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Joy and Austin 19: 273 Days After the Wedding Gideon Arrived

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5 minutes ago, picklepizzas said:

Where are people seeing the pic of him in a hospital crib? I've only seen the one of the two of them holding him in the kitchen. 

I'm not sure where it came from since it wasn't in the People article I saw but @VelociRapture was kind enough to share! Here ya go.







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Little Gideon definitely looks like a Forsyth! He's cute and they look happy. I'm glad they got a few days to chill out before announcing publicly.


So there have still been no girls born since the Joshley scandal. If I were a large religious family with grandbabies popping out left, right and centre, I'd start wondering if God wasn't trying to send me a message about my fitness to bring up girls...

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Kind of late with this comment but I had a 9 lb 14.6 oz baby boy last year. I had him completely natural, pushed for about 20-25 minutes, and he didn't have a cone head at all. No gestational diabetes - nothing. Just a big boy. So it's possible for it to happen, but who really knows until we see/hear the birth story. 

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I know this is a little late. But it really doesn't take much. My parents were well on their way to retirement and things were looking good. Then my great-grandfather got sick so he moved in with us and we took care of him the last couple years of his life. Bills immediately spiraled out of control. But between the their two jobs and investments taking out they were able to pay them off thinking they had plenty of time to put the money back. Well, the Recession hit so that plan went out the window. Then my mom learned from her boss she was on the list to be laid off in the next group layoff at work which was really nice so she took early retirement. She found a crappy job to work from home. Also they had new medical bills mine going to doctor to doctor to find out why I threw up every three to six months. Where was my insurance? Well, I just took a new job and it didn't kick in for 6 months. I didn't make it that long. I was sick so much and in the last month their I was out the entire month throwing up. I found a new job that was seasonal but no benefits even if you became permanent employee later on because you had to work 40 hours steady which never happened because it was seasonal work you might work 15 hours a day every day during the Christmas and after Christmas season but in the summer? Never. You were lucky if there was 10 hours of work a week. The only good part to them I was only sick once or twice a year since the other times I was usually not work when I got sick. After one season there wasn't a lot of work coming in so a whole lot of employees including me got laid off hopefully we can hire you back.  I found a new job but lost it because I was sick so much. This pattern kept repeating. The genius doctors of our lovely healthcare kept deciding I had the flu or must be pregnant. My parents kept taking me to another and another one until we found one willing  to run tests. What do you know he figured out the problem and we worked on getting my it under control. Five years and God only knows how much money finally got an answer that could have been found five years earlier with tests or even just sending me to the gastro doctor in the first place. Things were getting good. I got a new job. Then my dad lost his job when his store closed. But that's okay he was old enough to start collecting social security and he finally got VA healthcare it only took 13 years of fighting (and really only happened because my cousin happened to meet someone within the VA who told him all about her uncle's problem and he must have had juice because Dad got approved a few months later). Then I got hit with my second and much bigger problem. Massive pain and other issues that left me in a wheelchair and unable to take care of myself. So I moved back in with my parents and I got medicaid but none of the doctors had any interest in helping me. Most of the time I'm not even sure they heard a word I said. I could not get disability because I don't have a diagnosis. My parents ended up have to pay my bills from before medicaid including ER visits that were insanely high and try to find a doctor who would treat me. Then my mom had a stroke. Thus began her medical problems two years of seizures and strokes. And now there were two of us with high medical bills and new ones coming in all the time. Plus two people with serious medical problems and only my dad to take care of us. There was no one else who could help. I took nights so Dad could sleep. We looked into filing for bankruptcy but they couldn't guarantee they wouldn't take our house. Where would we go?  After Mom died there were still so many bills left to pay but we lost her disability and social security that came in. The only thing that saved our butts was Dad was able to take a loan out on the house and use the money to pay off everyone. I was finally able to find a doctor who is trying to help me. Its so easy to say do it yourself when you can do that when your not sick , can't work and no insurance. I was a hard worker but that makes no difference when I was sick. I still can't take care of myself I'm scared about what will happen when my dad isn't in here. The healthcare system is broken. Decent healthcare and decent insurance. Its not too much to ask for.

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1 hour ago, FundaMental said:

I suggested Gideon as a possible name - I guessed Feb 24th so I was close enough. He looks like Austin in my opinion - poor kid.

Imagine giving birth to a 10lb baby...wow. Seeing this kind of thing not only makes me worry about Joy's life as a mother, but about myself in the future - my siblings and I were also born pretty large, and if genetics is anything to go by, future children will be too. If I'm destined to have a bunch of 10 pounders then I'm getting my tubes tied.

My third.and last son weighed 10lb 4oz,at birth.If you go by genetics,I was doomed...lol.My husband was 10lbs 6oz...my mother had a scheduled C section ,with me,the original due date was August 15,but the C section was done on August 1,and I weighed 8lb 3 an 3/4 oz.My oldest was 8lb 15oz.my middle son,9lb 7 and 3/4 oz..I never made my due date.My labor with my last one ,was about 7 hours.I got up in the night,after I had him,walked down the hall to use the bathroom..two nurses were in the hall..one said"Can you believe she's up??"While I was in labor,I reminded the dr i wanted my tubes ties....they tried to talk me out of it,well maybe because of my age,24.One of the nurses said"Hon,you might a get an even bigger baby,if you had another..like 11lbs!"

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I  was wrong again! My streak continues! Joy looks so young. Gideon is really cute. I don't mind the name. I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Gideon from Criminal Minds and Charmed.  

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There is a language called Swiss German, but no such language as plain “Swiss”, much less with a German dialect.

I also hope they only have boys, although I know there will be some girls born eventually. I think I said it before on here, but I imagine Jessa wanting a girl so she can have a “mini-me”. 

I never really thought of Joy as being the motherly type. That doesn’t mean a thing though, she could turn out great. 

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15 minutes ago, gameofunbeknowns said:

As a person who grew up non white and female in America, allowing the irrational to win over when engaged in debate was never an option for me. I had to operate in a rather dispassionate manner for my considerations to be heard growing up and I continue to have to do so. 

Irrationality is a given, I guess the point I’m making is that it seems to only be tolerated coming from one side. I prefer to call out irrationality whether it comes from a conservative or a liberal. And I ESPECIALLY believe in calling out irrationality when I suspect it of myself, which is more what I meant when I spoke of argument for argument sake.

Having been in the same situation, I can relate. At a certain point, however, you realize (or at least, I did) that you can be as logical and rational as a computer, but your interlocutor is still going to be looking down on you simply for being non-white and/or female. Here I am thinking about James Baldwin’s famous debate with William F. Buckley at Oxford, where the latter’s argument could be summarized as, “White people are just superior, get used to it, and sucks to be you.”  


In typical conservative fashion, Buckley also played the victim and whined that Baldwin was going to win anyway because he was black (if that was the case, why did he accept the invitation to debate in the first place?). How can you have a rational debate with an opponent who is operating from the premise that you are intellectually inferior? Similarly, with the healthcare debate, how can someone dealing with chronic illnesses or an emergency healthcare need (ie heart attack, cancer, stroke) argue with someone who honestly thinks that having people being bankrupted by hospital bills is the price we must pay for “freedom”? At some point, you have to conclude that dialogue is a waste of time, and the only option is to politically break the back of your opposition.

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I did not have gestational diabetes,either.My sons were big babies and big boys.My births were natural ,too.With the first,they had me walking the floor...this woman comes up to me,and says "Oh,Are you in labor??????" Very excited,chatty.By then I was in pain and just wanted other people to take a hike...lol.

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Re: debating.

I'm openly queer and nonbinary (I don't feel male or female). But, I will still debate people, and do so calmly and try not to be angry regardless of if the topic affects me. Why?

That is, empirically, what works best. I understand the anger people feel when their issues are debated- I feel it myself. But anger can make people write off you/your movement. 

I live in Minnesota. In 2012 my state was the first to turn down a state same sex marriage ban on a ballot. We turned the tide. Then next year it was legalized. If the ban had been approved legalizing would not have been an option.

How did the ban be rejected after it had passed in so many states before? Simple. Lots of research and careful training of LGBT people and their families. Backing orgs for rejecting the ban carefully researched exactly why bans had passed in other states, and looked at the strategies on both sides of those debates. The results? LGBT people becoming emotional or angry or insisting that they had the right to marry, whether true or not, did not make people less likely to approve a ban. What really did work was "personal connections."

That means not cutting people out if you could stand it. Keep talking. Find similarities between your lives and families. Stay calm. Listen to the other side. Use conversations to show how you are like anyone else and want similar things- to marry, a family. Don't give up.

Organizations had meetings to explain and practice this strategy. And I used it. For months. Was it hard? Yes. Legally-trained me (I was in law school), had to bite back my anger and constitutional arguments. I had to restrain my emotions.

But you know what? It fucking worked. My state was the first to stop a same sex marriage ban on the ballot. My family, and a friend who was unsure, and her fiancée, all voted against the ban.

It's not the current narrative of minority groups, but I really think, with my education and political background, that regardless of whether it's emotional labor or which group should be making the effort, if you are a group wanting a political and social change, really look into what actually works to create that change, and then do it. Even where it's hard or it's not the way you would want to achieve your ends. I'm pragmatic like that.

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They picked a nice name, it's pretty perfect for them actually (though not my style). 

She does look exhausted but still way better than I ever did after giving birth. And young because...well, she is. I cannot imagine giving birth or carrying a 10 lb. baby.

I hope they do ok adjusting. 

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11 minutes ago, Cleopatra7 said:

Having been in the same situation, I can relate. At a certain point, however, you realize (or at least, I did) that you can be as logical and rational as a computer, but your interlocutor is still going to be looking down on you simply for being non-white and/or female. Here I am thinking about James Baldwin’s famous debate with William F. Buckley at Oxford, where the latter’s argument could be summarized as, “White people are just superior, get used to it, and sucks to be you.”  


In typical conservative fashion, Buckley also played the victim and whined that Baldwin was going to win anyway because he was black (if that was the case, why did he accept the invitation to debate in the first place?). How can you have a rational debate with an opponent who is operating from the premise that you are intellectually inferior? Similarly, with the healthcare debate, how can someone dealing with chronic illnesses or an emergency healthcare need (ie heart attack, cancer, stroke) argue with someone who honestly thinks that having people being bankrupted by hospital bills is the price we must pay for “freedom”? At some point, you have to conclude that dialogue is a waste of time, and the only option is to politically break the back of your opposition.

@lawlifelgbt summed up how I feel on the matter perfectly. I believe that there is merit to what you’re saying, but i just don’t find deeming dialogue a waste of time productive. What immediately comes to mind is the transformation Malcolm X underwent during his pilgrimage to Mecca.

PS love Baldwin and that debate

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BIBLE PEOPLE. Okay. That's why I knew the name. 

I maintain it could have been a lot worse. Baby Gideon is better than Baby Spurgeon or Baby Pippy-go-merry-stockings or whatever the hell some people name their kids these days . . . . 

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On 24/02/2018 at 1:50 PM, tabitha2 said:

Every country has its major problems, corruption and asinine leaders. Dont people throw stones unless you want boulders back ;)

Yes, every country has problems, but you can't reasonably say that the problems in Germany are on par with the shit storm that is America.

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1 minute ago, Mela99 said:

Baby Gideon is better than Baby Spurgeon or Baby Pippy-go-merry-stockings or whatever the hell some people name their kids these days . . . . 

Damn, harsh. Guess I'll scratch that one off our list... 



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33 minutes ago, VineHeart137 said:

I'm not sure where it came from since it wasn't in the People article I saw but @VelociRapture was kind enough to share! Here ya go.

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Thats the same flannel wrap my hospital used, and the suction bulb in the upper right corner definitely indicates somewhere with a clue.  I cant see if he has a baby lo jack because of the outfit... Good for them if they sought medical treatment before it became a crisis!

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On 24/02/2018 at 7:09 PM, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

But dozens of hospital births will add up over time, 1 uncomplicated c/section will run over $15k  1 uncomplicated vaginal birth will run $10k, you put complications in and forget about it. At they moment they have 6  breeders Anna, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Kendra, Joy Anna and very shortly Lauren at 3 babies a year that is anywhere from $30k to $70k a year, and in 5 years odds are Jana, JD, Jed Jer & Jason will be married and breeding that is 11 breeders so you will up that to 6 babies a year adjust for rising medical costs and that $30 to $70k a year is now $75 to $150k a year, neither Boob nor TLC have that kind of money year after year, unless Boob takes payment from TLC in hospital payments. 

Wasn't it rumored that Josie's birth and care for her and MEchelle cost over a million dollars? 

I don't think anyone knows there the hell TLC is getting money just to keep on the air as it is.  I don't think all of the girls would opt for a hospital.  If 1 girl wanted it, they could afford that.

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1 hour ago, kachuu said:

If you watch the video on the website, Joy mentions that the birth pool is up and just needs to be filled.


10 pound baby. Naturally. :my_sad:


I think I need a sedative just hearing about it. As a pregnant woman I am drawn to other women's birth stories and yet terrified!

Don’t be terrified! I had a 10lb4oz-er at home in a birthing pool (attended by a qualified professional, as is encouraged in the UK, before everyone freaks out!). Not all big baby births are terrible. I quite enjoyed that labour, more then I did the first time round with my eldest, anyway :pb_lol:


that said, I am also on the ISB and wondering if Joy may have had a section due to Gideon’s head shape. 

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5 minutes ago, Buzzard said:

Thats the same flannel wrap my hospital used, and the suction bulb in the upper right corner definitely indicates somewhere with a clue.  I cant see if he has a baby lo jack because of the outfit... Good for them if they sought medical treatment before it became a crisis!

I'm low key giggling my ass off at "baby lo jack" I'm at work and should be working not playing here. :lol:

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28 minutes ago, mango_fandango said:

I never really thought of Joy as being the motherly type. That doesn’t mean a thing though, she could turn out great. 

I hope so. I never saw Jessa as a maternal person either, and now I think (judging from what they show us) that she's the most hands-on mom. 

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@Cleopatra7 another example of the effectiveness in a persistent dialogue is Megan Phelps Roper fomerly of the Westboro Baptist “Church,” who finally reconsidered her hateful stances after years of dispassionate interactions on Twitter.

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Man, I was way off with my name guesses, lol

And baby Gideon is so cute but holy shit, over 10 lbs! Ouch!

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