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They're a bunch of hypocrites. They have said numerous times that they have no desire to do a "reality" tv show, yet, here they are doing a special PLUS 8 additional 30 mins episode? This has got to be proof that TLC is trying to cancel the Duggars and put in the Bates as their replacement. That and Gil and Kelly have become money hungry and realized how much more money they could be making by having a camera crew around them.

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I love how "God" has decided this is what they should be doing..encouraging others via special and 8 additional episodes. I love how fundies think that by throwing in the words "Lord", "God", "encouraging", and "pray" for their reasoning to be hypocrites, it's suppose to make everything better.

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I suspect this will crash and burn as badly as all the attempted replacements for Jon & Kate plus 8. I give it one season at most. If you've seen one fundie courtship, you've seen them all. If you've seen one fundie baby handed off to a sister, you've seen them all. Putting a country accent on it won't help.

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They're going to end up just like the Duggars.

-First few episodes will probably talk about Zach's courtship and dating/courtship rules that they follow

-How they handle everyday life from chores to cooking

-How they handle school with the little ones

as time goes on...

-Field trips upon field trips to various locations

-Gil acting like he knows everything about the world, when in reality, he really doesn't

-More field trips

-If ratings start to drop, they'll bring in the Duggars to boost the ratings up a bit

-Back to more field trips and then TLC will realize how much of a bore they are and will throw them under the bus just like the Duggars

EDIT: can't spell "field" apparently.

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We're gonna see wedding, after wedding, after wedding. The Bates are too poor to keep that may kids around (they can't even feed the). The TLC freebies from courtship specials will be too lucrative to ignore. They don't have the real estate resources JB has, so they'll be chomping at the bit to find a way to afford compound houses for the older kids.

Also, isn't Zach a real police officer? That's kind of interesting viewing, but also a horrifying reality when you know QF's goals and how sheltered he is. I mean, never touched a member of the opposite sex, but you're a freaking sheriff? How's that work?

ETA: I am glad to see this little bit of Karma bite JB&M. Killed by their own creation!

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If Kelly were truly close to her kids, she wouldn't prioritize fertility treatments over feeding them. She's simply a good actor and I suspect that any touching moments are staged for the cameras.

Exactly. I think TLC realizes that America is growing disgusted with the Duggars and so they are going to heavily edit the new show to try to make the Bates look like the new and improved Duggars.

I think Kelly is just as crappy of a mother as Michelle. She may not admit to a formal buddy system like Michelle, but I will never forget the episode where Kelly admitted that the nursery was going to be right off the room that one of the older girls was sleeping in. Hmmm, let's see why would the nursery need to be off the oldest girl's room and not the master bedroom. . .

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I hate the Bates for the BS Kelly says about how the girl's "offer" and "volunteer" to do (insert chore) here, it sounds like a line of crap. Yes, I am sure doing laundry, cooking and sewing for 21 people is thrilling fun for a young girl. I hate this lie about QF, that these young girls would rather do housework, or teach the kids then school themselves or play outside and be kids, yeah right. How do people believe this shit? I mean they have shown Kelly and Michelle saying it over and over and people eat it up, while Mom talks to church groups or gets more fertility drugs. This is clear BS that is aired and people think it's swell, sometimes I think even if they admited wacking babies with rulers on TV, some would still say how great they all are. UGH!

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Why is having a shit-tonne of babies an achievement these days? You don't have to be talented or smart to breed, yet they keep making shows about a basic human function. Life baffles me..

To be fair, they're kind of winning in the game of evolution (passing of their genes to more offspring who will in turn have a far greater opportunity to pass off their genes). Not that they accept evolution or even know what it really is.

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To be fair, they're kind of winning in the game of evolution (passing of their genes to more offspring who will in turn have a far greater opportunity to pass off their genes). Not that they accept evolution or even know what it really is.

This is the part that's frightening. There's a really interesting book on demographics and the religious/secular divide. It's called, Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? by Eric Kaufmann.

Back on Topic~Ew. I thought you were joking, or referring to a blog entry. But no. He literally is wearing branded merchandise. Is there no decency?!

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Just read the update. What a crock of shit! I'd respect them so much more if they just came out and admitted that they need the money.

Interesting that in the group photo, Micheala is the only one not wearing some sort of matching outfit. That young woman doesn't need a frumper at her age.

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Also, isn't Zach a real police officer? That's kind of interesting viewing, but also a horrifying reality when you know QF's goals and how sheltered he is. I mean, never touched a member of the opposite sex, but you're a freaking sheriff? How's that work?

I don't think he is. He's been through EMT training, but otherwise he was elected to some low level local political position.

ETA: Apparently he is county commissioner.

Oh yeah, they are totally not famewhoring at all :roll:


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I suspect this will crash and burn as badly as all the attempted replacements for Jon & Kate plus 8. I give it one season at most. If you've seen one fundie courtship, you've seen them all. If you've seen one fundie baby handed off to a sister, you've seen them all. Putting a country accent on it won't help.

I think it won't last but not because of boredom. When I watched the preview Alyssa had more pep and personality (showing) then the 4 oldest Duggar girls combined. The reason some people defend the Duggars and love them is because they are debt free and don't take welfare. In this election year with healthcare such a hot topic, hearing Gil having uninsured kids and using the ER for care will not go over well with the average American. I'm curious to see how they show the birth? Will they check in via the ER. Will they admit to the NICU and the length of the stay?

It would have been more interesting if Jimbob had not put the addition on the home. Watching 21 people live in that small orginal house would have shown more of the real quiverful life.

I think TlC knows they can get these fundie families alot cheaper then other programs so why not take a chance.

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But the issue of health care will never come up re the Bates family. Do we know if the Duggars had dental insurance before TLC? But once TLC came along all the kids had braces. I doubt it will come up on the show that the kids are uninsured unless TLC wants it to come up.

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Interesting that in the group photo, Micheala is the only one not wearing some sort of matching outfit. That young woman doesn't need a frumper at her age.

I would love to take Micheala shopping! Ther are so many cute clothes out there that would be considered "modest" and would flatter her! She seems to wear that black (or is it navy?) frumper in most pics I see of her nowdays. She needs something that comes in at the waist, I bet that she's got an hourglass under those frumpers!

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I love how "God" has decided this is what they should be doing..encouraging others via special and 8 additional episodes. I love how fundies think that by throwing in the words "Lord", "God", "encouraging", and "pray" for their reasoning to be hypocrites, it's suppose to make everything better.

Translation: the Almighty $

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I can only see 19 here, who's missing?


Also Zach is turning into Smuggar's twin and he's not even married yet...

I don't think Lawson is in the picture. Hey, maybe he's out working! Clearly someone has to...

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I could've sworn Zach was in the PD, but I read the bio and it just said he works with them as part of his FD duties. Still...this pic frightens me. QF...with a gun. :?

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To be fair, they're kind of winning in the game of evolution (passing of their genes to more offspring who will in turn have a far greater opportunity to pass off their genes). Not that they accept evolution or even know what it really is.

True, but in a few generations there will be so much inbreeding in QF it'll cancel out any evolutionary benefits. There's also infertility, late marriage, economics, and homosexuality slowing down reproduction too.

Meanwhile, liberals are out screwing a diverse gene pool. :romance-romance: Mutts are inherently more healthy and adaptable.

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I don't think Lawson is in the picture. Hey, maybe he's out working! Clearly someone has to...

I see 19...

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There only should be 19 kids- that's how many they have. No one is missing.

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I don't think Lawson is in the picture. Hey, maybe he's out working! Clearly someone has to...

Isn't Lawson the first one in the back row?

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On another note though, I do feel like they might be more interesting to watch then the Duggars. I'm really curious if the Duggars are done (if not this season, then the next), and if they being done was purely TLC or if it is even remotely possible that JB and Michelle asked to be fazed out?

No-way I heard them in a very recent interview (AC maybe) say that they would keep on shooting as long as TLC and thier fans wanted them to. They even wanted the cameras right there and rolling when they found out about Jubliee after all thier crew is family! I hate how they always says OUR CREW like they own them.

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Yep, that's Lawson and Michaella looks like she prefers to be dressed more conservatively than her sisters.

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