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Fundie Reactions to Josh Duggar Molestation Admission


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The above woman is no true counselor and spreading lies that are going to hurt people. Enough people think we're air headed quacks anyway - don't need an actual counselor to weigh in.

I wonder if she's even a licensed professional. Probably works for a hotline and thinks she has special qualifications.

She is pretty vague about what she does.

I work in the general field

Sounds like a Degreed Psychiatric Professional to me.

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Next, a list of atheists who have been involved in sordid sex scandals:


Hey, guys - help me out here!

1. Ben Radford, of the Center for Inquiry.

2. Michael Shermer, founder of Skeptic magazine

Not to mention a vicious Gamer-gate like campaign of harassment against feminists in the Atheist/Skeptic movement who object to being sexually harassed or inappropriately approached by men who can't see their privilege for the trees.

Atheism, like any other movement, still exists in our misogynist society.

Edited for riffles.

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1. Ben Radford, of the Center for Inquiry.

2. Michael Shermer, founder of Skeptic magazine

Not to mention a vicious Gamer-gate like campaign of harassment against feminists in the Atheist/Skeptic movement who object to being sexually harassed or inappropriately approached by men who can't see their privilege for the trees.

Atheism, like any other movement, still exist in our misogynist society.

Exactly, no religion, or lack of it guarantees morality.

But unlike fundamentalist Christians, atheists don't claim a moral high ground when it comes to sex and modesty.

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"I work in the general field" aka took Psych 101 in college.

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I just read Sheila's response and I liked it. I know Lori A is probably pissed right now because of it.

I do wonder if the Mallys will respond. They have been connected with Duggars for years and Sarah Mally appeared 19kac. I think, the likley thing, is that they will not publicly talk about Duggars again.

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So Voddie did his typical passive-aggressive Voddie thing of posting the story with no comment and letting his followers tear each other to pieces. Good times.


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And, as of this morning, absolutely nothing from the "If it's not about US, it simply doesn't exist!" Botkin clan.

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Anyone who claims to be a counselor yet decries most counseling because it's based that ebil psychology, is no counselor.

Working in the "general field" isn't a qualification either.

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The above woman is no true counselor and spreading lies that are going to hurt people. Enough people think we're air headed quacks anyway - don't need an actual counselor to weigh in.

I wonder if she's even a licensed professional. Probably works for a hotline and thinks she has special qualifications.

I'd be willing to guess she's a "nouthetic counselor," or, someone who opens the Bible and yells verses at people and calls it counseling.

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Exactly, no religion, or lack of it guarantees morality.

But unlike fundamentalist Christians, atheists don't claim a moral high ground when it comes to sex and modesty.

Eh....Christianity has Fundies, and atheism has Neckbeards. They definitely do claim some sort of high ground when it comes to sex, dating, dress, etc. You know, because how else would they tell a "good girl" from all the rest of the "sluts who only want jerks". That is, if they haven't sworn off 3D women altogether in favor of their Waifu.

Any movement has its radicals. Generally, no matter what the movement, the radicals will be pretty terrible.

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I just read the most horrific comment on Sheila's article (which was a great response).

I cannot copy paste on my phone, I am uploading a screenshot. 403473f5004ffe34cd9e1e0764285294.jpg

This is someone who works 'in the field'.

Of course the victims are fine, they never showed any indication of abuse on their TV show. That's all you really need to make a diagnosis, an hour or two a week of highly edited footage.

Also, did you know? Counseling is based on psychology, which is based on that super evil work of fiction by Darwin.

(Fortunately, looks like Sheila and a few other commenters called her out immediately)

What the actual fuck? How much of the Duggars lives does she actually see? You can not diagnose how well someone is doing based on a TV show, only a therapist who spends time with them and speaks to them could accurately tell us how affected the daughters are by the trauma.

Its not like they are going to be talking about it on camera, are they? Nobody knew about it until now. For all she knows, they could be putting on smiling faces for the camera and really being miserable and having horrible nightmares every night. Just because they smile on TV and have never seemed like something is horribly wrong (although as everyone on here will point out, sometimes they don't look completely happy), doesn't mean that they are completely unaffected by it.

Also just because you were molested as a child, doesn't mean that as an adult youre going to constantly be miserable, talk about it and cry all the time. People who have survived abuse are capable of being happy a lot of the time, and can act just like everyone else does, especially if it was a long time ago and isn't fresh in their minds. Okay, they are probably a bit less okay now because everyone knows about it and they are reminded of it everywhere they turn.

TLC also liked making the Duggars look like the perfect family. There is probably a whole lot that goes on that the cameras don't see, or they don't put on the show because they don't look perfect-kids arguing, answering back to their parents, spankings, I would be very surprised if Michelle didn't drop the baby voice and yell sometimes, kids being upset. You cant look at a TV family and instantly tell what they are like. Everything we can guess about the Duggars is speculation at most.

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1. Ben Radford, of the Center for Inquiry.

2. Michael Shermer, founder of Skeptic magazine

Not to mention a vicious Gamer-gate like campaign of harassment against feminists in the Atheist/Skeptic movement who object to being sexually harassed or inappropriately approached by men who can't see their privilege for the trees.

Atheism, like any other movement, still exists in our misogynist society.

Edited for riffles.

Don't forget Richard Dawkins's lovely little comment to the woman who felt harassed in that elevator. She should just be happy she doesn't have to live under the Taliban, so STFU about any of the daily sexism women encounter in developed countries. And Sam Harris's explanation for why more women aren't involved in the atheist movement--cause it's a movement that requires critical thinking and rebelliousness. And the ladies are just focused on the feels.

Yeah, as a woman who has attended a lot of agnostic/atheist/skeptic stuff, unfortunately misogyny and rape culture is rampant around those parts. It can be an old boys club, and a lot of old boys really want it to stay that way.

/slightly off topic rant over

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1. Ben Radford, of the Center for Inquiry.

2. Michael Shermer, founder of Skeptic magazine

Not to mention a vicious Gamer-gate like campaign of harassment against feminists in the Atheist/Skeptic movement who object to being sexually harassed or inappropriately approached by men who can't see their privilege for the trees.

Atheism, like any other movement, still exists in our misogynist society.

Edited for riffles.

3. Julian Assange

4. Woody Allen

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3. Julian Assange

4. Woody Allen

5. Roman Polanski

6. Dov Charney, founder (and former CEO) of American Apparel

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5. Roman Polanski

6. Dov Charney, founder (and former CEO) of American Apparel

I don't know that I'd call them part of an atheist "movement" per se, but a lot of the mens' rights and "pick up artist" sites out there have authors that are both stridently atheist and sometimes violently anti-women.

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:cracking-up: So I know that Little Rock isn't NYC, but it certainly isn't a farm!!

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Erika of Large Families on Purpose has weighed in (she was asked to address the issue on Facebook):

Well we didn't even know what you were talking about but [we looked it up and read a number of places. Sounds like it was handled just right 14 years ago. His parents went to the church elders about it, implemented discipline at home, and Josh's wife and her family knew about that situation in Josh's past before they got married. Of course it was a very poor choice. But it's over, and *long* past. He was 14. Mistake? Absolutely. But worth digging up now and making public? Shame on people. The Duggars are human just like everyone else. It's shameful when others publicize sin when they probably did much worse in their own past. People should have minded their own business.

In summary:

Molesting 5 people= a poor choice

Molesting 5 people= a mistake

But the real shame??? The people who brought it to light! Apparently most people have done "much worse" than molesting 4 of their own siblings and a non family member.


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Erika of Large Families on Purpose has weighed in (she was asked to address the issue on Facebook):

In summary:

Molesting 5 people= a poor choice

Molesting 5 people= a mistake

But the real shame??? The people who brought it to light! Apparently most people have done "much worse" than molesting 4 of their own siblings and a non family member.



How horrible do fundamentalists think the outside world is, anyway?

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I like Sheila from Love Honor and Vacuum's response


Sheila and her daughter Rebecca both had good responses (and by good, I mean "said the obvious stuff that needed to be said but which many fundies couldn't bring themselves to say, like the fact that you don't leave the abuser in the home with the victims, and especially the fact that victims of sexual abuse don't magically heal with zero aftermath just because they "forgave" the abuser when they were very young].

Of course, that made them lightening rods for every crazy fundie determined to go on the attack.

Once again - I may not agree with Sheila on all issues, but she has consistently been a voice of reason and an advocate for children.

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Suddenly everything is a fucking mistake. Before, a baby cries, a toddler reaches for something, a kid shows displeasure - that's all willfull disobedience. They're vile, sinful creatures who need to have the fear of God beaten into them in order to save their wretched souls! Now, oh it was a mistake. Something we can quickly forgive and something that isn't anything to get mad over!

In other news, Melanie Maxwell's sister, Grace, posted AGAIN. She posted that article written by the former fundie who is now a lawyer with the following comment:

Don't get me wrong, I see the media do this. But this is not the case here at all. I have first hand experience with this culture and these teachings. They are not biblical and they are seriously damaging,

"One of the annoying statements that I keep hearing is that this is somehow a "liberal media" attack on Christianity. This argument is getting a bit old, particularly when it is used to deflect the truth of a particular allegation."

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http://www.rawstory.com/2015/05/arizona ... /comments/

Article about Zsu's response! I think the media is reading freejinger for story ideas lol

I LOVE the comments, they make me happy. I've been hate reading Zsu for way too many years because I felt oddly vindicated when all these people were saying how vile she seemed internally i was like 'See, she IS evil and hateful and insane!' ... I think I have Zsu-Stockholm Syndrome lol

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As of this very moment all Duggar references are still on the Maxwell blog. I'm sure that will change shortly. These are the same people who scrubbed Joe's courtship and broken engagement off the blog.

I just checked the Maxwell blog a few minutes ago, and a quick search revealed several blog postings (some with pictures!) of the Maxwells with the Duggars, including a promotion of the book about the oldest Duggar daughters. Likewise, under their product listings, they still mention JB's forward to the book about buying a house debt-free.

Does anyone here recall how quickly the Maxwells scrubbed their blog of the postings about the failed courtships? As I recall, the scrubbings were all done pretty quickly.

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Suddenly everything is a fucking mistake. Before, a baby cries, a toddler reaches for something, a kid shows displeasure - that's all willfull disobedience. They're vile, sinful creatures who need to have the fear of God beaten into them in order to save their wretched souls! Now, oh it was a mistake. Something we can quickly forgive and something that isn't anything to get mad over!

In other news, Melanie Maxwell's sister, Grace, posted AGAIN. She posted that article written by the former fundie who is now a lawyer with the following comment:

Melanie Maxwell's sister thinks that their beliefs are unbiblical and damaging? Awesome. The Maxwells need someone like her.

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