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Lori Alexander 40: Learning Nothing, Teaching Nothing


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My skin looks way better than Lori's does.  I've worn sunscreen religiously since I was in my 30s though.  Really skinny people may not age as well either.  It was either Eva or Zsa Zsa Gabor who said "If you don't thicken, you wizen."  Let's just say I'm a bit "fluffy" at the moment.

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3 hours ago, Koala said:

All of this to say: There are GOOD men out there.  Really good men.  Men who love their wives.  Men who leave their wives counting the hours until they get home from work, because they truly can't stand the 8 hours they're apart.  Those kind of marriages make life...I don't know the word for it, but you just feel like you've been given an incredible gift.

Sometimes those good men are hiding behind a bullshit facade...and you have to kick them in the ass a few times to get them to drop the bullshit (I speak from experience). Hubby says over and over that he wishes he knew then what he knows now so that instead of 17 fairly shitty years and 3 good years, we'd have 20 good years. 

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6 hours ago, Koala said:

That is heartbreaking.   I notice that she said that telling others about her situation could lead to government intrusion, so that leads me to believe that there's probably physical abuse as well.  

I am sure Lori will be as pleased as punch to hear what she's enduring.

I have said this dozens of times, but I am going to say it again.  It's stories like these that make me so thankful for my husband.  I was telling him on Thursday night about the rose bushes we were talking about on this thread.  On Friday he took me out to lunch and Starbucks.  After that, he took me to Lowe's to buy a rose bush.  By this morning he'd decided to make a walkway of them.  In total, he planted 9 rose bushes, laid out mulch, and trimmed it all with landscape timbers.  He also got a second whiskey barrel filled with Gerber Daises (to match the one he bought me last week), and a hanging basket (also full of Gerber Daisies).  Tomorrow he's going to paint the kitchen.

Am I bragging?  Yes.  I am bragging on him because he totally deserves it.  He is wonderful in every way, and I can't imagine a second of my life without him.  And no Lori, this isn't the honeymoon phase.  We've been together for right at 20 years.  

Luckily for me, I married for love, not money.  When you marry for money (as Lori did) you spend the rest of your life paying for it.  You also end up with a miserable marriage, just like Ken and Lori did.

All of this to say: There are GOOD men out there.  Really good men.  Men who love their wives.  Men who leave their wives counting the hours until they get home from work, because they truly can't stand the 8 hours they're apart.  Those kind of marriages make life...I don't know the word for it, but you just feel like you've been given an incredible gift.

DO NOT SETTLE for some jackass who has a list of rules, or who makes you fear "government intrusion" for Christ's sake.  That's not godly, and living like that doesn't bring glory to God or anyone else.  I tell you something else- it doesn't save the husband's soul, either.  That's bullshit, and it's completely unbiblical.  According to the Bible, Christ alone saves.  What Lori is talking about is a works salvation.


As a single person this gives me a lot of hope. It sounds so beautiful and wonderful. I'm sure it takes work to get there and maintain it but it helps knowing good guys are out there. 


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13 hours ago, SuperNova said:

She looks like a very godly handbag. Lori told us that sunscreen causes cancer so that's why. 

I'm just not into the look of distressed leather handbags... ;)

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On 3/2/2018 at 3:47 PM, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

How on earth can a single grilled cheese sandwich cost $35? 

In all fairness, that was my assessment., not her stated cost What with the pricey cheese, butter, bread, etc......it had to cost at least that much. 


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I believe she once mentioned that she was born in 1958, so she's 59, and will be 60 later this year.  Of course, Lori isn't known for being truthful, so there's no telling how old she actually is, since I can see age being a touchy issue for her vanity...

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My skin looks way better than Lori's does.  I've worn sunscreen religiously since I was in my 30s though.  Really skinny people may not age as well either.  It was either Eva or Zsa Zsa Gabor who said "If you don't thicken, you wizen."  Let's just say I'm a bit "fluffy" at the moment.

My mother’s skin looks 100 times better than Lori’s. She’s 73 and weighs about 95 lbs.

Thin doesn’t necessarily equal wrinkles.
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Not to defend Lori at all but I don’t think she married for money. Ken wasn’t rich when he was young and was a theology student...

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Seriously, this is on her Instagram right now.  A doctor's note!  Now she can "rest" all the time, guilt free.

I truly hope she is kidding, but she's written before about not exercising and being moderate in exercise, so I don't know.  Either way...my God...What is her problem?

Also, exercise LOWERS your resting heart rate over time.

Here Lori, since you didn't bother to cite your sources, this is from the American Heart Association.  You're welcome.

Being physically active is important to prevent heart disease and stroke, the nation's No. 1 and No. 5 killers. To improve overall cardiovascular health, we suggest at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes per week of vigorous exercise(or a combination of moderate and vigorous exercise(or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity)

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There is a legend that goes something like this...a reporter asked Neil Armstrong why he didn't exercise as much as his fellow astronauts. He replied "we're only given so many heartbeats and I'm not going to waste any of them on exercise". 

There's another one that's a direct quote..."yeah, I had the lowest heart rate of the three of us on liftoff, but I'm so old it can't go any faster"...John Young on why his heart rate stayed in the 70's during the Apollo 16 liftoff. 

I'll see myself out now...

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Okay, side note.  Has anyone noticed that the "healthiest" fundies seem to be the sickest people in the world?

Lori- Magic potions for everything.  Only eats her portion of food grown/cooked specifically "as God intended".  Insists she knows all of the keys to a healthy life.

Looooong history of ailments, "sickness", and bizarre problems.  

Erika Shupe- Very controlling about food/exercise.  Thinks the chiropractor can treat anything.  

Ended up with a vitamin deficiency and (apparently) other health issues related to her food choices.

I could go on, but I am honestly starting to wonder if they are making themselves sick with all of the food restrictions and random internet crap they ingest trying to cure themselves without a doctor. Sometimes I swear they'd be healthier if the just ate normally, exercised a few times a week, and went to a damn doctor if they were sick.

I was looking back at one of Lori's black salve posts.  She posted pictures of her arm, and I was absolutely stunned that she let it get to that point without medical intervention.  It looked down right scary.  

My grandfather had very fragile skin, but I have NEVER seen anything like this.  


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@Koala--A few years ago my mom made a small sore on her arm by picking at an ingrown hair. Within a few days, it had a bad infection, because some kind of bacteria entered through the broken skin. I'm so glad she sensibly went to a doctor and got IV antibiotics instead of treating herself with black salve, or any other kind of "woo". Lori may be lucky to still have a forearm. :shock:

ETA--That blog entry is dated November 14, 2012. In it, Lori says:


{Yes, the good Lord didn't bless me with good skin. I freckle and wrinkle very easily and I am 56 years old with way too many years in the sun!}

So, if she was 56 years old 5 years ago, she's at least 61 years old now. Assuming that she was telling the truth. :pb_rollseyes:

...And @feministxtian beat me to it! :pb_lol:

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well, i figured out how old Lori is based on that post...in 2012 she claimed to be 56 so she was born in 1956...she will be 62 this year. 

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What the actual fuck. That sore made me nauseous just looking at it. :my_sick: 

I had a small cyst on my lower back recently; I went straight to my doctor and after two courses of antibiotics lasting over three weeks, as well as having it lanced, it finally healed after about a month. It will probably come  back, though, as this was the second time in ten years I've had it. I don't screw around with it as I'm diabetic and everything takes longer to heal. Not nearly as long as it took Lori with her whackadoo woo crap, though. I'll take the anti-b's and a month over black salve and six months! 



29 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

well, i figured out how old Lori is based on that post...in 2012 she claimed to be 56 so she was born in 1956...she will be 62 this year. 

You know, I could swear she said once she graduated from high school in 1976, which would put her right at about 60. Either I have no idea what I'm talking about, or she's lied about her age at least once. :confusion-scratchheadyellow:

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2 hours ago, Koala said:



Wow! Lori's not afraid to uphold a racial stereotype. Someone should ask her if it's an "ancient Chinese secret"*.


*Tagline from a laundry detergent ad in the 70s.

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Wow! Lori never fails to be insulting, insensitive and rude. Somehow racial stereotypes are Christian? Lori Alexander is a monster.

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That spot on her arm was interesting. I wonder what it was.

I'm on a "what is that spot" kick right now since Mr. EW was diagnosed with a MRSA spot on his leg on Valentine's Day. 

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She is promoting her book on fb again. She says the verified purchases are from those who actually took the time to read the book. LOL, she is so dumb. First of all you can buy the book and still not read it and comment. Makes it almost worth it to spend the $10 to write a verified review. I wonder what she thinks of Kathi's review who did like a 15 post series on each chapter. I don't know why her review isn't showing as verified? Either way you can't say she didn't read it. In her series she quotes a lot of the book. 

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I'm super supportive of anything that will give me an excuse to nap. I love naps. I still recognize that what Lori posted is a pile of bull. 

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Today Lori posted a video of long and detailed instructions on how to clean the bathroom. It was made by a woman who Lori "liked a lot more when I thought she was Christian. : - ( "  It later came out she was Mormon. So now Lori's decided to make her own how to clean the bathroom video.

Has she shown you a picture of her bathtub today yet? It's coming...






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Before she got sidetracked on bathroom videos, Lori had a new proposal. She suggested that women "are not yet married or do not yet have children make it their mission to be available to those who are in the trenches of young motherhood? What if they committed their time and energy to helping the widows and the orphans? There are so many needs to be met and so many women are so busy with their careers or the pursuit of an education that so many are left struggling because no one has the time to help." 

A reader wrote: "I'm the mother to 10 children, my 7 youngest are 7 and under, my husband is in the military and is gone for many hours each day. I would love if there were more women available to encourage and help me as I navigate my way through this challenging season. Sadly nearly all the women I know have careers and no one has the time." 

Lori adds something to the effect of "How many of you would love to have women help you in your role as mother and homemaker? This is how the Church should run. Women should be helping other women fulfill their roles as mothers and keepers at home. I love doing this for my daughters." 


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Oh no, how would I ever be able to clean our bathroom without instructions from the cleaning goddess Lori? Especially since it is a chore most people do at least weekly! My mother taught when I was about 10 & my bathrooms have been clean ever since....

And why should a single or childless woman help a random mother who had so many children that she can’t cope? Probably for free too! No one owes you help because you had children without considering how overwhelming it would be. 10 kids is rather extreme.....

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Thank you to all of you who take the time to actually read my book (Verified Purchase) 

This is true.  The ONLY way to actually read a book, is to purchase if from Amazon and leave a verified purchase.  Lori is a wise woman.

On that note, of the 69 5 star reviews, ONLY 22  are verified purchase.  Those other 47 reviews CAN NOT BE TRUSTED, because according to Lori Alexander herself, they DID NOT READ HER BOOK!

Thank you for pointing that out, Lori.  Remember all of those women you asked to leave a review whether they'd read your book or not?  Maybe you should ask them to delete them.  Integrity, and all that jazz...

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