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Lori Alexander 41: The Uninformed Wife

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7 hours ago, mango_fandango said:

Hang on, didn’t Lori just say that love was bad or some shit? This woman needs to make her mind up. She talks so much shit and constantly contradicts herself, and her poor unthinking leghumpers just lap it all up. 

The sad truth is, I feel bad for her kids.  I'm sure they have a bit of Stockholm Syndrome, but I feel like they grew up with a warped sense of love.  I think Alyssa posted something on IG a while back about how God looks at our heart and that outward appearances (she says something about the pressures of keeping up appearances her whole life taking a toll) are just that.  I'm sure it's fighting back against the oppressive and warped upbringing she had. 

I'm not one to read into things, but that seemed clearly aimed at Lori.   

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I just noticed she has a new section on her side bar that says "marriage in crisis"

With a link to her old article on being married to angry men. That is all. LOL, real helpful.

I don't know where to start with her post today. Its a cesspool of material. 


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Lori is slowly but surely setting herself up as the very image of holiness.  I first noticed it when she made the video of all the things she'd change in scripture.  It was basically a critique of the Bible- kind of her explaining how much better it would have been if she'd written it herself.

Then, yesterday, she declared love unbiblical.  She doesn't love others, but she does love to rebuke them.  Therefore, love= unbiblical / Criticizing others= biblical.

Today, she's blotted out yet another portion of scripture, in favor of her own "expert" advice:

Yes, now being harsh is Biblical, and the mark of a good Christian.

Of course, the Bible (much like the Peaceful Wife's post) had to be "changed up a bit" to make Lori's assertion true.  Because the REAL Bible says:

Galations 6:1:

Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.

You see, Lori, they are to be restored with gentleness, not harshness.  If people are telling you that you are harsh, accept that rebuke, instead of trying to pretend that being harsh is a virtue.  

Proverbs 5:1

A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Harsh words stir up anger, which is exactly what Lori's words do.  And not only do they stir up anger, they stir up strife, which the Bible also has a thing or two to say about:

Titus 3:9-11 says:

But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

Proverbs 6:16-19 says:

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

It is an abomination to the Lord to sow discord among brothers, yet Lori daily accuses people of "hating God and His Ways" or calls them "Christians" if they don't agree with her.

Lori is rewriting scripture, and her readers are (sadly) falling for her lies.

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Why not call herself "the harsh wife" instead? If she wants to be edgy and not feel goody. Her name now sounds too gentle.  Or I saw once in the manosphere there is a writer that calls herself "judgy bitch". She should do something like that. Judgy bitch had a huge following , was very popular for being nasty to women. 

She is still around


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Per Alyssa’s insta, Cassi is in town visiting- yet Lori is busy posting her usual hate filled diatribes. It looks like Erin spent some time there visiting as well- I can’t imagine what that was like, given my thought that Lori’s latest rages about public school and working moms have been directed towards Erin. 

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3 minutes ago, Frog99 said:

Per Alyssa’s insta, Cassi is in town visiting- yet Lori is busy posting her usual hate filled diatribes. It looks like Erin spent some time there visiting as well- I can’t imagine what that was like, given my thought that Lori’s latest rages about public school and working moms have been directed towards Erin. 

Are Erin's kids in school?

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"Raising daughters who have careers, are in positions of authority, and make more money than others are not things that I wanted for my daughters at all. "

Yet her daughter has the home business, right? She has a career, its just not in the office, so I guess that is OK. What if her daughter's business makes more than her husband? 

Not to mention, most jobs you aren't in an authority position!

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I feel like this part of today's post is so very telling of Lori's true nature:


Raising daughters who have careers, are in positions of authority, and make more money than others are not things that I wanted for my daughters at all. None of these things interested me in the least. I wanted daughters who loved the ways of the Lord, being married, bearing and raising children, and not caring about making a name for themselves in this world by ruling over others.

The bolding is mine. Notice that its not that her daughter's weren't interested in careers. None of those things interested Lori, so it didn't matter if her daughter's wanted that. Only what Lori wants matters, example #3,923. 

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1 hour ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

I just noticed she has a new section on her side bar that says "marriage in crisis"

With a link to her old article on being married to angry men. That is all. LOL, real helpful.

I don't know where to start with her post today. Its a cesspool of material. 


So, whose marriage is in crisis? Maybe Lori's, given that recently Ken went on vacay without her to the Cayman Islands, and Lori was writing all sorts of posts about that time about submitting to her man.  The whole two months that they were in Door County, she hardly mentioned Ken.  Now, she's going full on cray cray about submitting, cleaning bathrooms the Christian way, dressing modestly, living within one's means. I wonder if Ken is straying and contemplating divorce (or at least separating) and has been loving/friendly with someone else (hence, the need for Lori to write that love is unbiblical).  

I swear that Lori is becoming unhinged.  

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@SueEllenMishke Spot on! In fact Lori says that a lot, that things don't bother her in the least. She likes to pretend to be above the fray when really things bother her greatly. 


Of course KB would say that. Nope, no rights. Basically we are just slaves. Slaves of God. What a great religion to follow. 

Bets on Hannah being deleted?

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26 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Yet her daughter has the home business, right? She has a career, its just not in the office, so I guess that is OK. What if her daughter's business makes more than her husband? 

Not to mention, most jobs you aren't in an authority position!

Most of the claims about working women read like fantasy. Not to mention the unfortunate reality that women often make less money and hold fewer positions of authority than their male counterparts. Or in context, does authority just mean having the basic rights to carry out your job duties? Am I an "authority" at work if I manage 1 employee but I'm still quite low in the company structure overall? :P 

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@AlwaysDiscerning that seems to be one of her go to phrases. She has so many little weird verbal tics and she just sticks to it. Doesn't bother me in the least...God's perfect prescription...fix nourishing food...godliness with contentment is great gain...

The one that used to drive me crazy was when she would say her kids "didn't have all of their ducks in order" when they married...and I just wanted to scream "It's all of your ducks in a row! The saying is ALL OF YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW, not in order you simpleton!"

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Sooooo, what's that about "rebuke"??? Deleted in 3.....2.....1.......












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Lori says:


She never left her home for hours every single day, her children in the care of others, and worked for a boss. What you believe is a modern day myth.

Please cite the scripture that accompanies these assertions, Lori.  At least you used to say, "she probably never...".  Now you are just flat out making things up.

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The problem with people who claim "the Bible has one meaning for everyone!" is that they are projecting *their* interpretation of the Bible onto others. It clearly does not have the same meaning for everyone, because otherwise everyone would act exactly the same. We're all individuals so it makes sense that we all have our own take on what the Bible says. Even fundies have their own spectrum... Alyssa Webster, Jinger Vuolo, Jill Dillard (sometimes) all wear pants. The Duggars and Bateses as a whole cover their shoulders, skirts only for girls, but they can be knee-length skirts. The Maxwells are ankle-length skirts only, but you can dress "modern". They used to wear frumpers. Families like the Kleins and Washburns believe in headcoverings for women as well as long hair. I could go on... fact is, there are LOADS of different interpretations of the Bible out there, all coloured by our own experiences and upbringings and so on.

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From the comments on Lori's blog:

"Behind every successful woman is a marriage to a more successful man who got her there (unless u did Harvey)"

So any woman more successful than her husband must have slept her way to the top. This woman managed to degrade, devalue, and victim shame women in one sentence. No wonder Lori allowed it.

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Her response to Hannah

The Transformed Wife Hannah Habig 


she bought “one” field and planted a garden with her children by her side most likely and any money she made was from her home, not leaving it for hours every day as women do today.

ah ha now she adds in the "most likely". She doesn't know for sure so she shouldn't act like she does. 

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39 minutes ago, SuperNova said:

From the comments on Lori's blog:

"Behind every successful woman is a marriage to a more successful man who got her there (unless u did Harvey)"

So any woman more successful than her husband must have slept her way to the top. This woman managed to degrade, devalue, and victim shame women in one sentence. No wonder Lori allowed it.

Well my mom is a doctor, my father never went to university (he was really proud of her though - framed her diploma and hung it up in their bedroom). :my_heart:

Her father was a firefighter, we are proud of him but it is not a job that pays well. My mother is supporting me through university, my dad died when I was in my teens but thankfully we're financially stable because of her job.

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5 hours ago, Koala said:

Lori is rewriting scripture, and her readers are (sadly) falling for her lies.

Lori clearly hates God and his 'perfect ways.' 

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1 hour ago, SuperNova said:

"Behind every successful woman is a marriage to a more successful man who got her there (unless u did Harvey)"

So any woman more successful than her husband must have slept her way to the top. This woman managed to degrade, devalue, and victim shame women in one sentence. No wonder Lori allowed it.

Overall, I am more educated and have been more successful than my husband. For many years I made more money than he did. I didn't sleep with anybody to get to that point (well, except my husband). He's the one who supported me while I was working full time and going to school full time and would encourage me when I'd get the mid-semester blues, sitting there crying because I was so overwhelmed with work, school, kids, life. 

Lori is a nasty, evil, bitter woman. I dare someone to quote James 3:1, 14-18 to her 

3 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15 Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.


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Recaptured that cause it looks nice next to KB's name. 



Janine says:

March 20, 2018 at 9:41 am


A study done by Harvard, ok, then, moving on…
A question to the ladies clinging to these kinds of studies:
Are our families/churches/ culture/ state of our nation better with all these women in the workforce? If they are honest, the answer should be a resounding, “NO!”

Right because I guess Harvard is some flakey proprietary school. Its one of those evil universities.  

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Never ceases to amaze me. I captured this about an hour ago and held it waiting to post for when she deleted it and sure enough she did. 


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4 hours ago, Imrlgoddess said:

Sooooo, what's that about "rebuke"??? Deleted in 3.....2.....1.......


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I wonder how long it took for Hannah to be blocked.

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