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Lori Alexander is going to haaaaate this

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(First time poster; hope this works - blah blah.) Long comment - sorry. Also, I'm sorry if it's improper to name specific blog commenters.

I found Lori's blog through her commenting on Kelly's Korner - I suppose she'd be fundie-lite, if not mainstream Christian mommy blogger. Lori participated in a link-up Kelly had and I randomly checked out her blog. I was hooked initially because her viewpoints were like nothing I had ever heard, not having been raised fundie. She does still comment over on KK (recently to admonish her for accepting a short-term part-time work project, of course).

When I found Lori's blog she was very willing to dialogue. As long as you used respectful language she was mostly willing to go back and forth. And once or twice when she chose to delete comments I had left she emailed me and explain why. I'm not a daily reader but I would check in a few times per week and it was only somewhat recently that I noticed her deleting so many comments. It was probably around the same time that Courtney (Corrine?), who I think was a young woman pursuing a doctorate degree, stopped leaving comments on the blog.

There used to be a fair group of us who would regularly comment with very different viewpoints and I'd say that all of us are now gone. i think for several of us the last straw was when dedicated an entire post to calling out a working woman named Jo would would often comment on her keepers at home posts. Even somewhat sycophantic posters whose names I recognize (particularly Tiffany and Brittany) hardly comment anymore.

The thing with Sheila is strange, except that I think Lori likes the exposure from more popular bloggers. Sheila and Kelly are big fish in their respective ponds and a decent number of people probably come to her blog from comments she leaves there.

TL;DR: I actually used to enjoy engaging with Lori ... but now here I am!

She was actually rather nasty, or I should say she let Cabinetboy put me in my proper place. She deleted all follow up I attempted to have. I was respectful, but completely disagreed and that's not allowed. Disagreement = wrong to her and Ken.

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Here is something I am tempted to post to Klorien about -- dun dun DUNNN -- "the exceptions"

It seems to me that if you're posting only for those who already agree with you, that doesn't make much sense because they are unlikely to need your advice -- I mean we all appreciate support from like-minded people, but if someone who is struggling in their marriage holds the same views about the bible and submission and all that as Klorien does, they will have just as much opportunity to come to the same conclusions on their own without/before reading it on Lori's blog. It's not like Lori has any special take, and she certainly doesn't have any special way with words.

So it seems her so-called advice is really aimed at those who *don't* already have the same perspective.

And of those people, only the ones who are struggling are going to read the blog for advice -- happy people of a different mindset are not looking for help. So the readers are struggling. What does that mean?

I think it means that they are having problems, and their initial attempts to solve their problems have not worked.

So, who reads this blog actually looking for advice? Let's review: people who are struggling in their marriage, who don't already see everything the Klorien way, but who are seeking the "biblical" way.

And what happens when these people write in and ask for help and point out that their initial attempts to solve their problems based on biblical teachings have not worked? Why, they get labeled as exceptions and shown the door, of course!

So, they're not going to help the happy likeminded people because they are happy and don't need help

They're not going to help the unhappy likeminded people because those people can read the bible themselves and come to the same conclusions without Klorien's help

They're not going to help the happy not-likeminded people because they are happy and don't need help

They're not going to help the unhappy not-likeminded people because they are all exceptions


That's my favorite mashup of their names. :clap:

And yes, they're pretty much preaching to the choir now, aren't they? A choir which is getting smaller and smaller with each new post. :whistle:

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This is a really sad statement on the way Lori is presenting herself. I also am a first timer. I consider myself a fundi and I also used to respectfully disagree with Lori. I am very concerned about the continued emphasis that women should be uneducated and spend their lives waiting and hoping for marriage. I believe in submission but think she has a completely distorted and un-biblical view of it. No one should have absolute authority over another adult person. That is crazy and the woman cannot even appeal to the church unless it is outright abuse anything less and she just accepts that he controls her. And the thing about Genesis and ruling over the woman was a curse, not the promise of a new covenant marriage. That women should not goals independent of their husband's goals. Well, I could just go on. Well I guess I don't need to recap the craziness.

But the real thing that hurt me and made me stop posting was how she would bully people who would post. People would make a very respectful comment and if she disagreed it would show up as a post. She would say, here is a comment from my readers and then criticize and target that person's statements.

She is also very obtuse and unable to exercise clear logical thinking. This makes it hard for her to understand basic scriptural interpretations. And just because Ken went to seminary, anyone can study hard and pass school. It still does not mean that he has the capacity or clarity of thought to clearly interpret the obvious meanings of some rather straight forward scriptures.

She has become very extreme lately and very ungracious. She just comes across as not a very nice person and I think she really hurts her cause and hurt others that share the same label that she does.

So, yes I read here now, at least the Lori threads, (I like the Duggars although I also think their views of courtship are extreme they don't push it on others and I feel like they can do whatever they like with their lives) But it is the only place I see sanity and someone speaking out against the madness that women should be subjugated and under the absolute control of another person. I am sorry. I just had to vent. But, yes their are probably many fundies who previously read and engaged with Lori who no longer do.

She will not respect or listen to the views of anyone else and has elevated her views as the absolute authority divinely given from God.

Welcome juju :)

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I should have taken a screen cap, but Lori just deleted yet another post. The poster was very respectful and said that it was not very nice of her to delete Marie's comment and that perhaps another person could learn from her situation.

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And they definitely don't agree with the line from Born Yesterday "The idea of learning is to be bigger, not smaller."

I don't think I'm alone in saying some of our best threads have been ones that went WILDLY off topic. I have definitely learned a lot from our threads that have gone off topic.

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When Ken and Lori were debating Sheila on her blog there was a woman who also commented who I remember leaving real comments on Lori's blog mostly agreeing with her. She said that she wouldn't be reading Lori's blog anymore because her husband didn't agree with what Lori was teaching. Lori is her own worst enemy. She is going to run off way more readers than we can. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the emails and supporting comments are really from snarkers who are seeing if they can get Lori to believe them.

I wouldn't be surprised either. I remember one time there was comment on Lori's blog where some listed under Anonymous told Lori that she was glad that she could log onto her computer and look at Lori's blog for advice about spanking kids. Lori thanked the anonymous commenter, but I wondered if that person was trolling Lori.

I also recall Lori did a posting where she she bashed stay at home dads and a few dads commented on her blog and she kept their comments up. But I think she only did that to make the dads look like "ungodly men" while she was the "godly woman". I think the way Lori writes about men on her blog probably turns off many women and men too. She has said several times on her blog that women shouldn't expect men to be very talkative, help out around the house, and other things. Now, yes some men aren't that talkative. But others can be very talkative and a bit sensitive. There are plently of men who don't have issues doing household chores. Some men enjoy cooking and cleaning. Also Lori did a dumb post about women being more gullible than men. That is another post where I could see people getting annoyed with Lori. I have known both men and women who are gullible about a lot of things and I have a male cousin who is probably the most gullible person I have ever met. I can see where many men would disagree with what Lori is teaching. She has stated several times that men should always be the leaders in the family. Many men like to share leadership roles with their wives.

My parents are 66 and 64, so they are a little bit older than Lori and Ken, but they probably wouldn't find Lori to be wise at all. I get fed up with Lori's "I'm an older wise women commanded by God to advice" bs. My own parents have been great at giving me advice on many subjects, but there are some subjects they have never felt comfortable giving advice on because my situation varies from their situation. They also know that I have had experiences that they haven't had. My mother would never have the "I can give advice on anything" attitude. There are many women 20 or 30 years younger than Lori that are wise and know how to give advice.

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That had to sting, huh Ken?

No kidding...if Chiffonier Lad -- of all people -- gives more supportive, practical advice than you, that's pretty fucking sad, you know?

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Whereabouts is this? I just read way more of Kelly's Korner than I wanted to looking for anything about part time work.

Google "Kelly's korner nine to five"

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I'm POSITIVE I have a better marriage than Klorine (ditto for L Ron). Money's a little tight, we're both exhausted, and we don't see enough of one another between school, work, and non-negotiable social commitments... we have such different schedules that it's mostly dinner, working on remodeling the house together, and sleeping. We do manage to carve out the occasional date night, but they've been few and far between. And yes, we're both worn out enough that generally we prefer sleep to sex.

Still beats the shit out of thinly veiled resentment/lube.

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Oh heavens. Lori tried her hand at a close reading of the Proverbs 31 text.

When I was teaching freshman comp, I had sub-par students who wrote and analyzed better than Lori. She is just not intelligent at all. She never learned how to think.

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Oh heavens. Lori tried her hand at a close reading of the Proverbs 31 text.

When I was teaching freshman comp, I had sub-par students who wrote and analyzed better than Lori. She is just not intelligent at all. She never learned how to think.

What's the deal with the prostitute comment? She quotes a verse that has nothing to do with a prostitute.

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What's the deal with the prostitute comment? She quotes a verse that has nothing to do with a prostitute.

Don't you know? All working women are little more than prostitutes, pimping out their wares for "the man."


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Tut tut, Lori! You are slacking and letting libelous and dissenting comments through!

Proverbs 31 speaks of “a wife of noble character.†Starting at verse 11, the writer praises this woman as one who does everything in her power to care for her family. She works hard to keep her house and her family in order. Verses 16, 18, 24, and 25 show that she is so industrious that she also moonlights with a cottage industry that provides additional income for her family. This woman's motivation is important in that her business activities were the means to an end, not an end in themselves. She was providing for her family, not furthering her career, or working to keep up with the neighbors. Her employment was secondary to her true calling—the stewardship of her husband, children, and home.

The Bible nowhere forbids a woman from working outside the home. However, the Bible does teach what a woman’s priorities are to be. If working outside the home causes a woman to neglect her children and husband, then it is wrong for that woman to work outside the home. If a Christian woman can work outside the home and still provide a loving, caring environment for her children and husband, then it is perfectly acceptable for her to work outside the home. With those principles in mind, there is freedom in Christ. Women who work outside the home should not be condemned, and neither should women who focus on the stewardship of the home be treated with condescension.


The Proverbs 31 woman certainly supervised her household and made sure that they were cared for. See verses 15, 21 and especially 27.

I don't see, however, where it says that ALL of her activities were at home.

If she considers a field and buys it, this suggests that it is not just a garden beside her home, but a field that is purchased separately.

How do you interpret Prov. 31:14?

"14 She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar."

She seems to have household help, referred to as her maidens, but took responsibility for making sure that everyone was fed before working or worrying about herself.

"15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens."

There's no artificial distinction between working and taking care of her household here. It's pretty clear that working hard is for the sake of her household, providing them with food and warm clothing and allowing her husband to sit with the elders of the land. Of course, she also understands the importance of charity:

"20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy."

She is also conscious of her speech at all times, and makes sure that she exhibits virtue:

"26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness."

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Oh heavens. Lori tried her hand at a close reading of the Proverbs 31 text.

When I was teaching freshman comp, I had sub-par students who wrote and analyzed better than Lori. She is just not intelligent at all. She never learned how to think.

She's never learned to think because she believes she already knows it all. I don't believe I have ever seen a less intellectually curious, less analytical adult in my life. It's a good thing she can simply stay at home and blog because she'd last one hour in any job requiring more intelligence than cooking fries. That's why she tolerates no questions or debate or dissent. She simply is too stupid to respond.

And how many times can she say the same thing over and over again? Is she going to blog for years about SAHMs and submissive wives? She's repetitive, Ken writes walls of text that say nothing...trust me, 90% of her blog hits are from people just checking in for the latest dose of cray cray.

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Lori’s “I’m teaching what God commanded me to teach†song and dance, I want to tear my hair out. Translated from Lorken to English, this means “You don’t have a problem with me, you have a problem with God you evil sinner.â€

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She's never learned to think because she believes she already knows it all. I don't believe I have ever seen a less intellectually curious, less analytical adult in my life. It's a good thing she can simply stay at home and blog because she'd last one hour in any job requiring more intelligence than cooking fries. That's why she tolerates no questions or debate or dissent. She simply is too stupid to respond.

And how many times can she say the same thing over and over again? Is she going to blog for years about SAHMs and submissive wives? She's repetitive, Ken writes walls of text that say nothing...trust me, 90% of her blog hits are from people just checking in for the latest dose of cray cray.

Leaving her with 10% 'real' followers? You're being generous. :lol: I'd say it's more like 98%* checking in for the cray cray, leaving her with just a 2%* actual following.

*Statistics pulled out of my ass a la Ken. :dance:

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What's the deal with the prostitute comment? She quotes a verse that has nothing to do with a prostitute.

I believe that's what's called a red herring. It's the same sort of argument the church I grew up in used against wearing evil makeup. They'd always quote verses about women with poor virtues who'd wear it. Therefore, makeup MUST be evil.

From my interpretation, the Proverbs 31 woman had it going on. Not only did she rise early and take care of her household, she was out and about in the community (buying land, caring for her vineyard, helping the poor and selling her wares). In addition, she had employees who may have watched her children -- shocker! -- while she was out and about. She worked well into the nights as well. In fact, she seemed to be much more industrious than her husband! The sticking point to me is that although there's no doubt that the Proverbs 31 woman was a real worker bee, whatever she did, her husband LIKED IT and it really was no one's business but theirs. It wasn't up to her community to agree or not (something Lori should give thought to). Besides, who says a keeper at home must be chained there 24/7?

ETA that the home at that time and up to the Industrial Revolution was a place of production. ALL members of a family worked from home so to say that exact situation should apply to the modern day is really silly and shortsighted. Very few families can provide all of their needs working from home. To me, being a keeper at home means that my focus should be on my family and I can do that whether I work or stay at home (which I do). It's the focus that matters.

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Leaving her with 10% 'real' followers? You're being generous. :lol: I'd say it's more like 98%* checking in for the cray cray, leaving her with just a 2%* actual following.

*Statistics pulled out of my ass a la Ken. :dance:

It seems to me that the real indicator of who she reaches is her FB followers. She has over 1,900 "Likes" and so I see some regulars commenting here and there. Having said this, I'm convinced the blog itself is mainly viewed by her detractors, snarkers and those who just enjoy a good laugh every now and then. :D Personally, I enjoy messing with her.

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It seems to me that the real indicator of who she reaches is her FB followers. She has over 1,900 "Likes" and so I see some regulars commenting here and there. Having said this, I'm convinced the blog itself is mainly viewed by her detractors, snarkers and those who just enjoy a good laugh every now and then. :D Personally, I enjoy messing with her.

I don't technically 'follow' her on FB, but I do go to her page frequently just to see the comments. Have you noticed that lately there are fewer and fewer comments there? I still see a fair few 'likes' on certain posts, but where before there might be half a dozen or more comments on an average post, lately I'm seeing only one or two, or more often none at all. :think:

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I don't technically 'follow' her on FB, but I do go to her page frequently just to see the comments. Have you noticed that lately there are fewer and fewer comments there? I still see a fair few 'likes' on certain posts, but where before there might be half a dozen or more comments on an average post, lately I'm seeing only one or two, or more often none at all. :think:

The number of FB followers she has is steadily decreasing as well. In the past week, she's lost 12.

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I don't technically 'follow' her on FB, but I do go to her page frequently just to see the comments. Have you noticed that lately there are fewer and fewer comments there? I still see a fair few 'likes' on certain posts, but where before there might be half a dozen or more comments on an average post, lately I'm seeing only one or two, or more often none at all. :think:

I don't frequent the FB page. Mainly, I was there looking for the link to CM's wife's FB page (found her!). If Lori's comments have been reduced, I am not surprised. She offends everybody and apparently believes it's her God-given right to do so. When it gets to the point where you're deliberately going after your readers just to have material for a post, that's pretty bad and people are most likely sick of it. Of course, Lori has convinced herself that she's being persecuted for God's sake. It never occurs to her that people just don't like her shrewish, narcissistic and judgmental ways.

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More RachelDaisy comments getting deleted. Why leave some up and let some go?

That figures. This is what I tried to send just now (and btw, I am FINALLY banned for good):

"Lori, why did you delete RachelDaisy's comments when she obviously could use some mentoring? Was her situation the exception too? Seems everyone who comments here is the exception and you just can't handle that ("Does not compute. Does not compute.") so you go into delete mode."

Ken, sweetie, when you read here next, be sure to tell Lori that she's a coward. What's the point of having a blog that preaches to the choir? I thought the point of God COMMANDING Lori to be a Titus 2 mentor was to help those who may not agree with her or who may be unaware of what she teaches.

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I don't technically 'follow' her on FB, but I do go to her page frequently just to see the comments. Have you noticed that lately there are fewer and fewer comments there? I still see a fair few 'likes' on certain posts, but where before there might be half a dozen or more comments on an average post, lately I'm seeing only one or two, or more often none at all. :think:

I haven't been to her FB page in awhile. But there were several times in the past when I visited and comments disagreeing with Lori would be deleted as soon she could get to them. I remember one time when two FJ members and a FJ member's daughter called her out on a misogynist blog entry. Their comments were taken down 20 minutes later.

I do remember seeing 20 or more comments or likes on some her blog links on FB in the past. I remember after the infamous Trayvon posting, some people were also pissed on Fb with her. I also checked her FB page last year when she had surgery and Ken was posting for her and she got a quite bit of prayer offerings and words or support. As we have mentioned in this thread, she is losing support and followers.

I think some of the things she has revealed about her life could part of the reason people have ditched her. They found out about her having a nanny, despite her numerous brag postings about being a SAHM. The postings that cover topics like domestic violence have likely turned off some readers. I can't remember exactly, but I recall Douche Ken made some comment about being against domestic violence shelters.

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