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The one where Cabinetboy starts a blog


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My mister and I have been married almost 16 years...we both still are just as horny and nuts about each other as we were when we met 17 years ago. Yes, we've had some hard times, we've almost split a couple of times, but the truth is, I think he's the best looking thing I've ever seen, the sweetest, funniest, and willing to put up with my shit!!!! Yeah...I don't see that with Ken and Lori at all. It seems they tolerate each other at best and LOATHE each other at worst. Just divorce, pay her alimony and go find some happy and good sex Ken. Its not the end of the world if you unload that bitch...face reality and get out while you still can!

Just my 0.02 (that's worth significantly less)

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Reading what Lori wrote about there being "no spark" before she and Ken got married makes me wonder was Ken so in love with Lori that he was willing to overlook all the ginormous red flags waving frantically in front of him or was he just too stubborn to see them.

In talking with others privately, I have said you can see flashes from Ken where it seems like if he'd married a decent human being, he would have been a different person. He shows some personality and the ability to snark on occasion.

He's said before, IIRC, that it was Lori's idea to go more fundie. I wonder how much of the current Ken is a creation of being married to a miserable, manipulative hag like Lori.

Interesting question. He said that his folks were ATI, and that his mom was always submissive, so that was normal to him. He may have been programmed to see even normal things from any wife as being difficult, although if he'd had a wife that was also loving and not constantly putting him down, he may have learned to grow up and deal with an equal spouse.

Ken also puts up more psychological walls. I think that sickness freaks him out, possibly because his mom passed away when he was in his late teens, since he didn't deal well with Lori's illness. He cares more than Lori does about projecting a certain image to the outside world, and he won't be as upfront about his true views. He feels threatened by Lori's parents, esp. her father. In his mind, he was this poor kid of missionaries who had to compete with his FIL the doctor, and who needs to make a living by trying to impress orthodontists and convincing them that they need his expert services. There's a certain amount of bluster to cover up insecurities. Same with the whole godly/manly thing. He wants to portray himself as this big strong guy, protecting his family, being a model of self-sacrifice. The reality, though, was quite different. He's a consultant, he plays golf, he whines that he couldn't play basketball in peace because Lori actually wanted some help with the kids, and the thinks that wives should ignore their own pain and discomfort and give husbands sex on demand. I don't know if the right wife, years ago, would have been able to gain his trust and cut through the bullshit.

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Found where Ken showed up, will read from there. A bit at a time, lol. Thanks to you and to R&M!

PS -- if I'm not back by Thursday, send a search party! :lol:

Phew, made it! Had to skim a lot though, and I still didn't get much else done in the past few days. Hard to resist the temptation to comment on those threads of 3 months ago, too, lol... What a psychedelic, linguistic mess!

I do hope they return now and then. Maybe the newly-hatched BoxBoyBlog will produce some entertaining moments...

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Phew, made it! Had to skim a lot though, and I still didn't get much else done in the past few days. Hard to resist the temptation to comment on those threads of 3 months ago, too, lol... What a psychedelic, linguistic mess!

I do hope they return now and then. Maybe the newly-hatched BoxBoyBlog will produce some entertaining moments...

Glad you survived! Re the bolded, AMEN! That's the hardest thing about reading old FJ threads :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good ol' Cabinetman-- being an asshole again:


It was nothing more than a hunch I felt, maybe the Holy Spirit, maybe I’m just a pain in the ass and really am “that†guy. But when a man who is in the ministry and is writing marriage books tells me he has only known 3 women who have been in constant rebellion from their husbands, and yet he is sporting grey hair and has a kid in college…ahh, maybe it’s not an imaginary boogeyman, but a real one. I would put the figure at well over 50% of wives who are in constant rebellion to their husband & probably much, much, much closer to 75%. Anyway, I didn’t get an answer to how many men were in rebellion to their duties because I was moderated, despite being respectful.

75% of women in constant rebellion. I'm guessing that means not agreeing with literally everything the man says? Gosh, I wouldn't even say I'm in constant rebellion to the boyfriend, and he's neither my headship nor would be we buy any of this crap if he were. Plus, I'm an ebil feminist!

EDIT: I'm really tempted to create a fundie alter-ego and just start commenting on all of these terrible blogs with over-the-top fundie experiences. Is that a terrible idea?

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At least he knows his John Wayne!


but sir at the computer keyboard, have you done any of either? :lol:

Except John Wayne didn't do those things, he played characters who did those things. In fact, Marion Robert Morrison adopted the personae of the actor John Wayne, and any pubic appearance you saw was that, and any acting you saw was a fictional characterization of a cowboy. Including the ones where he spanked his fictional character of a wife.

Come on CM, when you compare jesus to fictional characters, you make jesus seem fictional Is that your intent. .

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Good ol' Cabinetman-- being an asshole again:


75% of women in constant rebellion. I'm guessing that means not agreeing with literally everything the man says? Gosh, I wouldn't even say I'm in constant rebellion to the boyfriend, and he's neither my headship nor would be we buy any of this crap if he were. Plus, I'm an ebil feminist!

EDIT: I'm really tempted to create a fundie alter-ego and just start commenting on all of these terrible blogs with over-the-top fundie experiences. Is that a terrible idea?

How exhausting constant rebellion would be. And what would it look like. What kinds of things count as rebellion against a husband? Affairs? Saying no to Sex? or not folding the towels the way he wants (or wants this week) . What kind of martinet must a man be in order that people are constantly rebelling? Or how mentally ill is the Husband who thinks his wife is always out to get him or get something over on him or get away from him?

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The more furniture boy spouts nonsense like that the more I think he's in need of a serious psych eval. He long ago fell off the balance beam and now doesn't even seem to know where it is.

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If you were to ask the gentlemen I was debating yesterday if he was scared of masculinity I’m sure he’d tell you he was incredulous at such a thought. But get this thru your head now, most modern men and women are. It’s been trained into us until we’ve been brainwashed. We’ve gelded headship. He is scared of a husband having actual authority.

I'm going to just say that my first thought when I read this is "What a douchebag!" Because really? I'd say "Speak for yourself, gelding" to anyone who said or thought this kind of crap. What a fearful little man he must be.

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If you were to ask the gentlemen I was debating yesterday if he was scared of masculinity I’m sure he’d tell you he was incredulous at such a thought. But get this thru your head now, most modern men and women are. It’s been trained into us until we’ve been brainwashed. We’ve gelded headship. He is scared of a husband having actual authority.

I'm going to just say that my first thought when I read this is "What a douchebag!" Because really? I'd say "Speak for yourself, gelding" to anyone who said or thought this kind of crap. What a fearful little man he must be.

My husband has no desire to be solely in charge of our household. It sounds like a lot of work and we are both perfectly happy sharing the load. I wouldn't want to be in charge of everything. In my experience the people who do want to be in charge of everything want all the power with none of the responsibility.They want to tell everyone what to do while doing none of the work themselves. I'm sure he would think my husband is a gelding because he defers to me in certain situations instead of just doing what he wants because he's a man.

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Do these patriarchs truly not realize how out of touch with 21st century reality they are? How marriage today doesn't work this way at all?

I've been married for 31 years. My husband would be appalled at this concept.

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From cabinetperson on his comments section:

"I have read places today where I am an a-hole for considering 75% of wives are in rebellion…I was being generous. It’s probably a little higher than that. I think the husbands are falling down on their duties almost as badly.

Considering the divorce rate is close to 50% and those who are staying married are often not living biblically towards one another- 75% is an easy figure to get to. Anyone with eyes and that knows scripture can see that in the majority of churches and supermarkets.

Lastly, just a friendly reminder for all those visiting from unfriendly places…still recording IP addresses. Even bought a special program to do as such!"

Watch out, guys, the strongest man in the world is watching you!!!! :nenner:

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From cabinetperson on his comments section:

"I have read places today where I am an a-hole for considering 75% of wives are in rebellion…I was being generous. It’s probably a little higher than that. I think the husbands are falling down on their duties almost as badly.

Considering the divorce rate is close to 50% and those who are staying married are often not living biblically towards one another- 75% is an easy figure to get to. Anyone with eyes and that knows scripture can see that in the majority of churches and supermarkets.

Lastly, just a friendly reminder for all those visiting from unfriendly places…still recording IP addresses. Even bought a special program to do as such!"

Watch out, guys, the strongest man in the world is watching you!!!! :nenner:

Go ahead, CBoy. Tell my husband what a bad wife I am. He'd love to have 5 minutes with you to diagnose your particular brand of crazy.

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From cabinetperson on his comments section:

"I have read places today where I am an a-hole for considering 75% of wives are in rebellion…I was being generous. It’s probably a little higher than that. I think the husbands are falling down on their duties almost as badly.

Considering the divorce rate is close to 50% and those who are staying married are often not living biblically towards one another- 75% is an easy figure to get to. Anyone with eyes and that knows scripture can see that in the majority of churches and supermarkets.

Lastly, just a friendly reminder for all those visiting from unfriendly places…still recording IP addresses. Even bought a special program to do as such!"

Watch out, guys, the strongest man in the world is watching you!!!! :nenner:

Oh my! I am so scared! :| Funny how the strongest man in the world is constantly acting like the biggest whinging wuss. Does CM still not understand how the internet works? He has a blog he has made accessable to the public. People are going to look at his nonsense and most will laugh at that nonsense. Nothing illegal about doing that.

And I see Chester Drawers is at it again with these magical percentages....

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From cabinetperson on his comments section:

"I have read places today where I am an a-hole for considering 75% of wives are in rebellion…I was being generous. It’s probably a little higher than that. I think the husbands are falling down on their duties almost as badly.

Considering the divorce rate is close to 50% and those who are staying married are often not living biblically towards one another- 75% is an easy figure to get to. Anyone with eyes and that knows scripture can see that in the majority of churches and supermarkets.

Lastly, just a friendly reminder for all those visiting from unfriendly places…still recording IP addresses. Even bought a special program to do as such!"

Watch out, guys, the strongest man in the world is watching you!!!! :nenner:

So... 80% of women aren't willing to be abused enough and 80% of men aren't willing to be abusive?

Let's aim for 100%!

EDIT: As per the bolded, is there anyway he can tell from an IP address who is visiting from an "unfriendly place"? It doesn't seem possible, considering we break our links. Unless his IP recorder has an ebil-feminist-liberal-nonsubmissive-gaydar attached?

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And here I was, seriously wondering what Escritoire Squit was up to, not even 10 minutes ago. Nice to see he hasn't been enlightened on any new ideas or had any epiphanies of Biblical proportions relating to the idea that women are capable of independently functioning without a man oppressing them at all times. :roll:

I would just like to say that I am never in rebellion against my husband (okay, maybe 5% of the time, because I hate changing the kitty litter box, but hubs is sweet enough to do it for me), but I am in rebellion against Ikea Ignoramus 100% of the time. :disgust:

Mecca - *snerk* Chester Drawers! So much win.

Firiel - Do it! I would read that blog if you started one.

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Lastly, just a friendly reminder for all those visiting from unfriendly places…still recording IP addresses. Even bought a special program to do as such!"


What a paranoid turd.

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Lastly, just a friendly reminder for all those visiting from unfriendly places…still recording IP addresses. Even bought a special program to do as such!"


What a paranoid turd.

It is funny. We all witnessed his irrational behavior here. When pressed about the harassment he was claiming, he could never come up with anything except incoherent ramblings and examples that were not harassment.

This guy's definition of stalking is reading his public blog. :lol:

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Go ahead, CBoy. Tell my husband what a bad wife I am. He'd love to have 5 minutes with you to diagnose your particular brand of crazy.

So, his math skills tell him that the 50% divorce rate (we've already covered why that is an incorrect number, but whatever) combined with many still married but unbiblical marriages (based on his observations in churches and supermarkets? :think: ) means that 75 percent of women disobeying their husbands, or whatever the word was he used --

In other words, all divorces and all unbilbical marriages are the fault of the wives, even as he says the husbands are falling down on their duties as badly.

What is this guy going on about?

What is he seeing in supermarkets and churches that proves these women are evil and men are too?

I wonder if the last town he lived in took up a collection to help buy him his hermit house in the woods, given his distinct superiority complex, LOL>

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Lastly, just a friendly reminder for all those visiting from unfriendly places…still recording IP addresses. Even bought a special program to do as such!"


What a paranoid turd.

That sounds like a threat. We'd best contact our attorney we keep on retainer......

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This guy's definition of stalking is reading his public blog. :lol:

I hope he's a good carpenter because he certainly is no brain trust otherwise. So about all those IPs, just what do you plan to do with them? Put out a public blog and the public will read it. No one will care about the IPs. The fundies just can not grasp the fundamentals of the real world.

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That sounds like a threat. We'd best contact our attorney we keep on retainer......

There was an online person in a group I was on who constantly referred to her prepaid legal service (Possibly Legal Shield or something like them) and would call this service to write letters of complaint to her local CVS, the grocer, the neighbors, her HOA-- anyone and everyone. Perhaps that is the kind of lawyer on retainer he is talking about. Many people and businesses have an attorney that is who they always use--but they aren't on retainer per se. Perhaps he is sued often, because why else do you need an attorney "on retainer"??

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Here is a statistic for everyone that we all know is correct -- Chester Drawers is 100% full of shit...

for shits and giggles

1) Our colon (large intestine) is as long as we are tall.

2) For every foot of colon we can store approximately 5 - 10 lbs. of feces.

So say dresser draws is 6 ft x 10lbs - approxiamly 60 lbs

If he is say...250 than he is about 25% full of shit. The rest of him if full of hot air :D

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