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Trump 6- The saga of the lone orange continues


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59 minutes ago, Mecca said:

And now we have Melania and her speech today. Holy sack of snake snot! How could she with a straight face claim she is concerned about cyberbullying when she married the king cyberbully of the universe? 

It's like she's trying to help SNL write their next skit. 

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There has never been anyone less qualified to be a HUMAN BEING, much less POTUS!

I am seriously bummed because my favorite nephew and godson, who lived with me when he was in high school and is voting in his first presidential election is leaning toward the douchebag! (Idiot father's influence). He is believing all the Hillary fiction! I can't even. . . this child is like my own son!!!

8 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

It's like she's trying to help SNL write their next skit. 

I can't wait to see SNL's version!

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So I watched a few highlights from Melania's speech (she was actually speaking in the county north of me, and also one of four counties that Hillary needs to absolutely win in PA) and my  favorite was working on cyberbullying (cause lol does she know who her husband is?!) as first lady. Like WHAT DO YOU  MEAN?!

Also just saw Kellyanne on my twitter feed discussing Melania's "hardships":


which includes getting her only child living at home (Barron) to soccer practice and getting an extra hour of homework in. I thought she is just a housewife, does she do actual work? (Not coming at all to housewives/househusbands/stay at home mom/dad, but woman married someone loaded and could obviously afford maid service/personal chef/trainer/etc).

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Melania's speech was trending on twitter tonight and most of the comments (that I saw) were on the irony of her cyber-bullying "platform" which made me laugh. Cheeto is the king of horrible tweets. And of course the Trump humpers were in awe of how good her speech was.



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3 hours ago, candygirl200413 said:

So I watched a few highlights from Melania's speech (she was actually speaking in the county north of me, and also one of four counties that Hillary needs to absolutely win in PA) and my  favorite was working on cyberbullying (cause lol does she know who her husband is?!) as first lady. Like WHAT DO YOU  MEAN?!

Also just saw Kellyanne on my twitter feed discussing Melania's "hardships":


which includes getting her only child living at home (Barron) to soccer practice and getting an extra hour of homework in. I thought she is just a housewife, does she do actual work? (Not coming at all to housewives/househusbands/stay at home mom/dad, but woman married someone loaded and could obviously afford maid service/personal chef/trainer/etc).

Melania Trump's only true hardship is being married to a gigantic Asshat. I really try hard not to criticize other women and their parenting, etc., but she has the ability and the means to get help with her struggles and she gets that help often. I somehow don't see Melania cooking meals, cleaning their home, doing laundry or driving around town running errands and grocery shopping. There are many women that do all the above and more with more children, so the Trump campaign may need to come down out of the clouds and see how most families function on the daily. They are trying to make Melania relatable to other working moms, but being married to a billionaire and taking a dump on a golden toilet is not relatable to the general public. 

Trump has made it very hard for the working women within his company by paying them less for equal work. Where is the daycare incentives for his employees with children? He claims he offers his employees childcare, but the truth is the childcare is offered to his guests at his facilities, not employees. 

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I hope Melania has a water-tight pre-nup with a nice payout.  She might want an "out" one day.

....She is not the face of "working mothers" in the US, not even. (Same could be said for the other side.)

These folks have a staff (of which I dreamed when raising kids) ... anyone with millions or billions and a staff trying to make themselves a "Josephine 6 pack" is fighting a losing battle.

You cannot "feel our pain" when she has none.

And don't even get me started on equal pay.... a girl has to be able to sleep.

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I'm having 2012 flashbacks tonight.

Ann Romney talking about how she and Mitt were so poor as college students, that they ate tunafish sandwiches off their ironing board because they didn't have a dining room table. How instead of getting part-time jobs, they had to scrape by on the money Mitt got from selling stocks out of his portfolio. Ann getting pissy because people wanted more information about their taxes.

Mitt and "the binders full of women". That campaign stop where the people proudly brought cookies from their local bakery, and Mitt said they tasted like store-bought cookies. His stilted language, the jokes about his car elevator, and his attempts to desperately come off as human instead of an android.

It all seems downright quaint now. 

 I didn't vote for Romney, but if he won in 2012, I wouldn't have laid awake at night wondering if WWIII was about to commence because someone on social media upset him. 

Please don't let Trump become the Groper-in-chief.:pray:





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Eric Trump:



“If I said exactly what you said, I'd get killed for it. But I think I'll say it anyway: The guy does deserve a bullet. I mean, these aren't good people, these are horrible people,” Eric Trump told Denver radio host Ross Kaminsky on 630 KHOW. “In fact, I commend my father. My father's the first Republican who's gone out and said, 'Listen, what's happened to the African American community is horrible and I'm going to take care of it.' "

“I agree, a guy like David Duke is disgusting. But this is the M.O. of the DNC,” Trump said. “And in fact, if you go back to the Podesta emails from May, June, there’s an email where he’s saying, ‘Listen, we think Trump has an amazing movement going and … the way we think we can best stop it is to make him look like a bigot, racist, xenophobic.’ This and that.”


“If I said exactly what you said, I'd get killed for it. But I think I'll say it anyway: The guy does deserve a bullet. I mean, these aren't good people, these are horrible people,” Eric Trump told Denver radio host Ross Kaminsky on 630 KHOW. “In fact, I commend my father. My father's the first Republican who's gone out and said, 'Listen, what's happened to the African American community is horrible and I'm going to take care of it.' "

CNN was saying, has Melania Trump actually met Donald?

I have the same question for Eric Trump.

If anyone is making Trump look like a bigot, racist, xenophobic it's Donald Trump.

People like David Duke know it and that's why KKK endorses Trumpster.

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About the fake million dollar bill:




The real estate mogul followed up on the promise to buy shoes, MacEnulty told HuffPost. But the students had to convince him to buy sneakers for the entire grade rather than hold a lottery that would benefit only a few kids. 

Although the kids were enthusiastic about the idea of getting new shoes, one 11-year-old asked Trump when he visited the school, “Why did you offer us sneakers if you could give us scholarships?” Trump didn’t have an answer, according to MacEnulty, and also joked during the meeting that Trump Tower was in the “inner city called 57th and Fifth” ― referring to its location in Manhattan, which is known for high-end stores. 

“His view of our students’ hopes and aspirations was clearly mired in a ghetto stereotype,” MacEnulty wrote in his Medium post. “As our (real) principal sardonically said later: ‘Why didn’t he just bring the watermelon?’”





Donald Trump on Thursday mocked the idea of Hillary Clinton leading the armed forces, suggesting it was laughable that she would ever be a capable commander in chief. 

“When I look at these great admirals and these great generals and these great medal of honor recipients behind me ― to think of her being their boss? I don’t think so,” Trump said at a rally in Selma, North Carolina.

Trump’s incredulity that Clinton could be a suitable military leader is rooted in a long history of men doubting that female politicians could cut it on national security.





“We say president of the United States, commander in chief, leader of the free world. ... There is some notion that women don’t know anything about defense,” Schroeder said last year. “But if you’re a male, you just instantly do ― even though people forget even [former Vice President Dick] Cheney had five draft deferments and never served. But he was considered perfectly adequate for defense secretary.”

Trump also had five deferments


Because it's the penis that knows this stuff.

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Melania is really batting a thousand when it comes to her speeches. First, she rips off Michelle's speech. Now she has no clue the guy she has been married to for over a decade has a twitter account full of asshole tweets.

I know Melania has a busy schedule of soccer practice and one hour extra homework for her kid, but she may need to pay closer attention to what comes off the Teleprompter.  

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Rachel Maddow did a segment on her show about the Newsweek article that comes out today about Trump's ties to Russia. This segment is about five minutes long.


She also did one about how some of the people in the FBI are Breitbart/Trump fans, and those people appear to be giving information to the Trump campaign. This segment is about twenty minutes long.


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Be afraid — be very afraid: Donald Trump’s transition team is lining up corporate hacks and readying a rollback of Obama’s eight years

Trump's transition team, led by Chris Christie, offers a window into the terrifying workings of a Trump presidency



What is emerging from the transition team’s work is a portrait of what a Trump administration might look like if, God help us all, he somehow manages to pull off a victory on Tuesday. And what is emerging is not pretty: A disengaged chief executive, surrounded by a cabinet and a team full of the worst sycophants and mountebanks of the last 40 years of Republican politics, overturning any and all of President Obama’s achievements as fast as Trump can sign his name with his tiny little hands.

Ironically, Republicans have spent eight years calling Obama a dictator and challenging his authority to use executive orders on every single detail of his agenda, to the point of taking the weird step of the House suing the president in order to stop him. Now, with the help of the transition team, they are lining up a raft of executive orders for Trump to sign the minute he steps into the Oval Office. These orders would “undo hundreds of Obama’s regulations on energy, taxes and health care.” This would include overturning the hated Obamacare, of course.



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Worse than your worst fears: Donald Trump won’t be a tyrant — he’ll be a child king, which is far more frightening

Trump would be the epitome of a figurehead leaving the job to advisers from the alt-right or in Russia's pocket



f he does make it to the White House, Trump will assume the role of a child king, allowed to dress up for state dinners, issue decrees and ogle the wives of foreign leaders.

The real power within his administration will reside in his court — the unelected advisers who surround him. They are the ones who will do the dirty work of governing.

Given the company he has kept on the campaign trail, this prospect should be terrifying to anyone with a functioning frontal lobe.

Consider where Trump gets much of his information: from the so-called alt-right, a loose-knit confederation of white nationalists and conspiracy theorists who used to occupy the ragged fringes of the conservative media.

Trump doesn’t just rely on these nuts for rally fodder. He’s hired one of them, Steve Bannon, as his campaign manager. They don’t just have his ear, in other words; they are his eyes.



Melania, I think you need to have a talk with The Donald:


from the video (in the tweet)

"It's bullying"

"he has normalized cyberbullying"


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BREAKING: Donald Trump is a war hero in his own mind.


At a rally in North Carolina on Thursday, Donald Trump reiterated his belief that his business record is comparable to serving in the military.

In a moment when he apparently veered off the teleprompter, the Republican nominee pointed out that, like the admirals and generals seated behind him, he too has been “brave.”

Once again, Trump seems to be incapable of praising anyone without quickly drawing attention back to himself. After all, there is no moment too inappropriate for this man to talk about his supposed greatness – even in the case of those who have served their country in ways that Trump will never comprehend.

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The Rape Allegations Against Trump: If Jane Doe Breaks Her Silence, Will the Media Break Theirs?

Until the Access Hollywood video broke, TV news mostly ignored accusations against Trump.


And Trump complains of an anti-Trump media bias...

The Economist endorses Hillary Clinton (and Nixon):



The choice is not hard. The campaign has provided daily evidence that Mr Trump would be a terrible president. He has exploited America’s simmering racial tensions (see article). His experience, temperament and character make him horribly unsuited to being the head of state of the nation that the rest of the democratic world looks to for leadership, the commander-in-chief of the world’s most powerful armed forces and the person who controls America’s nuclear deterrent.


That alone would stop us from casting a vote, if we had one, for Mr Trump. As it happens, he has a set of policies to go with his personality. A Trump government would cut taxes for the richest while imposing trade protection that would raise prices for the poorest. We disagree with him on the environment, immigration, America’s role in the world and other things besides. His ideas on revenue and spending are an affront to statistics. We would sooner have endorsed Richard Nixon—even had we known how he would later come to grief.

Our vote, then, goes to Hillary Clinton.

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5 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

I'm having 2012 flashbacks tonight.

Ann Romney talking about how she and Mitt were so poor as college students, that they ate tunafish sandwiches off their ironing board because they didn't have a dining room table. How instead of getting part-time jobs, they had to scrape by on the money Mitt got from selling stocks out of his portfolio. Ann getting pissy because people wanted more information about their taxes.

Mitt and "the binders full of women". That campaign stop where the people proudly brought cookies from their local bakery, and Mitt said they tasted like store-bought cookies. His stilted language, the jokes about his car elevator, and his attempts to desperately come off as human instead of an android.

It all seems downright quaint now. 

 I didn't vote for Romney, but if he won in 2012, I wouldn't have laid awake at night wondering if WWIII was about to commence because someone on social media upset him. 

Please don't let Trump become the Groper-in-chief.:pray:






I didn't vote for Romney -- but he would have been a wonderful president in comparison to Trump. (You forgot the story:my_smile: about going on a trip and putting their dog - golden retriever IIRC - in a crate ON TOP of the car. I'm a dog person and that one made me ANGRY).

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3 minutes ago, apple1 said:

I didn't vote for Romney -- but he would have been a wonderful president in comparison to Trump. (You forgot the story:my_smile: about going on a trip and putting their dog - golden retriever IIRC - in a crate ON TOP of the car. I'm a dog person and that one made me ANGRY).

And to think that if it was about Donald Trump it would be one of the most endearing things that can be said about him. 

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BREAKING: Ted Cruz is even more of an opportunistic  weasel than we thought he was.

Yes the loser whose policies are terrible, whose wife is ugly and whose daddy killed JFK has forgotten all that and travels and campaigns with Trump now...

No doubt hoping for a position in Trump's cabinet of fools.



Anyway the rhetoric about letting the American voters decide about who fills the Supreme Court nomination seems even more hypocritical when you consider that four and eight years ago the American voters did decide, twice, that they wanted Barack Obama to do it during his term. But it was not good enough for the Republicans because the American voters decided wrongly.

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8 hours ago, MarblesMom said:


....She is not the face of "working mothers" in the US, not even. (Same could be said for the other side.)

I agree to a point, but Hillary WAS a working mom for a number of years, yes, she was well-paid and likely had household help, but lawyering is HARD work, (speaking as a certified law professional myself, I gotta speak up for my girl Hill). It's not fun sitting in court, depos, hearings for weeks, working at the office for ten hours, then going home and putting in another six.  It is much more difficult than having to keep up your mani/pedi, facial, hair appointments, shopping, and of course, always looking like a perfect 10 when your master comes home!

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The Newsweek article I posted about earlier is up.



Trump’s behavior, however, has at times concerned the Russians, leading them to revise their hacking and disinformation strategy. For example, when Trump launched into an inexplicable attack on the parents of a Muslim-American soldier who died in combat, the Kremlin assumed the Republican nominee was showing himself psychologically unfit to be president and would be forced by his party to withdraw from the race. As a result, Moscow put its hacking campaign temporarily on hold, ending the distribution of documents until Trump stabilized, both personally and in the polls, according to reports provided to Western intelligence.



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3 hours ago, apple1 said:

I didn't vote for Romney -- but he would have been a wonderful president in comparison to Trump. (You forgot the story:my_smile: about going on a trip and putting their dog - golden retriever IIRC - in a crate ON TOP of the car. I'm a dog person and that one made me ANGRY).

Yeah, compared to the shitstorm that has been the 2016 election cycle 2012 was fairly mild. 

Of course Romney being Romney, he couldn't help but verbalize how much he looked down on about 1/2 the country.  But even at his worst I cannot remember him whipping up hatred like Agent Orange is doing now and will no doubt continue to do regardless of how it goes next Tuesday.

24 minutes ago, AmazonGrace said:

Huckafuck is an idiot.  I cannot stand him.  Of course I could not stand any members of the Great 2016 GOP Shit Storm and Presidential Election, but he was one of the people that really rubbed me the wrong way.  Even more than Agent Orange.

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