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Trump 6- The saga of the lone orange continues


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8 hours ago, 47of74 said:

And I see Paul Ryan (R-coward) has voted for Agent Orange;


In other words he's too chickenshit not to stand up to Orange Hitler and his deplorable followers.

I have long despised Ryan. He's a sneaky wimp. I so wish the Democrats could take the House, so we could boot him out of the Speaker position. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like that's going to happen.


8 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

Here are the links to two of the articles linking Trump to Russia: 



I'm currently emailing the links to every news organization and asking why they aren't giving this the same amount of coverage that the Clinton email thing is getting. I'm also going to be retweeting the article all over social media. 

If enough people do the same, it won't matter that the mainstream media isn't covering it as well as they should, tons of voters will still hear about it and it might give them pause. It might sway some of the undecideds to vote for Clinton or some of the Trump supporters who are wavering to switch to Hillary or stay home. 

We can do this! 

I've emailed every news organization I can think of. I also called three of our local TV stations (I'm in the Washington DC market) and asked why these stories aren't getting any airtime. Two of the people seemed to take decent notes, reading info back to me. The third put me to the news director's voice mail.


5 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

Trumpster can count on the support of his white supremacist homophobe buddies: 


Evan McMullin robocall from white nationalist says Republican anti-Trump candidate is gay, points to lesbian mother: “Evan has two mommies”

A Donald Trump supporter goes low in a robocall to rally Mormons against an LDS member — and for Donald Trump 

Trying to stave off the very real possibility that independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin could actually win Utah’s six electoral votes instead of Donald Trump, a white nationalist supporter of the GOP nominee is targeting 190,000 Utah voters with a robocall attacking McMullin and accusing him of being secretly gay.

“Evan is over 40 years old and is not married and doesn’t even have a girlfriend. I believe Evan is a closet homosexual.”

In the recorded message, longtime white nationalist William Johnson tells listeners that McMullen is “an open borders, amnesty supporter” who also might be homosexual since his mother divorced his father and is now married to another woman.

“Evan has two mommies. His mother is a lesbian, married to another woman. Evan is okay with that. Indeed Evan supports the Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage,” Johnson says in the message which can be heard above.

McMullin, who is an active member of the Mormon church, says he accepts his mother’s marriage but still opposes legal recognition of same-sex unions.

“As far as my mother’s marriage is concerned, I believe in the sanctity of traditional marriage. It is an important part of my faith,” McMullin told the Salt Lake Tribune. “My mother has a different view. That is OK. I love her very much, and she is one of my best friends. She is a wonderful mother. I wish everyone could have a mother like my mom.”

I heard the robocall on the news yesterday. It was appalling. I don't think Evan McMullin is qualified to be President of the U.S., but he doesn't deserve the ugliness. I did see that he is polling well in Utah, I would laugh if he took Utah from Agent Orange, who definitely needs it.

I think it's pitiful that someone who is so beloved by the KKK is in serious contention to be President. What does that say about us?


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Burn, baby, burn...

Have you seen Donald Trump..? I've seen him on TV and I don't think so, I'm telling you I don't think so...

His slogan might as well be Make America Hate Again.

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The Many Times Donald Trump Has Lied About His Mob Connections

He apparently lied under oath to deny he associated with organized crime figures.




The time Trump falsely denied in a deposition that he associated with any mob associates: In 2005, journalist Timothy O'Brien published a book on Trump, TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald, in which he referenced an already established fact: that in the early 1980s Trump began his casino empire in Atlantic City, New Jersey, by leasing property owned by Kenneth Shapiro and Daniel Sullivan. Shapiro, O'Brien wrote, was a "street-level gangster with close ties to the Philadelphia mob," and Sullivan was a "Mafia associate, FBI informant and labor negotiator." (Trump also had obtained Sullivan's assistance when he had trouble with undocumented Polish workers who were demolishing the Bonwit Teller building in Manhattan to make way for Trump Tower.)

After the book came out, Trump sued O'Brien for libel and requested $5 billion in damages—not for O'Brien's reporting on Trump's connection to these mob-linked guys, but for the reporter's assertion that the self-proclaimed billionaire was actually only worth between $150 million and $250 million. In 2007—two years before a New Jersey judge tossed out the case—Trump was questioned during a deposition. Over the course of the two-day-long interrogation, Trump was forced repeatedly to acknowledge having made false statements. And at one point, a lawyer for O'Brien and his publisher asked Trump a straightforward question: "Have you ever before associated with individuals you knew were associated with organized crime?"

Trump, who was testifying under oath, answered, "Not that I know of."

That was a clear and unequivocal response. But it was not true.




So while discussing his hot-shot life, Trump practically boasted that as a builder he had to handle organized crime tough guys. As a possible presidential candidate, he claimed he had nothing to do with the mob. Only one of these statements can be true.



The time Trump said he couldn't recall a mobbed-up criminal who worked for his company: Last December, Trump was asked by a reporter about a man named Felix Sater who had once been involved in a Mafia-linked stock swindle. "Felix Sater, boy, I have to even think about it," Trump answered. "I'm not that familiar with him." Not that familiar? Sater had worked with the Trump Organization, and Trump had been questioned about Sater in at least three depositions, including the 2007 deposition in Trump's failed lawsuit against Timothy O'Brien.

I don't know... a man with such a lousy memory can't be fit to become the President. Shouldn't he see a neurologist or something?

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I'm prepared for another day of the Donald Trump horror show.


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2 minutes ago, karen77 said:

We need another Trump bomb to hit.....where is it!!?

About five bombs have hit in the last few days - but the media is too busy talking incessantly about Clinton and the emails to report on them. 

Let's review: 

two stories about his links to Russia

the tax story 

another person accusing him of rape

and now the mafia connections story

But crickets from the mainstream media on all of that. Because that would cut into the 19 hours a day they spend talking about the emails. 

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MSNBC is talking about how he is using the teleprompter and "staying on message" for the most part, not saying anything too outrageous. I guess we have just become immune to his outrageousness, because I think he is STILL being pretty outrageous!  I want something to blow up in his face between now and Tuesday, the sooner, the better!

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11 minutes ago, AuntK said:

MSNBC is talking about how he is using the teleprompter and "staying on message" for the most part, not saying anything too outrageous. I guess we have just become immune to his outrageousness, because I think he is STILL being pretty outrageous!  I want something to blow up in his face between now and Tuesday, the sooner, the better!

It doesn't matter if it does.  Those who support Trump are going to vote for him regardless.  The only people out there you can hope to win over to Clinton's side are the undecideds.  And truth be told, there aren't a whole lot of those left anymore.  Most have made up their minds and stories of Russian connections or mysterious emails aren't going to change their votes.  I agree that the MSM are being biased and unfair and we should definitely call them out on it, but it's unlikely anything they report is going to change the election at this point.  What we really need to do is to make sure those who are going to vote for Clinton can get to the polls and do so.  Offer rides.  Offer to babysit.  Take an extra shift for someone.  Allow your employees time off to vote.  Provide dinner to a family so the parents can get to the polls.  Do everything you can to help Dems get out and vote!

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21 minutes ago, Childless said:

What we really need to do is to make sure those who are going to vote for Clinton can get to the polls and do so.  Offer rides.  Offer to babysit.  Take an extra shift for someone.  Allow your employees time off to vote.  Provide dinner to a family so the parents can get to the polls.  Do everything you can to help Dems get out and vote!


Yesterday, I talked to one of the Hillary-leaning people I know and she's now solidly Hillary! Today I'm talking to another person who is sort of Hillary leaning but not sure she wants to even vote. She's open to considering Hillary but says the media doesn't ever talk about the good things Hillary does, so she wanted me to send her articles about it. I'm going to see her today and I hope to solidify her Hillary support. I've offered to work part of a co-workers shift so they can vote. And I talked to an 18-year-old first time voter and helped them figure out the information they needed to find their polling locations. 

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So there are some emails on Clinton’s aide’s husband’s computer that may or may not be significant. Wow, stop the presses!!!

Meanwhile, tucked quietly into a few entries on google is a story about a trial in which Donald Trump is accused of raping a 13-year-old at a party. It’s worth a look, and I quote “believe me.”

Just as with the Clinton story, this one has not yet reached a conclusion. But that didn’t stop coverage on the first one, so why on this one?


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1 hour ago, karen77 said:

We need another Trump bomb to hit.....where is it!!?

There are rumors floating around on social media that Friday is when the worst stuff is supposed to drop. Something about not giving Trump enough time to recover from the hit before the undecided or wavering voters go to vote on Election Day.

I honestly don't think there's anything horrible enough to dissuade the deplorables from voting for Trump, but if there is something out there that would embarrass people like Reince Preibus or Paul Ryan, I hope it comes out. :twisted:

Again, these are rumors, so nothing may come of it.

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35 minutes ago, Cartmann99 said:

There are rumors floating around on social media that Friday is when the worst stuff is supposed to drop. Something about not giving Drumpf enough time to recover from the hit before the undecided or wavering voters go to vote on Election Day.

I honestly don't think there's anything horrible enough to dissuade the deplorables from voting for Drumpf, but if there is something out there that would embarrass people like Reince Preibus or Paul Ryan, I hope it comes out. :twisted:

Again, these are rumors, so nothing may come of it.

I so hope you are true!




I'm glad I'm done voting though, having an all mail in state is wonderful.

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According to twitter, the woman accusing Trump of raping her when she was 13 is holding a press conference today: 


Oh please let this be true. 

Now let's see if the media will actually take time away from their 16 hours of daily coverage on the emails and actually report on this. 

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Breaking: Kentucky governor is a douchebag. 



Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (R) accused Donald Trump’s critics of “hypocrisy” for condemning Trump’s crude boasts about sexual assault when they themselves consume erotic fiction like Fifty Shades of Grey.

Yes, reading about consensual bondage sex in a piece of  popular fiction is totally as bad as sexually assaulting real people. 

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The lawsuit against Trump includes affidavits from two anonymous women who say they were witnesses. Yet there’s been little coverage of the case. As one of the media outlets who has not published much about it, I can say there are two main reasons we shied away.

The accuser is anonymous.

The accuser in this case is anonymous, and the suit is filed under a pseudonym in New York. A previous case filed in California used the name “Katie Johnson.” To accuse someone in print of forcibly raping a child is about as serious a charge as can be made. To do that with an anonymous accuser, would be an extraordinary step, putting the journalist’s reputation on the line.

The accuser’s public backers have been savaged in the press.

One of the leading organizers of the effort to get the press to pay attention to this case is Steve Baer, an outspoken Republican donor. Baer last made news when his effort to out an alleged affair between Reps. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.) contributed to McCarthy dropping his bid to become House speaker. Baer’s style is to liberally cc and bcc an endless stream of powerful people, and it usually has the effect of getting none of them to listen.

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To be fair, IIRC, another reason the media has shied away is because of Bill Clinton's relationship with Epstein and because one (both?) of the witnesses placed him at Epstein's parties with underage girls, though they did state they did not observe Clinton engaging in sexual behavior with minors. 

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Thanks, Trump. 


WASHINGTON ― Last month, several American white nationalists traveled to ananti-immigration conference in Wismar, Germany, and told attendants that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign represents a win for the movement—even if he loses the election.

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Raw Story has an article up about the press conference that Lisa Bloom and the woman who is accusing Trump of raping her are holding. The conference is scheduled for 6pm Eastern time, and you can watch the press conference on their site.


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11 minutes ago, apple1 said:

The press conference was canceled. Lisa Bloom (the attorney) says that death threats were received.

I am not at all surprised that she received threats. I was reading the stuff that Trump supporters were posting on Twitter about this case, and I feel sick right now. :pb_sad:

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I understand why the victim canceled the press conference. That's horrific that she received death threats. 

I'm sickened, not only by the people who are threatening this woman, but also by the media's refusal to cover this story. They'll spend 5 days talking about something related to Clinton that's based on innuendo and no actual facts, but when it comes to this, they're silent. 

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Have any of you seen the despicable stories going around about FBI having found evidence of a pedophile sex ring in Weiner's computer and that HRC and WJC are also pedophiles?  They are grasping at straws.

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