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Lori Alexander: 64: Continuing the Sardines into the Next Generation

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On today’s FB post in Things Godly Woman Say, Lori was going on about how gullible and clueless women are (she was referring to the terms of her mobile phone contract and how White Knight Ken saved her from her own stupidity). This was my response:

“I know exactly one grown woman who’s this clueless. When I asked her whether she had gas or oil heat in her own house, she didn’t know. She never uses a debit card because she’s incapable of keeping track of how much money is in her checking account. She was astounded when I knew about the infrastructure of the water, sewer, and gas mains serving my house. I stress the fact that she’s the ONLY woman I know who’s like this. I’d never use her to generalize our sex.”

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At +5 mins,  Lori says that her mother had a face-lift and that it looked awful with all the stitches.  Why talk about your mother who is gone and why share such personal details about her and in a negative way?  

Lori is not growing old gracefully ... she is growing more angry and bitter as time goes by and her posts reflect this.  

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In today's post, Lori describes how she was deceived by a phone salesman who told her that her iphone was free. This is supposed to be an example of how women are easily deceived. However, it was her daughter who discovered how Lori had been duped. 

Her daughter. A woman. A woman who uncovered a man's trick. Sounds like it's just *Lori* who is easily deceived. Cassi and Alyssa seem just fine.

Even the fact that she'd tell such a faulty story tells me she is stupid.

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@Hane  Your comment isn't on the blog post.  Here's mine, but it won't pass her scrutiny:

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You want women to trust you to teach them Godly ways, but you don’t even read the fine print on a phone contract. Reading a simple contract is a fundamental life skill for adults. These contracts are not Apple exclusive so your statement holds no truth. Sales reps do not look at women as being easily deceived. Men make terrible contracting decisions, also. You failed the common sense test on this one.

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2 hours ago, wallysmommy said:

@Hane  Your comment isn't on the blog post.  Here's mine, but it won't pass her scrutiny:

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You want women to trust you to teach them Godly ways, but you don’t even read the fine print on a phone contract. Reading a simple contract is a fundamental life skill for adults. These contracts are not Apple exclusive so your statement holds no truth. Sales reps do not look at women as being easily deceived. Men make terrible contracting decisions, also. You failed the common sense test on this one.

I didn't post my comment on her site. I didn't think she'd publish it.

You know, I can kind of understand Lori's confusion about getting a free phone. I'm just a few years younger than her, and I can remember the days when renewing a phone contract meant you got a free phone. That was maybe 5-10 years ago? Since then, I've purchased several new phones (we have two teens) and initially I expected a new phone when I did. Those phone salesmen can be tricky, too, and they try to tell me all sorts of things to get me to rush my purchase.

I no longer go to the phone stores, I just buy online because I can't stand the bullshit they give you in the stores. This also allows me to take my time with a purchase, and read the terms until I understand them. 

So I get it. However, it's not that difficult to ask questions and to adjust to a new situation. I also don't move forward on a purchase unless I'm sure I understand. Sometimes I've walked out of stores, dragging an unhappy teenager who desperately wanted me to sign on the dotted line right then and there. Teenagers are always happy to spend someone else's money. 

Doesn't Lori understand that those young salesmen in the stores are working on commission, and will tell her basically what she wants to hear? 

Lori: So my phone will be free?

Salesman: Yes, of course it will be "free."

However, Lori's theory is totally blowed out of the water by the fact that her daughter possessed enough brain cells to figure out the situation. 


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I agree about the sales double-talk that they use.  I used to get the free upgrades, and I hate paying for my phone now.  I go to Wal-mart to buy my phones because the Wal-mart employees don't try to upsell you.  I have an iPhone 6 that I will keep until it dies or doesn't work on the network.  Lori went off the deep end when she got into the whole Apple is deceptive thing.  The carriers sell all brands and they build the cost of the phone into the contract.  

What if she had to buy a car or negotiate a house purchase?  Oh, that's right, that's a man's job.  Women don't have the capacity to read a contract or negotiate in LoriLand.

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Sales people can be tricky. It helps that my sister is in sales. It also helps that it takes forever for me to make a purchase so I'll spend a month researching phones. 

It would also be nice if Lori could back up what she's saying about Eve with the Bible. Because many accounts form Biblical scholars place Adam right along side her, watching her be deceived. And the whole submission thing wasn't in place yet and it's a curse that tells more about relationship dynamics than prescribe what it should be like anyways. 

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Seriously, Lori?! My headship isn’t allowed to answer the phone anymore, due to the number of times he has been duped into giving out his credit card number or other sensitive information. 

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She's not stupid because she's a woman, she's stupid because she's Lori.

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28 minutes ago, Denim Jumper said:

Seriously, Lori?! My headship isn’t allowed to answer the phone anymore, due to the number of times he has been duped into giving out his credit card number or other sensitive information. 

Yeah, Mr. Briefly is the reason for the first id theft we had to deal with.  He just blindly answered the email saying it was eBay and that it needed his ss#.  Needless to say, he got the lesson of his life from me over that.  He's not a stupid person, he's very intelligent.  But he had a moment of not-smart.

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i just want to point out that Lori would not survive in Israel. Everyone has to join the military for two years. Jews are the chosen people from god. 

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23 minutes ago, Lgirlrocks said:

i just want to point out that Lori would not survive in Israel. Everyone has to join the military for two years. Jews are the chosen people from god. 

I can just imagine the fit Lori would throw if told that she's not one of God's chosen people.

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I am wondering if the Apple symbol of the bite into an apple is a reminder to their salesmen that women are more easily deceived…



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Lori is clueless.

Look, it may be easier to talk about personal details with someone of the same gender. My inner Olivia Benson is going crazy reading her replies because as always, she's being ignorant.

Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 7.51.49 PM.png

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Lori has NO IDEA how she’d react if she was raped!! The fuck is she on about??? 

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I explained how the nurturing and compassionate nature that women have (generally speaking) can be an asset in careers that work with vulnerable populations, and the comment was deleted. Women get stuff done, like the women who went back to the tomb to finish the preparation of Jesus' body.

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I daresay a routine GYN exam is very different from a rape investigation! :bangheaddesk:

How stupid is that woman?

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14 minutes ago, squiddysquid said:

I daresay a routine GYN exam is very different from a rape investigation! :bangheaddesk:

How stupid is that woman?

Stupid? Yes, a little.

Cold, calculating, narcissist bitch? Absolutely. 

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Lori strikes me as generally very gullible. She falls for every alternative health fad out there and she seems genuinely incapable of understanding nuance or that the experiences of others are different to her own but just as valid.

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6 hours ago, Lgirlrocks said:


i just want to point out that Lori would not survive in Israel. Everyone has to join the military for two years. Jews are the chosen people from god. 

Besides brute strength there isn't much difference between women and men. Yes, men grow more muscles faster, but women have the greater stamina. Both sexes have physical advantages usefull for the military and their are techniques to work around the disadvantages. And for the military rest, their is no difference between a female and male shooter. And for combat situations it's more importand to keep your cool, I don't want to be in such a situation with a Rambo type of soldier who think the solution is shoot them all until no bullets left. And women are no stranger to be violent, they just use other means and tactics.

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Ok Lori, I have had male ob/gyns for most of my adult life too.  BUT that doesn't mean that I'd be comfortable speaking about rape to a man.  Yes, that woman is beyond stupid, and I sincerely hope that she never has to go through something as horrible as rape to see a rape kit is not like getting a Pap smear by a male ob/gyn.  

She really shouldn't tout herself as an older wise woman, because she isn't. Her latest comments show this. I think that an ant has more intelligence than Lori.

And yes, she would never make it in Israel or any other country on this planet.  

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Female law enforcement officers also come in handy in cases involving small children.  Sometimes kids are more comfortable talking to someone who is like a mom. 

Women are also needed to search female prisoners. Many male officers don't want to risk being accused of something inappropriate. 

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Re: Lori's post on parenting today.   First of all, I know there are some shitty parents out there. Awful people who were abusive, neglectful and who never should have been a parent.  Some of you, my friends, have experienced that and my heart breaks for you. 

My post doesn't refer to those parents.  I'm referring to the ones who try their best, do their best every day, and despite that aren't perfect.  In general, there are no perfect parents.  Even the "best" ones have made mistakes. I've made mistakes. You all have made mistakes. There is no manual for being the "perfect" parent. But I think *most* do they best they can with what they have given every day's situations -- highs and lows. 

One thing I really, really, really hate is how Lori constantly uses her platform to talk about how her parents "failed" her (didn't home school her, made her go to public school, made her go to "evil" college, didn't have "boundaries" and a variety of other so-called "offenses") and how she encourages others to report on their parents' "failings" as well.    Isn't one of the commandments "Honor thy mother and father?"   It doesn't say "Honor thy mother and thy father but only if they are perfect 100% of the time."   Now some of those leghumpers stories sound horrific, and maybe that is why they cling Lori looking for validation.   But I'd guess most of them had normal upbringings -- filled with good and bad just like everyone else. 

She is constantly stirring up contention and strife among totally strangers families by encouraging women to condemn their parents, but mostly mothers.  This makes me sad and angry to no end.  



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She’s a bit like the Maxwells, who claim that they didn’t grow up in a “Christian” home. They actually did, just not the Maxwellian definition of “Christian”. 

But yeah Lori is awful.

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