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Jill & Jessa Special, Sunday, December 27

Coconut Flan

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The difficult part of her getting an education will be that a) she does appear pretty lazy, at least in terms of her Spanish-learning and b ) she probably has what amounts to a 5th-or-6th grade education in math, and about 3rd grade in science, so she isn't a person who has a high school education who just needs to find the money, time, and effort to go to college, she basically needs to start at elementary school since I can't help but think  headmistress Michelle of the SOTDRT probably shorted them a bit on the requisite background for chemistry, biology, A&P, and psych, all of which are required for nursing

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Yeah, I've thought the same thing--nursing has a tough curriculum.  Still, I've seen cult survivors with poor educations go on to college and do well.  They certainly weren't lazy, and they didn't have a lots of little kids in tow.  She might be able to manage a two-year LPN, but not if she keeps having kids, which is something she also seems to be interested in doing.

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Damnit, they ranked #2 Sunday night for original cable programming


They were up almost a million viewers from last week. The replay of last week's got almost as many viewers as the original airing, ranking 14th. 

Rank Program Net Start Mins Rating (000s)
2 JILL & JESSA: COUNTING ON TLC 9:00 PM 60 0.82 2,470
3 VANDERPUMP RULES BRAVO 9:00 PM 60 0.73 1,527
4 NFL COUNTDOWN           L: N/A ESPN 11:00 AM 120 0.63 1,557
6 NFL INSIDERS: SUNDAY L ESPN 10:00 AM 60 0.48 1,144
7 AX MEN HISTORY 9:00 PM 63 0.44 1,583
10 SPORTSCENTER 1AM        L ESPN 12:30 AM 90 0.37 764
11 MARRIED BY MOM & DAD TLC 10:00 PM 63 0.37 1,197
13 SPORTSCENTER LATE       L ESPN 11:00 PM 90 0.31 652
14 JILL & JESSA: RECOUNT TLC 8:00 PM 60 0.31 1,119


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11 minutes ago, Buzzard said:

Damnit, they ranked #2 Sunday night for original cable programming


They were up almost a million viewers from last week. The replay of last week's got almost as many viewers as the original airing, ranking 14th. 

Rank Program Net Start Mins Rating (000s)
2 JILL & JESSA: COUNTING ON TLC 9:00 PM 60 0.82 2,470
3 VANDERPUMP RULES BRAVO 9:00 PM 60 0.73 1,527
4 NFL COUNTDOWN           L: N/A ESPN 11:00 AM 120 0.63 1,557
6 NFL INSIDERS: SUNDAY L ESPN 10:00 AM 60 0.48 1,144
7 AX MEN HISTORY 9:00 PM 63 0.44 1,583
10 SPORTSCENTER 1AM        L ESPN 12:30 AM 90 0.37 764
11 MARRIED BY MOM & DAD TLC 10:00 PM 63 0.37 1,197
13 SPORTSCENTER LATE       L ESPN 11:00 PM 90 0.31 652
14 JILL & JESSA: RECOUNT TLC 8:00 PM 60 0.31 1,119


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AAargh! I thought after how boring the second special was, it couldn't possibly increase in ratings. Excuse me while I go cry into a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

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I have to give TLC credit.  Or maybe they just got lucky.  The release of the 911 call about the delivery made folks want to get the gritty details.

If Jessa had had an uneventful birth, they likely would have dropped in the rating.

Might I suggest a new topic:   Jessa: hemorrhaging for ratings.

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So after this 911 emergency, I wonder if Jessa will deliver at home again with a pretend midwife. I think Jill was driven to the ER, am I right? So hard to understand what would possess them to try it again with less than very professionally trained medical personnel. 

But I am not them. 

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2 hours ago, Drala said:

Yeah, I've thought the same thing--nursing has a tough curriculum.  Still, I've seen cult survivors with poor educations go on to college and do well.  They certainly weren't lazy, and they didn't have a lots of little kids in tow.  She might be able to manage a two-year LPN, but not if she keeps having kids, which is something she also seems to be interested in doing.

Surely she is capable in strictly an IQ sense, and certainly there are plenty of intelligent people that have gone on to excel after these cults, I just don't think Jill is one of them. At least not presently. But just leaving her family to live with a man (who realistically she didn't know any better than the posters on this site know their fellow posters which is scary) in a different country, those are huge steps for her. I hope Derrick just got into this cult out of depression after his father's passing and he will slowly go back to "normal" if slightly more religious than most, and take her with him

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East Coast here, specifically. Maryland raised. Moved to Central PA for a number of years. I used to call it "pop" until the XH informed me to call it "soda", Likewise, food comes in sacks, we eat supper, and y'all, while not common, is heard, along with you guys or you all. We take baths, but some of us warsh our clothes. We eat subs, not hoagies. We like candy suckers. I have always called my MIL Miss Mary, to distinguish her from the two Aunt Marys and the Cousin Marys.  My own mother called her MIL Mrs. Lastname until she died. I would not consider simply calling someone older than me by first name only. It simply isn't done. Nor are we so familiar as to call someone "mom" or "dad" if they are not.

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I get the vibe throuout all the episodes that Jill and Jessa, as married women, have kind of like an attitude towards Jana and Jinger, because they are not married. It seems like they don't spend a lot of time with each other anymore even though they were their maids of honor and that new phase of life means new best friends for them. I get weird vibes from between them, poor Jana and Jinger.

Jill and Jessa come across as silently arrogant and "better than thou because you are not married!". But once they need help from the unmarried ones they will come and expect help because it's the duty of an unmarried women to cater to their nieces and nephews when the sibling care is done.

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A couple of questions:

1) Did Jessa address why Jinger did not take her maternity photos?

2) Did the Dillards clarify which organization that they are working with? Didn't Derick refer to language classes almost being completed and then they would be assigned an 8 month mission assignment? I thought they were not mission qualified by the parameters of their old church, so who are working with/for?????

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20 hours ago, halcionne said:

Here you go, with bonus Morgan Freeman!


For some reason I'd love to see Samuel L Jackson recreate Morgan's role here...:pb_lol:

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19 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

A couple of questions:

1) Did Jessa address why Jinger did not take her maternity photos?

2) Did the Dillards clarify which organization that they are working with? Didn't Derick refer to language classes almost being completed and then they would be assigned an 8 month mission assignment? I thought they were not mission qualified by the parameters of their old church, so who are working with/for?????

The organization thing still sticks out to me.  If they were with a real group, wouldnt they have a formal program set up for them to learn the language?  It wouldnt be this piecemeal. Surely the Dullards arent the first fundies to show up with a baby in tow, you'd think they would have some adorable locals they can retrain into proper domestic roles by having them watch babies while their mommies learn the right words to sell jesus. 

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When Jill and Derick were visiting the orphanage I thought I heard her say something to the effect that they would like to run an orphanage one day, wherever they were going to next.  Maybe that's how she intends to be useful, not by using her midwifery 'skills'.  She did say that maybe they would return as a family of 4 or 4 more, alluding to adoption I think.  Not in Guatemala but maybe the country where they'll be serving.

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I hope if she does choose to run an orphanage she doesn't subscribe to the whole "sins of the parents are within the child" idea. Can you imagine what a mind-f*** that would be to those poor kids? "Your parents left you because they're godless sinners who are going to burn in the eternal fires of hell. Don't worry, you'll be reunited with them there. Eat your tater tots, I have to go cane this baby"

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I can't imagine that any country would allow non natives who do not speak the language fluently to run an orphanage. Maybe they could volunteer and hand out crayons or change diapers. They could sing, but they probably don't know any songs that don't include the blood of Jesus.

Not going to happen. They have no training in early childhood education. Raising your many siblings doesn't count.

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It would probably be as half-assed as the rest of their mission. Mainly it would be something like their housekeeper's children that Jill takes IG photos of in their hotel room, saying how these poor, lonely, destitute children need her help, and by God, she's helping them! See this photo? She's teaching them life skills by handing her child off to them to care for all day. And this one? She's teaching that one how to cook by making her cook meals for she and Derrick. Oh, and that one is learning mechanical skills by being allowed to fix their AC unit. Good old savior duggars, at it again, helping these poor, ignorant "Central Americans"

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I would be completely against Jill running an orphanage. I can see her encouraging the girls to learn to cook and clean and raise babies. She will push for marriage and nothing else. I don't for a minute believe that she would encourage them to work hard in school so that they can take care of themselves. It would never occur to Jill that well-educated girls have a better chance at providing a life for their future families. Jill would be working with girls who have likely spent their entire lives in poverty and Jill's "help" will only keep them there. 

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I think a big part of Jill's problem is (obviously) how she was raised.  Boob and Mee constantly praised their children for mediocrity.  Boob and Mee expected only obedience and parroting the correct words, there was no need to ever think things through.  If Jill wants to do something useful...well then...just pray hard and keep sweet, it will magically happen.  In duggerville God takes care of the planning.   All you need to do is come up with a crazy idea and go for it.  God will make it happen for you.  If it doesn't work out then it's your fault for not being godly.  Nevermind the idea that you needed to put in the proper planning.  I can't believe Mr. Jill doesn't see the strangeness of the Duggar logic.  Maybe he just enjoys the easy life too much. 

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4 hours ago, Mrsaztx said:

The difficult part of her getting an education will be that a) she does appear pretty lazy, at least in terms of her Spanish-learning and b ) she probably has what amounts to a 5th-or-6th grade education in math, and about 3rd grade in science, so she isn't a person who has a high school education who just needs to find the money, time, and effort to go to college, she basically needs to start at elementary school since I can't help but think  headmistress Michelle of the SOTDRT probably shorted them a bit on the requisite background for chemistry, biology, A&P, and psych, all of which are required for nursing

I have no doubt that many people from conservative or sectarian religious groups can go on to do well in college, but I don't think Jill would be one of them. As you mention, Jill's actual educational level is probably at an elementary school level, and she shows no sign of intellectual curiosity or wanting to better herself. As someone else said, ATI and the Duggars' SOTDRT rewards mediocrity and stupidity, and Jill exhibits these traits better than any of the other kids. Jill doesn't even realize how intellectually limited she is, and even if she did, would probably look down on curious or intelligent people as having "sinful" interests that might lead them away from white Jesus.

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4 hours ago, Drala said:

Something that makes me sad about Jill is that she clearly wants to be some sort of health care professional.  Maybe her experience abroad with trained helping professionals will inspire her to get an education.  Of course, this pre-supposes she isn't as fertile as her mother.  .  

Manos Abiertas trains local midwives and takes American CNM interns. I wouldn't want Jill to take a slot that was intended for a local woman, but it would be interesting for her to be exposed to American interns and see how useful it would be to have additional training. 

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1 hour ago, socalrules said:

I would be completely against Jill running an orphanage. 

Well, can't fault a girl for aspiring to build upon her skill set.  She has tons of experience helping run an orphanage.

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Okay - I was busy working (yes, actually working) on my computer last night when J&JCO special replayed on TLC.  Since I was (a) too lazy to change the channel - would have required finding something else snarkworthy, and (b) thought I'd see what I'd missed the first time, it played on.  Here was the glaring takeaway:

Jill:  "I'm confident in my skills and ability as a midwife." (said cheerily, and rather "in your face, FJ," I thought)

Me:  Let's review the FACTS, sillyjilly.

1. You failed to recognize that your own baby turned BREECH.  (I'm highly skeptical that such a big baby could maneuver such a turn in utero, at the last minute, without notice.)
2. Your water broke at home at beginning of labor. And even though your labor failed to progress, you were too stupid to heed the customary rule of thumb of delivery within 24 hours of water breaking, claiming "baby is fine."
3. While still stubbornly waiting at home, you passed MECONIUM. And still insisted that "baby is fine."
4. You're an incompetent idiot.

Here -- let me help you bang that empty head on the pavement. :Bang::Bang2:

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3 hours ago, justmy2cents said:

When Jill and Derick were visiting the orphanage I thought I heard her say something to the effect that they would like to run an orphanage one day, wherever they were going to next.  Maybe that's how she intends to be useful, not by using her midwifery 'skills'.  She did say that maybe they would return as a family of 4 or 4 more, alluding to adoption I think.  Not in Guatemala but maybe the country where they'll be serving.

Your comment just reminded me of the time on the show that the Duggars went to government officials in El Salvador to lobby for some kind of adoption regulation changes, or something. I don't remember specifics. I still feel like the Dillards' 'organization,' such as it is, is SOS Ministries, and their 'mature plant' is in El Salvador.

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5 minutes ago, ChickenettiLuvr said:

Okay - I was busy working (yes, actually working) on my computer last night when J&JCO special replayed on TLC.  Since I was (a) too lazy to change the channel - would have required finding something else snarkworthy, and (b) thought I'd see what I'd missed the first time, it played on.  Here was the glaring takeaway:

Jill:  "I'm confident in my skills and ability as a midwife." (said cheerily, and rather "in your face, FJ," I thought)

Me:  Let's review the FACTS, sillyjilly.

1. You failed to recognize that your own baby turned BREECH.  (I'm highly skeptical that such a big baby could maneuver such a turn in utero, at the last minute, without notice.)
2. Your water broke at home at beginning of labor. And even though your labor failed to progress, you were too stupid to heed the customary rule of thumb of delivery within 24 hours of water breaking, claiming "baby is fine."
3. While still stubbornly waiting at home, you passed MECONIUM. And still insisted that "baby is fine."
4. You're an incompetent idiot.

Here -- let me help you bang that empty head on the pavement. :Bang::Bang2:

Those are good points, but you forget that you're not invited into Jesus's VIP area, Jill is. Also she has a Doppler and scrub top which is basically a medical degree

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