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Lori Alexander 57: The Wisdom and the Folly

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10 hours ago, SongRed7 said:

The Transformed Wife:   "I am college educated. I have a teaching credential. I received it back in the day when college was affordable and people didn't come out with huge amounts of debt.

Um...... Lori your dad paid for your college.  You would never have had any debt.

i wonder if she's ever told her father she hated all her classes and professors and can't remember anything from any of her classes. Even back in the day her private Christian college would have been expensive.  What a waste of of her father's money.

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@AuntKrazy, standing O to you. Both testaments of the Bible are full of verses about caring for the poor, but damn few about “headship” in male-female relationships.

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Dalrock has made a post out of Lori. One guy says this.

"I use Lori Alexander’s blog posts for vetting women now. The last one, now kicked to the curb, repeatedly said Lori “hurt my feelings” instead of thinking abstractly and….oh wait, I know. *slaps forehead"

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I definitely wouldn't say Lori is college educated. Just like pushing out a baby doesn't make you a mom, going to college doesn't make you college educated. It's the effort, time, and love for another/learning one puts into learning that makes them them those things. Both her and Ken have demonstrated time and again that they've brought little of their college with them. I was banned from her Instagram for presenting accurate historical knowledge of women in the working class. 

One thing that comes to mind is that everything she loves is oriented around herself. Her food;her blog that allows for nothing outside of her opinions; her health stuff; her opinion. She doesn't volunteer; she doesn't give; doesn't make food other people like; heck she doesn't really do much for other people in general. When does she give examples of joyfully serving others in a way that's uplifting and doesn't involve scolding someone for perceived flaws? 

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On 11/6/2018 at 9:28 PM, SuperNova said:

I think Lori cares very much what people think and that's why she's so mean. She's like the kid in kindergarten that breaks all the crayons when no one will let her color with them. I think it hurts her feelings that she's not as loved as other Christian bloggers and she doesn't understand why.

I also think that Lori doesn't really give a shit about being an "older" godly woman. What she does care about is cutting down younger women because she herself is no longer young. I remember that "YouTube" she made where she stood in front of her own picture talking sadly about getting older. She's jealous of young women, their bodies, their freedom. But the thing is, no one dropped that yoke around her neck except her. I think she's shallow enough to still need attention from men like Trey, Dave or the MRA crowd and that's why she's become so extreme. She eats it up when men post comments praising her as a paragon of female behavior.

Come over to MisForMama's thread please. You just described her basically to a T (she's late 30s and still young right now though) and we could use you.

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On 11/7/2018 at 7:33 PM, Koala said:

welfare.PNG.1be717a39dffcc225f9c932acc627307.PNG IS

This, from the woman who openly admitted she'd happily go on government assistance before she left her home and got a job.  

I guess hand outs are okay, as long as they are going to Princess Lori.

Here's what people don't understand about the rich:



I knew of a man that lived in a 3.5 million dollar house that would not send his child (who got in) to UC Berkeley and an Ivy League School because it was too expensive and demanded that he go to a state university. The man was NOT in any sort of debt. He continued to be cheap and always panicked about money.

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Reread the little free health care debate that happened on Lori's post yesterday. And really I don't know if anyone actually engaged in her actual point that Christians should be deeply concerned for the welfare of others and that pro-life means all life. 

Common replies

  1. "nothing is free!" - no shit sherlock
  2. basically "I'm a Christian and if it was up to churches that would be okay but because of government so uh taxes?" - Well, your tax dollars are already funding those who go to the ER because they don't have health insurance. 
  3. "abortion!" - there would probably be fewer abortions if people just had access to proper healthcare but whatever..
  4. Lori- "the purpose of the government is to protect its people.... just not protect them from dying from treatable illness because fuck that, just use black salve! Ohhh and welfare people are lazy and don't work" 
  5. "socialism bad, much evil!"- as if using taxes to publically fund roads, pay into social security and other government-funded programs isn't even remotely socialist. Also pretending that what happened at the beginning of the Christian church didn't have similarities to socialism. 
  6. "only God's love is free, everything else you have to work for!" - translation, "God's love is free but mine is conditional of you meeting goals and expectations before I give a crap about whether you're dying of cancer"
  7. "Health care isn't a right, its a privilege!" - LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Also, fuck the people with pre-existing conditions right? Or maybe my mom who had a stroke at 27 right after I was born shouldn't have gotten treatment. Maybe the Dr. should have allowed my brother to die when he overdosed on alcohol.  Maybe they shouldn't have tested my sister for cancer and such when she had swollen lymph nodes. Because their care isn't a right to you people. 
  8. "We aren't given a right to health!" - so let's not care about those suffering because apparently being compassionate, empathetic people isn't a command from God. Nope, we can watch them suffer as we pray for God to heal them because they can't afford treatment. 14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. - James 2:14-17. 
  9. Vlad with his stupid "this is the perfect example of emotion-driven vs logic" - for Pete's sakes, shut up Vlad. What part of it is emotion-driven? And who the fuck cares if there are emotions behind it? The thought of people dying tends to do that. Also, let's not pretend that the other "side" is free of emotions. Logic is not divorced from emotions, that's not how the brain works. If we didn't have emotions we'd be shells with no drive, no passion, and no care for ourselves and others. Our drive is born from care and passion. That's why hopelessness is such a huge factor in suicidality. It's also why babies sometimes fail to thrive when provided nutrition but no love and attention; it's called failure to thrive. 

I apologize for the length but their careless replies piss me off. As I said, I don't think a single person actually refuted what Morgan stated about health care. I mean I work in public mental health and I can say for sure that a lot more KIDS and adults would be dead if it wasn't for mental health care funded by the government.  Sure people abuse the system, I've met those parents as well, but we can't just forget about all those who don't abuse the system. Ugh I just need to go eat icecream now. 


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I'm so pissed off after reading all those comments above, I could spit.

I asked y'all yesterday where the comment thread was. Turns out, she blocked SOME of the comments from my view (because she knows exactly what I think about her bullshit and what I would have said, had I seen them).  Coward.

She knows my kids are only ALIVE because of Government healthcare that is FREE for me.  Same for my husband.

I have one thing to say about the entire post and thread, including all of Lori's comments:


Until she begins to lay hands on the sick in faith, and pray for them to recover, I DON'T WANT TO SEE HER MAKE A SINGLE SOLITARY JUDGEMENT ABOUT A SICK PERSON.  Ever. Again.

Your fruit is ROTTEN, Lori Alexander.


Get Jesus.

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More misguided follower foolishness “The Transformed Wife has all TRUTH.” 

If the spiteful bitch doesn’t believe women should vote, then she shouldn’t post  political opinions. She had no right to any opinion. Only the royal headship can opine on political platforms.

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3 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

"only God's love is free, everything else you have to work for!"

Except she doesn't really believe God's love is free, either; as far as she's concerned, He expects people to live exactly as Lori prescribes (though not exactly as she lives, the hypocrite).  

3 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

"this is the perfect example of emotion-driven vs logic"

Tell you what, let's see Vlad diagnosed with a chronic, painful, debilitating illness.  One that requires ongoing, expensive treatment.  Then ask him to live by his logic.


7 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

I use Lori Alexander’s blog posts for vetting women now.

You know, this isn't a bad idea.  Maybe I'll try showing potential partners some of Lori's greatest hits.  If they nod and agree, that's the end of that.  If they react with an angry WTF, they might just be a decent human being.

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I love the way Lori uses Canada and Belgium (!?) as examples of socialised health systems that don't work. I'm European and can tell you now, haven't met a single person say they envy the American model of... well most things. Belgium's not the despotic sh#thole she thinks it is. We're doing all right over here

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4 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

lad with his stupid "this is the perfect example of emotion-driven vs logic" - for Pete's sakes, shut up Vlad. What part of it is emotion-driven? And who the fuck cares if there are emotions behind it? The thought of people dying tends to do that. Also, let's not pretend that the other "side" is free of emotions. Logic is not divorced from emotions,

I’m so sick of all of Lori and friends disparaging of emotions like some how it was Gods mistake that humans were created with them.  To the contrary, I believe we were created beautifully with emotions  as complex creatures  so we are able to feel and  experience love, have empathy, compassion for others, can have righteous anger that spurs us to action /help when we see injustices or wrongs  in life and a whole host of other reasons. Of course God wants us to use this gift of emotions in a good way so we do have to temper our emotions to allow them to guide us in a positive way.  but no way are we supposed to pretend they don’t exist where they are a flaw.  Lori just wants everybody to be robots like her. That is not how humans were created. 


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15 hours ago, ladyicantxplain said:

She has in the past allowed a certain admin to disagree with her about certain limited topics, including vaccinations, health foods, health remedies and the like.  This admin has a degree in Biology and is a young woman with young children. (It became kind of a joke between them that they would "never agree" on certain things).

Back in the day when I was there in ALCR, she tolerated a bit of disagreement from me, but not when I pushed it and wouldn't bow to her.  She would increase in argumentativeness until I either left the conversation, or somehow placated her.  The day I stopped doing that and called her on her bullshit, is the day I left for good.

I understand the need to have order in a group, and likemindedness.  But there is a WAY to do this that is not hateful and bullying.  There is a way to do this in love and by the Spirit of God.  This is NOT the way it has been done in the chat room.  It has been a place where women have been banned and shunned, Old Testament style, if they have crossed the line with Lori.  I know because they have messaged me after they've been shunned. 

Anyway, I am probably rambling at this point, but the atmosphere of the chat room is one of "comply out of fear or leave"...which is religion, not relationship(s).

Yes I know the admin you’re referring to. I have huge gut blasting laughs every single time that admin proves Lori wrong on woo health topics and Lori is... silent... it’s the most hilarious thing! 

That admin is truly extremely intelligent and I have no idea why she associates with Lori’s BS. 

On 11/6/2018 at 8:18 AM, Liza said:

@Koala   You nailed it.  It is hypocricy.

On another note, I cannot find the post where you mention Lori saying that her children feared her.  But I know this, because I read it,  AND she also said "maybe that's a good thing.  There is something so very off about her.  Her idea about what love is ... is .. the patriarchal hierarchy, of course, but it is more of an exchange with her husband.  She gave him the gift of her virginity; in return she got someone who would support her in the manner she was used to growing up ... upper-middle class and spoiled. 

 The irony of all of her posts about having lots of children and that children are such a gift, is that Lori treated her children poorly.

She beat her children with a leather strap which she bought at a church service.   She used food ... either withholding or insisting how much/little they ate.  Force-feeding them at times.  

She definitely spiritually abused them.  She has this video where she tells her grandchildren that if they dont behave, snakes will come to bite them  ... she laughingly says  to them "remember abut the snake in the bible and what it did?"  She is proud of this?  There is so much more, but I think I have made my point.

Finally, she talks about "learning to love" ... your children, your  husband, etc.  NO.  You either do or you don't.  

 Most moms just love their babies and they do not pinch a nursing baby and say "I wasn' t going to have any of that"  This is a very dysfunctional way to bring up children.  Lori says "pain is a great teacher" and she did inflict pain on a number of levels, not just physical.  She is, imo, a child abuser.   

Lori is a walking contradiction.  She is cruel, spiteful, and mean.  

Abbie Braggie from MisForMama is identical and has 8 kids while thinking she’s this hip, young, modern Anthropologie clad mom. You need to go to that thread for real. I’ve been on a Lori break and have been over there and I’m surprised at how identical both of them are in their behavior.

They HAVE to be somewhere on the spectrum of Cluster B personality disorders

I believe Lori is sadistic and enjoys feeling powerful over a chat group of younger women that she can knock down. 

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Welp, Lori started her Friday by posting a picture of what appears to be a couple in bed.  Then she chased it with this:


Years ago, a bunch of my friends went on a trip together and during one dinner, we were talking about how often we have sex with our husbands. 

:pb_confused: You know, I have never once found myself in the midst of a "bunch" of friends, discussing my sex life.  I would be mortified, and based on the fact that NO ONE I know does this, I guess they would be too.

Lori,  would you like to learn from us?  Maybe we could teach you about modesty and discretion.  Just offering, based on the facts that you:

1. Asked your dad about anal sex when he was in his eighties, and you were almost sixty.

2. Likely came right out and asked your "friends" how often they were "giving" their husbands sex.


We don’t insist on having sex in the dark. Men are visual and your husband likes to see your naked body. Be naked and unashamed with your husband. This pleases God.

Nothing like getting naked to please God. ?

Please stop, Lori.  You are being so gross and inappropriate.

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A friend of mine once asked me the same question about leaving the lights on during sex. She had some body image issues. I told her that he wants the lights on because he likes what he sees...all the lumps, bumps, sags and scars. Speaking from personal experience (fat, scarred, saggy) he likes what he sees because he doesn't see what we see. He sees his love, his partner and thinks she's beautiful. 

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Jesus. Dalrock also links to a guy I went to (fundy Christian) school with back in high school.

Only, of course, he's mocking him. 

But here's the thing. Even though I disagree with my classmate's beliefs re: religion, I do know he has a strong marriage, adores his wife, and they've gone through hell and back. 

Dalrock, otoh, hardly sounds like a "happily married father" the way he spends all day online bitching and ranting about women. 


ETA: And while I'm on the subject, my classmate's parents have been married 40+ years (going on 50, iirc) and have had multiple children and challenges. They still adore one another. In fact, either of these two couples have enviably loving marriages by just about anyone's standards. 

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Pain with intercourse is totally fine ya'll.  It's not excuse to "deprive your husband".  Your comfort is totally irrelevant.  Totally.  Do it because it's you duty, who cares if you actually enjoy it or not.  





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So "save all the unborn fetuses because God said so and what about those poor little non-senient lives, you murderer??" is a logic-driven argument, whereas "3-month-old baby who needs an expensive operation to live, but whose parents are poor and don't have healthcare and need state help to have healthcare" is an emotion-driven argument. Got it.

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@Imrlgoddess, you beat me to it - I was literally posting THE same thing at the same time; saw yours and deleted mine.

This is sick and sadistic.

What kind of man would WANT to have sex with his wife, as often as he likes, knowing that she is IN PAIN?

If I didn't know better, I'd think Lori had linked pain with intimacy and pain with relationship in her mind, because it seems to come out in ALL of the subjects she writes about: marriage is supposed to be painful, it's okay if sex is somewhat painful, children are taught by "the good teacher" of PAIN...

It's sadistic and masochistic.

It's wrong.

I counseled a lot of women who couldn't stomach this kind of thing coming out of Lori when they shared they their husbands were hurting them during sex, and they didn't know what to do about it.  I cannot believe anyone would listen to this and believe it to be true and godly advice.

10 hours ago, ladyicantxplain said:

She knows my kids are only ALIVE because of Government healthcare that is FREE for me.  Same for my husband.

I wrote this yesterday, and need to clarify: my kids are alive because of Jesus Christ.  I believe God provided the  healthcare we were allowed to have because of our desperate financial situation with two critically ill newborns, back to back.

This is my stance on this: God provided both the miracles, and the health insurance and care that kept them alive.

I do not understand how Lori can say that God provides THROUGH A MAN (the husband) but He cannot provide THROUGH other means as well (any source He deems useful at the time).  After all, He is "in charge" according to Lori. So, either He is in charge or He is not.  IF He is "in charge", then HE gave us the healthcare to keep our babies alive and healthy while He simultaneously did miracles in front of the Doctors (healed cancer, etc.).

I just wish she would stop and think about what she is preaching.

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Here's the translation of Lori's last comment that you just posted:

"I will not be posting any more of the comments from women about their opinions, exceptions, and experiences when it comes to this post. Because I do not actually have the wisdom to minister grace and truth to these women, I have to say that this is unfruitful and distract from the real issues women are having by telling them that their experiences "water down the message" of the Bible.  I am simply teaching what the bible commands (the Word is Jesus Christ, but I don't teach what HE said...I teach what I have decided that He said by piecing together parts of scripture that support my opinion and doctrines)... Most women need to hear and be taught the perfect and clear commands of Lori Alexander without getting into their actual experiences, because I am not yet qualified as a minister of the gospel to set them free."

That would have been more honest and forthright.

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1 minute ago, ladyicantxplain said:


Here's the translation of Lori's last comment that you just posted:

"I will not be posting any more of the comments from women about their opinions, exceptions, and experiences when it comes to this post. Because I do not actually have the wisdom to minister grace and truth to these women, I have to say that this is unfruitful and distract from the real issues women are having by telling them that their experiences "water down the message" of the Bible.  I am simply teaching what the bible commands (the Word is Jesus Christ, but I don't teach what HE said...I teach what I have decided that He said by piecing together parts of scripture that support my opinion and doctrines)... Most women need to hear and be taught the perfect and clear commands of Lori Alexander without getting into their actual experiences, because I am not yet qualified as a minister of the gospel to set them free."

That would have been more honest and forthright.

I was thinking something like that, but you said it better than I would have!  

On second thought, I think we can translate it even more simply.  'I will not be posting any more comments from women about this, because I don't care if you're having your needs met, or if you're being hurt by your husbands.  Husbands are gods on earth, and that's the final answer.  If you disagree I don't want to hear it.' 

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I just noticed this under her not needing a platform doodle.  '...didn't have hardly any'?  College educated?  Riiiiiiight.  


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