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Sydney Fox

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Regarding Anna Maxwell, aka Mrs. Christopher, aka not necessarily Anna Marie, IIRC her folks raise goats and she had a goat's-milk soap business. Has brothers wtih whom she was photographed, and they all looked very comfortable together. Her folks adopted a young lady with some emotional problems (also IIRC, could be wrong) and at one point (again IIRC) the Maxwell daughters were giving Mrs. Anna's Mom advice on how to deal with her. own. adopted. daughter.

Le burn!

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Talking about blanket traning - http://www.titus2.com/blog/wp-content/u ... C_0562.jpg and below it says "Aunt Sarah then goes home, and a little while later Aunt Anna comes over right in the middle of Abby’s blanket time. Aunt Anna starts the laundry, and then does school with Abigail. Today they will draw pictures. Aunt Anna also helps Abigail with her counting and numbers."

At what age do they stop with this traning?

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Talking about blanket traning - http://www.titus2.com/blog/wp-content/u ... C_0562.jpg and below it says "Aunt Sarah then goes home, and a little while later Aunt Anna comes over right in the middle of Abby’s blanket time. Aunt Anna starts the laundry, and then does school with Abigail. Today they will draw pictures. Aunt Anna also helps Abigail with her counting and numbers."

At what age do they stop with this traning?

Dunno the answer to your Q but it's interesting that Sarah was answering posts, back in April of '10.

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Guest Anonymous
Regarding Anna Maxwell, aka Mrs. Christopher, aka not necessarily Anna Marie, IIRC her folks raise goats and she had a goat's-milk soap business. Has brothers wtih whom she was photographed, and they all looked very comfortable together. Her folks adopted a young lady with some emotional problems (also IIRC, could be wrong) and at one point (again IIRC) the Maxwell daughters were giving Mrs. Anna's Mom advice on how to deal with her. own. adopted. daughter.

Le burn!

I remember that MJB! I think NMSarah (whom they called Gracie) has sight problems and some mild learning disabilities and related challenging behaviour. Calling her by her own fucking name might be a helpful way for the Maxwells to start their dealings with her.....their arrogance is astounding!

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Why do Sarah and Anna do their brother's family's laundry and homeschool their children?

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Why do Sarah and Anna do their brother's family's laundry and homeschool their children?

It seems that was the case in 4/2010, when Melanie was on semi-bedrest to maintain the pregnancy that resulted in the second daughter. Now she's pregnant for the fourth time (the first baby died after a few days) so they may be helping her out again.

They mentioned that Mel's family helped, too, didn't they? I don't want to look at that website too often. It makes me sad, srsly.

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Guest Anonymous

I think she may have have more than four pregnancies, and so much trouble staying pregnant that she spends heaps of time on bedrest when she is.

I think it is nice that the SILs help out. I am less happy for Melanie that Teri 'helps' by sitting with her and helping her to memorise scripture for hours on end while she is trapped in her own home. :shock:

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Having an active almost two year old I can see why you would want them to stay put on a blanket so you can get things done but I could never bring myself to try to halt my son's natural curiousity that much. He also takes good naps (I know I'm lucky) so I get a couple hours a day to do cleaning, laundry and such. If we have friends over then we go down to the basement where his toys are and he'll play while we talk. I hope NR Anna doesn't blanket train but I don't think she'd have a choice.

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Since they are not "allowed" to have friends, why do they need "blanket time" to be able to sit and visit with friends..... :roll:

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Christ on a cracker. I use "blanket training" with my retriever. It's his "spot" and a comfort for him when we're out somewhere new. Plus I know I can put him there and he'll stay and I don't have to worry about him getting underfoot.


Also, in training him, I *never* lured him off the blanket with treats like these people do with their kids. The most I ever did, when I KNEW he could handle it, was play with his favorite toy about 15' away. He stayed on the blanket, and as a reward, got the toy.

Also, in case you missed it? HE'S A DOG. NOT A BABY!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chris & Anna seem to want privacy, understandable. However, during their past pregnancies, Nathan was always asking for prayers. Mel always had complications during her past pregnancies. Could this actually be a non-eventful one? Given her past and that she is near 35, I would be surprised with a pregnancy with no issues. Almost like the calm before the storm... (I don't wish her any misfortune.)

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Melenie's has seen fewer complications with each successive pregnancies. The first one ended in the early birth and premature death of their child. The second child had to spend time in the NICU and the last one was born ok. She had to do bed rest for each pregnancy. Interspersed between each pregnancies were multiple miscarriages. I believe she is handling her pregnancies better. Maybe this one is so uneventful that she doesn't need any extra prayers? As we learned in another thread, Melenie and Nathan uses the Samaritan health "insurance" policy to pay for their expenses. All those posts updating people on Melenie's pregnancies was probably a way to troll for money from their insurance benefactors. They said the had the $200k medical bill covered through the "insurance" policy---i.e donations from fellow Samaritan members. If Melenie starts having issues again and/or need expensive medical care, I bet their starting posting updates.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is a new entry on their blog with an update on both pregnancies.

Seems like everything is going well.. I am happy for Melanie that she has less trouble than with her last pregnancies, although I feel sorry for the baby to get born into that crazy family.



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Mel has to be careful. Teri is doing her grocery shopping. Anna, Mary & Sarah are cleaning her house. I wonder if Mel's family helps at all?? She is from a family of around 11 kids and they do live local. She's getting weekly progesterone shots. I don't know what they cost, but I'd think these plus the doctors appointments have got to be costly for a family with no medical insurance. I don't believe Scamariatian kicks in until the birth, a/k/a hospital bills.

Anna does look cute pregnant. I'm glad she's having an easier time with her pregnancy. I guess she and Chris will have a nice full "quiver" before to long....

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Is she getting those 17P shots? Those are insanely expensive - no way is their Scamaritan Health "coverage" going to cover it. Medicaid for pregnancy, most likely...

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I'm glad that things are going well for Mel and I hope she continues to do well. I'm also wondering how she paying for the shots. I don't think her Nathan will have a large family. Chris and Anna will probably be the ones with 5 or more kids.

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Is she getting those 17P shots? Those are insanely expensive - no way is their Scamaritan Health "coverage" going to cover it. Medicaid for pregnancy, most likely...

Pardon me while I suppress the urge to blow a gasket: If the wife of a guy who owns his real estate debt-free qualifies for Medicaid, and my aged aunties had to fight for their Medicare, then something is way wronger than I even understood previously! And I understood plenty to be wrong previously!

Also, so much for Quiverfull, Maxwells. Oh, wait, certainly they heard straight from God that medical intervention for the purpose of building up their army is a blessed endeavor, and not interfering with God's plan at all.


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Nathan doesn't have health insurance from his employer and in many states if you have a pregnancy and no insurance you get Medicaid.

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MY favorite part of the post is Mel has to keep excitement to a minimum. That should not be hard at all living in Dullville. :)

I am also pleased the collar on Mel's shirt is not ironed down. You know that has to be driving Teri crazy. Good job Mel, wear your wrinkled shirt and have Teri and the girls do your shopping and cleaning. I almost kind of like the little rebel. :clap:

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