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Fundie Reactions to Josh Duggar Molestation Admission


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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -home.html

This article in a BRITISH newspaper has time lines and the picture that started it all. Fair play to them, they don't hesitate to mention "molestation" and take a rather snarky tone.

This has been a rather confounding time for many people... I thought some thing might come out this year for the duggars (what with so many people falling, Vi$ion forum, Gothard, Mars Hill... like a fundie deck of cards ! Collapsing for all to see)..

I would have never imagined for a million years that the topic of Josh Duggar would inspire such sanity and reason from Zsu and the Daily Mail :shock:

We live in interesting times !

oh yeah and i forgot to mention the botkins. but their christian patriarchy gigs arent what they used to be... ha.


I know we've discussed this before, but who is the extra girl in this photo? There are only 12 children in this photo and clearly five older girls. So who is the extra girl and where are the two missing kids?? This article is pretty damn good with all their research so I'm surprised they don't discuss the photo much beyond "this is what started it all"

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Speaking of Gil Bates just saw a few news stories about the bates, the new Bates Grand Babies and their New upcoming season... not sure if the stories were done b4 the Scandal, Im sure it takes a few days to write, edit a story, but there Bates didn't comment on the Duggars

I also saw Amy and her BF make this whole Scandal about her, guess he had to announce to the World that her purity hadn't been taken by Smugger ?


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Speaking of Gil Bates just saw a few news stories about the bates, the new Bates Grand Babies and their New upcoming season... not sure if the stories were done b4 the Scandal, Im sure it takes a few days to write, edit a story, but there Bates didn't comment on the Duggars

I also saw Amy and her BF make this whole Scandal about her, guess he had to announce to the World that her purity hadn't been taken by Smugger ?


We already knew she wasn't the fifth victim. The police report says four live with jimbob and one lives in another zip code. Amy lived close enough that she would sneak over during elementary school recess so she likely didn't live in another zip code.

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I wonder if the Westboro Baptist Church would say something about the Josh scandal. In the past, they have had beef with Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, and a few other well known Christians over different things. I wouldn't be surprised if they ripped apart the Duggars.

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Please, can someone explain to me what she means???

Our oldest, who will be 14 in September, is just now in the very beginning stages of puberty from all I can ascertain (thank you, growth hormone-free meat and dairy).

The theory is that hormones given to cattle cause early puberty. We didn't/don't eat purposefully hormone free beef and dairy. It so happens that the store brand milk (aka: cheapest) at our favorite store is hormone free. So yay.

My children began puberty at 11-12. Like I did. Like my mother did. No idea about her mother. However, most of my many cousins did at about the same age as well. So I'm going with genetics on this one.

I'm not surprised the Seewalds are apparently supportive of Josh and the Duggars. That statement seems carefully crafted. On the surface, they are toeing the company line. But they are also saying it isn't the victim's fault and you can get out and get help. I can easily read that as: "if Josh's victims want out, we are here to help them do just that". If confronted by The Company, they have plausible deniability.

I'm fairly sure that Hillary's camp wants to stay as far away as possible from anything remotely resembling a sex scandal. Just sayin'......

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The theory is that hormones given to cattle cause early puberty. We didn't/don't eat purposefully hormone free beef and dairy. It so happens that the store brand milk (aka: cheapest) at our favorite store is hormone free. So yay.

My children began puberty at 11-12. Like I did. Like my mother did. No idea about her mother. However, most of my many cousins did at about the same age as well. So I'm going with genetics on this one.

I'm not surprised the Seewalds are apparently supportive of Josh and the Duggars. That statement seems carefully crafted. On the surface, they are toeing the company line. But they are also saying it isn't the victim's fault and you can get out and get help. I can easily read that as: "if Josh's victims want out, we are here to help them do just that". If confronted by The Company, they have plausible deniability.

I'm fairly sure that Hillary's camp wants to stay as far away as possible from anything remotely resembling a sex scandal. Just sayin'......

Ok, thanks for the explanation. I didn't connest the dots! I had an Aha Erlebis!

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They are so arrogant and full of themselves, they think they are infallible.

Well.... we *were* wondering aloud (or early on in this thread) what she'd say.

another clue that she reads here, maybe?

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I know we've discussed this before, but who is the extra girl in this photo? There are only 12 children in this photo and clearly five older girls. So who is the extra girl and where are the two missing kids?? This article is pretty damn good with all their research so I'm surprised they don't discuss the photo much beyond "this is what started it all"

I'm not sure that this photo is the "one." IIRC, there is a photo of all the children lined up and paired off, wearing the color-coordinated outfits.

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I'm not sure that this photo is the "one." IIRC, there is a photo of all the children lined up and paired off, wearing the color-coordinated outfits.

It may not be THE photo, and I think you're right that its a better framed and shot photo, but this particular photo still has an extra older girl in it and therefore is still missing two duggarlings. I'm sure Josh is pushing one in a stroller but that still leaves one missing. And still doesn't explain who the extra girl is. I think it was speculated that it may be a Holt girl? Or possibly Amy since she would be the right size. But it's odd that there's an extra older girl in the "uniform of the day". She's clearly trying to pretend she's part of the family. I guess it would make sense if it's a Holt girl and Josh really was betrothed to one when he was 14.

And can we talk about that for a moment? Why were they allowing a 14 year old to court in the first place? (Assuming that part of the rumor is true, and since everything else was …) Was the plan to marry him off right at 17 since the age of marriage consent with parental permission was 17 for males at the time? That still seems like an awfully long courtship/engagement though. Jessa and Bin courted and were engaged for 14 months before they married and that was considered long. Even Michaela Bates didn't court that long, although it is close. (Two years I believe)

Although I will say that concentrating on this photo and trying to figure out the extra girl is a nice and welcomed distraction from the horrors that have been revealed about this family.

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I'm :angry-banghead: over all the "we all sin." and "all sins are equal" blog posts because it downplays the horror of children being molested.

This. I keep saying this too. Molesting a child isn't the same as having an abortion or having premarital sex.

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This. I keep saying this too. Molesting a child isn't the same as having an abortion or having premarital sex.

They seriously think premarital sex is worse. Just look at how they're all defending Josh but threw Suze under the bus? She was shunned for a time being bc she got pregnant without a husband. Daniel was semi shunned for marrying his not religious wife and then adopting a baby. Rebekah was semi shunned for using birth control and only have two children. I realize that's just the Keller family but that's how everyone in that world thinks. And yet here they are, defending Josh. It's almost as if these families all expect that molestation and incest will eventually happen so they might as well just accept it and get over it. The end. :angry-banghead:

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This. I keep saying this too. Molesting a child isn't the same as having an abortion or having premarital sex.

... and it is, I believe, a misinterpretation of Scripture. They typically rely on "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." True; no one is perfect. However, there is also a quote straight from Jesus' mouth about whoever would cause a child to stumble, it would be better for (the perpetrator) to have a millstone around his neck and to be thrown into the sea. Mt 18 and Lk 17

Here's one example: http://bible.oremus.org/?passage=James+ ... rsion=nrsv

Discrimination among (in this case, rich and poor) people is wrong and whoever shows such discrimination is guilty of *all* of the law. This is a somewhat subtle point, but basically, if you're going to lead some sort of holy life adhering to (in this case Jewish) religious laws, but don't have the spirit of the laws inside you, you may as well be guilty of all of it. Not going to go on a theological treatise, but it's not as straightforward as fundies like to make it.

Public schools aren't good enough, so we go to private school Private schools aren't good enough, so we homeschool.

Sleeveless shirts and knee-length skirts aren't modest enough so we wear sleeves and longer skirts. Longer skirts aren't good enough so we wear even longer skirts and invent modest swimwear. We teach our sons to avert their eyes from mannikins dressed immodestly.

Baptist church isn't good enough so we go to IFB. IFB isn't good enough so we go to home church.

Following the letter of the law and ignoring its spirit.

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This pastor's wife is a gem


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This pastor's wife is a gem


And I thought Joshie wanted to be a lawyer!

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One commenter on Zsuzsanna's mentioned that maybe this is the work of Hilary's camp. MAYBE to tarnish Huckabee. Cause I'm sure that ever fiendish Hilary is VERY concerned about Mike Huckabee.

I was discussing the Josh situation with a young relative. She thinks the leak either came from someone at the FRC or someone within the Huckabee campaign. She says Josh's co-workers probably don't like him, they probably resent him for getting so high up the ladder on account of his last name and TV connections. She figures the leaker has connections to the NW Arkansas Quiverfull/homeschooling community and heard about Josh's past from there. The leaker is also someone who knows how to feed a story to the tabloids-- this was obviously a professional hit job.

I agree it wasn't anyone in the Hillary camp. They don't view Huckabee as a threat, nor are they very aware of who the Duggars are. Besides, how would the Hillary campaign know ahead of time that Huckabee would publicly defend Josh and make an ass out of himself in the process?

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I'm waiting for a statement from Kirky Dirky and Ray Comfort.

Remember how Josh had the "are you a good person" test at the bottom of his (now defunct) page? So, yeah... :pink-shock:


It begins with "have you ever told a lie..." So much for that, Josh!

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I'm waiting for a statement from Kirky Dirky and Ray Comfort.

Remember how Josh had the "are you a good person" test at the bottom of his (now defunct) page? So, yeah... :pink-shock:


It begins with "have you ever told a lie..." So much for that, Josh!

Looking forward to hearing how Ray-Ray excuses Josh. He's uncharacteristically quiet.

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Y'all-- this wasn't leaked by anyone other than someone who saw how in the spotlight the Duggars were and followed the rumors to the actual documents. This wasn't a takedown in any way other than a picture of celebrity cheating on their spouse would be. They saw dollar signs attached to the information.

That said, the Duggars should never have put themselves in the spotlight with skeletons in the closet.

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I think pretty much everybody on our roll call has responded but the Bates & Jill, and Jill's is one I would love to see..............smile.

Come on, Jill! For once don't let us down!

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Zsu's reaction doesn't surprise me at all. I'd have been shocked had she said anything else.

I also think the shit must have hit the fan over at The Godly Mentor's blog. It's not like her to skip a day of imparting her wisdom on the world, so something must be up...

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No Kelly Crawford or Voddie Baucham reactions yet.

RC Sproul Jr.'s followers have apparently been pestering him to comment on it, but he's not playing: "My take on takes is that it takes hubris to believe I must not only have but share my take on everything. Take my word for it."


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The ^ is actually what and how I feel.

They put money, fame and attention ahead of doing what was right, especially what was right for their children.

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No Kelly Crawford or Voddie Baucham reactions yet.

RC Sproul Jr.'s followers have apparently been pestering him to comment on it, but he's not playing: "My take on takes is that it takes hubris to believe I must not only have but share my take on everything. Take my word for it."


Kelly probably can't figure out what to say so as to be ahead of the power curve on this one.

Voddie may still be in Zambia; he and Bridget went over in mid-May to house-hunt and work out other logistics. Even if he's back, the trip will be a good excuse for him to say nothing for a while, just like he did with Ferguson.

Like the McDonalds, Spanky Sproul probably thinks that the "gossip" is the worst thing about it all.

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