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Duggar Fertility Doctor Visit


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Does anyone familiar with the quiver full rules know what happens once michelle is officially post menopausal (or Kelly bates, any quiver full woman)? Since sex is for procreation only (or world domination lol), does this mean the couples are no longer "allowed" to copulate? I'm just curious to know if we are gonna see Ben bend jessa over and say "you can't do this anymore" to jim boob.

I read a book call Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement by Kathryn Joyce and she was told that if you can't get pregnant then you can't have sex. Period. Sex is for babies not fun or because you love you partner silly He'll bound secular people.

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I read a book call Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement by Kathryn Joyce and she was told that if you can't get pregnant then you can't have sex. Period. Sex is for babies not fun or because you love you partner silly He'll bound secular people.

So this is where Jim Boob cheats and they decide they can have a show just like Sister Wives...kidding.
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So this is where Jim Boob cheats and they decide they can have a show just like Sister Wives...kidding.

Well, if he does cheat it's because Michelle wasn't a Godly submissive wife. Because everything's the woman's fault in this fucked up religeon. :angry-banghead:

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I think even these fundies usually believe that sex in itself is an important part of marriage even if it can't lead to conception. It's a beautiful, wonderful gift that God has given to couples to experience once they're married, etc. As modest as the Duggars supposedly are, it's apparent they have no problem with the idea that sex is fun. Didn't they even talk about doing it while Michelle was pregnant once?

I've read FLDS memoirs that said sex was only allowed for procreation so it was forbidden during pregnancy, but even they frequently broke that rule.

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Gothard advocates the "full quiver" view of birth control. That is birth control is evil and out of the will of God. God ordained reproduction and going with birth control is going against God. Sex without birth control = procreation.

Not really. Sex without birth control only equals procreation if the couple are fertile, the woman isn't already pregnant, ovulation isn't suppressed by a nursing baby, it isn't one of the 27 or so days a month when an egg isn't there to be fertilized, the woman isn't post menopause.

That means the vast majority of the time sex isn't actually about reproduction, even if you are doing nothing to prevent it.

I think the Duggars have said, pretty often, that sex is not just for procreation but also for closeness, stress relief and mutual enjoyment. Being anti-birth control, or even believing ex belongs only in marriage doesn't neccessarily mean being anti-sex.

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Michelle's whole "catch a baby" thing makes me she has unconsiously absorbed all the threads where we call fundies "child catchers". Even though I don't think the Duggars read FJ.

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Well, then I must be a whore. I'm engaged, can't and don't want to have kids (hysterectomy a few yeas ago) and neither does my fiancée. No worries about unwanted pregnancies. So, I would say we're going to have a good sex life. So, fuck all those fundies and their gurus who say sex is only for procreation.

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