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Trump 6- The saga of the lone orange continues


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The version I heard talked about how Hillary's preferences were well known. :ew:


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13 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

I'm prepared for another day of the Donald Trump horror show.


I need something a bit stronger.


Some more of that cheeto faced shit gibbons groupies at work...



Police are investigating the burning of a black church in Mississippi during which vandals spray-painted "Vote Trump" on an exterior wall.

A 911 call reporting the fire at Hopewell Baptist Church in Greenville came in at about 9:15 p.m. Tuesday, police said. Firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze.

Most of the damage to the 111-year-old church was to the sanctuary, pastor Carilyn Hudson said at a news conference.

"We do believe that God will allow us to build another sanctuary in that same place," she said, though the extent of the damage was unclear.

Fuck Trump, and fuck each and every last one of his racist supporters.

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11 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

According to twitter, the woman accusing Trump of raping her when she was 13 is holding a press conference today: 


Oh please let this be true. 

Now let's see if the media will actually take time away from their 16 hours of daily coverage on the emails and actually report on this. 

@RoseWilder,  This was covered by Huffington a couple times. I've linked the most recent Huffington Post coverage.  

As reported by Ryan Grim-Washington bureau chief for The Huffington Post


On Wednesday, the woman, who remains anonymous, was slated to appear at a press conference with her new attorney, Lisa Bloom, the daughter of Gloria Allred. Bloom wrote a column about the casein The Huffington Post last summer. etc...

For months, people have wondered why this case isn’t getting more ― or, really, any ― attention in the press, even now that Trump faces an actual court date: a Dec. 16 status conference with the judge.  etc...

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11 hours ago, QuiverDance said:

To be fair, IIRC, another reason the media has shied away is because of Bill Clinton's relationship with Epstein and because one (both?) of the witnesses placed him at Epstein's parties with underage girls, though they did state they did not observe Clinton engaging in sexual behavior with minors. 

@QuiverDance, I've read that Epstein does indeed rub shoulders with many prominent figures.  I too thought this was why the media avoided the story. In fact, due to the political, entertainment, sports, business related names, it would be reasonable for the Clinton's to be guests at some point.  Stephen Hawking and other prominent scientist have been island guests as well. One would think 99 percent of Epstein's former guests were horrified to learn he's a  pedophile.

However, I imagine the Fox News type media of the world would manage to associate Bill Clinton in a negative light. 

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7 hours ago, QuiverDance said:

Have any of you seen the despicable stories going around about FBI having found evidence of a pedophile sex ring in Weiner's computer and that HRC and WJC are also pedophiles?  They are grasping at straws.

They've seen the writing on the wall and are panicking.  Trump isn't going to win this election.  His supporters are at the point where they'll throw anything they can think up out there hoping something will stick.  It's the ploy of the truly desperate.  The Clintons have been investigated and dogged for nearly 30 years by the GOP with an obsessive fervor that borders on insanity and nothing worse than typical political shenanigans have ever been found.  Seriously, they're either innocent or they're the smartest damn people on the planet.  Either way, it makes the GOP look bad.  It doesn't help that they chose a dictatorial, thin skinned, misogynistic orange hued racist as their candidate.  Perhaps this election will be the one where they buy a clue.  I'm not holding my breath though.

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Dear United States of America,

At first, we thought the Trump thing was just a phase you were going through. Your endless election cycle, with infinite ink to be spilled and pixels to be filled, means that every candidate gets his 15 minutes. So you gave Donald Trump 15 minutes. And then you gave him another 15. And then, pretty soon, he’d taken over prime time. And now he’s on the verge of being elected President. This matters because, as you know, it’s the planet’s most powerful job.

This U.S. election, unlike any since the Second World War, is white knuckle time for the rest of the world. Foreign governments don’t want to interfere in your democracy, so they can’t say what they really think about Trump. But we can. We’re terrified.

We can’t believe that given a choice between one mildly flawed candidate and another peddling an explosive combo of bad ideas, no ideas and zero self-control, you’re having trouble choosing.

Does the entire planet feel this way? No. If you want to cheer up Vladimir Putin, or bring a smile to the faces of the hard men who rule China, then by all means, pull the lever for Trump. But the rest of us, your friends and allies in the free world, are pushing the panic button


5 Reasons to Vote Trump

Nicholas Kristof




1.) Who needs experience to be president? It’s true that Donald Trump would have less public service experience than any president in American history, but knowledge is lame. Maybe the Know-Nothing Party in the 19th century captured this spirit in its name — and Trump is the apotheosis of knowing-nothing. In my journalistic career, I’ve never met a national candidate as ill informed, evasive or puerile as Donald Trump.

Let’s try puerility for a change! What could go wrong?




2.) We’ve accepted that leaders need not be saints, so why not embrace a paragon of fraud? With his experience allegedly cheating consumers at Trump University, maybe we could even fund government by cheating foreign tourists.


Enough with sanctimony and moralism from the failing news media! Time to shake things up with a sexual predator!



3.) Trump might become the most entertaining president in history. If Clinton is elected, she’ll give earnest, wonkish speeches about the benefits of increasing the child tax credit or raising the minimum wage. Yawn.



4.) Diversity is important, and Trump is inclusive — of extremists.

Many Americans troubled by demographic change complain that they have been left disenfranchised. Trump speaks up for such oppressed groups — like white men.



5.) Donald Trump understands that our modern brains hold us back.


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There are six types of ugly American and Donald Trump is all of them


I'll say this for him: whatever he eats his diet doesn't bother me.  Maybe he could use some more Happy Meals.

We're living in a modern-day Shakespearean tragedy



The triumph of the modern-day Iagos is that they have managed to make it almost impossible for ordinary people to discern fact from fiction. Donald Trump supporters allow their candidate to deny everything and anything despite video, audio and photographic evidence. "I didn't say that" even in the face of recordings of him saying exactly that makes no difference in a paranoid world.

The persistent idea that Hillary Clinton is corrupt is a classic example of Iagos at work. Many take her bad character as an article of faith now, despite the fact that she is the most investigated candidate ever and no solid evidence of any serious wrong-doing has been revealed. She isn't perfect, by any means, but who is? Misogyny plays a major part in this, of course, just as it does in Othello. It remains easy to convince many people of female duplicitousness even on the flimsiest of evidence.



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Ultimately, though, this appeal can succeed only if voters succumb to last-minute distractions and ignore or forget Mr. Trump’s record. Allow us to offer a few reminders.

“If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely.”

This lie is emblematic, for two reasons. First, Mr. Trump’s refusal to release his returns is an unprecedented sign of contempt for voters; every major-party nominee of the modern era has respected this basic norm of transparency.

Second, this early lie presaged a campaign built on lies.




Feb. 6, 2016

“I would bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.”

July 21, 2016

“I alone can fix it.”


—at 27:45 of Republican nomination acceptance speech

Robert Kagan: This is how fascism comes to America
“This is how fascism comes to America, not with jackboots and salutes … but with a television huckster, a phony billionaire, a textbook egomaniac “tapping into” popular resentments and insecurities, and with an entire national political party — out of ambition or blind party loyalty, or simply out of fear — falling into line behind him.” 

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Trump's poll gains show Republicans 'coming home,' GOP's Sununu says


Sununu said he didn't always support Trump. He said he was unsure in the primary, recalling how he gave the eventual-GOP nominee a "hard time." But he's come to believe Trump has the temperament and the intellect to be president. "Generally, [Trump's] instincts align with mine," he said.

So, he was suspicious at first but once Trump assured people that he can assault any pussy he wants, got the KKK endorsement, insulted a lot more people and lied some more, Sununu felt like the guy BELONGED.


This is a long speech and the language might offend some persons but he makes a good point. The GOP forgot about the pussygate so fast... but imagine the reaction if it was Barack Obama or Bill Clinton in the tape.


"That’s a problem for a lot of Americans: They just don’t love the two choices," Meyers said. "Do you pick someone who’s under federal investigation for using a private email server?

"Or do you pick someone who called Mexicans rapists, claimed the president was born in Kenya, proposed banning an entire religion from entering the US, mocked a disabled reporter, said John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he was captured, attacked the parents of a fallen soldier, bragged about committing sexual assault, was accused by 12 women of committing sexual assault, said some of those women weren’t attractive for him to sexually assault, said more countries should get nukes, said that he would force the military to commit war crimes, said a judge was biased because his parents were Mexicans, said women should be punished for having abortions, incited violence at his rallies, called global warming a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, called for his opponent to be jailed, declared bankruptcy six times, bragged about not paying income taxes, stiffed his contractors and employees, lost a billion dollars in one year, scammed customers at his fake university, bought a six-foot-tall painting of himself with money from his fake foundation, has a trial for fraud coming up in November, insulted an opponent’s looks, insulted an opponent’s wife’s looks, and bragged about grabbing women by the pussy?

"How do you choose?"

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From Trump University to Trump’s tax records to the parade of women alleging that he harassed and assaulted them, reporters have done a pretty thorough job of illuminating and investigating Trump’s checkered past, the hollowness of many of his claims, and what sort of person he is. Meanwhile, the pundits, including many conservatives, have portrayed Trump as an existential danger to the Republic. And yet none of these journalistic endeavors has had the desired effect: to snuff out Trump’s candidacy.

Some of the blame here may belong to the Clinton campaign. While it has done an effective job of highlighting Trump’s race-baiting and sexism, it hasn’t done enough to exploit his other vulnerabilities, to paint the Republican candidate as a con man whose schemes have victimized many ordinary, hard-working Americans. To be sure, the Clinton campaign has gone some way in this direction. But they should be ramming home every day the message that Trump is a serial chiseler of the little guy, not his savior. Why isn’t Clinton regularly appearing alongside some of the people who lost their savings to Trump University? Where are the ads featuring tradesmen and suppliers and charities that Trump has stiffed?




Melania Trump to express hope for children 'to dream freely of love'

We know, we’re treating this like it was the state of the union. With half-apologies, we append herewith advance excerpts of Melania Trump’s speech today, as prepared for delivery and released just now by the Trump campaign:


I come here today to talk about my husband Donald and his deep love and respect for this country, and all of its people.

I have come here to talk about this man I have known for 18 years. And I have come here today to talk about our partnership, our family, and what I know for sure in my heart, about this man, who will Make America Great Again.

People have asked me, if Donald is the President, what kind of First Lady will you be? [...]

I want our children in this country, and all around the world, to live a beautiful life, to be safe and secure.

To dream freely of love and a family of their own someday.

We need to teach our youth American values. Kindness, respect, compassion, charity, understanding, cooperation.




Eh, Mr. Stiff-children's-HIV-charity-grab-their-pussies-tweet-mean-things-say-appallingly-racist-things Trump is all about kindness, respect, compassion, charity, understanding. cooperation.


Please forgive any typos I am typing this blindly because my eyes rolled in the back of my head.

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I'm sorry.  Try as they might, it's way to late for Republicans to convince me that their candidate gives a shit about me, my struggles, or my community.  He doesn't.  The only person Trump cares about is Trump.  Why his supporters think otherwise is beyond me.  Trump has never, in his entire life, demonstrated one iota of compassion for the little guy.  Why do these people think he had a sudden epiphany?  Wouldn't it make more sense that he simply wants power and he needs their vote to get it?  If he wins (God help us), these people are going to be upset when he not only doesn't do what he promised, but denies he ever promised it to begin with and they'll have no one but themselves to blame because he's made it clear from the beginning that he renigs on what he says and gives a rat's ass about the common man.

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Trump accuses Obama of having a conflict of interest in campaigning for Clinton:


I just left by the way Miami. And in leaving I saw AF1. And I said to myself, I wonder who that could be. And it’s our president, and he’s down here campaigning for Crooked Hillary. Why isn’t he back in the office, sometimes referred to as the Oval Office... he’s campaigning every day, and I actually think, considering that she’s under criminal investigation, I think he’s got a conflict.

Clinton is not under any criminal investigation that has been announced.




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I just noticed my neighbor 2 doors down from me has a Trump sign. It's not that noticeable because it's placed near the house, not near the road, but I immediately began making plans for a late night mission to (a) steal the sign; (b) spray paint the sign, the driveway, mailbox, etc. (c) kill her flowers at the mailbox (safer because I could do this from my car); and then I realized-- WTF am I doing??? I am a law-abiding senior citizen, not a Trump- loving racist thug! This is what my utter disdain for him and his supporters is driving me to!  (Although I still may take my dogs for a walk and let them poop in her yard!)

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13 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Some more of that cheeto faced shit gibbons groupies at work...


Fuck Trump, and fuck each and every last one of his racist supporters.

I saw that. Some of the Trumpsters were saying Hillary supporters did it to make them look bad.:pb_rollseyes:  Whoever did this is scum.

The fact that their GoFundMe account has been so generously funded is heartwarming. As soon as the investigation is over, they will have the means to immediately begin making repairs to the building.

2 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

Eh, Mr. Stiff-children's-HIV-charity-grab-their-pussies-tweet-mean-things-say-appallingly-racist-things Trump is all about kindness, respect, compassion, charity, understanding. cooperation.

Please forgive any typos I am typing this blindly because my eyes rolled in the back of my head.

Yup. I read the "Won't someone please think of the children!!" excerpt last night, and I was like :angry-cussingblack:


Or, the time that Trump was principal for a day at a Bronx public school that was $5,000 shy of a fund-raising goal to send some students to a chess tournament. Trump brought a fake million-dollar bill, gave them $200 in real life, and drove away in a limousine.


I must have originally read this at another site, because I remembered that a woman heard about what Trump had done, and she gave the kids a check for $5000 for the tournament.

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All of what you all of you say is true. There has never been a candidate less qualified to be President. And the list of his disqualifications has been ignored by much of the media.Hillary's email, anyone? Forget Trump's bankruptcies, tax returns, law suits ,racism, sexism, and downright dishonesty. The MSM isn't interested.

Voters don't decide the election anymore. The media does - by what it chooses to emphasises in its reports.

I'm scared - and I pray to whatever being there is to not elect Trump.

God help you all.


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@AmazonGrace  Amen! So why is the reporting so soft - if not non existent?

And Trump claims the media is against him....

Any other candidate like him, in any other year, would have been eviscerated by now.


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Ok, and I'm speaking for myself as a Hillary supporter, I may steal a campaign sign or let my dogs poop in the yard of a Trumpster, but HRC sup porters are NOT going to BURN DOWN a church! FUCK TRUMP AND ALL OF HIS HALF WITTED SUPPORTERS ! !!

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The best bit starts at 6:15


Thanks To Donald Trump, I Blocked My Uncle On Facebook Today

My family seems to think God is a Republican


But my decision to post news stories about Trump unleashed a fury I have not seen in them before. My uncle began incessantly posting wrinkly-faced, Hillary-bashing memes and “stories” on my timeline. When he started attacking my bleeding-heart liberal daughter, I pulled the plug on our Facebook friendship.

What struck me about his timeline attack were his sources: Places like Patriots Reborn, ClashDaily.com, The American Patriot, Conservative News Today, John Q. Logic, ViralLiberty.com and LibertyWriters.


Why I've started to tell my kids Donald Trump is a bad man


That this election pits a fundamentally decent person against an unempathetic bully might be lost on millions of adult voters, but not my 4-year-old kid




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I think of the family values voters on the right with whom I’ve become acquainted over the years. Although I might have vigorously disagreed with their positions and their inherent myopic anachronism, at least I could say that they were as principled in their adherence to their positions as I was in opposition to them. But then, again, I hit Donald Trump, who is dragging traditional conservative paternalism into the muck of perversion, who brags about sexually assaulting women, who makes fun of the disabled, who savors a lust for vengeance, who says he has never needed to seek forgiveness, even from God. Again, are you kidding?

I try to think of it from a strict constitutionalist’s perspective, to understand how strongly they want the vacancy on the Supreme Court to be filled by a constitutional purist. But then I think of Trump, whose Muslim ban would fly in the face of the Constitution, whose threats to the press strike me as constitutionally hostile, whose advancement of torture would seem to me constitutionally questionable (to say nothing of its legality in the face of international norms and treaties). Are you kidding, America?




There is no way to make a vote for him feel like an act of principle or responsibility. You can’t make it right. You can’t say yes to Trump and yes to common decency. Those two things do not together abide.

If you are voting for Trump, you are voting for coarseness, corruption and moral corrosion. Period



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I hat a chat with a friend of mine today. This is someone I rarely discuss politics with as he is fall-off-the-right-edge-of-the-world Republican and I'm quite a ways left of there. He brought up the election. I told him that i didn't want to hear that he was voting for Agent Orange because he is my friend, and despite our differences, he is a good human being. He said that, although he can't bring himself to vote for Hillary, he is writing in someone else. He said he just couldn't vote for Cheeto either and the third party candidates are not attractive to him. At least it denies Cinnamon Hitler one vote, even though he'll win my friend's state (KY) with lots of room to spare.

I have never felt this way before in an election. Even when I truly disliked the "other" candidate, I didn't despair that our country and the world would be in danger.

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Remember Saeed Abedini? The wife beating Iranian prisoner? 

That's right, God told him Trump would be president, and he doesn't mind the sexual assaults at all. Trump's just a flawed man, aren't we all. 





Mrs. Trump Mourns: ‘Our Culture Has Gotten Too Mean’

Melania Trump Is Very Upset By People Who Bully Others On The Internet

Mrs. Trump wants to #stopbullying

FLASHBACK: Trump Said Megyn Kelly Had ‘Blood Coming Out Of Her Wherever’... Attacked Gold Star Mother Ghazala Khan... Mocked NYT Reporter With Disability... Called Alicia Machado’s Weight Gain A ‘Real Problem’... Joked About Hillary Clinton Being Shot...YESTERDAY: Reporter Vilified By Trump At Rally Escorted To Car By Secret Service... 
The 282 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter...




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Hello, my friends. I have a new puppy taking up a lot of my time and I am still recovering from my surgery, so I have not been in this thread much. I needed a Trump break. 

I cant believe we are at the point where people and the media are praising a presidental candidate for using a teleprompter and being slightly less assholish than he was last week. I don't give two fucking shits if the Orange Asshole is using a teleprompter. If what Trump is saying is still full of lies, fear, and hatred, who cares if it is read off a machine or off the cuff. What low standards we now have for a leader. 

And now we have Melania and her speech today. Holy sack of snake snot! How could she with a straight face claim she is concerned about cyberbullying when she married the king cyberbully of the universe? She is just as stupid as her husband. She would have to be to marry that jerk in the first place. Self-awareness is not in the Trump vocabulary. I pray I never have to see or hear of Trump ever again on 11/09. 



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