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Bates Special/Bates New Blog Post MERGED


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I've never seen black newborn clothes. Pastels looks so, well, right for a newborn. The outfit reminds of something a cat-burglar would wear. JMO

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That really is a short season. Is anyone going to tune into the Bates special? I probably will even though I really know I shouldn't.

How early do you think it could be that the Bates usurp the Duggars?

ETA Woohoo! Children Stacked like Cordwood!

I think the sure fire way to be sure that it is the end of the Duggars' show is if Ted McGinley or Robbie Rist show up. Or Josh jumps over a shark tank on a motorcycle (I would totally tune in for that!)

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Woohoo. Yay. (Barf) Another Gothardite family who won't let their adult female children do much of anything, save the occasional courses here and there at a non-accredited college to keep the green-haired wolves at bay and the general viewing public content, while mooching off a hard-working son to feed a family, hearing how SOTDRT is just so wonderful (I won't even mention all the grammatical errors on their website. For example, "he is doing wonderful" should be "he is doing wonderfully"--just irks me to shit) while the father goes around preaching at Gothardite conventions about how to feed a family without a real job, while their horses starve, pics of the KKK founder "disappear", no mention of blanket training on the show, but all the kids are just so "sweet", all in the name of ministering and receiving a TLC paycheck. At least the Bank of Lawson will get a break for a bit.

Hopefully, we won't hear Kelly talk about cervical softening, itchy nipples, her sex life, her manipulating her wayward neighbor with a bikini (or whatever she did to be duped into this lifestyle) and see her period charted for the whole clan to see.

I'll pass.

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Pastels look "right" for babies because that's just what you're used to seeing. Any color is fine on a baby, including black.

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What happened to not wanting to do a series? I guess Lawson is not making enough to feed the family because we know Daddy Bates isn't. Apparently, landcaping and tree cutting businesses don't feed families of 21 anymore. The Bates appear more loving than the Duggars but nowhere near as media savvy. Maybe we will get to hear more about the wolves and those scary green haired people. How high will Erin's hair go? The snarking of this series is going to be awesome. I will have to bring out the kettle corn for this show.

How angry are Jim Bob and Michelle? How hard they must be humping to slide the next Duggar out of the clown car? They need to do something to keep themselves on the air. I don't believe for a minute that Jim Bob and Michelle are happy for the Bates. I always got the feeling that they looked down on the Bates like they were the only backwards hillbillies of the bunch. If the ratings for the Bates series are anywhere near the Duggars' lowest ratings, I can see TLC cancelling the Duggars' show and renewing the Bates series. The Bates will be cheaper and new storylines are available. Let the fight of the fundies begin.

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Woohoo. Yay. (Barf) Another Gothardite family who won't let their adult female children do much of anything, save the occasional courses here and there at a non-accredited college to keep the green-haired wolves at bay and the general viewing public content, while mooching off a hard-working son to feed a family, hearing how SOTDRT is just so wonderful (I won't even mention all the grammatical errors on their website. For example, "he is doing wonderful" should be "he is doing wonderfully"--just irks me to shit) while the father goes around preaching at Gothardite conventions about how to feed a family without a real job, while their horses starve, pics of the KKK founder "disappear", no mention of blanket training on the show, but all the kids are just so "sweet", all in the name of ministering and receiving a TLC paycheck. At least the Bank of Lawson will get a break for a bit.

Hopefully, we won't hear Kelly talk about cervical softening, itchy nipples, her sex life, her manipulating her wayward neighbor with a bikini (or whatever she did to be duped into this lifestyle) and see her period charted for the whole clan to see.

I'll pass.

Do you have a link to the episode on cervical softening? I've never actually seen that one.

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maybe this thread should be merged with the one where their newest kid is decked out in TLC clothes.

The message - without divine (or TLC/reality show) intervention - you cannot afford this many children, financially, mentally, or physically.

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There's definitely 19 kids. Maybe someone is forgetting to count the babies?

Note to the Bates: If people have a hard time getting an accurate count of your kids, you probably have too many!

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I thought Mullet and the Boob were fame whores, but putting the baby in TLC jumps the shark before the show even starts. This family is disgusting from the get-go. At least the clown car waited a few seasons to go over the top.

I've never bought into the "Bateses are more tolerable than the Duggars" or "Kelly actually mothers her children" because by the time we "met" them, the girls, Michaella included, in those horrid clown frumpers, they were just Duggars v.2, just more redneck.

Even Miss Tori of the "yuck colors" has been thoroughly indoctinated; I think the last baby was her newest "buddy." The next daughter down is getting Jeb (they sure love their Confederate generals, don't they).

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The branding on the little boy is creepy. Erin's hair bugs me, but that is nothing new...it always has, she needs to change it up once in awhile.

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Guest Anonymous

Jeb's outfit looks like a combination of court jester's and satanic worshiper's clothes!. :lol: Hopefully, with this TLC deal, maybe they will all get a wardrobe upgrade...especially the girls.

is it really winter? I live in the northeast and it was in the 60's two days ago. They live farther South I imagine it can be warmer on some days...

ETA: next week is forcasted in the 70s... O_o

Umm...here in the deep south we haven't had much of a winter. Here in N AL we usually get at least a couple of days of frigid temperatures and a couple of inches of snow per winter, but this winter all we got was a a dusting on a few occasions and maybe a day or two of really cold temperatures (by southern standards that is).

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here's all the Bates with names. Gotta just love colour scheme pictures ed white and black...

Thanks, I am new to the "Bates" this helps a lot. :clap:

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So the Bates family has updated their blog, and the most cringe-worthy part might be the numerous photos of their youngest child (Jeb) fully decked out in branded TLC clothing. Let the TLC gravy train begin...

Yikes! Anybody who's been thinking it would be an improvement if the Duggar show got cancelled and replaced with a Bates show might want to do some re-thinking! The Duggars are pretty big into promoting their family as media personalities, but I don't think they'd go this far. I'm actually surprised TLC is allowing this use of their logo -- using a newborn baby as a billboard really doesn't make TLC look good.

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Thanks, I am new to the "Bates" this helps a lot. :clap:

You're Welcome, have to admit i had to go to their website to figure out all the names. Some of th enames are just plain forgettable-like Trace...I wonder where that one comes from!

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here's all the Bates with names. Gotta just love colour scheme pictures ed white and black...

Weird that two of the Bates kids have the same names as Duggar kids; I didn't know that. And Josie Bates is obviously old enough that the Duggars knew of her when they named their 19th Josie. I would have thought the Duggar parents' egos were a little too big to name their baby after one of their competitors' kids.

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*LOL* Add me to the list of people who needed the labeled picture! I've seen the Bateses on 19 Kids & Counting, but being pretty new to FJ, I haven't really had enough exposure to them to name them by sight. *SIGH* Guess now, with the special & the 8-episode deal, I'll have plenty of opportunity to get to know them! :icon-rolleyes:

And I have to agree...Jeb's adorable, but decking him out in full TLC gear? Just creepy! Major hint that they really aren't any better than the Duggars!

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This whole thing is disgusting. I wonder if this will put a rift between the Duggars and Bates. After all, it almost seems like a competition now. And especially if the Duggars get canceled and the Bates' show continues, you know there will have to be some underlying drama there. Of course, we won't see any of it on the cameras...it will all be hunky dory and puppies and rainbows, etc.

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The TLC gear on the infant is disgusting. I hate advertising on clothing for adults or children and won't buy it for myself. When the DD was an infant I even took off the Oshkosh tags on her overalls. I've got a real thing about children (or adults) being walking billboards. My theory is if you want me to advertise your brand, pay me...oh thats what TLC did with the Bates. Nevermind :lol:

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I understand the whole I don,t want to be a walking advertisement and I agree. To an extent that I don't PURCHASE cloths with "Nike" or 'TLC" written across a shirt, sweatshirt, etc.

I have been given unsolicited promotional items. I feel bad throwing them out. I wish companies would save the resources and be more green concious. I tend to sleep in those shirts, or use them for working in the yard.I donate what I will not wear.

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