel like hunting it down.  One thing I know for sure: nowhere do Paul or Peter (because I don't know if Ken and Lori count the words of Jesus as authoritative for them) ever say that a husband should make such inquiries.  There's no talk about upside-downs and downside-ups, or rightful places.  That's the epistle of Ken to the Manosphere. 

Lori, someone out to destroy your book?  How tragic! 



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2 hours ago, EowynW said:

Christ was made lower than the angels and humbled himself to the point of death, but he is now reigning and exalted seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

If a husband’s sacrificial love and service does not some day find a Christian wife is in turn loving, respectful, submissive and joyful before him, then something is terribly wrong. What may have been necessary for upside down leadership at one time, is perhaps now just service to a closed heart.

Ken, you aren't suggesting that a husband has the right to expect devotion and worship from his wife, are you?  Your favorite passage about marriage tells husbands, as "head of the wife" to love his wife as Christ loved the church.  There's no talk about thrones and reigning.  There's also no talk about being allowed to stop loving or about how that love should bring about the long-awaited submission and joy.  You married a human being who may not respond to you as you wish she would, much like I'm married to a human being that most certainly doesn't always respond as I wish he would.  No amount of trotting along behind him is going to make him change his ways. 

See, change happens from the inside-out.  You are trying to make it happen from the outside in. The only person you can change is yourself, and if you are sick of being abused, then lay down some boundaries but don't try to make the Bible say what you want it to say.  I could throw Hosea and Gomer at you... remember them? 



Have you ever read “Created to Be His Helpmeet”? If not, check it out. I’m guessing that your husband is a Mr. Visionary, just like mine. They tend to make impulsive decisions, and some of them are really bad ones, but in the end, it really pays to go with their ideas cheerfully and submissively – good and bad. I have been through my share of “Hey, honey, we’re moving!” – sometimes with not-so-great reasons behind them. But husbands SO appreciate cheerful willingness to go along with their ideas. And also, they’re more willing to give up on the bad ideas when a wife cheerfully goes along with those ideas – it gives him a chance to think twice. When a wife rebels, a husband will either dig in his heels and be stubborn about following through with a bad idea, or will submit to his wife and lose all of the self-respect that goes with that negative dynamic.

And you never know, you might love it in a new place!

From a wife who’s been in that position many times! 

P.S. Even when husbands do follow through with bad ideas, they will learn invaluable lessons in the process. When we hold them back, we’re also holding them back on the lessons God has for them.


This is just so wrong...


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Can't believe how many are commenting "I didn't know you had a book!!". Seriously, have these people not poked around her fb page or blog at all. Its not like she is hiding the book,. Makes me realize how unaware they are and what blind followers she has. If they don't even notice that is it any wonder they don't notice all her other crazy crap. 

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These people certainly believe in miracles. A woman, who has absolutely no authority over her husband, can, without a word, change his sinful behavior. A man can make a monumental career error, and pick himself up out of the ashes and succeed again.

My favorite part is how a woman is responsible for the fate of her husband's eternal soul, but a man can just chuck his substandard wife out the door.

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12 hours ago, EowynW said:

Oh lord. We Christian women start hearing shit like that from the day we are born. I know I did. 

Fundy Christian women, not all of us, thank goodness. 

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So do you believe there's a campaign out to destroy my book? My editor who has edited books for over 30 years has never seen anything like this 

Bless her heart.

Maybe this will help:

And this:

There are more, but I am sure these will be more than helpful enough.

Blessings! :roll:

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6 hours ago, EowynW said:

You can fry yourself with turmeric? I use the powder and I'm fine. 

Turpentine..... turmeric.  Potayto...potahto. 

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5 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Can't believe how many are commenting "I didn't know you had a book!!". Seriously, have these people not poked around her fb page or blog at all. Its not like she is hiding the book,. Makes me realize how unaware they are and what blind followers she has. If they don't even notice that is it any wonder they don't notice all her other crazy crap. 

The very dumb blind followers will stick with Lori until the end. I think to a certain extent Lori knows that some of her followers are guillable and she uses that to her advantage. Some of her followers ignore all the crazy shit and they also ignore the fact upper middle class Lori doesn't really have much in common with them when it comes to economics.

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Lori: "I didn't write this book to make money."

Does Lori have a link where we can read her book for free? If she doesn't need the money, she can send the ebook for free to everyone who supports her on social media and ask for a 5 star review.

Excerpt of Lori's Amazon biography: "Please read the discussion forum on her author's page to find out why she has received so many negative reviews of her book with only 1 star. She has never taught that any form of abuse is acceptable and she never will."

Every time Lori hits the delete key on social media, she risks getting a 1 star review. 

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