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Duggars on Megyn Kelly, Friday Night Edition


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That's because I think that the goal of ATI "training" is to keep people in at a mental age somewhere in the range of middle school aged children. Even before Joshgate, I thought that all of the young adult ATI couples were more like children playing house, and even JB and Michelle (maybe especially them) seem to act like immature teenagers, despite being middle-aged adults with grandchildren. Maybe the goal is to have the "faith of a child," which requires turning off critical thought.

I think this is it. Keep all the kids/kidults stunted, and compel the adults to shut off any capacity for critical thought. Survive by faith alone, I suppose, and immediately and cheerfully obey those above you on the hierarchy.

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I agree that the only hope for any of the 2nd generation Duggars is to deprogram and move away from JB and M.

Duggarville is 100% dysfunctional.

I agree, personally the Duggar offspring would be better off living in Mortville (than town in John Waters "Desperate Living") than any near the persons who propagated them.

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The interview did nothing to help the image of the Duggars in my opinion. They all came off looking like they're in denial about what happened and Jill and Jim Bob showed some misplaced anger at the tabloids and police department. Michelle looked even more like a hollow shell of a woman, this might push her over the edge for good. I'd hate to be a kid who gets spanked with the rod first, they must have a ton of built up rage now that their image as holy, perfect parents is gone as well as their big paydays from TLC. You could tell Jill and Jessa are terrified that the show is going to be cancelled despite them saying they aren't worried about it. Seeing as how coached they are, someone really needs to tell Jill to stop interrupting others while they're talking and teach them to use less "likes".

This entire family needs intensive counseling and admitting there really is a problem would be a good start.

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I wish no physical harm against the Duggars. More find it amusing to think of threatening to improperly touch Michelle with a dick from all the leftist agendas that she judges. I'll threaten her with my dusty, old vibrator. It has been inside of a sexual abuse victim that isn't ashamed of herself.

Yeah! If we've all learned anything from this, it's that threatening to sexually assault someone is just hilarious!

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I agree that this is going to fracture the family and I also think that Josh will write the first tell all. He does have the most to tell.

Ugh, the thing is any tell all is probably going to blame JB&M for a lot of bad things (which I agree with in most cases), but I don't want Josh putting the entirety of his behavior off on his parents. I do blame them for a lot of what happened with Josh and the girls, but a big part of it is also on Josh himself. I would rather read a tell all by some other Duggar, boy or girl.

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My nieces know better. My minister told me Sunday School teachers will be discussing this next Sunday.

To all girls and young women out there, being violated or sexually assaulted IS NEVER YOUR FAULT! It has nothing to do with sex or being "curious about girls". It's about power and control. DON'T BLAME YOURSELF!

And boys! No one ever brings on sexual abuse! Doesn't matter how old, what sex, nothing!

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Ugh, the thing is any tell all is probably going to blame JB&M for a lot of bad things (which I agree with in most cases), but I don't want Josh putting the entirety of his behavior off on his parents. I do blame them for a lot of what happened with Josh and the girls, but a big part of it is also on Josh himself. I would rather read a tell all by some other Duggar, boy or girl.

Between the repressive lifestyle, patriarchal undertones, a small home with lots of bodies, JB and M banging at every opportunity, no individual attention, a new sibling every 18 mos for years on end, crying out for help 3 times over a 12 month period....I place most of the blame on his parents.

Josh was likely in charge of a sibling or 2, tasked with many responsibilities, given little guidance, coaching, teaching or nurturing. Yep, he did a bad thing. IMO, his parents did worse things to their entire family.

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I think it's pretty clear that they're going to put the restrictions in place so that Lena Dunham can't break in and attack anybody.

Just kidding. I think Ma and Pa told her to say that. What mother would come up with this as a plan for a two month old child? Especially one who has no younger sisters?? It didn't come from her mind, I suspect.

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Hi hi, new poster. I'm watching this on the fox news site and something struck me... When Megyn asked Jessa "You had no memory of it?" Jessa doesn't outright say she has no memory of it. She says "I-I didn't know, I didn't understand "this is what's happened.' until my parents told me." I don't know. It seems like a way to organize words to keep from condemning Josh further or to not admit she does have memories. :think:

Here is the link and the part I am referencing is right at 7:01


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Jinger just makes me so sad :( She always seemed like a bit of a rebel, now she just seems so emotionally fragile.

But as long as we have been watching the Duggars, this has been in the girls' past. The only thing that has changed is that the public knows about it. So she was a rebel when also being an abuse survivor. If she seems otherwise now, it is either your perception of her that has changed or a result of the abuse being public.

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As for how many families are affected:

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) reports an average of 293,066 victims (over the age of 12) every year. The 2010 US census estimates there are 116.7 million households (available here), which I am calling families (note, this is my interpretation, and I could be totally off here).

So : 293,066 victims/116.7 million households = ~1/398 households are affected by sexual abuse and/or rape each year.

edit- riffles, and wrong quote

I think leaving out the under 12 cohort is going to screw your calculations immediately. Also that your definition of "household" may be off.

At the same time: a BIG thank you for the research (as opposed to speculation!}. Here's what I found:

It is estimated that approximately 15% of all people report some kind of sexual activity with a sibling in childhood. More specifically, studies have shown that between 2% (Leder, 1991) and 4% (Finkelhor, 1999) of people have been sexually victimized by a sibling as the sexual contact involved some degree of forced or coercive activity.


(NOT breaking the link since this in not the type of org that curious doesn't want to do the favor of hotlinking. . . .

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What she's doing is oversexualizing and promoting the stigma that Black men are inherently violently. By saying f*ck them with a big black dick is saying that Black men are endowed enough to cause physical harm which is what she wishes on the Duggars

Yup. I pretty much don't care what other people post, but that is a revolting thing to say.

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My SIL has those same expressions and uses the same vocabulary...and she's 43. Her father committed suicide when she was 3 and her mother infantilized her. At 43 she's still single, mama pays her bills, having any sort of conversation with her is impossible.

The only "cure" for those girls is to distance themselves from the family. My husband has had to do that because of lies that were told, including molestation, rape, etc. His mother is beyond pissed that he made contact with his biological father's family.

I see your point, but just want to chime in that there's nothing wrong or immature about being single...

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Yup. I pretty much don't care what other people post, but that is a revolting thing to say.

I nearly reported it, lol! But I *think* s/he was trying to find some language/image that would offend the Duggars big time. And did. Some others, too. . . .


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I haven't watched the girls full interview, but I am wondering one thing. They say when he came back from being sent away, he was changed and reformed. But I thought I remembered from the police report that he actually had some incidents after he returned from his supposed treatment. Am I remembering that incorrectly?

And yes, I have to agree that saying fuck you with a big black dick is offensive no matter what the intent. And wishing pain or harm to the duggars is also offensive. We need to wish for justice, not for retribution and revenge. Justice for Jim and Michelle who failed to do so many things over the years, Justice for Josh, who was failed by his parents years before he molested his sisters, and was failed by his parents after he confessed and asked for help and who as an adult with a very dark secret willingly stepped into a life of hypocrisy and lies, Justice for the survivors of the abuse, Justice for the other boys in that home who were raised to believe they cannot control their lust and must be separated from the sisters who raised them or who were raised with them, justice for the fans and the public who were lied to by the adults in this family, justice for the many victims of this family's prejudice, justice for the poor Central American's who have had this family exploit them as heathens in need of saving despite the fact that many of them have been people of faith for years.

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A few thoughts - how did the "precautions" come into play when they were sleeping in the bus?

How does the molestation play into Jim bob's story about a boy sneaking in a riding a girl's shiny new bicycle "hard" till it was dented and battered? If you can pray back your purity then why is it so important to lock yourself away?

The girls were painfully scripted. The duggars attempted to sell us more shit and say it's chocolate. I can still smell it

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're purposing peach,

I cringe every time I hear "purposing" I haven't used substances to watch them but that might be the word that breaks open some Hatch green chilli wine, the only alcohol in my home. It says something that it drives ppl to drink to hear this defence.

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're purposing peach,

I cringe every time I hear "purposing" I haven't used substances to watch them but that might be the word that breaks open some Hatch green chilli wine, the only alcohol in my home. It says something that it drives ppl to drink to hear this defence.

That's even worse than 'tasking'

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They learned from the best, JB Duggar.

I doubt Jessa wants to go back to frumpers and meals consisting solely of rice.

Clearly, Jill, who loves the gift of gab, likes the media attention and platform.

I so agree about Jill- when Jessa was like cancel the show we are still a family

and Jill backtracked - it was clear what JIll wants and no coincidence that Jill posts a picture today of IDDY -

Jessa it seems forgets where her bread is buttered and uttered the same way We are still a family after they cancel us - I was reminded about how she yelled at Jana about the dresses

this woman is truly unemotional - I wonder how she will be as a mother

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