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Spurgeon? Jessa's Poor Baby Part 2

happy atheist

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How do you know she hasn't?


I think a lot of people forget that change is gradual. Shouting at people, telling them to educate themselves, calling them names, and being unpleasant isn't going to change minds.


Because I know how to read.

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I know far too much about someone with my same first/last name (my email is firstnamelastname@gmail.com) and her family members who live in Texas. It's kind of disturbing. I'm also kind of surprised she hasn't figured out that she's not getting email from her kids' activities yet. After 2 years. 

Glad I'm not the only one. I've gotten permission slips sent to my email for her kid. I always write back to say they have the wrong email address. I always wonder if she ends up getting them or not.

Maybe a little OT but Did anyone catch Jessa saying she didnt change a single diaper the first week?

Yeah. Sounds about right to me. My hands were numb for a long time after having my son (thanks to carpal tunnel that developed while pregnant. Took about 9 months to fully go away.) So I felt really nervous doing a lot of things with the baby with numb hands. My husband did a LOT. Diapers and even a lot of the feeding (formula.) So I can't snark on Jessa for not changing any diapers yet. I'm sure she'll change plenty eventually. I know I have!

Cassielfsw actually explained the racism part of your husband's discriminatory hiring practices several pages back. You said your husband would pick someone named something like Joe over someone with a name he viewed as "foreign" because he is assuming the "American" names have great communication skills while the others probably don't. 

This is just funny because I know plenty of white Americans with awful communication skills. Haha! So if someone picked them based on their names...the joke would be on that employer.

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I am a mother to a child with disabilities. and most days I try to be patient and polite, but some days I just say fuck it and don't give a shit if I offended the person. I have enough crap to deal with in my life without also being expected to always be polite to people who want to say offensive things about people with disabilities. I probably have alienated people, but guess what, they alienated me with how they treated people with disabilities, yet I'm the one who is supposed to always bend over backwards to be polite and patient? 

I'm not saying to always bend over backwards and be polite.  I worked with disabled children and adults for over 20 years; I've seen quite a range in family and advocate approaches.  It just breaks my heart to know that my relative has shut off much of her child's world by her constant anger.

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It's been a long read, I'm finally at the end of the thread again. My main thought at this point is that Bin is going to whore out 5-6 year old Spurgeon as a child preacher. You know what makes money and keeps the cameras on? Child preachers. The US hasnt had one in years. They're gonna start Spurge on his lifelong journey to live up to his namesake. It's the kids life goal now. Good luck, Spurge. I hope you escape and write a captivating tell all in 20 years.

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I am really tired of people calling Israel a bad name. I had a great great grandfather named Israel. The only problem with the Duggars naming their child that is that it is cultural appropriation and commodification of the Jewish people. 

While I understand that you may be attached to the name because it's a name that your ancestor has, I don't think that means it's a good name. A person is allowed to feel however they want about a name, regardless of your attachment to it. I personally don't like Israel. I also don't like a lot of names my own ancestors have, and I would definitely never want anyone to have my name (there are still days I'm not even sure I want my name for the rest of my life).


As per the other discussion, I agree that hiring people based on the "foreignness" of their name is a form of racism; HOWEVER, it does not change the fact that practices like that are scientifically documented, and not just on a "race" end. Studies have been done to show that people are going to be discriminated against based on their names, particularly if they're easily stereotyped (ie "Candi" is going to be seen as an airheaded woman, probably blonde, who is probably going to be "easy") or they are "exotic" and "different." They've even gone so far as to show that: your idea of how attractive someone is is based on their name; grades teachers give you are affected by your name; and hiring managers going through identical resumes will assume the person with the most "normal" name as the best person to hire. Is it fair? No. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

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@DuggarsTheEndIsNear I don't think anyone is arguing that what you stated is not documented or that it doesn't happen often. The point is, IT IS WRONG. 

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I'm also of Irish descent, only my ancestors on one side got here sooner then yours which makes me superior to you. :kitty-wink:

Just so there's no misunderstanding, I'm joking with @VelociRapture. Since my Mother's family got here in the 1600s, I enjoy telling people that I'm the product of illegal immigration just to watch their heads explode.


Lol! I like to tell dad the same thing. He can be pretty racist at times (unfortunately.) He's 65 now and isn't likely to change at this point. I like to mess with him at times because it makes him think a bit - like telling him he is descended from "illegal" immigrants because one German ancestor jumped ship, changed his name to a Scottish or British sounding one, got into the states, and promptly changed his name back. He always finds it funny, but it does make him think a bit about things - which is a good thing. He may not be capable of changing completely, but he has surprised me before (like his support for my brother when he came out as bi and Transgender.)

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It's been a long read, I'm finally at the end of the thread again. My main thought at this point is that Bin is going to whore out 5-6 year old Spurgeon as a child preacher. You know what makes money and keeps the cameras on? Child preachers. The US hasnt had one in years. They're gonna start Spurge on his lifelong journey to live up to his namesake. It's the kids life goal now. Good luck, Spurge. I hope you escape and write a captivating tell all in 20 years.

Absolutely. As soon as that kid learns how to talk, it's happening! Reminds me of a video that was viral in my country like ten years ago, "Crazy Preacher Girl

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Absolutely. As soon as that kid learns how to talk, it's happening! Reminds me of a video that was viral in my country like ten years ago, "Crazy Preacher Girl

Reminds me of the story of Marjoe Gortner, a boy who was ordained as a preacher when he was four. His parents made up an epiphany story for him and "made it real" for him by pretending to drown him. They toted him around the country and in front of the press to perform sermons and even marriages. He was a multimillionaire at sixteen...and his parents took every penny. Disillusioned, he left the church and starred in a documentary about his life, which was very critical of the church in which he was raised, and then he became a sort of successful mostly B-movie actor (I first found out about him from the marvelously bad Italian Star Wars knockoff Starcrash, where he plays the Luke Skywalker expy, and David Hasselhoff is sort of a composite of Princess Leia and Han Solo).

So while I pray to God that lil' Spurge doesn't get pimped out like that, if he ends up becoming a critic of religion and B-movie actor sharing the screen with David Hasselhoff, I'd be totally on board.

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Absolutely. As soon as that kid learns how to talk, it's happening! Reminds me of a video that was viral in my country like ten years ago, "Crazy Preacher Girl

There was a National Geographic special about that very subject a few years ago. Three year old "preacher". His dad was a minister and kid would just get excited and jump around and talk about Jesus and they loved taking him around and showing him off.


Found it. Kanton Tipton. Wonder if they're still whoring him out...



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Reminds me of the story of Marjoe Gortner, a boy who was ordained as a preacher when he was four. His parents made up an epiphany story for him and "made it real" for him by pretending to drown him. They toted him around the country and in front of the press to perform sermons and even marriages. He was a multimillionaire at sixteen...and his parents took every penny. Disillusioned, he left the church and starred in a documentary about his life, which was very critical of the church in which he was raised, and then he became a sort of successful mostly B-movie actor (I first found out about him from the marvelously bad Italian Star Wars knockoff Starcrash, where he plays the Luke Skywalker expy, and David Hasselhoff is sort of a composite of Princess Leia and Han Solo).

So while I pray to God that lil' Spurge doesn't get pimped out like that, if he ends up becoming a critic of religion and B-movie actor sharing the screen with David Hasselhoff, I'd be totally on board.

What the fuck... :pb_eek: This is awful.

There was a National Geographic special about that very subject a few years ago. Three year old "preacher". His dad was a minister and kid would just get excited and jump around and talk about Jesus and they loved taking him around and showing him off.


Found it. Kanton Tipton. Wonder if they're still whoring him out...



The video isn't playing here. :/  I'll look up the documentary though, this type of stuff fascinates me.

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@DuggarsTheEndIsNear I don't think anyone is arguing that what you stated is not documented or that it doesn't happen often. The point is, IT IS WRONG. 

And, yet, this board is filled with people doing the exact same thing in reference to judging Spurgeon's life based on his name. Examples (I don't know how to add who they're from because it didn't format properly, so I'm just going to leave the quotes as is):

Goodness, what a hideous name. It's hilariously vile. How weird and Victorian sounding in a bad way. Either little Spurgeon is going to be a steampunk badass or he's going to be the dullest, smuggest kid on the block. 

I would laugh at a resume or business card that said "Spurgeon Seewald". I guess Ben and Jessa never thought of that sort of thing



I agree with everyone who said that it's a good thing this kid will be homeschooled because he doesn't have to worry about being bullied. He is also lucky he will not be allowed to play with kids other than family for the same reason.

I have always said that, if I have a kid, I will give them a name that would sound appropriate for a Supreme Court Justice. Some names are "cute" when they are kids but not as adults when they are trying to have serious careers. Do any of us want a doctor named Dr. Candy Cane? (heard that as a name somewhere). I guess it doesn't really matter as it isn't as if little Spurg is going to college or have a serious career. He will likely work for Grandpa Duggar doing the chores Daddy doesn't have time to do because Daddy is busy trying to make sibling 16 with Mommy. 

I could find more if I tried (I'm not really trying too hard), and these don't include all the ways the name has been made fun of already, how many people say it's a good thing he's being homeschooled cause of kids at school, how many people are commenting on Ben and Jessa's future based on this name, etc.

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Little Spurgeon should never be discriminated against because of his name. Bullying might happen but it would be wrong. It shouldn't be that he won't even get an interview because someone judges his ability to do the job based only on his name. That doesn't mean that it won't happen. But when it does happen it will be wrong. 

I think it is a ridiculous name especially since they named him after a radically anti-Catholic preacher who was known for spreading harmful propaganda, and they probably did so because they want him to grow up and be like that. But I don't think he should be denied job interviews because of his name. Apparently Dr. Loki Whateverhislastname is, is a pretty amazing doctor, so it is unwise to act like a person's name means they won't be good at their job. 

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On the other hand, he sounds like the spawn of some rich, aristocratic New Englander whose birth rite is Harvard. Blazer w/emblem on pocket; Jim-Bob haircut, big glasses, nose in the air...

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Lol! I like to tell dad the same thing. He can be pretty racist at times (unfortunately.) He's 65 now and isn't likely to change at this point. I like to mess with him at times because it makes him think a bit - like telling him he is descended from "illegal" immigrants because one German ancestor jumped ship, changed his name to a Scottish or British sounding one, got into the states, and promptly changed his name back. He always finds it funny, but it does make him think a bit about things - which is a good thing. He may not be capable of changing completely, but he has surprised me before (like his support for my brother when he came out as bi and Transgender.)

I understand. When I was in grade school, I knew the slurs for every single group of people my late father hated. I didn't use those words, but I sure knew them because of him. :pb_sad: Mom and public school helped mitigate his influence. At school, I quickly figured out that some kids are nice and some are not, but it had nothing to do with the color of their skin, a name that sounded strange to my ears, where they were born, or what languages were spoken at their house.

 I never did understand how she fell in love with my father. I know overt bigotry was much more acceptable when she was a young woman, but I just don't get it. :pb_neutral:


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Little Spurgeon should never be discriminated against because of his name. Bullying might happen but it would be wrong. It shouldn't be that he won't even get an interview because someone judges his ability to do the job based only on his name. That doesn't mean that it won't happen. But when it does happen it will be wrong. 

I think it is a ridiculous name especially since they named him after a radically anti-Catholic preacher who was known for spreading harmful propaganda, and they probably did so because they want him to grow up and be like that. But I don't think he should be denied job interviews because of his name. Apparently Dr. Loki Whateverhislastname is, is a pretty amazing doctor, so it is unwise to act like a person's name means they won't be good at their job. 

I think that bullying is wrong, and I think that ridiculous names are wrong because I think they reflect parental narcissism. That doesn't mean that you should just name your kids Bob and Ann, but don't give your kid a punny name (Candy Caine, Shanda Lear) or give them a name that's incredibly unwieldy because you want to masturbate to how good a (insert group here) you are (Spurgeon). Your kid is an individual separate from you; choose a name that allows them individuality, not a name that you would give a pet to show off your personality.

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We had a baby baptized this morning named Stanton. At least they can call him Stan. There is nothing you can do w/Spurgeon.

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Stanton isn't a name I would choose. But it's not horrible. It at least sounds like a real name to me.

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If you search the social security name index, Stanton did make the top 1000 for quite a few years...but hasn't since the late 60's.  And Porter is getting more popular each year. In 2014 it ranked 368.

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I roomed with a girl in college whose legal first name was Bunny. No joke. The name on her birth certificate, license, official paperwork was Bunny. She went by a variation of her middle name. She wanted to change her name eventually. Her dad picked her name. He thought it was cute. She did not think it was cute. 

My mother's real given name was Bunny Jean.  Apparently, the doctor that delivered mom (as a premie) had a wife named Bunny that may also have been his nurse.

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It's been a long read, I'm finally at the end of the thread again. My main thought at this point is that Bin is going to whore out 5-6 year old Spurgeon as a child preacher. You know what makes money and keeps the cameras on? Child preachers. The US hasnt had one in years. They're gonna start Spurge on his lifelong journey to live up to his namesake. It's the kids life goal now. Good luck, Spurge. I hope you escape and write a captivating tell all in 20 years.

He will be reciting bible verses on youtube before his third birthday.  I also wouldnt be surprised if Bin decides to teach him to read using only the bible. 

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I attended university with a Stanton in the late 90s. I think he was a Stanton D., II or III, so the name had been in the family for awhile. 

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