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The one where Cabinetboy starts a blog


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Cabinetboy, why don't you talk to us directly? All this passive aggression is so unseemly in a man's man. You and Ken remind me of a pair of "mean girls". ;)

From today's salvo, or "post":

Our home this morning is filled with laughter! Your comments to yesterday’s post and the feminists responses to it has my wife in a laughter fit this morning! I’ve never seen someone have so much fun cooking pancakes!

So Mrs. Cabinetperson reads here? Welcome! Get yourself an account while he is cabineting. Don't out yourself, join as a new member and have some fun. :)

I would love it if Cabinetlady came here as a new member without outing herself! I think she would learn a lot, even if she likely didn't agree with a lot of it.

On another note, I feel like we should come up with a nickname for Cabinetlady that doesn't involve her being identified solely in relation to the identity of her husband, but I'm not sure how to do that because we are familiar with her primarily in relation to Wardrobe Wanker...

Griddle Giggles?

Except, if she feels trapped with him that could have been just a reaction to cover discouragement. :| (and honestly that brag sounds like he was doing all the laughing and she joined in because that's what wives do. Horrible man.) It would be wonderful if she found a way to join here and learned ways to break free. I hope she isn't brainwashed into believing his abuse is God's will for her.

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Tiger Lily, here is another comment from Lori's blog. After his visit here, he asked Lori to delete all of his comments. Most of them, however, had been copied and saved here on FJ.


This is what Cabinetman posted in the comments about making his wife sleep in the cabin:

"As far as going to the cabin, leaving the house and marriage was not something she was against and pushed for every chance she got. But usually she was in no condition to drive or make decisions and for her own safety I took her keys. The cabin is several hundred yards away and was a solution that worked a few times, although usually by the end of the night and several telephone calls she would slip back into the home late at night and sleep with me after apolagizing."

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Welcome to Free Jinger, Tiger Lily!

The locking his wife in a cabin thing was originally on Lori's blog, I think (others correct me if I'm wrong). I also think it has since been removed. But there might be evidence of it here somewhere still. Not sure if we have it quoted or just talked about it.

EDIT: Here's the original cabin post; it was on Lori's blog at one point.

Thanks for the welcome, Firiel. As for the cabin incident, ewww! I'm surprised he didn't paddle her little behind and then send her to bed with a sore tush to cry it out like a little girl. His actions seem like those of a daddy than of a husband. Also, from what I'd read in other FJ threads, didn't the woman have some mental issues? I'm not sure isolation would be good for that. Why is it that EVERYONE in their orbit thought he was abusive? And I have to wonder why to this day, the wife is still overwhelmed, depressed and exhausted.

The reason why I react to this stuff so strongly is because I was raised in a fundamentalist church. Not only was it fundamentalist, it was The One True Church and The Remnant which meant that everyone else wasn't a Christian. I was very young when my mother joined yet I grew up in it and I understand the mindset of why people stay. I understand the cognitive dissonance. I always say that vanity gets them in (being in The One True Church) and fear makes them stay (they'd be goners without it). This church taught a ton of prophecy, church hierarchy, staying apart from the world, no divorce and remarriage (they broke up many homes), gender roles, appropriate dress (two inches below the knees, please), no makeup and I swear to God I have memories of hearing about husbands spanking errant wives! I remember that clearly, thinking that I'd never allow it. Anyway, that's where I'm coming from.

BTW, after my earlier comments, I visited CM's site and apparently, he feels we feminists all have a problem with the Bible, not with him. Dude, if you're reading this, you couldn't be more wrong. We just don't like bullying jackasses.

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wardrobewierdo spends so much time talking about what a man he is that I've gathered some conclusions...

He's probably maybe 5'6" and 130lbs soaking wet

He suffers from an extreme lack in the penis department

He talks shit because he feels inferior to most men and all educated women

He may also be in the back of that wardrobe looking for the door to Narnia.

I'm picturing a younger Michael Pearl complete with beard. :lol:

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Well, shit. In light of recent events, I must say I've become convinced we were all wrong about CabinetMan after all! Once, the family car broke down and then they got it fixed and he jumped in front of cars going 50 mph to get help. AND he let Griddle Giggler help pick out the new car. He did a thing, which clearly proves that he isn't abusive!

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Amazing coincidence that the decision he deems her capable of making cost them a thousand dollars! If only A MAN had been available!!!

Cabinetboy. What uber manly man would take his (precious, cherished, sooooo vulnerable) wife, above average children, and a load of what I would assume to be (exquisitely crafted, showroom quality) cabinets in a shitty truck on a mountain? Really, fella, use your head. And if you are stronger than 99% of men on the planet and have wrassled bulls (I would assume they were rabid, angry bulls), couldn't you just have towed the truck down with your manly strength? Leave the trailer full of cabinets, just tow the truck. You could've hitched it to your ego!

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You can make Mother Teressa seem like the devil if you take her out of context and share only 5% of what she writes. Many of you are being fooled by a handful of people that have severe man issues and past abuse issues that read into whatever I write.

Have they shared that I have repeatedly warned against abuse and told wives to call the police, among others, if they are being abused?

Have they shared with you that my wife's friend, who knows EVERYTHING ( & was once very skeptical of me) that has happened in our marriage reads and the one time she commented said, "I understand because I can see your friendly face and warm tone saying it." Do they know she is not a fundie? And yet supports me, us & is our friend?

Have they shared that my pastor and his wife, who have been in our home and we are in theirs reads here and that I have asked him to keep me accountable? Did they mention that our pastor, whose wife works and whose kids are raised by nannies, give us a thumbs up.

Have they shared how many times I have encouraged men to love their wives sacrificially and to serve their wives?

Have they shared with you how well my kids do at school, or happy they are...these are regular things we talk about...but unlike anything I say negatively toward women these are not taken seriously but taken as lies.

Why is it the only thing that is taken seriously by your forum is anything said negatively toward women? Nothing I say positive about my wife, women, kids, anything is given credit...except what I say negatively towards women. Do they tell you that I say negative stuff about men?

Stop taking a handful of people's word on what is said. Come read it for yourself. Come read my own wife's words. She posts about once every other week and comments more frequently than that. Read her testimony freely open on our site of our marriage.

Why is it, that for one month out of 16 years of marriage I had to take drastic steps towards my wife, yet I have seen in this very forum directed at me, you women taking more drastic steps toward your husband but that does get the same hate?

Many of you say you are a christian and that christians should love and how about nobody should judge who is a christian and then you threaten me and tell me I'm not a christian.

There have been threats of violence against me in this forum. You come to my blog and see if I encourage violence. Yet I'm the violent one you believe. You call me names. Yet I'm the hateful one.

Look in the mirror. You want to raze fundamental christianity? Then do that. But be honest about what is written and who you are & what you are doing here.

You aren't honest about me and you are hypocrites about yourself. Don't mistake me trying to be nice last time around as weakness. I thought if I was honest with you and open with you, which I was 100%, and treated you respectfully you'd leave my family alone. I will not make the same mistake again.

78% of readers think I'm doing good and setting a good example. 12% aren't sure, the rest are you fj'ers and one other (and yes I know which ones are you). AND 80% of my readers are women. Did they tell you that? 1000 hits a day, 800 of them women & they not only don't think I am abusive but that I'm telling their husbands how to be good men.

Come read it for yourself in WHOLE. Don't agree with headship & submission-fine. But stop slandering. If you want your cause to matter, you don't have an ounce of credibility when it is all lies, slander and intimidation. If you want to win the battle of ideas then bring ideas & treat people respectfully.

I won't post here. You have proven yourselves dishonest to me as a whole. For those that want to debate, I don't delete comments unless you are slanderous. If you are respectful, no matter how hard or how much we disagree you are welcome and you'll be treated respectfully. And when you leave, I won't call you out by name and badmouth you threaten you. Because I treat people respectfully, even those whom I vehemently disagree with.

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Furniture Fiend, methinks thou dost protest way, way too much. :roll:

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Cabinetman, I'm quite convinced you're a troll. That you were never married. Or you were once married and treated your wife the way you describe here and she told you to go pound sand, took the kids and left. I think what you write is fiction. Fantasy. I bet you're a tiny man with a shortage of some esteem who feels some satisfaction from engaging us in what you perceive are intellectual debates. I come from a family of big guys, taller and surely more muscular than you claim to be. Here's the thing...people like that who are comfortable in their own skin don't have to make an issue of their size to the rest of the world. Their prefer to have people judge them on their character, not their size.

So, whatever your game, play on. Apparently it brings you some satisfaction, as creepy as that is. And I'll give you credit for one thing...tonight I will thank God that my husband of 31 years is your 180 degree opposite.

Oh, and BTW, my husband, all 5'9" of him, has never wrestled a bull. He has, however, led men in combat. Was in Desert Storm 1 working in an NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical warfare) unit. Saved troops and received a Purple Heart during his 27 year military career. And he would be the first one to tell you that he relied on MY emotional strength those nights on the other side of the world when bombs and IEDs were going off in the distance.

And that's no bull.

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Why do you care what strangers on the internet think? If you blog people will scrutinize you, if you can't handle that, don't blog.

Why do you blog anyway? Also please post evidence where you have been phisicaly threatened. I think you are acting all emotional dramatic, and woman like.

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You can make Mother Teressa seem like the devil if you take her out of context and share only 5% of what she writes. Many of you are being fooled by a handful of people that have severe man issues and past abuse issues that read into whatever I write.

Have they shared that I have repeatedly warned against abuse and told wives to call the police, among others, if they are being abused?

Have they shared with you that my wife's friend, who knows EVERYTHING ( & was once very skeptical of me) that has happened in our marriage reads and the one time she commented said, "I understand because I can see your friendly face and warm tone saying it." Do they know she is not a fundie? And yet supports me, us & is our friend?

Have they shared that my pastor and his wife, who have been in our home and we are in theirs reads here and that I have asked him to keep me accountable? Did they mention that our pastor, whose wife works and whose kids are raised by nannies, give us a thumbs up.

Have they shared how many times I have encouraged men to love their wives sacrificially and to serve their wives?

Have they shared with you how well my kids do at school, or happy they are...these are regular things we talk about...but unlike anything I say negatively toward women these are not taken seriously but taken as lies.

Why is it the only thing that is taken seriously by your forum is anything said negatively toward women? Nothing I say positive about my wife, women, kids, anything is given credit...except what I say negatively towards women. Do they tell you that I say negative stuff about men?

Stop taking a handful of people's word on what is said. Come read it for yourself. Come read my own wife's words. She posts about once every other week and comments more frequently than that. Read her testimony freely open on our site of our marriage.

Why is it, that for one month out of 16 years of marriage I had to take drastic steps towards my wife, yet I have seen in this very forum directed at me, you women taking more drastic steps toward your husband but that does get the same hate?

Many of you say you are a christian and that christians should love and how about nobody should judge who is a christian and then you threaten me and tell me I'm not a christian.

There have been threats of violence against me in this forum. You come to my blog and see if I encourage violence. Yet I'm the violent one you believe. You call me names. Yet I'm the hateful one.

Look in the mirror. You want to raze fundamental christianity? Then do that. But be honest about what is written and who you are & what you are doing here.

You aren't honest about me and you are hypocrites about yourself. Don't mistake me trying to be nice last time around as weakness. I thought if I was honest with you and open with you, which I was 100%, and treated you respectfully you'd leave my family alone. I will not make the same mistake again.

78% of readers think I'm doing good and setting a good example. 12% aren't sure, the rest are you fj'ers and one other (and yes I know which ones are you). AND 80% of my readers are women. Did they tell you that? 1000 hits a day, 800 of them women & they not only don't think I am abusive but that I'm telling their husbands how to be good men.

Come read it for yourself in WHOLE. Don't agree with headship & submission-fine. But stop slandering. If you want your cause to matter, you don't have an ounce of credibility when it is all lies, slander and intimidation. If you want to win the battle of ideas then bring ideas & treat people respectfully.

I won't post here. You have proven yourselves dishonest to me as a whole. For those that want to debate, I don't delete comments unless you are slanderous. If you are respectful, no matter how hard or how much we disagree you are welcome and you'll be treated respectfully. And when you leave, I won't call you out by name and badmouth you threaten you. Because I treat people respectfully, even those whom I vehemently disagree with.

So about the bull wrestling:

Is it a hobby or a sanctioned sport with rules and regs?

Are there weight divisions (for the bulls I mean)?

Is there a specific breed of bull that is suitable for wrestling? If not, what's your personal favorite?

Are there uniforms involved in bull wrestling (for you, not the bulls)?

If you win, what's the prize? Cash? Trophies? Online bragging rights?

How do you train for a bull wrestling match?

That's all I have for now. I'm sure I'll think of more later.

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Cabinetman - I genuinely appreciate that you don't delete comments. I respect that and I hope you're encouraging your friends the Alexander's to change their approach with regards to the delete button.

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Methinks WardrobeWeenie protests WAY too much...

Good grief...he just HAD to come and defend himself against us awful wimmens....

Hey CM...you didn't wrestle bulls, you spewed bullshit....and frankly, I'm tired of it. The more you spew the more I'm convinced you are an insecure, sexually confused, little dicked asshole.

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78% of readers think I'm doing good and setting a good example. 12% aren't sure, the rest are you fj'ers and one other (and yes I know which ones are you). AND 80% of my readers are women. Did they tell you that? 1000 hits a day, 800 of them women & they not only don't think I am abusive but that I'm telling their husbands how to be good men.

IP addresses track gender now?!

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IP addresses track gender now?!

And he's pulling those stats out of which orifice????

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Yawn. So we have a fairly ordinary series of events, and somehow that makes him strongest, bestest, most heroic guy ever? Because he flagged down a few cars after the truck broke down, made some calls, and managed to get the truck towed? And actually asked his wife about which ride to accept and which truck to buy? Really?

That's setting the bar pretty low for heroism.

I can tell you about my FIL. I can forgive some minor disagreements, because when I called him after getting stuck in a flash flood, he rescued my 5 yr old by wading through water and carrying her out, then drove through some fairly deep water to rescue me, my 1 yr old and my 2 yr old. He was twice cupboard boy's age at the time.

I knew a Somali grandmother who managed to rescue her grandson from civil war and violent refugee camps.

I know a woman who rescued over 3,000 Syrian Jews from a hostile regime.

I can tell you about my husband's aunts, who managed to escape Iraq and do some quick talking to get themselves out of jail when arrested for trying to cross the border.

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Yawn. So we have a fairly ordinary series of events, and somehow that makes him strongest, bestest, most heroic guy ever? Because he flagged down a few cars after the truck broke down, made some calls, and managed to get the truck towed? And actually asked his wife about which ride to accept and which truck to buy? Really?

That's setting the bar pretty low for heroism.

I can tell you about my FIL. I can forgive some minor disagreements, because when I called him after getting stuck in a flash flood, he rescued my 5 yr old by wading through water and carrying her out, then drove through some fairly deep water to rescue me, my 1 yr old and my 2 yr old. He was twice cupboard boy's age at the time.

I knew a Somali grandmother who managed to rescue her grandson from civil war and violent refugee camps.

I know a woman who rescued over 3,000 Syrian Jews from a hostile regime.

I can tell you about my husband's aunts, who managed to escape Iraq and do some quick talking to get themselves out of jail when arrested for trying to cross the border.

But CabinetBoy jumped out into traffic! The petty feats you mention are no match for his superior heroism!

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Well someone just threw another man-tantrum. That was awkward :?

But he's NOT going to post here damn it...except when he does. And if you come to his blog he will have your IP address...which he'll give to his super special interweb lawyer (AND he can tell by your IP address whether you're a FJ member and exactly who you are). So there. :disgust: :snooty:

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Here dresser dude...let me fix this for you:

Blah, blah, blah.

I won't post here.

I don't know the meaning of the word slander.


May not be exactly what he wrote, but that's exactly what I read :whistle:

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"He jumped out into traffic and stopped at least three oncoming cars, cars from both directions. Cars that had seconds prior been traveling 50 MPH, and he jumped in front of them. Now, I’m pretty sure that at least one of these drivers thought they were going to meet their maker, why on earth would a very large man just jump into traffic and make them stop!? It’s certainly not something you see everyday. We’ve stopped along the side of the road to help many motorists who have had trouble, but they are usually much more passive in gaining attention.

Not A Man."

Dang. Now THAT is swoonworthy! Seriously, could anything be more transparent? I also have a hard time seeing CM give his wife the choice of which direction to go if this story is legit.

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I don't know why, but for some reason Ken and cabinetboy made me think of this video that was circulated around fb:

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I don't know why, but for some reason Ken and cabinetboy made me think of this video that was circulated around fb:

This is the video I think of when they start up.

Rated R for Language.

[bBvideo 560,340:3ot7auvl]

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Cabinet Man. Shhhh. Calm Down. It's not that bad.

Or to put it in words you seem to prefer:

“Woman, that doesn’t fly in this house. Go cool down and get your shit together.â€

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