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Lori Alexander: 64: Continuing the Sardines into the Next Generation

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51 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

as a recent graduate student I'd have to say I pretty much agree to that. I probably wouldn't because I'm too stubborn and hate anyone telling me what to believe or say I believe but I'd be tempted.  

Luckily I don't teach anything political (hell, I discuss Noam Chomsky without ever mentioning his politics) - all I really want the student to do is know the basic facts and concepts we covered this term.  Would've been nice if they'd kept up with assignments and weekly quizzes all term, but it's a bit late for that now.

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We got on planes by ourselves as children to go and visit extended family during the summer. My dad worked for an airline which, back then (starting in the 60s), offered all kinds of perks for their employees, including flying for free. My dad, who is loud and funny, would help us find our seats on the plane and then loudly proclaim, "And don't come back!" 

When we were pre-teens, we disembarked with great trepidation because you never knew what he was up too. One time he wore a gorilla suit to meet my sister. She tried, and failed, to run back up the down escalator. 

I am so thankful for those wonderful experiences because he helped to build strength, confidence and a wonderful wanderlust in us. 

Lori said she promised to never send her kids to summer camp. What a shame. I was a camper and a counselor at camp and that time comprises many of my fondest memories. I learned how to swim with confidence, how to canoe whitewater, how to eat my bodyweight in smores, how to prank the boys camp, how to get along with others and so much more. Being at camp instilled what was to become a lifelong love affair with flat water paddling and wilderness camping. 

As a counselor I was privileged to witness kids blossom and grow in confidence. They often arrived at camp feeling unsure and a little frightened, but by the end of camp we had to peel them off us as they rushed in for one last hug. I worked with many abused and many impoverished children and parents told us that camp changed their children's lives for the better. I even spent two summers at a camp for children with cancer and their siblings. That was intense but made me a much better person.

Kids need time away from their families to grow and to learn. I feel sorry for these fundie children who are completely unprepared for adult life. 

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2 hours ago, livinglongerthanyou said:

Kids need time away from their families to grow and to learn. I feel sorry for these fundie children who are completely unprepared for adult life. 

This is something that fundie families seem to miss. Everyone is scared to send their kids away from them (some are more scared than others). There are all sorts of reasons to be afraid -- predators, mean kids, careless chaperones, school bus accidents, etc. But kids learn and grow in confidence when they are away from their parents and making their own decisions.

No one sees danger at every corner more than I do. Separating from my kids has always been hard for me (though I'm far better at it now than I once was). Our youngest just went on a school trip. She's very attached to us, and to her home, so she was a bit nervous about leaving. She came back bursting with happiness and confidence, and spent nearly 90 minutes telling me everything that happened. Although the trip had adult chaperones, there were many opportunities for the kids to be independent and make their own decisions about things. 

I've found that the things that are scariest for me always seem to be the very things that help my kids grow. It would be narcissistic to indulge my fears by keeping my kids at home. I think that's where people like ZZ fail. They indulge their fears of the worlds and -- to make it worse-- rationalize them  to convince themselves they are "right."

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17 hours ago, Lgirlrocks said:

Nowhere does the Bible say women can’t work outside the home. It does say a lot about not working and being lazy. 


(Of course this is not to say the opposite extreme, that everyone MUST specifically have a paying job outside the home. But we should all be productive according to our abilities, opportunities, and obligations which may mean being a stay-at-home-parent or part-time volunteer or a student or having a full-time career or whatever.)

14 hours ago, RosyDaisy said:

Now about that picture of Trey...WTF? So this is the asshole spewing vile shit on Lori's social media? This guy supposedly trying to find a husband for his daughter? Yeah....I don't think so. Trey has a very vivid imagination.

I'm pretty sure that pic was a joke.

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I'm pretty sure that pic was a joke.

Oh...ok. It went right over my head.[emoji2960]
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12 hours ago, Libby96 said:

Did that surgery on her brain cause some sort of damage to her personality?  I’m not even joking.  The brain is a tricky thing.

I can see how one might think that, but from all of her writings and from her own mouth, she has indicated how she was difficult, selfish, always needed to be right, etc. her whole life.  So while I am sympathetic to those whose personalities were affected by illnesses, I don't think it's the case with Lori.   If anything, it only magnified her basic personality. IMHO 

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I was skimming this topic and saw a few mentions of food.  I have been sick for the last few days, so hubby has been doing cooking when he gets home.  Dinner for the last three nights has been spaghetti, spaghetti, and hot dogs. ?

6 hours ago, Hisey said:

I've found that the things that are scariest for me always seem to be the very things that help my kids grow. 

I have a son with autism.  I don't want to refer to him as a "child" anymore, because while he is my child, he's not "a" child (he is now 20).  The number one mistake I make with him is underestimating him.  I have worried about him going to the bathroom on his own, going on retreats with his youth group, learning how to be independent, etc.  In nearly all cases, he's done well for himself.  

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This morning, LazyLori, who buys $14 per pound butter, is endorsing someone’s opinion that it is worthwhile to go without running water if that is what is required for a mother to stay home with her children. 

I just can’t with this bitch today. 

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10 hours ago, livinglongerthanyou said:

Kids need time away from their families to grow and to learn. I feel sorry for these fundie children who are completely unprepared for adult life. 

Yes, yes, yes. Absolutely. One of my earliest memories was sleeping over at my aunt's house. As a little kid, I had overnights with both sets of grandparents and both my aunts. Starting in first grade I went on girl scout trips, sometimes my mom went, sometimes not. I've been on trips with school groups, church groups, girl scouts, friends and their families, etc. It's important for kids to experience differences from their home, to have chances to make decisions on their own, to feel that sense of pride at doing something themselves, etc. It's pretty ridiculous to expect a kid to never, ever have a single night without mom right there, then go straight to "leave and cleave" where they suddenly are living on their own with a new spouse and expected to start pumping out their own kids. 

A former friend of mine had a terrified parent who never let her go anywhere as a child, and she is still super co-dependent, can't be without a man in her life, can't make many decisions on her own, etc. She has never ever NOT had someone, be it mom or husband or guy-she-was-having-an-affair-with or new husband to take care of her. And it shows. People who have never had any independence as kids suffer for it.

And why are they going on about this on LORI's page? She didn't even care for her own kids when they were at home, she had a nanny! There's absolutely no way she didn't dump those kids on her parents every chance she got. There's no way at all that Lori's kids were home with her 100% of the time - Alyssa was a dancer, seemingly at a level where it is expected you'll do summer intensives, many of which are residential. I'm sure their sons went on trips with friends. Lori takes care of Lori. She barely even fed her kids, they ended up begging Ken for his food he'd made himself. 

I don't get how Lori's buttkissers don't seem to GET that Lori actually did the opposite of what she preaches most of the time. They'd have hated Lori if they'd known her when her kids were young. They'd have been tut-tutting the nanny and the housekeeper, and Lori's clothes, her food, the kids' activities, and everything else. She's like the cult leader who preaches poverty while living like a king.

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I don’t get it. If you had good experiences why would you be so hesitant to give those to your kids. Sleepovers all come down to knowing the parents. I slept over at almost all of the kids houses that slept at mine. I grew up with most of those kids and my parents had known some of their parents since before I was born. 2527863F-0D41-476A-AC97-01B7BBC00C82.thumb.jpeg.fc0b50982356fa11570cf240853f2f8b.jpeg

you do have to be cautions with your kids but not overly or you kids will be afraid of things when they are an adult.

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Go without running water? Is Lori for fucking real?  WTF? FFS Lori, try living without running water yourself and then you can talk.  

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23 minutes ago, HoneyBunny said:

This morning, LazyLori, who buys $14 per pound butter, is endorsing someone’s opinion that it is worthwhile to go without running water if that is what is required for a mother to stay home with her children. 

I just can’t with this bitch today. 

Whaaaattt?  Is this on her FB page or her blog?

I'm willing to go without certain things if necessary, but not running water.

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6 minutes ago, fransalley said:

Whaaaattt?  Is this on her FB page or her blog?

I'm willing to go without certain things if necessary, but not running water.

It's on her instagram. 

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1 hour ago, HoneyBunny said:

This morning, LazyLori, who buys $14 per pound butter, is endorsing someone’s opinion that it is worthwhile to go without running water if that is what is required for a mother to stay home with her children. 

I just can’t with this bitch today. 

Yeah, right.  I'd like to see how she would have managed that when her children were young.  She would have been bitching and moaning, claiming to be sooooo sick, and unable to do anything.  But her leghumpers have to do it, of course, because 'with God ALL things are possible.'  

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"With God all things are possible!" except of course:

~raising Godly children while working outside of the home.

~sending kids to a sleepover or camp without them being in danger of seeing porn.

~going to college without becoming a feminist and/or liberal.


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Ugh. Does Lori know what mothers and daughters do all day in communities without running water? 

They aren't cooking, minding the children, reading the Bible, homeschooling, gardening, sewing, singing, having healthy pregnancies, having "sweet fellowship," or cleaning their house.

They are walking miles upon miles to a clean, fresh water source to fill up gallon containers with water, and then walking miles back with the heavy water.

They are also dying of preventable diseases that come from human waste being leeched into the earth and water sources and preparing food after using the bathroom (all things that happen when you don't have running water).

According to her, women aren't even strong enough to carry that water, being weaker vessels and all. 

I'm also confused, in the United States, as to where the water for a family with tons of kids to drink, cook, shower, wash their hands, dispose of human waste, and do laundry is coming from. Is Lori suggesting the Lord will provide (like manna from heaven)? So idiotic. 



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WTF has Lori EVER sacrificed?! She needs to STFU Sell her house, live in a cabin, off the grid, raise her own meat, garden and preserve her own food, make her own clothes and things for the house. She can then talk. 

P.S Ken can't even fix the garage door opener. They wouldn't survive one day living like she wants others to live. 

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Send Lori on a vacation to live with the Nauglers for a week or two, and see how she feels then. 

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She should have to go live with a family where both parents work because they can’t afford to live off of one income. She wouldn’t last at all. We never had cable, high speed internet, fancy cars, fancy vacations, new clothes except for presents, or name brand food. We went one cheap vacations to the lake during the off season. She wouldn’t last. My mom worked the weekends selling fragrances or make up until my dad couldnt work anymore. She would have said my parents weren’t trusting god enough but they were. 

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So in conclusion, a woman who got a free college education through graduate school, whose father gave her a home she made $328,000 (in 2016 dollars) profit on, who had a nanny AND a housekeeper, who had a gold Mercedes as a "junk car," who lives in a multi-million dollar home, wants YOU, the reader, to live without running water if you have to in order to stay home with your kids. 


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1 hour ago, Mellowing With Age said:

he needs to STFU Sell her house, live in a cabin, off the grid, raise her own meat, garden and preserve her own food, make her own clothes and things for the house. She can then talk. 

She thinks picking an orange off of her backyard tree is gardening. 

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1 hour ago, ViolaSebastian said:

So in conclusion, a woman who got a free college education through graduate school, whose father gave her a home she made $328,000 (in 2016 dollars) profit on, who had a nanny AND a housekeeper, who had a gold Mercedes as a "junk car," who lives in a multi-million dollar home, wants YOU, the reader, to live without running water if you have to in order to stay home with your kids. 

Exactly. She, of course, has never wanted for anything. Her kids, of course, got to participate in sports and activities. Including ballet. Pointe shoes are NOT cheap and have to be replaced frequently. Her kids went to college. She eats $14 a pound butter, and claims to shop only at "health food stores". Lori Alexander spends several weeks (to months) every year ON VACATION. She can up and fly out to visit a new grandchild whenever she chooses. She uses very expensive skin care products (not including grilled-cheese grease) daily. She buys Norwex cloths, Einkorn flour, and if I remember correctly she thinks $75 is "cheap" for a denim skirt. She happily pays more for food labeled "organic". I'd be willing to bet she STILL has a housekeeper.

But yeah. Go without running water, because it's better for your kids to be filthy, sick and dehydrated than have to spend a few hours a day with someone who isn't their mom, and somehow that water bill is the tipping point that'll allow you to stay home with them.

I'm fairly sure my sister's water bill is around $17 a month. Mine is like $40, but includes garbage pickup, leaf pickup, street sweepers and all that. 

I sincerely doubt, no matter how high someone's water bill is, that forgoing running water will save enough money to be the difference between having to work and being able to stay home. Especially with children. Especially especially with babies. Because I'd bet Lori is the type to say "Oh, just cloth diaper, you'll save so much over disposables", which is true and great, but not if you DON"T HAVE RUNNING WATER.

How will they make their Einkorn bread with no water, Lori? How will they rinse the organic produce for their big salads? What will they drink that is cheaper than water?

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6 hours ago, HoneyBunny said:

This morning, LazyLori, who buys $14 per pound butter, is endorsing someone’s opinion that it is worthwhile to go without running water if that is what is required for a mother to stay home with her children. 

I just can’t with this bitch today. 

Oh please.  She and Ken lived in a trailer for a little while when they were first married and she's still bitching about how awful it was over 30 years later.  It was a freebie from her parents, of course, and looked to be in pretty good condition.

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Beneath yesterday's doodle about wives being at home blah blah blah...these two comments stood out to me:





Now, maybe it's just my evil, feminist, jezebel spirit shining through here but...I get my identity from myself.  My job is not me, it's the thing I do.  Being a wife or a mother do not define me, they are aspects of my life.  I am myself.  My own individual person that happens to have a life mate and a child, my relationship to/with another person isn't my identity.  

Kindness, compassion, or lacks thereof better define a person than the things they do or the company they keep.  

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Remember when Lori said she'd live in a tent with her kids in order to be with them all the damn time? And now she's advising people forego electricity and running water if they have to? You first Lori.

While I would hope that nobody would be so stupid as to follow this advice, I know there are people who would. And guess what? In many States if you don't have running water, your children are taken away from you. Why? Because the State recognizes that access to clean water is a health issue and not just one of convenience. 

In Alaska there is a little more lenience about this because many people aren't connected to a city source and wells are typically poor quality in certain areas - mine included. So, lots of us haul water from fill up stations in town. We use a 100 gallon tank in the bed of our truck and then, with a submersible pump, we transfer that water to a holding tank inside the house. A pump in our water room lets us have water in the kitchen, in the bathroom and to the spigot outside so I can soak dog food for the sled dogs. We use water sparingly compared to people in a city but it's clean and safe. Hauling this water is a chore though.

Other folks who live in cabins will have water jugs and a grey water bucket under the sink. They will have an outhouse and use the showers at the laundromat. That set up is fine with CPS as long as there is evidence of clean water available for hand washing and cooking and the kids and clothing are clean. 

Living without running water isn't romantic - it's a chore. It makes keeping kids, especially little ones, clean quite challenging. It's more work to clean your house because you have to haul water. Growing food also requires water and God doesn't seem to be very concerned about gardens because I have had to set up a gravity fed watering system for my veggies. I collect rain water because God can't remember to send a little rain every day for my plants - I understand he's very busy. 

I would love to see Lori live one week in a tent where she'd have to haul water, cook over a fire and poop in an outhouse. She wouldn't make it past the first 12 hours.

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