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Fundie Reactions to Josh Duggar Molestation Admission


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James McDonald posts on FB: "'Enquiring minds want to know'~ a slogan for gossips through the ages,†and his dear bride replies, “I think in some ways people like to see someone they viewed as ‘good’ fail because it makes them feel better about themselves and their own sin. Gossip is satisfying to them because it makes them feel justified.â€

When a friend suggests that many commenters are simply “heartbroken,†Stacy agrees, but says that only makes them more “irrational.â€


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oh god

the day has come

i actually agree with zsucifer on something


:techie-hiding: Same here. :techie-hiding:

I have to give props to her. Her Haterade is strong; she's an equal opportunity offender. Zsu's brand of hate and crazy actually made some sense. Now I feel dirty. :footmouth:

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Yeah, Zsu's post made sense and I agreed with her too :? :o BUT remember that her perspective came from thinking that the Duggars are too liberal and not right wing and conservative enough for her, being that she is the most perfect human being to ever grace the planet.

So yeah, I agree with her answer, the way she got there was as messed up and wrong as usual.

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Zsuzsanna's post, like her husband's latest rant, is all about the Andersons own agenda of keeping people in IFB churches, paying the tithe. If the Duggars had just stayed at their good old fashioned IFB church instead of home churching and following false prophets like VF and Gothard they would have been just fine in Zsuzsanna's book.

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It took Zsuzsanna. Somehow, I'm not entirely surprised: I couldn't see someone who thinks daycare is a perverts' playground supporting a guy who'd just been called out for inappropriate sexual behaviour with kids.

She's also correct on two other points:

1) His parents ran with a weird subculture. Maybe he himself had been abused where sexual scandal is as common as the daily sunrise.

2) I think her calling the Duggars "liberal" is a bit much, but she is correct about their "wishy-washy" front: The police report made it clear they did in fact spank, and with an instrument. I don't know that they ever came out and said that.

Her assessing their chances of being "saved" at 50/50...as if she'd have any way at all to know one way or another what someone else's status is with the Creator of the universe.

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No, you're not. I have wondered about Taryn and also Zsu's homegirl Jessica aka Latisha. Didn't Jessica slam Doug Phillips shortly before her second blog came down?

"Jessica aka Latisha" never fails to make me smile, even in the midst of these disgusting revelations.

And Taryn! When was the last time anyone saw one of her amazing comments? Sadly, I think she's shuffled off this mortal Internet.

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The Seewalds support Josh, which is such a surprise


There are others that see this episode as a result of sheltering and repressing human desires. They think that had he access to sex education by Planned Parenthood, been allowed to watch edgy Hollywood films, been encouraged to experimentation with a girlfriend, or gotten free condoms from the local school nurse, then none of this would have happened. Right. The stupidity of some people is mind boggling. Fan the flames of youthful lust and you end up with what we have: unprecedented numbers of unwed mothers, millions of abortions, rampant STDs, and the unraveling of the fabric of our whole society. Josh didn’t sin because he was repressed, he sinned because like all of us he is a sinner.

I want to say to Josh, hang in there, the shame you feel is legitimate, yet Jesus took your shame as he was punished in your place. Rest in his forgiveness and grace. Remember that he gives you his righteousness as a covering for your shame. Let this trial in your life build humility and grace. Don’t be angry at the world for their hatred of you. Show them through your love for them that it is Jesus Christ that made all the difference in your life. I’m rooting for you.
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The Seewalds support Josh, which is such a surprise


As much as I dislike how they are supporting Josh (and wowww that bit about the consequences of fanning the flames of youthful lust), I do like the emphasis on the victims and how it's not their fault. At least they don't also prescribe to the young-children-defrauding-their-brother-as-they-sleep framework.

Finally, a word to the millions of muted victims of sexual abuse all over the world. It is not your fault. No matter what the abuser may have said, you are not the one to blame. Do not keep silent if you are being abused, tell someone you trust, a parent, a teacher, a friend, anyone is better than silence. You are likely not the only one who has been abused. Tell someone so that they will be stopped. If the person you tell doesn’t contact the right people to help, tell someone else. Stay away from the abuser if at all possible, or avoid being alone with them. If the abuser is in your family, you may feel conflicted. You may love this person and can’t understand why they are hurting you. No matter how much you love the abuser you must tell someone. Remember, it is never okay for someone to treat you that way even if they are a parent, a sibling, or a friend. There are many people who will help you if you just break the silence.

I hope they are telling Jessa this over and over again. And that their words help others who may be afraid to come forward.

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The Seewalds support Josh, which is such a surprise


You said it, not me, Mr. Seewald. Loon. :angry-banghead: :music-tool:

I don't understand how he can be 'rooting for Josh' and attempting to show sympathy with the victims at the same time. It's not like telling someone did the girls much good.

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One commenter on Zsuzsanna's mentioned that maybe this is the work of Hilary's camp. MAYBE to tarnish Huckabee. Cause I'm sure that ever fiendish Hilary is VERY concerned about Mike Huckabee.

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Please, can someone explain to me what she means???

Our oldest, who will be 14 in September, is just now in the very beginning stages of puberty from all I can ascertain (thank you, growth hormone-free meat and dairy).

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http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/2006/12 ... dairy.html

Farmers give their cows hormones like estrogen to produce more milk and grow larger. These hormones get into the meat, milk, and other dairy products. There's reason to think consuming these hormones isn't good for us, can contribute to earlier puberty, heightened risk of some cancers, things like that. Personally, my husband and I are agnostic about getting organic produce but always buy the organic, hormone-free dairy and meat, just in case. If her kid is only just now starting puberty at age 14, then he might be a late bloomer but it sounds like she's partly attributing that to keeping him away from foods containing extra hormones.

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As to the Bates, keep in mind Gil is on the IBLP BoD and allowed his older daughters to travel alone with Gothard. STOP PAINTING THIS FAMILY AS SWEET AND LIKEABLE! They are far from it. That cannot be said enough. In fact, every fundie family we snark on should be looked at closely. We also need to stop thinking that ditching skirts for pants as stepping away from fundamentalism. It isn't.

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Sure, nobody is perfect, but some things are worse than others. How is stealing a candy bar anywhere near molesting a four year old.

If everyone is an asshole and minor acts of being a dick are seen as on par with murder, rape and child abuse, why do we have laws? If the judge stole a piece of candy when he was ten, or once got a parking ticket, does this mean he doesn't have the right to send a serial killer to jail for life, and he should just go on killing because nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes.

Also they would not be saying all this if he had been molesting his little brothers. They would be calling for his blood.

My friends seem to agree that Josh's acts were totally disgusting, a few people have mentioned it on Facebook (including someone who commented on the Pickles post about it), and so far I have only seen one Josh supporter, who commented on a post of mine about it that my friend shared, saying he was only 14. My friend said that it didn't matter how old he was.

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Well, since you asked... probably that you're all unredeemable, hell-bound people sent by satan himself to undo the works of God and she wishes you'd all die. :ew: smiley is because I'm disgusted that I just typed that out.

This is true, but we have so much fun doing it...

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It doesn't appear that Michael seewald understands that the "unnamed victims" were Josh's sisters and very likely his very own daughter in law.

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Zsu's response didn't suck, and she socked it to Gothard at least.

And bonus points for working in organic food to prevent molesting!

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I'm :angry-banghead: over all the "we all sin." and "all sins are equal" blog posts because it downplays the horror of children being molested.

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I'm :angry-banghead: over all the "we all sin." and "all sins are equal" blog posts because it downplays the horror of children being molested.

Exactly! Unwed mothers and abortions are not the same as child molestation. Just because one exists doesn't mean that we can't condemn the molestation.

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Exactly! Unwed mothers and abortions are not the same as child molestation. Just because one exists doesn't mean that we can't condemn the molestation.

All sins are NOT equal. Sexual abuse is not the same as wishing for a new Coach bag.

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Zsu's response didn't suck, and she socked it to Gothard at least.

And bonus points for working in organic food to prevent molesting!

Yes, Zsu's cult is so much better than Gothard's..........

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I have to agree. The TLC execs knew. There's no way they didn't. But I doubt the actual film crew knew. They couldn't risk that many people knowing.

But this also brings up an interesting timeline that we haven't discussed yet. They were originally "discovered" by someone bc of JB's campaign. They were originally interviewed and an article was to be published about them in 2002. (It specifically mentions having 13 children so that's why it had to be in 2002.) When the free-lance writer asked to do a story, they prayed and then decided to do it. But the story was shelved for a year or two and then a parenting magazine picked it up. Is it possible that this rumor surfaced then and that's why the original article was put on hold? Maybe someone did some digging and heard the story that "Alice" told all of us back in 2006/7 and the editors/researchers decided to not go any further with the piece. It was shortly after that article was published that TLC started filming 14kapa. Baby 15 - Jackson (or Judah originally) - is celebrating his birthday today. That means he was conceived in August 2003. So TLC started filming shortly after Josh got back from his "counseling" of manual labour. By the looks of it, they likely started filming in November/December 2003. How interesting.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -home.html

This article in a BRITISH newspaper has time lines and the picture that started it all. Fair play to them, they don't hesitate to mention "molestation" and take a rather snarky tone.

This has been a rather confounding time for many people... I thought some thing might come out this year for the duggars (what with so many people falling, Vi$ion forum, Gothard, Mars Hill... like a fundie deck of cards ! Collapsing for all to see)..

I would have never imagined for a million years that the topic of Josh Duggar would inspire such sanity and reason from Zsu and the Daily Mail :shock:

We live in interesting times !

oh yeah and i forgot to mention the botkins. but their christian patriarchy gigs arent what they used to be... ha.

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And here I thought that we were looking at this the wrong way. I really expected the fundy community to rally behind the Duggars in solidarity, using that "washed in the blood of the Lamb" analogy to completely exonerate Josh and his parents. In their minds, at least.

Instead, I should have known that some people would try to take advantage of the Duggars' "stumble" to advance their own candidacy as "fundy royalty"..

And that some people would actually think that the victims had the right to be heard and the right to be helped...

I really kind of expected that all fundies would say that the girls were to blame... I forgot they're not ALL Gothardites, but I thought "blame the female" was a pretty pervasive doctrine.

This is very interesting. Sad, but interesting. I wonder if ANY of this exposure will help topple some more of the Gothard "ministry".

I still see that very few are calling for Josh to get punishment from the "world" outside of his little sphere... Fooey!

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I have read so much fail in the past few days. Everyone excusing and justifying and religious one-upping it makes me ill.

So many manage to vilify 'others' in their ramblings.

Yet, very few look at this for what it is. A year old boy molested five little girls, repeatedly. Five little girls grew up with that experience. It is horrifying and sick. And there are consequences to actions, particularly actions that hurt others.

No matter your fucking religion, take on sin, time past, Duggar worship or hatred. This isn't about fucking god. It's about human beings and their behaviors and affects on others.

The fundies and anyone else who makes it a god thing can kiss my ass. This atheist is and will always be disgusted by the behavior of these self proclaimed Christians and their excuses.

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It doesn't appear that Michael seewald understands that the "unnamed victims" were Josh's sisters and very likely his very own daughter in law.

Interestingly, he moderates all comments and he allowed lots of anti Josh ones, but most surprisingly one that says "he molested your own daughter in law and you're supporting him" - I am surprised he approved that one.

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