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M is for Mama 17

Coconut Flan

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Wtf is Oil of Joy Apothecary ? Sounds/smells Iike Oil of MLM.

Edited: not an MLM, but definitely homeopathic/naturopathic. 

Edited by Pleiades_06
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6 hours ago, Pleiades_06 said:

Wtf is Oil of Joy Apothecary ? Sounds/smells Iike Oil of MLM.

Edited: not an MLM, but definitely homeopathic/naturopathic. 

She’s a fundie who is a foster parent. I’m just glad she makes her own stuff and doesn’t shill an mlm. 

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15 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

If Braggie was asked to speak, it must’ve been a crappy gathering. 


When Abbie first posted about taking her daughters on a trip, my first thought was that it's pretty soon after her big birthday trip to be traveling again, but kind of nice to do a mother/daughters trip. Then she revealed that Shaun was with them too (so oldest children babysitting the rest, yet again). Then when she said the trip was for a conference/speaking engagement, I knew those girls were just there as free labor. And her most recent posts showing them working her merch booth proved me right. She's so predictable. No fun trips just for the sake of it for the kids, that's reserved for Abbie and Shaun! Only trips that serve mama.

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1 hour ago, Wifey4Lifey said:

When Abbie first posted about taking her daughters on a trip, my first thought was that it's pretty soon after her big birthday trip to be traveling again, but kind of nice to do a mother/daughters trip. Then she revealed that Shaun was with them too (so oldest children babysitting the rest, yet again). Then when she said the trip was for a conference/speaking engagement, I knew those girls were just there as free labor. And her most recent posts showing them working her merch booth proved me right. She's so predictable. No fun trips just for the sake of it for the kids, that's reserved for Abbie and Shaun! Only trips that serve mama.

Just imagine what Braggie would do if suddenly her 5 oldest kids were gone off some place, her mom got sick and couldn’t help, and Shawn was at a work conference out of state. I bet she never parents her youngest 5 kids without help. And she would have a complete meltdown if she had to for even a day.

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Abbie just posted an inflammatory podcast interview she did with someone named Alex Clark about why gentle parenting is bad for Christians to do. 

I skimmed. It was too embarrassing to watch. The cohost as much I could tell is not a parent and why they invited Abbie on as either a parenting or Bible “expert,” who knows? 

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30 minutes ago, neuroticcat said:

Abbie just posted an inflammatory podcast interview she did with someone named Alex Clark about why gentle parenting is bad for Christians to do. 

I skimmed. It was too embarrassing to watch. The cohost as much I could tell is not a parent and why they invited Abbie on as either a parenting or Bible “expert,” who knows? 

Good to know she believes Jesus was lying when he said "take my yoke upon me for I am gentle and humble in heart." Good to know. F that woman!

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1 hour ago, neuroticcat said:

Abbie just posted an inflammatory podcast interview she did with someone named Alex Clark about why gentle parenting is bad for Christians to do. 

I skimmed. It was too embarrassing to watch. The cohost as much I could tell is not a parent and why they invited Abbie on as either a parenting or Bible “expert,” who knows? 

I bet she loves the Pearls’ books. 

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Those poor kids. They were born to a woman who is indifferent to kids, believes she has no ownership over her own body and likely takes out her frustration by, at the minimum, being verbally cruel and likely also physically aggressive. 

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On 10/21/2023 at 3:18 PM, SassyPants said:

Those poor kids. They were born to a woman who is indifferent to kids, believes she has no ownership over her own body and likely takes out her frustration by, at the minimum, being verbally cruel and likely also physically aggressive. 

You're generous when you say she's indifferent. Some of them she downright hates. 

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I just saw this on Abbie's Instagram page:



What were they thinking?  There are so many way that the tiny boys could get hurt on this pile of wood.  

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1 hour ago, Xan said:

I just saw this on Abbie's Instagram page:

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What were they thinking?  There are so many way that the tiny boys could get hurt on this pile of wood.  

By the time you have ten kids, you just don’t give a fuck. We see this with all the ultra huge fundie families. I’m sure the youngest kids will have way more broken bones and stitches than the oldest ones ever did. 

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17 hours ago, Xan said:

I just saw this on Abbie's Instagram page:

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What were they thinking?  There are so many way that the tiny boys could get hurt on this pile of wood.  

And my first thought is to wonder how many snakes in that woodpile. 

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On 10/21/2023 at 1:35 PM, neuroticcat said:

Abbie just posted an inflammatory podcast interview she did with someone named Alex Clark about why gentle parenting is bad for Christians to do. 

I skimmed. It was too embarrassing to watch. The cohost as much I could tell is not a parent and why they invited Abbie on as either a parenting or Bible “expert,” who knows? 

I'm playing catch up and just watched a clip. Abbie is repulsive in every way. Her smugness is on full display in her mannerisms. The way she reclines in her seat, her tone of voice, her hand gestures, the look on her face, everything about her screams self styled "expert" based on absolutely nothing. Her book should be called, Actually, I Hate Kids But Found A Formula For Obedience. She is the antithesis of a healthy parent/child relationship. No one should listen to her advice. 

Abbie has zero children outside the home so far. I've been a parent for 30 years and actually took the time to discover who my child is and raise her based on her individual needs. I listened to her because she's a fully autonomous human being, not an extension of me. The one thing I've learned is that there's no way to tell who your child will be until they're out in the world on their own, outside of mom and dad's sphere of influence. I'd like to see where Abbie's children are in 20 years. Then we can talk. 

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11 minutes ago, SuperNova said:

I'm playing catch up and just watched a clip. Abbie is repulsive in every way. Her smugness is on full display in her mannerisms. The way she reclines in her seat, her tone of voice, her hand gestures, the look on her face, everything about her screams self styled "expert" based on absolutely nothing. Her book should be called, Actually, I Hate Kids But Found A Formula For Obedience. She is the antithesis of a healthy parent/child relationship. No one should listen to her advice. 

Abbie has zero children outside the home so far. I've been a parent for 30 years and actually took the time to discover who my child is and raise her based on her individual needs. I listened to her because she's a fully autonomous human being, not an extension of me. The one thing I've learned is that there's no way to tell who your child will be until they're out in the world on their own, outside of mom and dad's sphere of influence. I'd like to see where Abbie's children are in 20 years. Then we can talk. 

Looking at Braggie as a 41 year old, can’t help but think her own parents failed her. 

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Child collectors are rarely decent parents who produce grown children who are an asset to the communities they populate. Logically this makes sense because the parents do not have the time to give each individual child the attention that they need, to build on and hone each child’s strengths and interests.

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1 hour ago, SassyPants said:

Child collectors are rarely decent parents who produce grown children who are an asset to the communities they populate. Logically this makes sense because the parents do not have the time to give each individual child the attention that they need, to build on and hone each child’s strengths and interests.

I would also guess it’s also partly because the parents can’t actually help them and support them much as adults as well. When they were kids, they were on their own. As adults, they are on their own as well. Like I’ve said before, Braggie won’t and can’t help all 10 kids with childcare, money, cooking, housework, or homeschool. Most parents don’t kick their kids to the curb when they turn 18. Out of all my friends with kids, most have parents that will offer at least I bit of help or support. Some more than others. If you aren’t supportive of your children into adulthood, they will have more problems with less solutions. And the negative consequences will follow.

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On 10/29/2023 at 8:18 AM, SuperNova said:

She is the antithesis of a healthy parent/child relationship. No one should listen to her advice. 

You'd think that Alex Clark would look at Abbie's social media before the interview -- as in that disastrous trip to Europe. Talk about an Exhibit A for bad parenting.

I guess Alex Clark is too fucking stupid to do some research.

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So yeah another Scamaritan clone.  I bet Braggie gets great service and rates because she's a #chmpartner.

I also assume she shills for them all the time where and whenever she can.

And Braggie is flat out lying that conventional insurance is a no go for them. My self-employed photographer friend has insurance through ACA -- ya know the evil Obama care.  


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1 hour ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

So yeah another Scamaritan clone.  I bet Braggie gets great service and rates because she's a #chmpartner.

I also assume she shills for them all the time where and whenever she can.

And Braggie is flat out lying that conventional insurance is a no go for them. My self-employed photographer friend has insurance through ACA -- ya know the evil Obama care.  


Yeah, she knows she's lying. Everyone can get insurance now. That's the point*. What she won't publicly admit is: "we refuse to pay the monthly premium to insure 12** people."

*Everyone can get insurance now. This is not in any way remotely similar to universal healthcare. 

**They have 10 kids, right?

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I'll bet cash money that the only time they've used that great CHM fake insurance was for the twins' birth.

Based on how Braggie writes about her children, she is so NOT taking them to the doctor for sniffles/ earaches/ cuts/ sprains/ etc. etc. etc.  Broken bones probably, but she most likely pitches a fit, complains, and punishes the child for breaking the bone.

Statistically speaking with 10 there are bound to be incidents that need a doctor. We know that the least tiny thing can set her off on a child.  Braggie is not a mom who understands that children are imperfect beings who sometimes do stupid things and get hurt.  That doesn't fit her narrative.

Except for her ranting about the awfulness of Shiloh. Whom she would "know" got hurt on purpose to plague her life.


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7 minutes ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

I'll bet cash money that the only time they've used that great CHM fake insurance was for the twins' birth.

Based on how Braggie writes about her children, she is so NOT taking them to the doctor for sniffles/ earaches/ cuts/ sprains/ etc. etc. etc.  Broken bones probably, but she most likely pitches a fit, complains, and punishes the child for breaking the bone.

Statistically speaking with 10 there are bound to be incidents that need a doctor. We know that the least tiny thing can set her off on a child.  Braggie is not a mom who understands that children are imperfect beings who sometimes do stupid things and get hurt.  That doesn't fit her narrative.

Except for her ranting about the awfulness of Shiloh. Whom she would "know" got hurt on purpose to plague her life.


She had bragged about her home remedies before. Her disgusting black charcoal drink that she gives toddlers and then gets upset when they throw up black shit all over her precious rugs. I’m sure those kids rarely see the doctor. 

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