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I will say one last time, no one has EVER attacked Tricia knowingly. Yes, I have posted speculation based upon what Nate has posted online. However, no one holds ill will towards your sister. Your BIL spews vile hatred online, and it appears he does it to deliberately get a rise. Those actions make him look like a hippocrite and cause many, including in this thread, to consider him a vile person for that behavior.

When I posted back in November that Tricia was delisted and Nate expressed frustration with Duke, if that was a misrepresentation then it was his because it was his precise words at that point in time.

My difference of opinion does NOT justify Libbyliv's attacks against me personally.

As for whether I am seeking personally help for my "anger" at losing my son? Well, Libbyliv, that question can only come from the ARROGANCE of having never walked through grief. As vile and pathetic as you are, I sincerely hope you never have to realize how STUPID your question is because you never have to walk through the grief I cannot escape because I wouldn't wish the aftermath of having your child die on my worst enemy.

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*****, have you and ****** sought professional help for the anger and bitterness you're dealing with because of Micah's death?

Just working on a theory of mine, not attacking.

WHat the fuckity fuck?

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It sucks when people make this personal, doesn't it?

Oh, I think what you have done is quite a bit more personal than speculation.

As a person who buried a child, albeit in a much less heartwrenching situation than CL, I think you are huge fucking asshat who deserves a kick in the clam.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you a horrid person?

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Anybody who doesn't see the same amount of hatred on this website for fundies is blind. The hypocrisy is laughable.

It may, in fact, be quite true that there's a considerable amount of hatred for fundies on this website. The difference between FJ and those fundies, however, is that no one here is trying to take away the rights of others, force everyone to confirm to one idea of morality, or treat women and children like property.

CL, TinyLegs and others, my heart breaks for you and what you've been through and are currently going through. TinyLegs, I haven't been following Tricia's struggle very closely (and I don't follow Nate's Twitter at all, as what I've read here makes me ill as he really does seem to be quite angry and hateful) but I do thank you for clearing up any misconceptions and I wish Tricia the best.

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That would be convenient, wouldn't it? But of course, as ***** stated earlier, Nate is not involved with the CF community, so he wouldn't be aware of the information I've posted above.

As I stated before, I don't like to see people I know hurt, especially by those who know better. I'm sure I'll eventually get booted off of this forum, and what I've written here will be deleted, but it doesn't change the fact that what you all are doing here to fuel hatred and bitterness toward Nate and Tricia is wrong.

Well I hate to see people I don't know get their public names posted on a forum, because someone is butthurt we think Nate is a bigot and I have distaste for the family. Unfortunately, we only boot people for breaking TOS not actually being asshats.

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There are some fundies that I'm ok, but it usually some of the fundie lite types like the Pleasant Boundaries blogger Dayna or some of the Mormon types like Heather from Paralyzed with Joy. Heather annoys me at times, but I like her more than someone like ZsuZsu or Lori. I think most FJers have problems with fundies because fundies want religion to be the main focus of this country and fundies like Lori want all women to be submissive to their husbands.

Like flyawaystray said, this forum isn't completely dedicated to fundies. I believe there was some speculation about MckMama being fundie lite.

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I'm not going to engage in a personal attack and have no knowledge of any posters names or circumstances beyond this thread. The posts using personal details are unclassy and unnecessarily unkind.

As to post-transplant protocol, that is the norm. Once CF lungs are transplanted out of the body, the primary care transfers to transplant doctors and general pulmonologists. Other issues related to CF are handled by specific teams like endocronology, nephrologly, ect. I can attest to the fact, and it isn't secret, that Tricia hasn't seen a lung/cf doctor since she was transplanted because her lungs no longer have the CF dna or disease. That, I imagine, is quite standard protocol in any program. CF clinics are generally teams of doctors including all these, but once one doesn't have a CF lungs they no longer see a CF-centric team.

I do appreciate that isn't you. And I realize that we were speculating, I think all of us have acknowledged that. Although keep in mind that the reason we are discussing them here isn't because of Tricia's current medical situation it is because Nate is a totally nasty human being. Period. He may love his wife, kids and family but he has lied and been a bigot all over the internet. I get to not like that. I get to think Tricia has to suck to be married to a person like that. I get to think he is a disgusting person and I get to not understand a family and a church that allows this to go on.

None of them have to do with any speculation. They are perceptions.

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My difference of opinion does NOT justify Libbyliv's attacks against me personally.

I agree and hope my posts to that point have been clear.

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Anybody who doesn't see the same amount of hatred on this website for fundies is blind. The hypocrisy is laughable.

Why are you here?

I don't claim to love people who are trying to take my rights and my family away

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The stags of grief are denial, anger, bargaining depression, and acceptance and they are not linear or sequential. So, I would say that the fact that I can fucking get out of bed every morning eight months after my son died is pretty damn fucking GOOD right now. My support team has warned me that year two is actually worse than year one because most people assume you are "over it" after you pass that first anniversary.

But hey, at least the average stranger on the street allows that eight months afterward I am supposed to still be grieving and not needing "professional help for my anger and resentment." Hell, even my co-workers who would prefer I get over it have the decency to let me off on rough anniversaries and show support when I struggle.

I thought I was doing pretty damn good that I can actually sleep most nights and no longer hear him calling me all day.

But thanks, trolly one, thanks for diagnosis me there. I have NO idea what I would do if you weren't hear to tell me your official theory that I might *gasp* actually grieve the loss of my son. Shocking insight, keep up the wonderful good work there.

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Why are you here?

I thought I was here to shed some truth about Nate and Tricia, but not many of you seem interested. I realize I've lost my credibility with you all, but the fact that CL continues to refuse to non-snarkily acknowledge her own lies should put her in the same bucket as I. I do find it telling that a website that posts personal information of "hated" people doesn't allow personal information to be posted about their own kind. Fear mongers, I think may be an appropriate term.

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Why are you here?

I don't claim to love people who are trying to take my rights and my family away

I can see why many of the posters here do not like or love people who want to take away certain rights or not give certain rights to certain communities. I've said this before, the main issue i have with many of these fundies including Nate is that want this country to be based on religion. Many of FJers have stated their dislike of fundies or fundamentalism and some FJers do agree with fundies on certain subjects.

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The stags of grief are denial, anger, bargaining depression, and acceptance and they are not linear or sequential. So, I would say that the fact that I can fucking get out of bed every morning eight months after my son died is pretty damn fucking GOOD right now. My support team has warned me that year two is actually worse than year one because most people assume you are "over it" after you pass that first anniversary.

But hey, at least the average stranger on the street allows that eight months afterward I am supposed to still be grieving and not needing "professional help for my anger and resentment." Hell, even my co-workers who would prefer I get over it have the decency to let me off on rough anniversaries and show support when I struggle.

I thought I was doing pretty damn good that I can actually sleep most nights and no longer hear him calling me all day.

But thanks, trolly one, thanks for diagnosis me there. I have NO idea what I would do if you weren't hear to tell me your official theory that I might *gasp* actually grieve the loss of my son. Shocking insight, keep up the wonderful good work there.

I would say those seven other beautiful children of yours should be reason enough for you to get out of bed every day. Which makes me wonder how you have so much time to spend on this website talking smack about other people. Isn't that something you've accused Nate of doing?

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I would say those seven other beautiful children of yours should be reason enough for you to get out of bed every day. Which makes me wonder how you have so much time to spend on this website talking smack about other people. Isn't that something you've accused Nate of doing?

Geez, you are one nasty person.

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Tsk, tsk, you know so much about me yet don't know how many children I have. Cute. Given your reference to cf.com can I assume that is where you get your information? Perhaps you missed that our son's death was NOT posted on cf.com, that niether of us have been there since well before his death because far too many don't want to admit that CF still kills and my son's death was a personal attack on the dream that we are on the verge of a cure.

But, that's okay. Keep trying. Most of my children are in school today. The others have been in therapy....you know that stuff you want to throw in my face as if I am not aware that any of us would need it?

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I thought I was here to shed some truth about Nate and Tricia, but not many of you seem interested. I realize I've lost my credibility with you all, but the fact that CL continues to refuse to non-snarkily acknowledge her own lies should put her in the same bucket as I. I do find it telling that a website that posts personal information of "hated" people doesn't allow personal information to be posted about their own kind. Fear mongers, I think may be an appropriate term.

I'm going to pretend to assume for a minute that you misunderstood the rules instead of intentionally mis-represented them here.

Publicly available information is posted/posted about ehre.

Private information is not allowed to be posted/posted about here.

So if you put up a blog and say 'My name is LibblyLiv Blowhard FUckwit, and I live at 1927 Any avenue in Smalltown, CO. I think *insert vile and racist thoughts here*", then all of the above will be discussed on FJ--the atmosphere of SMalltown, CO, the unfortunate name you may have, the vile thoughts, etc.--because you made that information public.

What you're doing wrong in this thread is posting things that are not public.

(As far as the hatred...there sometimes is some of that.

A lot of people here have been victims of Fundie culture, of spiritual abuse, as well as physical, psychological and emotional abuse because of fundie-ism.

Lashing out is a normal, natural and appropriate part of dealing w/ that--and it's an important way of bringing attention to the bullshit that happens in the name of the patriarchy.)

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And no, I never said Nate shouldn't be posting online. I said I understand doing that in his situation. I also said it wasn't an excuse to post HATE online, since you seem so intent upon trying to get me to admit what I have said perhaps you should get it correct in the first place. Or better yet, crawl back under the rock you came out from under since you think there's anything acceptable about YOUR behavior. You aren't defending anyone or anything. You are just demonstrating that you seem to forget what it means to BE a decent human being in the first place. It appears you are the only one here unable to see that fact, not that it matters.

Here's a theory. I postulate that you aren't nearly as close to Nate and Tricia as you claim and Tricia's sister stole your thunder so you want to spew your own hatred to get attention because not being special is just too sad for you to face.

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Honestly, unless you lose a child, you will never know what it feels like, Libbyliv. Even if CL does get counseling (which she may or may not have done but it's not anyone's business), it doesn't mean she'll get over the death of her CHILD. A CHILD for heavens sake.

I think it's wrong to personally attack CL and use her child's death against her. Shame on you.

Maybe Libbyliv is Nate after all.

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Honestly, unless you lose a child, you will never know what it feels like, Libbyliv. Even if CL does get counseling (which she may or may not have done but it's not anyone's business), it doesn't mean she'll get over the death of her CHILD. A CHILD for heavens sake.

I think it's wrong to personally attack CL and use her child's death against her. Shame on you.

Maybe Libbyliv is Nate after all.

This kind of crap is why:

1. speculating leads to credibility issues on both sides.

2. libbyliv: you need to step away. you are helping anyone in our family, you are hurting. and if you claim to be on the fb you are, it isn't going to be hard for me to figure out exactly who you are. please stop commenting on his behalf, please.

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LibbyLiv, posting the real names of posters here is against Free Jinger's Terms of Service which can be found here http://www.freejinger.org/terms-of-use/ DO NOT post the real names of any members here or those of their family. I have edited all of your posts to remove personal information.

So then, here are a few very honest questions for you. I would sincerely appreciate a valid response from one of the moderators.

It seems to me that nearly everything shared on this website has been gleaned from places like Twitter, Facebook, tv, blogs, etc. In the same manner, none of the personal information I have shared here has been gathered outside of those same avenues. What is the difference? How can such a large portion of this forum be devoted to talk about the Duggars, and yet I post one tiny bit of public information about another member, and it gets deleted?

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I lurk on this thread, I don't believe I have posted. I mainly read to keep tabs on Trish's health--I cannot stand to read Nate's twitter because it makes me very angry.

To the person who suggested that CL has more children so shouldn't be able to focus on her grief etc...are you for real? I don't care how many children you have, the loss of any one of them is a tragedy, a life destroying tragedy.

My situation is in no way even remotely close to CL's, but I am reminded of all the people who told me having a miscarriage was no big deal because I already had a child. As if the ending of a much-desired pregnancy didn't deserve emotion because there was another at home...I cannot imagine how much worse to lose an actual child and be told to suck it up because you have others. I applaud CL for doing whatever she has to do to function on any level. I cannot imagine how she does.

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I thought I was here to shed some truth about Nate and Tricia, but not many of you seem interested. I realize I've lost my credibility with you all, but the fact that CL continues to refuse to non-snarkily acknowledge her own lies should put her in the same bucket as I. I do find it telling that a website that posts personal information of "hated" people doesn't allow personal information to be posted about their own kind. Fear mongers, I think may be an appropriate term.

The people we post information on have chosen to make their lives person.

Why exactly did you decide to stick your ham hands into a wound over a parent losing a child? What truth was that?

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So then, here are a few very honest questions for you. I would sincerely appreciate a valid response from one of the moderators.

It seems to me that nearly everything shared on this website has been gleaned from places like Twitter, Facebook, tv, blogs, etc. In the same manner, none of the personal information I have shared here has been gathered outside of those same avenues. What is the difference? How can such a large portion of this forum be devoted to talk about the Duggars, and yet I post one tiny bit of public information about another member, and it gets deleted?

The difference is the people on those sites have themselves associated their username and personal names together.

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So then, here are a few very honest questions for you. I would sincerely appreciate a valid response from one of the moderators.

It seems to me that nearly everything shared on this website has been gleaned from places like Twitter, Facebook, tv, blogs, etc. In the same manner, none of the personal information I have shared here has been gathered outside of those same avenues. What is the difference? How can such a large portion of this forum be devoted to talk about the Duggars, and yet I post one tiny bit of public information about another member, and it gets deleted?

For the exact same reason you are posting under LibbyLiv instead of your real name.

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The ONLY place I have EVER posted my personal information is my own private FB where I only friend 1)people I have met in person, 2) people I have had signficant online interactions with and 3)CFers vetted by those in the CF community I have had personal interaction with and trust. While my DH has used his first name for HIS online precense once, he has never posted anything but his first name and I have never ONCE posted my name online.

You didn't get MY information from public information, and I sure as snot didn't make MY life public fodder and try to sell a book from it. I am NOT a public figure. Nate has made a deliberate choice to be one, as have those we discuss personal information on this board. Even fundies who have NOT made their personal information private are NOT fodder for anyone on this board posting their private lives and information. That is removed just as your garbage against me was removed.

I don't even use my real name online. I use a generic nickname. The ONLY name I have ever made public is Micah's, because I refuse to let him die anonymous. I want his name known and I want him remembered because it's the least I can do for my son who will never get to be Dr. Micah as he dreamed his entire life. I don't share information about my OTHER children, including their names online. What you got, you sure the hell didn't get publically and to pretend your action was the same is just more vileness from you.

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