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Lori Alexander 41: The Uninformed Wife

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If you look at the comments on her blog post, not Facebook, a women on their posted that her daughter taught at a school in the inner city. She said that when kids would say black lives matter she would correct them with all lives matter. As a WHITE women I get very offended by this. Black lives matter doesn’t mean that white lives don’t matter. 

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There was a number of people I addressed with a miss so-and-so. My middle school Sunday school teacher and a of couple older women at the church I was attending. No real rhyme or reason to it for me. 

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9 hours ago, Hisey said:

I understand that rage. I think I will go to my grave with it.  Although we got what we wanted from the administrators, I feel mad at myself, too, because I didn't properly know how to handle the situation. I should've said, "I could care less how "sorry" X is. He's probably sorry because he got caught." I wish my daughter had heard me say that.

I am sorry for your daughter. I hope she was able to move past that and put it behind her. It must have been so heartbreaking.

It did break my heart that it happened to her in the first place, and that even when I stood up for her, nothing changed. We bailed from the school district after that year (a tough concession for me as a public school teacher myself) and put her in a private school where at least she had real advocates on staff.

That was going on 20 years ago. She is--just ask her mother--a strong, vibrant, accomplished woman who speaks up against injustice and takes shit from no one. I am so proud of her.

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And now we have the 7th bread picture up on IG in 3 weeks. This time in dough form. Mixing it up a bit!!

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Lori was not interested in whether or not her children understood why?  Ebony is correct, but, of course, the "transformed" wife, has to have the last word.  She is always "right".  Never reflects on anything that is said, never learns, doesn't understand, is incapable of empathy and compassion .... oh, nevermind, she makes me sick because she is not alone.  There are many people out there like her who use the Bible (incorrectly, I might add) to literally ... and figuratively ... "beat" people up. 

Lori highlights for us the damage that religious extremism does.  Fundamentalism is not religion.  It is pathology.

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13 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

If Lori say she has the right to talk about anything she wants to,

I can talk about quantum physics, Elizabethan poetry, how to fly an airplane, how to do brain surgery and a whole HOST of topics, but I don't know anything about any of those things, so I will just refrain.  See how easy that was? 

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Today's post is from the Horse of Truth himself, basically saying that Lori is trying to turn our whole society around.

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Yep, another giant wall 'o text from Ken. 

Apparently, women who work are to blame for kids 'turning gay:'


Alas, if we want to look to why some of our kids are so messed up: eating Tide Pods, guzzling alcohol, doing drugs, catching life-long sexually transmitted diseases, turning gay, and worse yet cutting off body parts to try and feel whole, look not much further than a mom who was rarely at home when they needed her love, comfort, and correction.

(Anecdata alert) I happen to know of at least one young adult lesbian whose mother was at home 24/7 throughout her children's lives, from birth until...well, now, actually, as she's still a stay at home mom even though her children are now grown. This mom was there for EVERYTHING from day one onward. The family went to church on Sundays, the children were in Christian schools*, and the mom attended almost every single function her children were involved in, from Girl and Boy Scouts to basketball and volleyball games. She even monitored her children's friendships, limiting their sleepovers to only very close family friends and cousins. And yet...the daughter 'turned gay.' 

Ken is an idiot.


*that may have been the problem--no homeschooling! :roll:

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And yet he acknowledges (accidentally) that transgender people don’t ‘feel whole’.  I love how eating Tide Pods is right up there with the worst sins now. He forgot about watching porn though. Or is that not a sin anymore, Ken? :kitty-wink:

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I rarely dip my toes into the Lake of Batshit Crazy that is Lori and Ken, but I stuck my head in yesterday and wowzer.  The stupid, it burns.

Not to point out the glaringly obvious to Ken, but...what about all the gay people over 50 who grew up during the supposed golden age they want to emulate?  All flukes?  They all didn't actually "turn gay" until the 90's and after? 

In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, what a maroon.

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Also, are children whose mother died just completely fucked? They will definitely eat Tide Pods, turn gay, and cut off their junk because they were in daycare? Or is that just an exception we don't need to worry our pretty little heads about?

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 Yes, women were taught to follow their feelings and desires because they were equal to men, while never realizing that most men were not following their feelings or desires but instead putting their hands to the plow and working hard to support a family that would stay together and create their legacy.

"Most men were not following their desires or feelings..."

:pb_lol: Oh, Ken.  Of course they weren't!  Most guys are just "good, godly guys" who've been saddled with rebellious wives!  My FIL's dad was just like that!  He plowed his way right out of state and into the arms of another woman (leaving behind an sahw and 2 young children).  They nearly starved and would have gone homeless if not for help from family and his wife's willingness to take whatever job she could get.  She would have also said that her deep faith in God carried them through.

The wife he left?  She could have qualified for sainthood if you ask me.  Kindest, meekest woman I ever knew.  Never without a kind word, and her son will tell you that he never even one time heard her speak ill of another person.  It's a shame your wife isn't like her.  

When the sorry son of a bitch that left her developed cancer, his "new family" tossed him out.  Guess who volunteered to care for him?  That's right, the woman he'd treated so poorly.

And I'll tell you something else for free.  When she developed dementia, she still quoted the Bible, and she was still kind to everyone.  She would have been horrified by your wife's behavior, and though she'd have never said it, I don't think she'd have believed for a moment that Lori was a Christian, because no Christian would treat others as Lori does.

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I love (sarcasm) how Melissa has to pop in and comment that some women work out of necessity but that most work because they don’t want to sacrifice. She demonstrates no critical thinking ability- just makes a sweeping assumption. It doesn’t even occur to her that women work to help the financial burden on the family and that income might also allow for extras. It’s all so judgey and quite honestly, if someone has time to worry about what others are doing, they need more to do. 

I also do not believe in the concept that the consequences of my sin will be visited upon future generations, at least not in the way they argue. 

I hate how they twist and manipulate scripture to create a list of rules they don’t even follow. 

And can someone explain how Ken has had such success? He sure can’t formulate his thoughts in any succinct manner. 

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9 minutes ago, Fascinated said:

He forgot about watching porn though. Or is that not a sin anymore, Ken? :kitty-wink:

Oh, Ken's addressed that.  The REAL sinner is the wife who overreacts to her husband's porn use.  Hope that clears it up.  

Ken says:


Oh, you say, “But I work and there is no problem in my family and with my kids.” And I say “Congrats!” You played Russian roulette with the lives of your children and family and you are one of the maybe 50% that has not suffered divorce or children damaged because of it. Just keep in mind that the sins of a parent are visited even until the third and fourth generation. 

Uh, Ken?  You do recall that you had Lori work until she (craftily) sabotaged her birth control and tricked you into having a second baby, right???

Do you feel that YOU followed your feelings and DESIRE FOR MONEY?  Did you play Russian Roulette with the lives of YOUR children?  Was your marriage not absolute shit for the first 20 something years?  Do you worry that YOUR SINS will be visited upon YOUR children?


Of course, these women hate it when Lori speaks the truth to them 

Likewise, Lori hates it when people try to counter HER truth with THE BIBLE.  She deletes verses Ken.  Comments that contain nothing other than scripture.  She also hates it when she tries to revise history, and people counter it with actual quotes from herself.  


 And you have taught your sons and daughters to take the chance and eat the fruit as a two worker home...

As have you.  Your wife worked at your request.  Period. TRUTH!


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All of the women working in orthodontist offices where Ken "consults" (what a dumb flipping career -- who is he helping?) would just love to know  that they're the reason their kids are eating Tide Pods and "turning gay." Also, methinks Lori was kicked six ways to Sunday yesterday and that's the reason Ken posted today. Part of me hopes they move so that their kids in California can get on with their lives without Ken and Lori telling them how to do everything. I'm hoping Erin will put her kids in public school and get on with her jewelry business. Can you imagine Lori as a mother in law? 

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9 minutes ago, fluffy said:

 Can you imagine Lori as a mother in law? 

Suddenly I love my mother in law...who really is great, but when I think of Lori as a MIL... *shudder*  

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The only post I want to see from Ken is a post where he confesses all of his past sin: making Lori work, putting his children in public schools, working with married women, allowing Lori to rule the home, allowing Lori to basically encourage eating disorders in her children, allowing his daughters to basically have careers. He's the one that played Russian Roulette with his family. One of those cases that when you point fingers at someone you have three pointing back at you.


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11 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

@Briefly,  I don't think Lori got her use of "Miss Lori" from The Help but from Imitation of Life, the late 50s version with Lana Turner and Juanita Moore and directed by Douglas Sirk. Lana's character is called Miss Laura by her maid Annie, played by the wonderful Miss Moore.

I don't think calling women by Miss followed by their first name is done much anymore outside of preschool.  I could be wrong about that though.

I'm black and me and my black female friends do it all the time.

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Ken is as bad as his ole lady with regurgitating the same ole crap.  The vast majority of that write up are responses and  comments on Lori's recent posts.  Entitled people like them will never comprehend that it's all relative.  As long as children are educated, fed, and provided for, what does it really matter who is doing the providing?  They epitomize the statement:  Eat The Rich.  

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49 minutes ago, Fascinated said:

And yet he acknowledges (accidentally) that transgender people don’t ‘feel whole’.  I love how eating Tide Pods is right up there with the worst sins now. He forgot about watching porn though. Or is that not a sin anymore, Ken? :kitty-wink:

Ken thinks we should cut people some slack on that one. No particular reason why.

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42 minutes ago, danvillebelle said:

I rarely dip my toes into the Lake of Batshit Crazy that is Lori and Ken, but I stuck my head in yesterday and wowzer.  The stupid, it burns.

Not to point out the glaringly obvious to Ken, but...what about all the gay people over 50 who grew up during the supposed golden age they want to emulate?  All flukes?  They all didn't actually "turn gay" until the 90's and after? 

In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, what a maroon.

I was thinking the same thing about older gay people who may have had a SAHM.  Ken probably won't try to explain that in his dumb fuck mind.

31 minutes ago, Frog99 said:

I love (sarcasm) how Melissa has to pop in and comment that some women work out of necessity but that most work because they don’t want to sacrifice. She demonstrates no critical thinking ability- just makes a sweeping assumption. It doesn’t even occur to her that women work to help the financial burden on the family and that income might also allow for extras. It’s all so judgey and quite honestly, if someone has time to worry about what others are doing, they need more to do. 

I also do not believe in the concept that the consequences of my sin will be visited upon future generations, at least not in the way they argue. 

I hate how they twist and manipulate scripture to create a list of rules they don’t even follow. 

And can someone explain how Ken has had such success? He sure can’t formulate his thoughts in any succinct manner. 

I actually think Melissa is secretly competing with Lindy for "Best Lori Fangirl". Melissa has made some sweeping assumptions in the past. But, in some of her posts about taking her kids out of activities and watching them play Connect 4 and the one about wanting perfume gives me the feeling that she isn't all that happy with less money and might have serious financial worries. She probably makes the assumptions and the whole "women don't want to make sacrifices" as an attempt to make herself feel better. I think what bugs me more about Melissa and Lindy is they don't consider the possibilities that women are working for better access to resources like health insurance and retirement funds. They don't get that two income homes aren't always about material things, it's about additional security. As for retirement money, I don't think it's bad if a mother wants to work outside for retirement/pension purposes while also providing for her family in the now.  I hope Melissa has a IRA or something in place for her old age.

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Ken's post today is a total defense. Its a "listen to my wife dammit, she knows whats up" type of rant. And wow the guilt trip he throws on moms there. He says you might be the lucky ones who don't have messed up kids from working, but hey no promises for your grandkids!! Planting seeds of doubt in worry to moms who probably already have enough to worry about. "You may have got away with it now, but just you wait". 

On yesterday's doodle post she added at the top about knowing she spelled chaperone wrong and thanks for pointing it out. No, the real way you say thanks is to not delete the comments of the people who pointed it out!!!

Go check out the latest amazon review. Its from a woman who was recently deleted from her facebook for posting scripture. Here is part of it, but go see the rest as its very long. 



 out of 5 starsTwisted Woman Twisting Scripture

ByRHon March 20, 2018

Format: Kindle Edition

First of all, to clarify, I did not buy this book, but I have read it. I had a feeling I wouldn't want my money wasted so I borrowed a copy from someone and read it. I actually was not even going to review it because I don't like to breathe life into nonsense and bring unnecessary attention to dangerous ideas, but after I was blocked/banned by Lori on her Facebook this morning, I decided to go ahead and let others know what a false teacher she really is.

Lori blocked me from her FB this morning due to my pointing out (gently and politely) that the woman in Proverbs 31 was, in fact, a woman who worked and conducted business transactions. I posted DIRECT QUOTES from Scripture and Lori STILL blocked me and removed my comment after she made a snarky comment saying that it was 'a myth' I was buying into. After I posted my comment, I was immediately blocked and my comment deleted. If you are unfamiliar with Lori and her 'teachings', let me save you the trouble and tell you that Lori is a malignant narcissist who will viciously attack and/or ban anyone who dares to point out her misuse of Scripture or even questions her words. Ironically, she constantly preaches about how women should have a 'soft and teachable heart'. I guess this only applies if your name isn't Lori Alexander. In her sick and warped mind, she knows it all and won't hesitate to attack you if you disagree. Her and her husband Ken go through and delete every comment that isn't praising/agreeing Lori so it looks as if everyone is agreeing with her when, in fact, most of the comments posted are pointing out where she is twisting Scripture. Classic narcissism.

If you read Lori's Facebook and/or her blog, which you can do both for free, there's no need to buy the book and line her pockets. Like her FB and blog, her book is full of twisted Scripture, bad marital advice and occasional snippets from her husband, Ken



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Umm...Ken, the 24 year old male, white, Austin, TX Bomber came from a religiously homeschooled and "tight" family.  HIs mom was always there for him.  He killed two people, injured others and then killed himself.  At one point he was planning for a missions trip.  He was anti-abortion, anti-gay...all the code words that portend a successful person in your idiot world.

Fuck off.

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My gay cousin grew up as the oldest in a homeschooled preacher's family with a SAHM

Fuck you, Ken. 

I read an article once about how people who believe in strict gender roles could actually cause confusion about sexual orientation. And I believe it after watching how out of the box boys and girls growing up in such a family are treated.

My husband hates sports, is very nurturing,has an eye for decorating and dreams of making a living by growing and selling vegetables and cut flowers. Yea that goes over well in a group of these gender role men. Even though he's very much a man  

I never cared for dolls or babies, do not really have an interest in becoming a mother, especially a full time stay at home mom. I am pathetic at hair, makeup, I can't stand visiting with a group of boring women who only talk about their kids and shopping, I am interested in hunting, farmsteading, being more self sufficient. Yea that goes over well too. 


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