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The one where Cabinetboy starts a blog


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Oh gosh. Now even Matt Walsh is too feminist for Wardrobe Wanker, I guess because he seems to actually like his wife and daughter some of the time.

Well, if he's criticizing Matt Walsh, then I guess I'll give Matt some benefit of the doubt in the other thread and assume that he must have said something reasonable somewhere. He regularly hates on Sheila Gregoire, usually for the same reasons that I think she's awesome.

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Well doesn't this little tip from Cabinet Man just sum up the marriage relationship beautifully?!? It kind of goes along with Lori's disgust for overweight women. Gentlemen - your wife (especially the fat one) is simply a cow. When she tests her boundaries...ZAP HER!

"Husband’s Leadership Tip of the Day: I have cattle. About once a month they touch my electric fence just to test and make sure it is on. Understand that at times your wife will do this, even a truly submissive wife. Sometimes it is sinful rebellion that pops up (we all sin at times), but sometimes she’s just testing to make sure your protective fence & shield is still on. It makes them feel safe to know that you, despite the slacking of the reins, still don’t want her wandering off to other pastures where she could be hurt."

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Well doesn't this little tip from Cabinet Man just sum up the marriage relationship beautifully?!? It kind of goes along with Lori's disgust for overweight women. Gentlemen - your wife (especially the fat one) is simply a cow. When she tests her boundaries...ZAP HER!

"Husband’s Leadership Tip of the Day: I have cattle. About once a month they touch my electric fence just to test and make sure it is on. Understand that at times your wife will do this, even a truly submissive wife. Sometimes it is sinful rebellion that pops up (we all sin at times), but sometimes she’s just testing to make sure your protective fence & shield is still on. It makes them feel safe to know that you, despite the slacking of the reins, still don’t want her wandering off to other pastures where she could be hurt."

sonofabitch..... :angry-cussingblack: :angry-steamingears:

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I like to think of myself more as one of those velociraptors in "Jurassic Park" checking the fence for weakness. And when I find it, I will tear Cabinetman's face off!

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I like to think of myself more as one of those velociraptors in "Jurassic Park" checking the fence for weakness. And when I find it, I will tear Cabinetman's face off!

YIKES!! Is that a threat?!? Because he has the strongest lawyer in the world on retainer - a lawyer who can SUE THE UNIVERSE! A lawyer who can track you down through a gazillion layers of internet security.

Or something like that.

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This man is an abuser and likely, after beating his wife, coos to her that it's his love for her that makes him want to "correct" her. How can a man who writes those words NOT be an abuser?

Not only that, but he bullies he female blog readers too. I can't believe he has any supporters.

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This guy is an abusive dick. I don't know how he convinced this poor woman to marry him, but I imagine it involved brainwashing or outright kidnapping. I don't see how anyone can look at this guy and think he is a good husband or a model of how men should be. He is an example women should look at as the kind of guy to avoid at all costs.

I hope one day that the unfortunate woman he married sees the light and gets the hell out of there.

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I'm trying to think of a way to describe men in the same way Cabinet Man described women. I think LoriKen might say:

"Ladies, your man is a male dog who smells a female in Heat. He thinks of nothing...NOTHING...but releasing that God-given sexual urge. Occasionally he will come up behind you and start humping. He is doing this to test your readiness for him. You must always...regardless of how you feel....respond to his humping by holding a tube of KY Jelly in front of him and coaxing him into the bedroom. There you only need to lie on the bed for ten minutes and allow him to enjoy his God-given right to your body. He's a dog ladies. A Horny, Humping Dog."

Edited because I still haven't decided how LoriKen spells its name.

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This guy is an abusive dick. I don't know how he convinced this poor woman to marry him, but I imagine it involved brainwashing or outright kidnapping. I don't see how anyone can look at this guy and think he is a good husband or a model of how men should be. He is an example women should look at as the kind of guy to avoid at all costs.

I hope one day that the unfortunate woman he married sees the light and gets the hell out of there.

He probably treated her quite well when they were dating but insisted on marrying her very quickly because he could not hide his true personality for long. He's bragged about how he's isolated her. He's made sure she has no social outlet, no way to get out. I'm sure he's raising his son to be an abuser and is daughter to be a victim. It's like he's proud of his disgusting attitude and behavior but not proud enough to actually give his own name; yet he makes commenters on his blog register with an email and claims to track their locations. He shows so many signs of a controller/abuser, it's infuriating. Also, I think he likes to write his posts to bait women so when the comment he can belittle them. I'd like to see him come face to face with a real man someday - one who sees him for who he is and can teach him a lesson on how to treat women and children.

NO...that's not a threat, Cabinet Man. It's just a wish that makes me smile.

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I haven't bothered going to this loser's blog. He's not worth my time. I'm content to know that I'm obviously much happier with my life as evidenced by the fact that I don't have to put down others to feel important or worthy. I truly think Cabinet Man has low self-esteem. Why else would he feel the need to berate and belittle his wife (and other women). If he was secure in himself, others' accomplishments, happiness, and sense of worth would not cause him such grief and anger.

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I haven't bothered going to this loser's blog. He's not worth my time. I'm content to know that I'm obviously much happier with my life as evidenced by the fact that I don't have to put down others to feel important or worthy. I truly think Cabinet Man has low self-esteem. Why else would he feel the need to berate and belittle his wife (and other women). If he was secure in himself, others' accomplishments, happiness, and sense of worth would not cause him such grief and anger.

I've only done a spot check on this blog and was very, very, late to the party. :o

He is so horrible that I think he is a troll bent on distracting us. Not that nastiness of this caliber does not exist IRL. But WardrobeWankingWilly wants our attention. Big Time! He is pining for it. He is making crap up to seduce us.

The truth is that much worse crap exists.

I'm opting out of this guy. Certain trolls know what drives us nuts (for reason) and distract us from the real crap. His blog just does not read real to me.

Much encouragement to those who want to battle him and prove me wrong. Yep, he is sick.

I'm just more focused these days on the known leaders of sickness -- not the followers. And Catfish.

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"Some have called me Hercules."

And by "some" he means his wife. When he says "Call me Hercules," she has to obey.

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I've only done a spot check on this blog and was very, very, late to the party. :o

He is so horrible that I think he is a troll bent on distracting us. Not that nastiness of this caliber does not exist IRL. But WardrobeWankingWilly wants our attention. Big Time! He is pining for it. He is making crap up to seduce us.

The truth is that much worse crap exists.

I'm opting out of this guy. Certain trolls know what drives us nuts (for reason) and distract us from the real crap. His blog just does not read real to me.

Much encouragement to those who want to battle him and prove me wrong. Yep, he is sick.

I'm just more focused these days on the known leaders of sickness -- not the followers. And Catfish.

This is exactly what I've started to suspect. He came here to get all of us wimminz in line and got his ass handed to him instead. This is just him going all "I'll show them!"(what he's actually showing us besides his ass remains to be seen).

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Did Cabinetman seriously compare his wife to a cow? She should have shit on him rather than peeing on the electrical fence.

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The comparison to animals is something that makes me wonder-- given that Hoosier Daddy and Ken and Lori and others view women as so much less than men-- and on such different levels, do they really see women as people the same as they view men as people?

I just wonder, given their total dismissal of egalitarian marriage, women having their own goals and desires in life (other than of course, Lori's assumption that all women want to control their spouses) -- that they are just sort of like a useful pet or work animal--that they can fuck.

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I'm trying to think of a way to describe men in the same way Cabinet Man described women. I think LoriKen might say:

"He's a dog ladies. A Horny, Humping Dog."

I swallowed my ice-cream too fast because of this...now I have an ice-cream headache :lol:

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I swallowed my ice-cream too fast because of this...now I have an ice-cream headache :lol:

Ooops, Sorry. I hate the brain freeze! But...ice cream?? Off to my freezer.

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Ooops, Sorry. I hate the brain freeze! But...ice cream?? Off to my freezer.

with that choc. syrup that comes out of the squeeze bottle...it was good *sigh* :D

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Ken's encouraging him to return to FJ with him, in tag team fashion, to have another go at us. I'm shaking, I tell you. Shaking!!

Oh, and we're meanies, and some of us join in so we don't become the target of meanies too.

Gosh, if I felt bullied, Ken, I'd just leave, and I bet most other FJers feel the same. We intelligently think for ourselves, despite the fact that many of us have vaginas, and aren't easily led. We have open and civil disagreements and come away the better for being exposed to ideas, whether we agree with them or not. And I don't see a lot of husbands chiming in to back up our statements. We can stand on our own, something Lori obviously can't do, despite her claims that she has the power of the Bible behind her.

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In comments on Cabinetboy's blog? He's going to get his ass handed to him (again) if he comes back over here. And Cabinetboy....he was scared senseless when he left. I don't think he's coming back. "Don't contact the authorities, okay? Promise? You won't call them will you? Because everything is A-ok here...no problems at all. So don't call anyone. Because LAWYER." :evil-eye:

Now Ken, he might come...he loves the attention. Anyone want M&M's? Or advice on your hair? Just pm him your address, k? ;)

Edited to add the comment for everyone to read:


JULY 22, 2014 AT 4:40 PM

What might be fruitful is to reengage with an attempted conversation with this group of die hard antagonists, but last time they sucked so much time and emotional energy from me that I don’t know I am recharged enough to do so. We would need top tag team in doing it :). Most of them are not bad people, but they have such a strong contrary world view, especially when it comes to marriage and feminism, and then they too often get mean about it.

None of us like dealing with mean people. Every once in a while one of the group will police another when they are just mean for means sake, but that is rare as they do not want to be the next target of the meanness. Instead they often pile on.and it becomes like telephone time with one mischaracterization leading to another.

It seems a little evil to me when mean people excuse their meanness because they are hiding behind a moniker and a blog that protects its 5th amendment rights by saying that what is written is intended for humor, when it clearly is not, No, what we have here is diametrically opposing world views, and you and I have no intention of being mean to those who disagree with us, or threatening them, or their livelihood. But these radicals have lost a sense of what it means to be an American living in a melting pot of ideas and ideals. They want their thinking self imposed on us and others, instead of battling for the rights of all Americans to speak freely and allow the market place of ideas to persuade others; instead of using character assassinations, foul language and artful mischaracterizations.

There is no doubt that it is easy for someone to take a few things we write and throw stones, especially with the volume of works you, Lori and I have created. But if they really want to be fair, they must look at our hearts, and perhaps more so at our results. “By their fruit you will know them.†You are some years behind us in raising a family, but either these blind squirrels caught four godly kids, or we did something right, along with the hundreds of marriages all telling us they too have found a better way, doing things God’s ways. His ways may be tough at times, but they are never mean or low hitting.

Hang in there. Now it is my time to remind you about women. You know their bark is far louder than their bite :). Don’t let their barking scare you or drag you down. Reread each post each day and ask yourself is it honoring to God, without being mean to my adversaries. Then hit the publish button and allow the Lord to be your Defender.

Source: amanhiswifethebible.wordpress.com/2014/07/22/abuser/#comments

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I feel like that blog entry, then all the comments, were just a big passive aggressive note to Free Jinger.

Boys, aren't you COMMAND MEN? Command Men aren't passive aggressive, are they? They are swashbuckling, truth a' spewing kamikazes for Christ. RAWR!!

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Chester Drawers and Ken and Lori Alexander are fucking monsters both spend an inordinate amount of their time worrying about FJ. It never hit me how sad it is until I read CB's latest post with comments.

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Source: amanhiswifethebible.wordpress.com/2014/07/22/abuser/#comments

Cabinetboy's response to Ken:


Thank you. I these gals view us different. You are the nice guy to them, they just don’t like your theology. Me, I’m the devil incarnate to them and they REALLY don’t like my theology!

I never worry about myself. It’s accusations against me that could hurt my family that I worry about.

And trust me, I know where I stand with my wife. We are blissfully happy. But I had to make sure there wasn’t 1% of her that ever though I crossed the line…â€You know babe, on a bad day when the chips are down between us- do I treat you right?†That was this conversation.

Thanks for reminding me of that about women…however, you must of never known a biter!



JULY 22, 2014 AT 7:31 PM

I am the nice guy to these people!?! You made my day! I thought they all hated me and I like so much to be liked :). To be honest I like some of them too, and I don’t fault their worldview and their right to hold it. But I do fault them for the somewhat unrelenting nastiness, especially if they are still attacking you after reading enough about who you are. That is unfair and without basis, yet they pride themselves on being objective and the champion of women and children. Why champion all people, even those with whom you disagree? I want to be nice to everyone, but never give up what I am certain is the truth. I hope you are feeling better and now recharged as I am enjoying your blog and I am sure you message will positively impact many Christian marriages over time.

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Source: amanhiswifethebible.wordpress.com/2014/07/22/abuser/#comments

Cabinetboy's response to Ken:


Ugh, these two. :ew:

"But my wife respects me because the Bible tells her too :), even if she has a much stronger leadership personality than I do!"

Ignoring the abysmal grammar for a moment, it's telling that Lori doesn't respect Ken because he's worthy of it but rather because she has to. :P

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